Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1779

Chapter 1779: The young Count

“Gourde, you will never have to participate in a Profession Selection ever again!”


Following the teacher’s strict scolding, the school’s gates were slammed shut in his face.

Gu Qing Shan blankly stood at the school’s gates for a while.

The testing door was broken.

No matter how hard I tried to explain, all the teachers refused to believe that it had nothing to do with me.


——furthermore, I WAS actually the reason behind the breaking of the door.

However, the issue is that these elementary school teachers are limited in their understanding, none of them realizes that I overwhelmed the door through sheer mental strength.

I can’t even blame them for it.

In this era, never before has there been a case where someone overwhelmed the door’s capacity through nothing but mental strength.

——this is the power of evolution.

Gu Qing Shan sighed and prepared to leave the school.

“Young master Gourde”

A voice called out from a distance.

As he turned around, he saw a horse carriage and a middle-aged man in a black butler suit.

“You are?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The middle-aged man gracefully bowed to him, then answered: “I am your butler—– young master, let’s get on the carriage before we continue”

He opened the door of the carriage.

Gu Qing Shan smiled as he observed him: “You seem to know quite a bit”

The butler replied: “There was a guide at the initial location, so there are naturally guides in other eras as well”

“I see” Gu Qing Shan commented.

He boarded the horse carriage and left the school with the middle-aged man.

An hour later.

The horse carriage stopped in front of a medium-sized manor.

Gu Qing Shan walked inside and glanced at the paintings of various aristocrats that were hung around the main hall.

“These are the paintings of your ancestors, the lineage stops at your generation, with you being the last heir” the butler explained.

“So this is the identity that has been pre-arranged?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“There are two methods to progress forward through each era, the first of which is to begin at the era of the ape people, slowly but continuously driving civilization forward; the second is to directly break out from your bodily prison and leap forward to the next era of civilization” the butler answered.

“With the first method, there are ‘prophets’ who are responsible for guiding and mentoring; with the second method, there are those like me who make the necessary preparations ahead of time to welcome the Chosen Saints into each era”

“Welcome? Is there anything that you need to delegate to me?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“As the second method is much faster compared to the first method, it would result in a certain degree of imbalance, so the Samsara established corresponding means of adjustment” the butler answered Gu Qing Shan.

He placed a tray in front of Gu Qing Shan.

The tray only contained a single envelope.

Gu Qing Shan took the envelope and opened it before carefully reading the content of the letter inside.

“An acceptance letter into the Grand Divine Church’s Academy?” Gu Qing Shan asked doubtfully.

“Indeed, as you’ve directly bypassed two thousand years’ worth of eras, you need to do something else aside from just advancing civilization” the butler replied.

“Go to school?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“No, you need to destroy the Grand Divine Church” the butler answered.

Gu Qing Shan paused briefly before pondering: “Religions are a part of civilization’s existence and development, why do I have to destroy it?”

The butler chuckled and answered: “It would be no problem if it was a normal religion, as ‘prophets’ like us can easily establish a religion of our own to stimulate the development of a civilization’s culture, philosophy, science, and art”

“Indeed” Gu Qing Shan agreed.

“For that same reason, this Church isn’t the one that you know of, it is considered a type of corrosion within the Samsara, an act of conversion and annexing if you will” the butler explained.

“You mean an Apocalypse?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“No, it isn’t an Apocalypse, it doesn’t seek to destroy everything, but its threat is even greater compared to that” the butler replied.

The butler then moved a trunk onto the table and opened it.

Its content included an aristocratic emblem, clothing, genealogy, the Count’s seal, gems, gold coins, as well as a scepter of historical significance.

“Count?” Gu Qing Shan almost exclaimed in surprise.

“They’ve been gathering dust for a long while, only to be used again if you choose to accept this identity” the butler said.

“What if I decide to not accept them?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Then please head back to the ape people era and lead the progress of their civilization” the butler answered.

Gu Qing Shan chuckled.

He then took out the scepter from the trunk and said: “Then I’d be more than willing to bypass 2000 years and do some work in this era”

Instantly, lines of bloody red text appeared in his vision:

[You’ve received the scepter: Green Dragon’s Beard]

[All of your healing techniques will be improved by 30%]

[He who wields this scepter will be widely recognized under the Dragon clan’s name and automatically receive the corresponding reverence]


[You’ve accepted the proposed identity]

[You’ve accepted the mission of trial issued by the Samsara: Destroy the Grand Divine Church]


Gu Qing Shan silently nodded.

If even the Supreme Sequence recognizes this, it seems I really will have to get rid of that something or other church.

“When can I set out?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Right now” the butler smiled.

“Do you have anything else to inform me?” Gu Qing Shan asked again.

“Nothing, I’m only responsible for providing you with a clean and useful identity. Now that my job is done, it’s your turn” the butler replied.

“Very well, then do you have anything else to tell me?” Gu Qing Shan emphasized his words a bit more.

“Keep in mind, they’re very greedy”

“Got it”


Three days later.

A horse carriage that had traveled a long distance finally reached the gates of the Grand Divine Church’s Academy.

Two men garbed in dark grey church robes opened the gates, from which an old man with a solemn expression emerged and sternly shouted:

“State your background, why have you stopped in front of the Sanctuary?”

Nobody in the horse carriage said a single word.

Only a small bag was tossed outside, aiming straight at the old man’s face.

The old man swiftly caught the small bag and furiously grunted: “No matter who you are, such gall——”

He suddenly noticed something.

The bag in his hand gave off a familiar and lovable noise.

—–that’s right.

No other metal could make such a delightful noise.

The old man immediately stopped talking.

He silently evaluated the bag and estimated a number.

Well, well.

