Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1729 - Pursuit and killing

Chapter 1729: Pursuit and killing

Translator: Lado9|

The snowy wind hadn’t stopped its rage over the desert

The Chosen Saints of the Beast King realm had already gone far ahead

—even ifI use 1Lightning Wraith/ to give chase, it would only alert them

and make things more difficult instead

“The smell of corpses is really thick on that side what exactly happened?

Zhang Ying Hao scowled and said.

Gu Qing Shan temporarily put those Chosen Saints away at the back of his

mind and asked Zhang Ying Hao:

Which ability did you retain?”

The black cat’ Zhang Ying Hao answered simply.

That’s great, now Im even more confident” Gu Qing Shan happily replied.

as long as they could give the black cat the food it wanted, the black cat

would be able to lead the two of them to any targets.

This was an extremely rare Mystic-type ability, even in the Boundless Void.

Gu Qing Shan quickly recounted recent events to Zhang Ying Hao.

Zhang Ying Hao silently listened and mused: “Tf every Chosen Saint had already

had their powers sealed away–

then by the time we fight, I would be able

to give you a hand as well”

“Some of them have awakened their Samsara Divine Skills” Gu Qing Shan

reminded him.

“Tl leave such people to you” Zhang Ying Hao replied.

“No problem’ Gu Qjng Shan said.

“That’s right, why aren’t the humans of the Beast King realm not in slumber?

How can they directly participate after the Samsara’s reset?” Zhang Ying Hao

asked again.

“Because they didn’t carry any 1Order), and they were originally living beings of

the Samsara, so when the Samsara fused together again, they were directly

taken into the post-reset world” Gu Qing Shan explained.

“How enviable” Zhang Ying Hao sighed.

That’s no problem, once my Sequence has regained its power, I would be able

to awaken everyone” Gu Qing Shan said.

“I hope thatll be soon... Zhang Ying Hao suddenly gulped and asked: “Do you

have some alcohol? T’ve been in slumber for so long that I feel a bit thirsty”

Before he even finished speaking, his words had managed to rouse Gu Qing

Shan’s alcohol addiction as well.

Gu Qing Shan shrugged: “Tm sorry, this place isn’t exactly the symbol of


Zhang Ying Hao felt it a bit unfortunate, but he could only put it aside.

He crouched down and lightly knocked on the ground, calling out:

“Precious, come out

A dark round hole opened up on the ground.

A cat crawled out from the hole, before it gently calling out:

Meow meow

Zhang Ying Hao explained: “He said it’s been a long time since he got to go out”

Gu Qing Shan replied: “I can understand him

Zhang Ying Hao was a bit surprised: “Oh right, I rermember now, ever since you

gained the ability to transform intoa cat, you’ve been able to understand cat


“Right, now we need to begin pursuing the targer” Gu Qing Shan said.

He then crouched down as well and began speaking to the black cat: “Meow

meow, meow meow meow meow?

The black cat silently listened, then raised one paw and excitedly called out:

Meow meow meow Imeow meOw

Gu Qing Shan and Zhang Ying Hao both fell silent

“He still wants a strawberry shortcake” Zhang Ying Hao spoke up first.

At this time, in this place, where am I supposed to find hima strawberry

shortcake?” Gu Qng Shan helplessly replied.

Tt can’t be helped. I used to take him out to play all the time, but ever since I

fell into slumber, he’s been holed up at home without being able to go

anywhere Zhang Ying Hao explained.

Gu Qing Shan cleared his throat and spoke to the black cat again: “Meow meow

meow, meow meow meow

The black cat opened his opal-like round eyes and looked straight at Gu Qing

Shan, from which one could see the sparkles of pity

Gu Qing Shan’s heart began melting, so he lowered his tone and spoke again:

“Meow! meow meow meow”

The black cat thought for a few moments before answering:

Meow meow, meow meow meOW.

Zhang Ying Hao sighed in relief and boastfully said: “See that!? My cat is so

considerate, all he wants now is an egg and beef burger!”

