Will of Сhaos

Chapter 139: Rebirth of a fairy

Chapter 139: Rebirth of a fairy

After asking the others to back off I go closer to the table where the open box with the Fairy still trapped inside the sleeping crystal is. 

If I remember correctly the mystery woman told me to use the same abilities that I used when I transformed Irina and Irius, if I remember correctly I used all the abilities to awaken or transform someone I have, so I will use my two Auras first after they're already in effect I'll use my blood minion and Vampire minion ability, I'll leave it to use the Blood Covenant last since I don't know its exact effect. 

"There is?"  (I) 

"(I just remembered something, for the Vampire minion skill to work I have to make the target of the skill ingest my blood, how am I going to do that to this Fairy?)" (I) 

Looking better I can see the little grotesque being inside the crystal, it seems to have a height of 30 centimeters, inside the box there is a piece of paper that I take to see, after reading I see that they are explanations of how to take the Fairy out of the crystal and wake her up, it seems I can release the Crystal Fairy just by saying a few words, after that, it will only take 20 seconds for her to start waking up, I'll have to make her drink some of my blood in that time. 

By the time the process of activating the abilities starts she won't be able to move so I won't have to face a sudden attack from her. 

Before I release her I take a few deep breaths and mentally prepare myself, start to simulate how I'm going to do this in my mind a few times so I don't make any mistakes, I'll only get one chance so I can't make any mistakes. 

"(It's time.)" (I) 

I place my hand on the crystal. 

"Crystal Prison Release!"  (I) 

At that moment the crystal starts to crack and break, its pieces turn to dust and I grab the Fairy with one of my hands, I quickly bring my index finger to my mouth and bite it open, then I open the Fairy's mouth and squeeze my finger doing some of the blood drips into her mouth, I rub her throat lightly to make her swallow before placing her on her back in the box. 

I see she's starting to stir and thrash, it won't be long before she wakes up so I immediately activate my abilities [ Aura of Judgment: 2 ] and [ Aura of Chaos: 2 ]. 

My two Auras come out of my body and I concentrate the two just to cover me and the Fairy, at which point the Fairy starts crying tears of blood as she struggles again. 

My time is running out, I feel my auras intertwining and strengthening each other, so they contact the Fairy and enter her little body or so it should have been, but I feel resistance, my Aura is having difficulty entering her body, I force from all sides and keep trying until I feel that little by little my Auras start to enter her body, at that moment my mana and Ki come out of my body like a small stream going to this Fairy's body, then she opens her eyes bright red letting out a deafening scream. 

"AAHHHHHH!!!"  (fairy) 

"(PAIN, THAT HURT...) " (Fairy) 

"(KILL, KILL, KILL, KILL...)" (Fairy) 

"(HAHAHAHAHA...)" (Fairy) 

"(help me...someone...it hurts so much...)" (Fairy) 

"(AAAHHHHHH!!!)" (Fairy) 


That damn scream is even worse being so close, if I hadn't heard it before and knew it would happen I might have failed now by losing concentration, but I was mentally prepared for it, but the pain I feel right now is almost breaking my concentration, I'm hearing several pained voices in my head that are driving me crazy. 

Ding!  Ding! 

I don't have time right now to see any system notifications and I just think to disappear, for now, then I see this. 

When I feel that my Auras, mana, and Ki will already fill the Fairy from the inside I activate my abilities [ Blood Servant: 2 ] and [ Vampire Servant: 1 ]. 

At this moment I feel my blood coming out of my pores along with red energy coming out of my outstretched hand towards the Fairy, just as it happened with my Auras I see the red energy and the drops of my blood merge, forming a red mist that goes towards the little grotesque fairy, it was a shocking sight to see this red mist entering all over the fairy's body, but little by little the fairy stops screaming and a red light starts to shine from inside her to the people spreading through her body to cover it all the way through, then the light becomes a wild scarlet flame with it within. 

Ding!  Ding! 

<[ You have successfully submitted Fairy Kimera (Unique) to her will ]>




<[ Choose a power to grant the Fairy Kimera (Unique) ]> 

Once again my head fills with titles and abilities that I can bestow on her, but this is not the time for that I use my ability [ Parallel thinking: 4 ], this is a passive ability but I can turn it off and on whenever I want. and I normally don't use it much, using this ability I split my mind in two and let one deal with the power I have to grant to the Fairy while using the other mind to activate the [ Blood Pact ] Ability. 

Tum Tum! 

At that moment I feel something strange inside me like there's something waking up and trying to get out. 

Tum Tum!  Tum Tum! 

