Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1754 - Words of a head

Chapter 1754: Words of a head

Not a single figure could be seen in any direction within the empty barren wasteland.

Gu Qing Shan was seated while leaning on a chair with a blade right next to his seat, making himself comfortable.

Ye Ru Xi was seated on a chair right next to him, excitedly fumbling around with an intricate set of female armor.

——the evil creatures had all left.

They were all cheering and clapping excitedly as they made their way into the Elements Purgatory with unceasing vigor.

The Elements Purgatory was already a dangerous place, and since the evil creatures were all experts at concealment as well as at ambushes, there would always be a chance for them to catch the heavenly beings off-guard.

The head of one heavenly being could be exchanged for quite a bit of supply.

Just as Gu Qing Shan had said, this was a good deal.

That was why they had all gone out.

At the entrance to the warehouse, aside from Gu Qing Shan and Ye Ru Xi, the only one remaining was a white-haired rat.

This white-haired rat was walking back and forth around the entrance of the warehouse while scratching its head, occasionally taking a glance at Gu Qing Shan as well as the mountain of treasures behind him with an animated expression.

Gu Qing Shan knew that it had something to say, but didn’t bother to ask. Instead, he only spoke to Ye Ru Xi from time to time.

The white-haired rat finally couldn’t endure it anymore and loudly called out:

『 Old Gu, how did you find this place? 』

Gu Qing Shan casually explained: “That’s a secret, but if you pay me enough, I’ll tell you”

The white-haired rat awkwardly laughed, then tried asking something else: 『 Old Gu, do you have any other deals aside from head-hunting? 』

“What kind of deal would you like to make with me then?” Gu Qing Shan grinned and asked.

The white-haired rat climbed up the back of his blade, stood firmly on the blade’s guard, and spoke in a tone that suggested it was hiding something precious: 『 Us Windy Demonic Rats can’t really fight very well, but we’re all first-rate information collectors. Whenever the other demons and devils want to know something, we are the first ones they contact 』

“Oh?” Gu Qing Shan appeared intrigued and asked: “So what do you know about the Elements Purgatory?”

『 That depends on what old Gu wants to find out 』the white-haired rat slyly answered.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t be bothered to play the roundabout game with it, so he told it in a straightforward manner: “How about this—– with every piece of information you tell me, I’ll pay you an amount that corresponds to how valuable it is”

The white-haired rat jumped in joy: 『 Deal! 』

It then thought briefly before telling him: 『 The Elements Purgatory was comprised of the mutated Five Elements, which included various trials established by the Samsara. Only the most exceptional Chosen Saints would be able to exert their talents in it 』

Gu Qing Shan signaled to Ye Ru Xi with his eyes.

Ye Ru Xi waved her hand, summoning a piece of green Immortal Jade the size of her hand from the warehouse.

“Take it”

Ye Ru Xi placed the Immortal Jade in front of the white-haired rat.

The white-haired rat appeared disappointed: 『 Only one piece of Immortal Jade this size? 』

Gu Qing Shan lowered his gaze and earnestly replied: “Brother, what you just told me is something that everyone already knows about, it’s practically useless information. I only paid you a piece of Immortal Jade for it in consideration of our relation”

His tone then became a bit colder: “Brother rat, if you want to actually earn big money, then tell me something crucial, otherwise, I don’t need your next piece of information”

The white-haired rat immediately put the Immortal Jade away and hurriedly spoke: 『 Don’t—- old Gu, I’ll tell you a real secret, the Chosen Saints of the Beast King realm have already pledged their allegiance to the Heaven realm, all the Divine Beasts are already acting as the Heaven realm’s claws and teeth 』

“Is that true?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

『 It’s the truth! 』

“Then swear on it”

『 This is already a tacit understanding between the Heaven realm and Beast King realm, I’m definitely not trying to deceive old Gu, I swear on it! 』

The white-haired rat then made a Samsara vow right in front of Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan rubbed his chin.

——back in the Elements War Zone, that Qilin was indeed a Divine Beast, but it said that it came on orders from the Heaven realm in order to kill me.

Furthermore, the original members of the Beast King realm wanted to eliminate the humans of the Beast King realm.

Shan Hai Qi Xia’s group was clearly under such threat.

Seems like this really is true.

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Have the humans of the Beast King realm also pledged their allegiance to the Heaven realm?”

The white-haired rat coldly chuckled: 『 Humans? The Beast Kings wants them dead, and the Heaven realm also think that the Beast Kings are easier to control, so they’ve allowed the Beast Kings to try and eliminate them all 』

Gu Qing Shan nodded.

He didn’t touch any of the treasures in the warehouse, instead signaling to Ye Ru Xi with his eyes again.

Ye Ru Xi stood up and carried a large chest full of spirit treasures out from the warehouse.

She then firmly placed the chest in front of the white-haired rat.

The white-haired rat examined the chest briefly before nodding with satisfaction.

『 Old Gu, I’ll tell you an even more important secret 』

“Go ahead”

『 The heavenly beings actually have a crucial plan to carry out during this Elements Purgatory campaign 』

“Go on”

『 Old Gu, they’re carrying out something big for the Heavenly Emperor—– after all, everyone knows that the Heavenly Emperor is currently the number one Chosen Saint, the common ruler of the six realms who has left everyone else far behind; the reason that the heavenly beings had entered the Elements Purgatory this time was to help the Heavenly Emperor further expand his advantage 』

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze was fully focused and asked: “What exactly are the heavenly beings planning?”

『 I don’t know—— if I knew such a secret, I would have already been dead 』the white-haired rat shrunk back and said.

