Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1765 - Gu Qing Shan and the Divine Sword

Chapter 1765: Gu Qing Shan and the Divine Sword


Gu Qing Shan could feel himself floating.

——-at least, he initially felt like he was floating before gradually sinking underwater.

And he continued to sink.

Up until he reached a point so deep into the watery abyss that it never saw light.

There wasn’t anything here.

Only endless suffocation and despair.

Am I going to die?

Gu Qing Shan silently felt surprised.

——if this really the case, then the one I summoned must have not been able to heal my injuries.

Qin Xiao Lou and Li An must have been affected by the blast earlier as well.

They probably died in that attack.

Otherwise, they would have definitely tried to save me.

——what a terrible situation.

Gu Qing Shan felt a bit sorrowful.

He waited for a few more moments.

Suffocating, freezing, despairing, silence.

Such feelings constantly plagued him for a long while.

Strange, if I’m dead, why am I still here? Shouldn’t I be heading into Huang Quan?

If I’m not dead, then what am I doing here?

Gu Qing Shan felt surprised again.

As soon as that thought crossed his mind, he suddenly felt that he could now move his eyes.

So he opened his eyes——–

Only to find a mass of stifled darkness inducing a bone-chilling coldness and profound emptiness.

Gu Qing Shan opened his mouth and tried shouting: “Is anyone here?”

No sound.

——–no sound escaped from his mouth at all.

This place seemed like a vacuum, but it also wasn’t a vacuum.

His body was just floating there uncontrollably.


From the distant darkness, a dim spark of light appeared.

That spark of light slowly headed towards Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t do anything except wait for the light to approach him.

And finally, it reached where he was.

A voice slowly spoke from within the dim light:

「 Gu Qing Shan, I need your help 」

Hearing the voice, Gu Qing Shan immediately recognized it.

——this was the Samsara Delimitation Divine Sword’s voice.

“I can’t even guarantee my own safety right now, so I’m not sure how I can help you” Gu Qing Shan wryly said.

The Divine Sword answered: 「 I need a power you possess 」

“A power I possess?” Gu Qing Shan asked with a confused tone.

「 That’s right, you obtained the power of a certain Sequence through the power of the Earth God’s coin, that power has now turned into a seed that remains with you 」the Divine Sword explained.

“And you want this Sequence’s power?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

「 That’s right, this Sequence’s power is very strange, it can help speed up my recovery」the Divine Sword answered.

Gu Qing Shan thought briefly and replied: “Alright, I have more than enough abilities already, so having one more or one less isn’t an issue, take it”

「 Were you always such a generous person? 」the Divine Sword asked.

“I should be thanking you right now——- both of the fragments you gave me had been very useful and helped me out plenty” Gu Qing Shan sincerely answered.

This sword knows everything.

It has seen the Earth God’s Coin, the Key of the Wind, and the Book of the Sea.

But it hasn’t said anything about that yet.

It has even given me the powers of [Govern Spirit] and [Repel Evil].

If not for [Govern Spirit] and [Repel Evil], I wouldn’t be able to avoid the Heavenly Emperor’s Miracles, not to mention accomplish many of the things that I’ve done.

I really am curious about what kind of power it would possess in its complete form.

The dim light began to grow brighter as it fully enveloped Gu Qing Shan.

The light then became so intensely bright that it gradually dispelled the darkness around him as well.

Gu Qing Shan started to feel a sense of protection.

The sensation of death had been warded away, replaced by boundless warmth and vitality that made him forget all about the pain.

Gradually, a transparent image began to appear on his back.

It was an extremely long length of ominous tubing.

The tubing was motionless, seemingly remaining in stasis as it was still inactive.

The light then began to flow more intensely.

The ominous tubing also started to lift itself up and became integrated with the boundless light, then rapidly split off into numerous tubes that appeared to extend endlessly into the void of space.

However, the warmth within the light abruptly transformed into a scorching heat as it rushed toward the tubes.

All the tubes immediately vanished.

It wasn’t until a long while later that the light gradually became calm again.

At this point, the Divine Sword finally spoke again:

「 How great, so it was that Sequence… I’ve temporarily regained some of my power 」

「 As thanks, I believe I will be able to answer some of your questions. What do you wish to know? 」

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Your sword hilt—— I remember it becoming lost within the Tomb of Myriad Beasts, how can we find it again?”

The Divine Sword asked: 「 Do you wish to help me find my hilt? 」

“That’s right, all the Samsara Divine Artifacts have been sealed within Huang Quan, but you aren’t——– I assume this is because you’re a broken weapon, so I want to help you find your hilt and reforge you back into one piece” Gu Qing Shan explained.

The Divine Sword answered: 「 But I must tell you this beforehand: As a Samsara weapon, you will not be able to gain control over me and my corresponding Deific Authority unless you give up on the Six Paths Great Mountain sword and the Samsara Mountain God Deific Authority 」

Gu Qing Shan replied without hesitation: “Then forget it, I absolutely will not let her go”

「 You should know that I am able to suppress many Apocalypses, the Deific Authority I can provide you is much higher than hers 」the Divine Sword commented.

“That’s not the issue, I simply won’t give up on her” Gu Qing Shan answered.

「 Very well, then you can ask me something else 」the Divine Sword said.

“No, I still want you to answer my previous question” Gu Qing Shan said.

The Divine Sword was surprised and asked: 「 If you’ve already insisted on choosing the Six Paths Great Mountain sword, why would you still try to search for my sword hilt? It’s impossible for you to become my wielder 」

“I know, but I don’t want to see a sword being left in a broken state. Just being able to return you to normal is already fulfilling one of my wishes” Gu Qing Shan replied.