A dark energy starts to come out all over my body, but I don't feel bad, it's like I'm familiar with this energy, little by little an image starts to form naturally in my mind as if it were the most normal thing in the world, an image of a being made of shadows, all that black energy coming out of my body gathers in a sphere a few inches above my head that pulses in time with my heart. 

Tum Tum!  Tum Tum!  Tum Tum! 

Crack!  Crack! 

Soon cracks start to appear in the black sphere and spread quickly until it covers the entire sphere, golden, black, purple, and silver sparkles come out of the cracks. 

These are the same colors as my tattoos, so a dark claw breaks the sphere from inside making it start to shatter and turn into a black flame that enters the being that leaves the sphere, what came out of the sphere was a shadow with an overcoat and hood that hid it almost completely, the being seemed to be made of shadows and when I tried to look inside the hood all I could see were streams of chaotic colors going in all directions in a dark space and two lights, one golden and the other purple that looked like eyes as they were positioned, it was something more beautiful chaotic. 

For some reason I didn't feel fear, anxiety, or curiosity about this strange shadow, it was like I already knew what it was, it was like it was always with me. 

I saw the shadow reach out and catch the red flame where the Fairy was inside, the shadow opens its hands letting the flame burn on top of its shadowy palm, then the black energy that makes up the shadow emanates from its hands and enters the flame it starts to burn in two colors being red and black. 


<[ Ability [ Blood Pact ] Activated ]>



<[ Awakening soul and building astral body ]>




<[ Astral body successfully built ]>




<[ Trying to create a spiritual connection with the soul of Fairy Kimera ]>



<[ Spiritual connection successfully formed ]>




<[ Choose a power to form a spiritual bond with Fairy Kimera ]> 

Now both my minds are full of information duplicated skills, it feels like my head is going to explode, I feel so much pain that I can't even scream. 

Ding!  Ding!  Ding! 

If it's not a notification about what I'm doing now it can wait for later, thinking that notifications disappear before I can see them. 

Afraid of losing consciousness because of the pain, I hurriedly choose the two skills that I found most suitable for a Fairy. 

I chose the skills [ Weak Light Elemental Affinity: 1 ] and [ Weak Dark Elemental Affinity: 1 ], I chose these two skills because they were pure elemental affinities that the Fairy didn't have, now she must have seven of those skills. 

I see two sparks of light coming out of the shadow hood, one white and the other black, the sparks seem to dance in harmony with each other until they reach the flame glowing red and black, then the two sparks enter the flame that explodes Wilder even bigger and stronger. 

Ding!  Ding! 

<[ Grant of power completed ]>



<[ Spiritual bond created successfully ]>




<[ Detected fragments of five souls ]>



<[ Using Spiritual Bond to Repair Souls ]>



<[ Unable to Repair Souls ]>



<[ Looking for alternative ways to repair souls within the owner's capabilities ]>



<[ Soul repair alternative found ]>



<[ Starting process ]>



<[ Using owner energy to force a spiritual rebirth ]> 

Soon the great flame starts to glow in various colors before the flame becomes a crystal trapping the Fairy within, then I feel my two Auras, my mana, my Ki, and my blood being sucked into the crystal in an even greater flow, I also see the shadow raise both hands letting a flow of black energy enter the crystal that pulsed like a heart. 

Tum Tum!  Tum Tum! 

Gradually I felt weaker and weaker and my vision started to blur, at that moment I was struggling to stay conscious when the crystal stopped absorbing my power and a silhouette can be seen opening the eyes inside the crystal, the eyes of the silhouette were like mine, one being golden and the other purple. 

Ding!  Ding! 

<[ Spiritual rebirth confirmed ]>




<[ Spiritual bond became stronger ]>



<[ Five souls were merged during the spiritual rebirth becoming one soul and existence ]>




<[ Transformation to new race completed [ Fairy Kimera (Unique) ] > [ Fairy of Lesser Chaos (Unique) ] ]>



<[ Give a name to [ Lesser Chaos Fairy (Unique) ] to finalize the rebirth process ]> 

I feel dizzy, a growing pain is rising from inside me and mixing with the pain I already feel in my head, I can't think straight. 

"(Do I have to choose a name for this Fairy too?)" (I) 

"(I'll name it after the Queen of the Fairies from one of my games so I'm not in a position to think of a name right now.)" (I) 

I drop to my knees in the middle of my thoughts, I won't hold out too long, let's get this over with quickly. 

"I name you Layla."  (I) 


<[ Rebirth of Layla (Fairy of Lower Chaos) completed ]> 

Right now the last thing I remember is seeing that crystal turn to dust of bright light and a small blurry silhouette come towards me before I lost consciousness. 

"Thank you for helping us to be reborn, master."  (Layla)

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