“Then what meaning is there in you telling me this?” Gu Qing Shan tiredly sighed.

The white-haired rat lowered its voice: 『 Old Gu, although I’m the best among the Windy Demonic Rats, I have no one but myself so I don’t have the courage to investigate secrets of this level——– but you do 』

Gu Qing Shan appeared surprised.

He then leaned back on the back of his chair and silently pondered for a while.

Observing him, Ye Ru Xi spoke up: “You can do as you see fit, if anyone tries to mess with you, I’ll kill them”

Gu Qing Shan nodded and silently remained still.

Suddenly, heaven and earth turned dim.

Another sandstorm had descended, ravaging the empty wasteland.

Various eerie noises reverberated throughout the void of space.

The Wind Tribulation had appeared!

Gu Qing Shan slowly stood up and raised his voice: “Did any Tianma arrive?”

All the noises in the void of space stopped.

A voice replied: 『 So it was old Gu, I don’t think anyone from the Tianma race came this time 』

“Then let’s disperse, I’m going to give this another try” Gu Qing Shan said.

『 Got it 』

Numerous voices replied from the void of space.

In an instant, the brewing sandstorm vanished and the world returned to normal.

Gu Qing Shan focused his mind.

—–to once again trigger a Wind Tribulation!

Powerful wind began to manifest!

Gu Qing Shan waited for a few moments before asking again: “Is there anyone from the Tianma race here?”

The void of space shifted.

Several delicately beautiful girls descended from the sky and lowered themselves to greet him: 『 Young master Gu, did you need something from us? 』

“Go to Li An and tell her that there’s an emergency, the next time a Wind Tribulation occurs, tell her to come and see me” Gu Qing Shan replied.

『 Understood 』

The Tianma girls swiftly moved and flew back into the sky, vanishing without a trace.

Gu Qing Shan waved his hand towards the void of space: “Everyone, you’re all dismissed, I have something private to discuss”

The wind calmed down once more.

After waiting for a few moments.

Gu Qing Shan triggered another Wind Tribulation.

The void of space shifted, from which a solemnly stunning beauty emerged, slowly and gracefully making her way in front of him.

『 I heard you were in a hurry to find me? 』she asked.

“I was” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The void of space shifted again.

This time, a group of devils emerged with a single severed head, throwing it in front of Gu Qing Shan.

「 Master Gu, we got what you asked for! 」

They called out loudly.

Li An turned around and asked in surprise: 『 Are you in the middle of killing the garbage of the Heaven realm? 』

“It’s actually something more important than that” Gu Qing Shan said.

He then explained what he had found out so far.

Li An silently listened, then walked up to the severed head and placed her hand on it, whispering an incantation.

The severed head suddenly came back to life.

『 Speak 』Li An urged.

The severed head looked at her in fear while struggling to speak: “The Heavenly Emperor… wanted us to… excavate…”


A bloody mist suddenly erupted from the severed head, after which it no longer moved.

“What’s going on?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

『 That was the Heaven realm’s Soul Chain, it prevents them from revealing that secret 』Li An explained.

“In other words, there’s no way around this?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

『 Indeed, this is one of the Heaven realm’s most potent means——- under the effects of a Soul Chain, no heavenly being would be able to utter a complete sentence 』Li An replied.

At this point, the severed head on the ground began to shift and change into the head of a green-faced creature with horrible yellow fangs.

Ye Ru Xi asked with intrigue: “It can still transform after death?”

Li An chuckled and explained: 『 This was its true appearance—— it was originally a Wraith that took on the appearance of a heavenly being. In reality, there are no longer any real heavenly beings in this era, all of them are already dead 』

Gu Qing Shan glanced at her.

——-the only race of heavenly beings remaining is the Tianma.

Is that why Shifu had Li An stay close to her?

That’s probably the case.

While thinking that, Gu Qing Shan asked her with a cautious expression: “Li An, are you sure that no heavenly being would be able to utter a full sentence of info?”

『 Indeed, I can specify the exact information I want them to reveal, but they will surely die after saying only half a sentence at most 』Li An regretfully answered.

“But they would still be able to say something, correct?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

『 That’s right, so you still haven’t given up on this idea? 』Li An was surprised.

Gu Qing Shan hesitantly answered her: “I have an idea…”

A few hours later.

Within the barren wasteland.

This was relatively far away from the warehouse.

『 I can’t be sure that your idea would work, but we can give it a try 』Li An said.

“Alright, let’s begin” Gu Qing Shan told her.

In front of the two of them, over a dozen severed heads had been laid neatly in a row.

Ye Ru Xi wasn’t here.

——she was looking after the warehouse, in charge of paying the evil creatures.

Li An took in a deep breath and muttered: 『 I’ve never thought about doing this ever before 』

She flew forward, tapping her finger on each of the severed heads while rapidly chanting an incantation under her breath.

The severed heads began to speak:

“The Heavenly Emperor… wanted us… to excavate…”

“The Merit Stones… inside the Elements Purgatory…”

“… It is used to build… a Five Elements city…”

“The Samsara is nearly… unable to suppress the Apocalypses…”

“…A Five Elements city… will be able to shelter…”

“Chosen Saints…”

“The Heavenly Emperor... already has…”

“One city… he needs…”

“…More Merit Stones…”

“Being the city’s ruler… will grant… the best chance…”

“To evolve”

The severed heads took turns explaining the secret, each exploding with a mass of blood after saying a few words.

But the next severed head would continue from the previous one.

The line of severed heads exploded in sequence up until they finished the final words——

And delivered the complete information.

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