「 But that won’t benefit you in any way 」the Divine Sword refuted.

“It certainly would not——- but people don’t do things just because it would benefit them” after saying that, Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but think back to the comrades he had fought side-by-side with up to this point.

「 Then why? 」the Divine Sword pursued the issue.

Gu Qing Shan appeared nostalgic and answered: “Back when I received the qualifications of the Wraith realm’s Chosen Saints, a Wraith of the previous era saw the Six Paths Great Mountain sword in my hands and said that I must be a true sword cultivator to have received this sword’s recognition”

“And then it gave me the Chosen Saints qualifications”

“That is simply how things are in this world, sometimes there are things that would bring us no benefit in any way, shape, or form, but it wouldn’t stop us from following our will and insist on certain matters”

Gu Qing Shan stared closely at the bright light in the darkness and said: “You have the capability of suppressing many Apocalypses, and have always done so, that is something that I must recognize”

The Divine Sword answered: 「 That is simply my duty 」

Gu Qing Shan nodded and continued: “If, in the future, you are able to find someone that you recognize and fight by their side, then they must be quite an extraordinary swordsman who would be willing to fight for the sake of living beings”

“——-I’m not trying to reforge you just for your own sake, but also for the sake of many others”

He chuckled, then went on: “If I am able to meet the swordsman who is your wielder in the future, I would naturally have them invite me for a drink as payment to me for reforging you”

“And I’m more than willing to gain such a comrade-in-arms”

Hearing him, the Divine Sword went silent.

Some images began to appear within the light.

It was the Tomb of Myriad Beasts.

The great tomb.

Deep within the great tomb———–

A single sword had been thrust into a grave on top of a river, which radiated invisible fluctuations that encompassed the entire tomb.

Within these fluctuations, none of the Apocalypses managed to escape from the confines of the great tomb.

Up until a certain moment.

It was when the people of the Wraith realm entered the great tomb.

Numerous Apocalypses were released because of them.

The sword immediately sensed this and instantly shattered itself.

The hilt floated with the waters of the river, sinking down onto the riverbed, and eventually fell into an indentation at the bottom of the river deep within the tomb.

「 Once you all have defeated the Apocalypses in the underside of the Human realm, the Human realm would be fully stabilized and begin to develop 」

「 At that point, the Beast King realm will become accessible. You must head towards this exact place at the bottom of the river within the great tomb, search for the indentation and retrieve my hilt from it 」

「 ——–by the way, there is currently something unnatural that has attached itself to my hilt 」

Gu Qing Shan appeared to suddenly recall something and said: “Ah that’s right, it was a Wraith, it called itself the sword’s spirit”

「 You can make your own judgments regarding this matter 」the Divine Sword replied.

“Hm” Gu Qing Shan mumbled.

「 Once you manage to completely reforge me, I will reveal a few of the Samsara’s true secrets to you 」


「 Indeed. In reality, numerous Sequences are currently after the Samsara, coveting this supreme ultimate weapon among living beings Sequences 」the Divine Sword continued.

Gu Qing Shan sharply asked: “If the Samsara is a living being Sequence, how could they obtain the Samsara?”

The Divine Sword explained: 「 Because living beings are the most foundational type of Sequences, within which any and every Sequence would be able to obtain treasures from 」

“And that’s why they want to steal the Samsara for themselves?” Gu Qing Shan followed up.

「 Correct 」the Divine Sword paused briefly before continuing with an unsure tone: 「 In truth, I understand the kind of person you are after traveling with you for such a long time——– otherwise, I wouldn’t be telling you about this 」

“What are you referring to?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

「 Remember well, it’s most likely that all the Sequences have made a mistake this time 」the Divine Sword answered.


「 They failed to recognize a certain fact… 」

Gu Qing Shan didn’t ask anything else and simply listened.

He could tell that the Divine Sword was about to reveal an incredible secret.

A secret so shocking that he couldn’t maintain his calm and had to hold his breath in anticipation.

And then…

The Divine Sword continued: 「 The Samsara was actually broken by the Apocalypses on purpose… this was because it needed an opportunity to complete its evolution 」

Gu Qing Shan was stunned.

「 All the Sequences are currently waiting for the Samsara to finish evolving, going as far as planting spies within the Samsara to participate in the Samsara Clash for Supremacy 」

「 Gu Qing Shan, you should know it as well, even Apocalypse Sequences have envoys concealed inside the Samsara 」

“I do” Gu Qing Shan nodded in confirmation.

The Divine Sword continued: 「 But once the Samsara has completed its evolution, those Sequences would no longer covet it, instead, they would try to avoid it as much as possible 」

「 Remember well, you absolutely mustn’t reveal this to anyone 」

Gu Qing Shan appeared confused: “But then… for what reason?”

「 Because fear 」the Divine Sword was clearly trying to say as little as possible.

As if he had just been struck, Gu Qing Shan became frozen stiff.

Various mysteries appeared in his mind one after another, many dots began to connect, and many questions were being answered.

The Divine Sword paused briefly before continuing: 「 Keep this in mind, this secret absolutely mustn’t be arbitrarily spoken of, you cannot tell it to any living being, or even to any realms, just know that if you reveal it, the Samsara would not be happy 」

「 Child of Apocalypse and living beings, inheritor of the Heaven realm’s Dharma, Death God from the Age of Immemorial, Blessed of the Saint Realm, Successor of the Final Dance, Gu Qing Shan——- 」

「 Are we clear? 」

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