Will of Сhaos

Chapter 162: Danger in the city of Valen

Chapter 162: Danger in the city of Valen

When darkness took over I made the others kill all the bad guys quickly, so I used blood control to save their blood, I ask Irius, Kira, and Diana to collect all equipment and items from these bodies and then I tell rica to burn them with their magic. 

Ding!  Ding! 

I was scared at first, but I calmed down when I saw that the only thing the crystal does is spread miasma, I recognize this energy anywhere, after all, I live in a mansion full of it. 

Diana, Irius and Irina were serious but didn't say much, after a few minutes we ran to the stairs to the seventh floor which was the closest, on the way we saw that this large amount of miasma had taken over the entire floor, so we got there we went straight to the crystal and teleported to the first floor. 

"We have to run to the Guild, Carlos and Mari have to know that."  (Diana) 

"What is happening?"  (I) 

"I'll explain to you there, we don't have time now master, how are things Irina?"  (Diana) 

"They're bad, while you guys took care of the bad guys I took some measurements, but it was much worse than I thought."  (Irina) 

We all ran full speed into town, it was no surprise that we drew too much attention to it, but as Diana is serious I believe there is a reason for this. 

As soon as we pass through the gates we go straight to the Adventurers' Guild, once we get there Diana runs up the stairs to the top floor at full speed, the others and I follow her, then she enters a double door written "Guild Master's Room ". 

"Carlos, we have a big problem."  (Diana) 

"Huh!?"  (Carlos) 

As soon as we walked in we found a man even bigger than Leo sitting on a sofa with a stack of paper beside him and another stack of paper on the table across the room, the man had some papers in his hand and I could see Mari beside him, holding a tray with some sandwiches. 

After entering the Guild Master's office like that it was not surprising to see several security guards and some receptionists following us from behind. 

But Mari looks at Diana for a few seconds seriously, then comes to the door and tells the receptionists and security to leave, then closes the door. 

"I think what you have to say is better."  (Mari) 

"I apologize for all this."  (I) 

"We don't have time for this right now, master."  (Diana) 

"Carlos, you have to put the Guild on red alert now."  (Diana) 

"If you keep talking like that without explaining things properly we're not going to get anywhere, so take a breath and explain what's going on first."  (Carlos) 

"I think I better explain first since I'm the calmest."  (I) 

"I'll put off the introductions for later as Diana's behavior makes this a serious situation."  (I) 

"I'll summarize what happened."  (I) 

"Today during our exploration of the Great Serpent Dungeon we noticed some adventurers watching us, as Mari told us about the novice killers I thought it might be them, so I set a trap they fell."  (I) 

"I wish I had brought one of them alive, but because I was irritated by what they said about the girls, we ended up killing them all."  (I) 

"The moment before they died their leader took a small black crystal, the crystal glowed with a slight dark light and emitted black energy."  (I) 

"As soon as he broke the crystal a large amount of miasma spread like clouds and mist all over the dungeon floor, after that we ran straight out here."  (I) 

"..." (Carlos/Mari) 

During my explanation Mari's and Guild Leader's faces were serious, but upon mentioning that we found the novice killers Mari is surprised when I said I killed all of Carlos' eyes narrowed and I felt like he was sizing me up. 

The moment I talked about the crystal and described its appearance I saw Mari's face lose its color and turn pale, I saw a look of dread on the guild leader's face as well. 

At this point, the guild leader turns to Diana to confirm something. 

"That crystal, maybe it was..." (Carlos) 

"Yes, it was an Evil Seed."  (Diana) 

The Guild Leader puts a hand to his face, then he gets up and starts pacing before stopping and looking at us. 

"How long ago did he break the Evil Seed and on what floor?"  (Carlos) 

"It's been about thirty minutes since it happened and it was on the sixth floor."  (Diana) 

"You were right to come straight here."  (Mari) 

"Are you sure it was an Evil Seed?"  (Carlos) 

"You've heard the description of how it looks and what happened when it broke, I've also seen one my father showed me, at the time he explained what it was, so there's no mistake."  (Diana) 

"So we're short on time, Mari put the entire Guild on red alert, gather all the adventurers in town and call back those in the Dungeons, prepare an urgent special mission too."  (Carlos) 

"I will do it now."  (Mari) 

"Wait, send a messenger to the Duke's mansion too, tell him you need to mobilize all soldiers and knights for battle."  (Carlos) 

"Right."  (Mari) 

"..." (I) 

I see the Guild Leader Carlos start giving orders to Mari who runs away after hearing everything, after Mari leaves the room the Guild Master turns his eyes to me and my group. 

