Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Chapter 1581: Board Meeting

Chapter 1581: Board Meeting

Inside the board meeting room, all the board members were present when the Lu family arrived. Everyone stood up to greet the chairman and the president. Lu Jinhai assumed the chairman's place and Jiang Yuyan took the president's seat, after which everyone sat back in their chairs around the vast meeting table.

The look on everyone's faces made it clear that they were aware of the top trending news - the news about Jiang Yuyan and Lu Lijun being in a relationship. Their glances towards Jiang Yuyan and Lu Lijun indicated that, apart from the main agenda of the meeting, they were interested in discussing this new topic.

Xiao Min, who was at the dais on one side of the meeting room, started the meeting by declaring the agenda of the board meeting.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed members of the Board of Directors, and honored guests, I warmly welcome you all to this board meeting. On behalf of the Lu family, I thank you for your presence at this important meeting, where we will address a significant matter that will shape the future of Lu Corporation."

"As you have already been informed, today's agenda is the appointment of our new president. The candidate for this role is Mr. Lu Lijun, the second son of Chairman Lu Jinhai. Having worked at Lu Corporation for almost a year, you have all seen his potential and capabilities to lead. He has proven himself in just a short amount of time, and we believe there is no other candidate more suitable for this position than him.

"You will be given a chance to evaluate him, share your valuable opinions, and cast your votes for or against the decision. We hope you think it through and decide in the best interest of Lu Corporation in the long run. You may now start giving your opinions."

As Xiao Min finished speaking, all the board members exchanged glances, hesitating over who would broach the sensitive topic. Their eyes shifted to Jiang Yuyan, who sat with her usual calm and cold expression, seemingly unaffected by their curiosity. Her demeanor only reinforced their perception of her as a confident woman adept at managing huge business corporations, always prepared for any challenge.

Finally, one board member broke the silence. "We all are aware of the news that's been spreading. It has impacted our share prices, and the Lu Corporation is currently the talk of the town," he said, turning his gaze to Jiang Yuyan. "I'd like to hear your thoughts on this matter and how you plan to address it."

As he spoke, all eyes turned to Jiang Yuyan, eagerly awaiting her response.

Unfazed, Jiang Yuyan replied coolly to Mr. Wang, "Lu Corporation has always been a topic of discussion, owing to its achievements. Could you please clarify which specific issue you are referring to?"

Her nonchalant response caught the board members off guard, though they shouldn't have been surprised. Lu Lijun, observing this exchange, allowed a faint smile to cross his face. He knew Jiang Yuyan was more than capable of handling any situation, displaying a confident front to the world while reserving her vulnerability for him alone.

Lu Linhai and Ning Jiahui, too, remained silent, fully trusting Jiang Yuyan to manage the situation.

"President Lu, I am referring to the trending news about your relationship with Mr. Lu Lijun. We would appreciate some clarity on this matter," the board member persisted.

"As far as I am aware," Jiang Yuyan responded, "the letter sent to all of you outlining today's meeting agenda did not include this topic. I believe we should adhere to the planned agenda and focus our discussion on Mr. Lu Lijun's qualifications for the presidency. Should there be any need to address related issues, I will certainly provide clarification."

"But isn't this news about Mr. Lu Lijun?" another board member interjected. "That's why we thought it important to discuss it here."

"Is this genuinely an important matter, or merely a point of curiosity because you have the privilege to inquire directly to us, unlike those reporters clamoring for the truth?" Jiang Yuyan asked boldly. "Does the news topic - Lu Lijun's personal affairs - impact his ability to lead the company or his entitlement to the presidency? Are personal issues so significant that they can undermine professional competence?" Her voice remained steady and unyielding. "President Lu, are you declining to explain because this involves you as well?" another member prodded.

"No, I am maintaining professionalism by sticking to the meeting's agenda. Rather than dwelling on matters irrelevant to his ability to assume the presidency, let's discuss his contributions to this company, his professionalism, and capabilities," she retorted.

"President Lu, personal life can influence professional life. We acknowledge our prospective president's youth and the potential for scandals, but we expect someone responsible who can maintain the reputation of the Lu Corporation and the presidency, just as Presidents Lu Qiana and yourself did. It's disappointing that you are implicated in this scandal as well."

