Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 1: Chapter 58: Drunken Idiots

Book 1: Chapter 58: Drunken Idiots


I let out a sigh as the prickling sensation at the back of my neck fades away, likely meaning that whoever was watching me probably Sylver is not anymore.

You really dont like that sensation, do you? Tars voice echoes in my head as I continue sprinting through the hallway towards the huntsman I find peeking its head out of a room. Before it can send a bolt flying my way though, I use both blood boil and life drain on it, making it stagger and miss its shot, therefore giving me enough time to reach it and tear out its throat.

Of course I dont like knowing that Im being watched but not knowing where the spy is at. Its just unnerving.

I stretch my clawed hand out to the demons throat, controlling its blood to flow out of it while I can still control it with my skill and into my little blood bank.

Just the idea that I wouldnt be unnerved by it is bizarre.

After the creatures death finally sets in or whatevers happening when the skill stops working on the things after killing them, I turn my attention down the hall where I hear several humans chatting away as if they werent in danger.

Are these idiots even aware of the Fracture going on?

My answer comes to me in the form of one of them in particular hiccupping as if he were drunk before slurring, Wwweee, ssssshould go theerre tomorrroooow!

I roll my eyes.

So deadbeat drunk that he doesnt even realize theres a Demonic Assault going on right now. But at least the guy has one friend in there who sounds sober in his pitiful attempts to get them all to stay in place.

Pitiful or not though, they at least seem to be working. For the most part.

I still dont understand you humans and your apparent desire to poison yourselves, Tar says, confusion evident in his tone.

Ya know, Tar, I speak out loud while turning around and heading in the opposite direction as the drunk party. I dont understand that either.

Huh, he mutters, maybe its because youre only half human?

I cant help but raise a brow at that, only to shake my head and continue walking without saying anything in response.

By the time I get to the last demon on the floor, the drunken party seem to have gone silent. Whether thats because of the sober guys efforts in which case I salute the man or because they all passed out cold, it doesnt matter. Regardless of why they went silent though, I simply pass by their room without a second glance on my way back to the stairs.

The last time I dealt with what sounds like a bunch of drunken college students didnt end all that well, soooo yeah. Although it might be different now that Im a Guardian. But drunk idiots will always be drunk idiots, and someones status might not matter to them.

Anyways, do you know why the demons suddenly jumped in level? On the nineteenth floor, they were averaging at about level 17, but now they averaged at about level 20 or 21, without a single demon being below level 20.

I dont know, Tar responds quickly enough as I step into the stairway. Lets just hope there isnt another random jump in levels for the next floor as well. Otherwise you might have to fall back and wait for reinforcements.

I grimace at the thought.

And ironically, as if he were listening to our thoughts I find a drone flying down the stairs with a recorded message on it.

Reinforcements should arrive in a little less than half an hour including several Class II Guardians. Then, both Frost and Cipher should be arriving within a few hours after that to deal with the bunkers shield covering the Class I core.

My eyes widen at the mention of Frost.

No thank you.

I look around the stairs before glancing out the fancy stained window with Eastern dragons flying through the air.

Maybe I can find a way out of this building before she gets here?

You know thats impossible with the shield up, Tar says. Why are you even thinking that? Who is this Frost woman?

A scary woman who has no idea what the word boundaries means. One who can probably freeze an entire building if she wanted to, killing off everyone inside. And one that makes me go shopping with her.

Tar appears next to me and stares for a few seconds before muttering, Okay, I guess I can see why you dont want to be here when she shows up. But its not like you have much of a choice.

I let out a long and extended groan, only to glance at the drone which is still here.

Wonder what its still doing here? Shouldnt it have left already?

I walk up to it before tapping it on its lens, making it bob up and down once. Then it finally begins floating up the stairs again.

Hmm. Not sure what that was about.

Anyways, I go back to the window, looking out it with my eyes narrowed as if the woman would just suddenly appear out of thin air.

At least Denise apologized for her actions and never did it again. Frost otherwise known as Cynthia is dead set on trying to get me to call her mom or mother, didnt even do that. Its like the woman is just against listening to other people. Like she just has a mental block that came with all of her power against it. And for some reason she just happens to really like me.

And I feel like I cant yell at her or scold her for it because I know shes only this protective and clingy because of Belles sister passing away. In a Fracture no less. One that she couldnt get to in time.

So I mostly understand how she feels, even if I personally didnt really know Belles older sister.

Shes worried that something like thatll happen again, and ever since then has grown clingy beyond belief.

After a second of silence, the tanuki speaks up in my mind, clearly avoiding the subject that I just mentioned in passing, Make sure to remind me to never show up around her.

You are not abandoning me to her!

I dont see why I shouldnt, the tanuki says while pointedly looking away from me without a hint of guilt on his face and then vanishing again. Just go be a good wolf girl and go back to killing demons.

I let out another distressed groan before climbing up the stairs once more, not even deigning to dignify him with a response to that.

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