"Do you know who this person was with the Evil Seed?"  (Carlos) 

"I don't know, but I brought this."  (I) 

I pull the head of the newbie assassin's leader out of my storage item and secure it in front of the Guild leader, this idiot's face frozen in the terror he felt before he died. 

"..." (Carlos) 

The Guild Leader takes the head and puts it inside some storage item, then goes to a bookcase that's on the wall next to him, he picks up a book and spends some time flipping through it, so he seems to find something. 

So he takes a blank sheet of paper and puts it on top of the book, I see a magic circle drawn on the sheet light up, then the Guild Leader takes the sheet that now has several things written on it. 

"I found his information."  (Carlos) 

Then he points to Kira. 

"You Gray Elf, go to the Assassins' Guild and give this to the Guild leader there, tell me I want information about the man on this sheet, he can give it to me later."  (Carlos) 

"..." (Kira) 

He could see through Kira's disguise, after he makes this request Kira doesn't immediately accept, she looks at me first. 

"Can go."  (I) 

"Yes."  (Kira) 

Kira takes the slack of paper from the Guild Leader's hands and runs out of the room. 

"You have good companions."  (Carlos) 

"Thanks."  (I) 

"Now that it looks like almost everything is resolved, could you explain to me what's going on?"  (I) 

"The crystal you saw before is called Evil Seed, this is an extremely rare item that only appears in Cursed Dungeons, this is a very rare and prohibited item, every time one is found it must be delivered to a temple, church or Adventurers' Guild."  (Diana) 

"This crystal is the concentrated form of a large amount of miasma, all its uses are for bad things, it can be used in evil rituals, it can turn someone into a Demon if one spends too much time with it or ingests it, it can transform a corpse into a mighty Undead and if broken will release all the miasma trapped within it."  (Diana) 

With each explanation from Diana, I realize how bad and dangerous that little crystal is. 

"These are just some of its modes of use, the problem is that when this crystal is broken it has a small chance of causing a dungeon to form causing destruction all around, it can also cause a small wave of monsters if broken anywhere since the miasma will spread."  (Carlos) 

"But if used inside a dungeon as in this case, the wave of monsters will happen much faster, the monsters will overflow from inside the dungeon to the outside in large quantities, that's why the dungeon will consume this miasma and create many monsters. "  (Carlos) 

"At this point, it's only a matter of a few hours before the city is attacked by this wave of monsters."  (Carlos) 

When he said that the city could be attacked at any time, it freaks me out, I'm not particularly worried about the city, but I'm worried about the people in the mansion and in my group. 

"The worst thing is that there's no time to evacuate people from the city, the monsters will leave too fast, anyone outside the city will be in great danger."  (Diana) 

"Yes, the city of Valen is in great danger right now."  (Carlos) 

The situation this time is serious, should I try to run away with the others or should I stay and fight? 

As I think about this whole situation, I remember something and pull a leather bag out of one of my pockets and hand it to Carlos. 

"This Evil Seed person was in it when the owner of the head I gave you was carrying it."  (I) 

Carlos takes the bag and checks it for a while before putting on an ugly expression. 

"This explains how he can carry an Evil Seed for so long without anyone noticing, this storage item has a powerful light magic in it, it prevented the Evil Seed energy from leaking out."  (Carlos) 

"Magic of Light... Prince Drago... Church of Light, is it?"  (Carlos) 

Carlos starts talking to himself in a very low voice, if it wasn't for my ability to increase my hearing and the fact that I'm so close to him I wouldn't have heard what he was saying so he turns to me. 

"You said you killed everyone because you were mad, what happened there?"  (Carlos) 

"The owner of that head was talking a lot of bigoted shit about people in my group, he kept calling them filthy and inferior races, he also said he wanted to have fun with two people in my group."  (I) 

"What race are these two people in your group?"  (Carlos) 

"One was Kira who has left now, she is disguised as a White Elf as you saw, the other is a human."  (I) 

"This prejudiced behavior has a big chance then."  (Carlos) 

After that, the Guild Leader also started making preparations for the monster wave.

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