Will of Сhaos

Chapter 151: Great Serpent Dungeon

Chapter 151: Great Serpent Dungeon

I took advantage of this time that I have nothing to do to change my job to [ Novice Adventurer ], I switched without checking the other jobs available so as not to lose focus on what I've already decided is to learn all the apprentice or novice level jobs. 

After that, I went to meditate to integrate my new level also before the evening meeting. 

When night fell I was already feeling better and I meet with everyone to decide who goes to Dungeon the next day, after talking a little with everyone we ended up deciding to go to our usual group this time. 

"Have you taken up the quests in the Adventurers' Guild, Diana?"  (I) 

"Yes Master."  (Diana) 

"I took two quests, one can be completed on the first floor of the Dungeon, but for the second we will need to go to the second floor."  (Diana) 

"These are collecting quests for monster materials, one quest needs the teeth of one snake, and the other needs the crippling venom of another."  (Diana) 

"Are they strong monsters?"  (I) 

"No, most monsters from the first ten floors can be faced by Adventurers from Grade D and above, except for the intermediate boss which can appear on any floor and must have a Strength of Grade C, normally Dungeon bosses are unique monsters. and the intermediate bosses are Variant monsters."  (Diana) 

"Do you think we can win against the middle boss of the first ten floors?"  (I) 

"Yes we can, master."  (Diana) 

"Most of the time the bosses and intermediate bosses of this dungeon have as their main weapon Poison-type attacks that have little effect on our party."  (Diana) 

"Okay then, everyone has already received their gear and Diana has already picked up the quests in the Guild, so let's leave for the Great Serpent Dungeon tomorrow morning."  (I) 

After seeing that everyone understands I turn to Nira who was in the corner of the room rummaging in a reading crystal. 

"Nira, get closer."  (I) 

When I call, she takes her eyes off the reading crystal for the first time and sees the Cursed Raven fly out of the window to land on her shoulder as she approaches me. 

"You already received the storage items with the things we stole from the criminal Alchemist, didn't you?"  (I) 

"Yes Master."  (Nira) 

"I haven't had time to check them yet, I'll do it tomorrow, but knowing this Alchemist's specialty there will probably be some drugs in there, what should I do with them?"  (Nira) 

"Destroy all drugs, but save the rest, especially the poison."  (I) 

"Yes sir."  (Nira) 

I look at the Cursed Raven on her shoulder and she lifts my hand, he flies from her shoulder to my hand and I rub her head with my other hand. 

"Have you chosen his name yet?"  (I) 

"Yes, I decided to put Yomi's name as the master suggested, the meaning of the name suits him."  (Nira) 

"Do you know what his gender is?"  (I) 

"A Cursed Raven is genderless, they are spectral creatures, their physical forms are embodiments of their energy."  (Nira) 

"Usually there's no way to tame one, I'm a special case as I have a strong bond with him, the main reason for this is that he was born inside of me."  (Nira) 

"But I don't know why he likes the master so much."  (Nira) 

"You didn't say he has strong Affinity to the curse, so he can probably feel my Affinity to the curse too, that's why he likes me."  (I) 

"That makes sense."  (Nira) 

I talked to Kira for a while and then I talked to each one separately, I want everyone to talk and get along, Alice has spent a lot of time working and training, so I told Freya to take her for a walk tomorrow in the city, I took the day off for everyone, they deserve a little rest. 

After that, I go back to my room to sleep. 


The next day I wake up with a kick in Layla's neck, since I woke up early I went to do some light exercises, and then I went to take a shower, with so many women living in the mansion it has been difficult to find times where the bathroom with a hot spring is free, so I enjoyed my time there, Layla was there too, she fell in love with the hot spring. 

After going to the kitchen and eating something I wait for the others to wake up and eat, then everyone gets ready with their combat gear, Irina and Erica put on robes one red and the other green, Irius wore armor like a knight and the others were with combat clothes including me, they are clothes that do not interfere with our movements with specifications chosen by each one. 

I have a short sword on my back and four daggers at my waist two on each side, Ibuki had two lightweight single-edged swords that I asked to be made for her, I could see a big smile on her face for being able to go hunting again. 