This amount shows ample respect for me, the best kind of greeting card from one of higher standing.

The horse carriage opened, from which a young man in aristocratic clothing disembarked.

The old man narrowed his eyes to observe him.

This is... a Count’s attire?

Which house has such a young Count?

That scepter also looks very familiar, an ink-colored shaft adorned with a deep green gem, these unique characteristics... I seem to remember such a description from historical records.

The Green Dragon’s Beard!

So it was the notorious Green Dragon’s Beard!

Then this young man must be the young Count of the Dragon clan – they who were blessed by dragons!

The old man placed the small bag of coins away without a sound, then solemnly asked with a ceremonious holy tone:

“Child, what is your desire by coming to the Sanctuary?”

Gu Qing Shan replied: “I wish for the protection of God and to listen to the teachings of Saints”

He handed the envelope to the old man.

Receiving the envelope, the old man felt even more sure of his inference.

He glanced behind himself as a signal.

One of the clergymen swiftly went inside to report this.

—–to receive an aristocratic family as dignified as the Dragon clan, some preparations must be made.

Especially when the one being received is a core member of the clan, a genuine Count.

“God said, all devout sincerity shall be answered,” the old man smiled kindly.

“Thank you, respectable one” Gu Qing Shan bowed to greet him.

“Child, have you gone through your Profession Selection ceremony?” the old man asked.

The corner of Gu Qing Shan’s lips twitched slightly before answering: “I have yet to do so”

The old man nodded: “Then I shall arrange one for you right now, so that we can foresee the path of your career”

“I give my thanks, respectable one” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Although it was already long past the school’s opening day, the test was still arranged very quickly.

Three bishops and a cardinal had personally arrived to observe the test of a young Count.

“If he does not have talents for magic research or knightly combat, then my History research institute will accept him” one of the bishops whispered.

“He’s only 12 years old, how could he endure being at your place?” one of the other bishops refuted.

“It’s also too early for him to enter your institute, he’s not even an adolescent yet” the first bishop snapped back without pause.

“Cease your disturbance, wait until we see the results” the cardinal said in a heavy tone.

The group then all went quiet and focused their attention on Gu Qing Shan who was standing up on the high platform.

Gu Qing Shan also felt a bit anxious.

Last time, I already pulled back half of my mental strength and it still broke the testing instrument.

This time, I’ve spent time training my mental strength and made it so that I’m capable of releasing only a quarter of it.

Furthermore, I can choose which element I wish to sense.

——-an instrument of the Church’s Academy is surely sturdier compared to that elementary school, right?

He looked closely at the door behind him.

——this is a dark-grey metal door that exudes an unclear presence, it definitely looks several levels better compared to the metal door I broke before.

“Do not be anxious, child” one of the clergymen encouraged him.

“Everything’s ready”

“Very well, Gourde, you may begin”

Gu Qing Shan stepped forward and stood immediately underneath the door.

He took a deep breath and began to release his mental strength bit by bit.


The entire door began to radiate an immensely bright grey light.

The wind howled ferociously.

Everything that could be blown away in the vicinity had been blown away.

Everyone fell into deathly silence.

“MY GOD!” one of the bishops exclaimed.


The door then broke into several pieces and collapsed to the ground.

In an instant, all the supernatural phenomena vanished.

Gu Qing Shan sighed and shrugged: “That really wasn’t my fault, I was just—–”

The cardinal suddenly flew down and spoke to him in an extremely gentle tone: “Do not be afraid, this wasn’t because of you, it was because the testing instrument couldn’t endure your innate talents”

“Then, will I be accepted?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Of course, Count Gourde, your background as well as innate talents are more than enough to regain the glory of your clan, perhaps even surpassing their utmost moments of glory in history” the cardinal replied.

Gu Qing Shan appeared shocked and nervous, then asked: ” Then, which institute should I enter?”

“Institute? No, doing that would only be a waste of your talents” the cardinal said.

The others all focused their gazes on the cardinal.

The cardinal’s expression was filled with a fevered fealty as he replied: “I will arrange for a group of only the best scholars to be your teachers, but before that—— please follow me, you need to first complete the Prayers of Corruption Ritual”

“Corruption... ritual?” Gu Qing Shan doubtfully asked.

“Child, the ritual will grant you endless power and allow you to join us”

Following his words, the clergymen all around them retreated, replaced by a group of higher-ranking clerics.

Everyone then placed their hands together into a praying pose before silently reciting the words of prayers.

The cardinal chanted his prayers: “Corruption is the foundation of all living beings, only corruption will separate one from life and death to observe the truth of the world”

Gloomy fog began to manifest out of thin air.

Various shuffling noises could also be heard emanating from the void of space.

One after another, arms reached out from beneath the earth, continuously moving until they covered every single inch of the venue.

The ground seemed to have turned into a gloomy ocean as numerous faces emerged from beneath the earth, all staring directly at Gu Qing Shan.

The clerics around them began to speed up their reciting.

Something seemed to be happening!

Gu Qing Shan didn’t expect this situation at all.

“Child, you are about to witness a miracle of God, this is an unparalleled special honor!” the cardinal said, still stuck in his fervent fever.

“It truly is grand, I’m truly honored” Gu Qing Shan had no choice but to follow up with his words.

He looked around, only to see everyone else was in the same excited state.

...this is a kind of power that I’ve never seen before.

It isn’t magic.

How interesting... for there to be a power unrelated to magic in a Magic-type civilization.

Not to mention that this power has also created such a huge religion.


This is the middle ages.

And these are a bunch of people who hadn’t seen a concert before.

No wonder they managed to make such a huge religious order from so little.

With that in mind, Gu Qing Shan felt a sense of understanding.

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