Lu Lijun, observing Jiang Yuyan, noticed a subtle smile on her lips and sensed what was coming next. She was ready to play her game where she would be the winner.

Her fingers gently tapping the table desk, she smirked lightly, "Before I talk about the matter in the news, I have a question for you all as well."

"Please go ahead, president Lu," the man said and others agreed as well.

"What do you think the qualification for board members should be, not on the professional front but on the personal front? Do you think you should have a clean personal life as well to sit here as a board of director or you think, having a messy personal life shall not affect your professional front of being the board of director."

"President Lu, we are all here due to our abilities and we have never been involved in any scandals. We all sit here with clean morals and well maintained personal life so we expect the

same from the one who leads us, this company."

Jiang Yuyan raised a brow. "Are you sure, Mister Wang, what you have said just now is a hundred percent truth?"

"Of course," the man replied with confidence.

"So, you're saying that anyone with a troubled personal life, who could potentially bring scandal to our company, doesn't deserve a place here?" Jiang Yuyan pressed further.

"Yes, that's my belief," he affirmed.

Jiang Yuyan's fingers continued tapping on the table as she spoke. "May I ask who else shares Mr. Wang's opinion? Please, raise your hands if you do."

While not all, a significant number of the board members, particularly those influenced by Mr. Wang, raised their hands.

Jiang Yuyan's eyes swept over those who had raised their hands. "Alright," she said, then turned to San Zemin, who had just entered with a stack of files. She gestured to him, and he began distributing the files only to those who had raised their hands, each file bearing the

name of its recipient.

"What is this?" Mr. Wang asked, eyeing the file with his name on it.

"This," Jiang Yuyan replied coolly, "is my answer to all of your questions."

A sense of unease spread among those opening the files, each named for them. Meanwhile, Jiang Yuyan's gaze shifted to those who had chosen not to raise their hands, who now appeared relieved at their decision to remain silent. In this moment, it was clear: this dangerous woman had the capacity to expose the secrets they had so carefully hidden. "Others might be wondering about these files," Jiang Yuyan began, turning her attention to Mr. Wang, who appeared visibly shaken. "Let's take Mr. Wang as an example." The man, clearly alarmed, protested, "President Lu, this is unacceptable. How can you..." "Please, Mr. Wang, calm down," Jiang Yuyan interjected smoothly. "I have been protecting your secrets for a long time, preventing media leaks because I deemed your personal life irrelevant to your dedication to Lu Corporation. However, since you seem to believe

otherwise, it's only fair to clarify things."

"You cannot..." Mr. Wang tried to interrupt.

"I haven't even started yet, Mr. Wang," she cut him off. "As I am still the president of Lu Corporation, today I need to make some matters clear before considering my resignation. The file reveals that Mr. Wang has multiple mistresses and children with them while still legally married. I'm curious how this aligns with your standards of moral and professional responsibility, and whether it affects your position as a board member. Unless, of course, I allow the media to disclose your affairs."

Mr. Wang fell silent, "President Lu..."

Jiang Yuyan raised an eyebrow, warning him, "Think carefully before you speak again, Mr. Wang." She then glanced at the others holding files, their faces pale with fear. "Shall we

discuss the rest?"

"President Lu, we apologize," the others quickly interjected, eager to prevent their own scandals from being revealed.

Jiang Yuyan halted, uninterested in delving into their misdeeds. "If the selection of our new president hinges solely on personal matters rather than professional abilities, I'm prepared to bring everyone's secrets to light. And you know I can. I advise you to judge the candidate based on his proven capabilities over the past few months."

The room fell into a heavy silence, a clear sign that the scandal surrounding Lu Lijun and Jiang Yuyan would no longer be a topic of discussion in this meeting.

Noah, standing off to the side next to Xiao Dong, glanced at Lu Lijun, his expression one of admiration for Jiang Yuyan. Lu Lijun, with a slight smirk, seemed proud. No one dared challenge his woman. Lu Jinhai and Ning Jiahui were not surprised either as they were well aware of the way Jiang Yuyan worked.

Xiao Min wasn't surprised by the turn of events; he knew his boss well. When the news first broke, Jiang Yuyan had instructed San Zemin to bring the files, anticipating this very scenario.

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