We leave the mansion and go straight to the Adventurers Guild, I want to talk to Mari before we go to the Dungeon, I want to make sure we don't have any problems on our first dungeon exploration. 

As soon as we arrive at the guild I see it full of Adventurers, I see so many coming and going, I wonder why there are so many this time? 

"What are you knowing?"  (I) 

"This must be your first time seeing this, master."  (Diana) 

"Adventurers usually show up in the Guild to take on quests when the suns start to rise, at which point the guild is packed."  (Diana) 

"I see, thanks for the explanation, Diana."  (I) 

We see Mari come down the stairs and we go over to her, then she invites us up and we go with her to a room on the second floor. 

"Why are you here?"  (Mari) 

"We're going to the Great Serpent Dungeon, but first I wanted to ask if there's been anything weird going on there?"  (I) 

"Everything is normal in that dungeon, but why did you decide to go to the dungeon all of a sudden?"  (Mari) 

"I just thought it would be more interesting."  (I) 

"If by interesting you mean dangerous, then yes, adventurers die every week in the dungeon."  (Mari) 

"Mari is right, many Adventurers die in dungeons not only because of monsters but also because of traps and ambushes."  (Diana) 

"Exactly, so we advise new adventurers to avoid Dungeons until they have more experience."  (Mari) 

"I believe we'll be fine, we don't plan on going beyond the first five floors of the Dungeon, we also have two people with trap detection skills and sleep capable of dealing with poison."  (I) 

"That makes me calmer, but a warning, don't take too long with your fights, there are more monsters inside a dungeon than outside, if it takes too long fighting a monster then other monsters can approach."  (Mari) 

"In the first ten floors this rarely happens because of the large number of adventurers exploring there, but after the eleventh floor the number of monsters keeps getting bigger."  (Mari) 

"I've already told them all this, you should also know that they are not normal new adventurers, after all, you put them in high rankings from the start."  (Diana) 

"I admit you are strong and have potential, but it is still my duty as a receptionist to make you aware of the dangers of a mission or dungeon."  (Mari) 

"Thank you for your concern."  (I) 

"Be careful in the dungeon, there is the possibility of getting attacked by novice killers too."  (Mari) 

"Did they show up again?"  (Diana) 

"They always think it's an easy way to make money, even if we keep killing them they always show up more."  (Mari) 


"There's always something to make my job more difficult."  (Mari) 

"What are novice killers?"  (I) 

"It's what they call adventurers who kill novice adventurers to steal their equipment and items."  (Irina) 

"This is a common practice to appear in any city that is close to a dungeon."  (Irius) 

"As the Dungeon itself devours the bodies after a while all the evidence disappears, so there are always people who think they can get away with it."  (Irius) 

"It's like they said, they're usually killed when found, but that kind of person who likes quick money always comes back knowing the risk if caught."  (Diana) 

"Let's be careful don't worry Mari."  (I) 

"Hope so."  (Mari) 

After talking to Mari we leave the Guild, then we go to the north gate of the city and out, from what Diana had told me before, the Dungeon of the Great Serpent is on a cliff wall fifteen minutes walk after leaving town. 

We walked along a forest path for ten minutes seeing chariots and wagons passing by, we also saw other people with combat gear walking along the same path as us, then we turned onto a side path and I see the top of the cliff wall from above. of the trees. 

After walking for another three to five minutes we arrived at the dungeon entrance, it just looked like a dark cave, at first sight, if the cave entrance wasn't carved in the shape of a big snakehead with its mouth open, I felt like if I entered the cave I would be devoured. 

"Has someone carved the entrance to this cave?"  (I) 

"No, Dungeon entrances always form naturally during the Dungeon spawning process."  (Diana) 

"This is a very intimate Dungeon entrance, going in there should feel like entering the mouth of a giant snake to those who see it from outside."  (Irina) 

I see people walking in and out of the dungeon, those coming out are covered in dirt, some parts of the armor or steals are melted or cut and their faces are pale like they're sick or in this case probably poisoned. 

I even see some people grabbing others who are unconscious, it looks like it really is quite dangerous in there. 

But I didn't expect it to be so busy, I also see a small hut beside the entrance to the Dungeon with the same symbol as the Adventurers' Guild. 

"I present to you the Dungeon of the Great Serpent."  (Diana)

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