Gu Qing Shan also agreed: “I really don’t have a way to find a strawberry

shorteake, but if it’s just a burger, I can make one– as long as I find the

corresponding ingredients

He took out two pieces of ration meat buns from his bag and tore one of them

open to check the inside.

I have meat here, and some bread, so the only thing left is the egg” he muses.

Egg? In other words, we need to go find a chicken egg now?” Zhang Ying Hao


“No, I think any egg will be fine, there are plenty of other poultries and

creatures with eggs that can replace chicken– meow meow meow? Gu

Qing Shan asked.


The black cat replied.

“See that? He agreed as well, let’s go find an egg” Gu Qing Shan said.

I suggest you be quick, otherwise your Beast King realm friends would be in

danger” Zhang Ying Hao reminded him.

Don’t worry, I’m very confident when it comes to speed” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The barren wasteland

Snowflakes were fluttering in the air.

The wrecked Wrought Iron Giant remained sitting in the middle of the snow.

The humanoid snake monster climbed back out from the ground and shook the

chains on its arrm, sighing in relief: T It seerms that monster had finally


It calmed down and sat back onto the snow, closing its eyes to get some rest.


A bolt of lightning arrived from the distance, instantly appearing about 30

meters in front of it.

It was Gu Qjng Shan.

He put Zhang Ying Hao down, then handed the black cat to Zhang Ying Hao

before turning towards the humanoid snake monster.

“Hey, we meet again” Gu Qing Shan greeted it.

Tsk! Why are you here again? J the humanoid snake monster cautiously

glared at him.

Gu Qing Shan shrugged: “Isn’t that because I have a favor I want from you?

What? the humanoid snake monster asked.

Do you... know how to lay eggs?” Gu Qing Shan cautiously asked.

The air suddenly became deathly silent

The humanoid snake monster uttered a high-decibel howl:


It charged towards Gu Qing Shan.

Unfortunately, the chains had restrained it tightly so that it wasn’t able to do

as it pleases.

Zhang Ying Hao sighed: “Looks like it doesn’t krnow how to lay eggs

The black cat also appeared disappointed.

Gu Qing Shan cleared his throat and turned towards the monster: “Tm not

disrespecting you, Tm just asking you a very serious question about whether or

not you know how to lay eggs. Just say no, there’s no need to get angry”

The monster angrily roared again, causing the chains around its body to loudly


“Then, can I trouble you to tell me whether or not there’s an entity here that

knows how to lay an egg? 1 just need one” Gu Qjing Shan said.

The monster sneered: f I’d rather throw down my life fighting you than

telling you any other information!

Gu Qing Shan drew his blade and spoke with a regretful expression: “Tm in a

hurry, so if you really think that, then.

One minute went by.

Two minutes.

Three minutes.

Four minutes.

after five minutes.

There are few small forests towards the Northwest, the birds that live there

might be able to lay eggs

The hurmanoid snake monster said.

“Should have said that earlier, here – wipe yourself down”

Gu Qing Shan handed it a paper towel and said.

Thank you sir, I was a bit emotional earlier J the humanoid snake monster

wiped its nosebleed with the paper towel and earnestly replied.

Its entire body was covered in wounds

Just now, Gu Qing Shan had used [Lightning Wraith) and mutilated it in an

extremely short time.

“Alright, let’s set out” Gu Qing Shan bid it farewell.

“See you again, friend’ Zhang Ying Hao also said.

He and the black cat both waved their hand (paw) towards the monster.

The monster squeezed out a smile that’s even worse than a crying face and

nodded: fI wish you all a good journey


A bolt of lightning vanished in an instant.

Gu Qing Shan had brought both Zhang Ying Hao and the black cat away.

Only the humanoid snake monster remained in place.

It kept smiling for a while before raising its voice to scream: YOU DAMNED


The process of raiding a bird’s nest was nothing worthwhile to speak of.

Whether it was Gu Qing Shan, Zhang Ying Hao, or the black cat, all of them

were grandmasters at taking eggs from a nest.

Gu Qing Shan quickly fried the egg, then sandwiched the meat and egg between

the bread of the meat bun and handed it to the black cat.

The black cat picked up Gu Qing Shan’s special -made ‘burger and ate it

without hesitation.

“Ah, that smells good, I want to eat as well” Zhang Ying Hao commented


-I don’t have much rations left, so we should be frugal, we still need to

rely on the black cat to find other targets” Gu Qing Shan handed him a canned

energy drink and opened one for himself as well.

The two of them began drinking.

“So, Ye Fei Li has already arrived? Zhang Ying Hao looked at the canned drink

and asked.

“That’s right, he also formed a group with a recognized Title” Gu Qing Shan


“What’s that?”

“The ‘Pure Love Gang” Pure love? Zhang Ying Hao shook his head and chuckled, “This kind of youthful title filled with the spirit of puberty is only suited for you guys. As a hitman of numerous experiences, having gone through many battles and roses without getting a single left attached, I’m probably not suitable to join your group” —-no, you’re very suitable Gu Qing Shan silently thought to himself. But for the sake of his dignity, he didn’t say it. At this point, the black cat had finished the burger and called out towards Gu Qing Shan. Gu Qing Shan stood up: “Ah, it’s like this. I want to find the gathering place of the Beast King realm’s Chosen Saints, some of my friends might be there The black cat silently listened, then looked around for a bit before meowing towards a certain direction. It’s over there” Zhang Ying Hao said right away. Gu Qing Shan put one hand on Zhang Ying Hao’s shoulder and picked up the black cat with the other “That’s great, let’s set off now!”


A bolt of lightning streaked across the ground as it traveled towards the


Through the wilderness, a frozen wasteland, a tall cliff, a swamp and a river,

the bolt of lightning finally stopped below a different tall clif.

Two people and a cat appeared.

The atmosphere became very different right away.

Both the black cat and Zhang Ying Hao had solemn expressions on their faces

with a faint hint of killing intent.

Zhang Ying Hao pressed his ear against the tall cliff and commented: “There

are quite a few people on top of the cliff

Gu Qing Shan was a bit surprised: “You had a listening ability as well?

Zhang Ying Hao explained: “No, this is a skill from the mortal world, even

normal people who had gone through training would be able to use it, so it’s

not a supernatural ability”

Gu Qing Shan nodded and mused: “If they’ve already gathered in one place, an

attack could be launched at any moment, we need to hurry up”

Zhang Ying Hao commented: “Since everyone has their powers sealed away,

they would need to eat and drink, let’s find the place they relieve themselves

and kill two people”

His nose twitched and suddenly pointed in a certain direction: “Come, we’Te

going to climb up the mountain from that direction

“Are you sure?” Gu Qjng Shan asked.

“Yeah, there’s a smell of urine and feces from that direction—– I was

actually one of the three most renowned luxury perfume smellers back in our

world, my nose can distinguish even the faintest of smell in the air—- this

is one of the basic talents necessary for a hitman of high quality’ Zhang Ying

Hao explained.

The two of them circled around the cliff and began climbing up from a

different side

For ZhangYing Hao, this level of mountain climbing wasn’t even a challenge.

—for the highly experienced Gu Qing Shan, it also wasn’t a challenge.

The two of therm moved up the vertical tall cliff like a couple of geckos, quickly

reaching the top.

Sure enough, a muscular man was doing his ‘duty’ right behind a bush.

Zhang Ying Hao took a glance at him, then silently approached and twisted his

hands around the man’s head.


The man’s head was instantly twisted in an unnatural way.

“Lend me your blade” Zhang Ying Hao said.

Gu Qing Shan handed him the blade.

Zhang Ying Hao began cutting lines around the man’s face at great speed.

“What’s your plan?” while continuing to cut, he asked.

Gu Qing Shan thought briefly and said: “TIl probably have to come out to meet

them face to face, some things can only be said properly and directly”

“What if there’s a fight?” Zhang Ying Hao asked.

“Then we’ll fight” Gu Qing Shan answered.

“Alright, Tll probably malke a disguise and cooperate with you from the

darkness Zhang Ying Hao casually said.

The blade had stopped.

The muscular man’s face had just been perfectly skinned.

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