Your Girlfriend Was Amazing

Chapter 65: The Devil Chaos King

Chapter 65: The Devil Chaos King

The Devil Chaos King

As the number of awakened individuals has recently increased, the security situation has been fluctuating between improvement and deterioration. Typically, congenital awakeners contribute to enhanced public safety, while acquired awakened individuals tend to decrease it. Experts attribute this to variations in education, skill proficiency, and a lack of self-objectification.

"Have you heard about the hottest hunter among acquired awakeners lately~?"

"Oh, the one with the distinctive white hair?"

"The guy boosting tanning rates and gym profits among men in their 20s!"

"That's Baek Taeyang!"

Recent TV broadcasts featured Baek Taeyang as the hottest figure on this subject. The discussion revolved around whether acquired awakened individuals like Baek Taeyang negatively impact security.

Unbeknownst to many, there exists discrimination between congenital and acquired awakened individuals. It's akin to the gap between the affluent following an elite course and those winning the lottery – similar positions but a stark difference in upbringing.

The government takes this issue seriously. When awakened individuals fight among themselves, it's ordinary people who suffer, not the losers. On days when skirmishes erupt due to factional fights rather than individual battles…

It's inevitable that everyone will die; there's no way to prepare for that.

Producer Kim Sadon knows the weight this program carries. The program "Find the Hottest Potato! Awakened Harvest!" was initially created under government pressure.

If pressure improved awareness, we would have gotten along much earlier.

The ultimate goal of this program is to promote that the vast group known as ‘awakened individuals' are those who do good deeds, regardless of being congenital or acquired. While focusing on individual criminals rather than labeling all awakened individuals as criminals, the aim is to strengthen the collective consciousness of awakened individuals.

The intention was good, but the problem arose afterward.

Please, just one person…!

No matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find any remarkable stories about acquired awakened individuals. There were some, but they were too ordinary. And exaggerating tales that ordinary people could perform could lead to backlash.

Kim Sadon foresees a very short lifespan for this program. This is because, mostly, congenital awakened individuals commit virtuous acts, while crimes are committed by acquired awakened individuals. Even after searching with clear eyes, finding a popular figure among acquired awakened individuals proves difficult.

We can carefully select criminals, but…

At this rate, it seems like a fleeting moment that would only strengthen discrimination.

"Oh, he actually cleared an S-rank gate, but look at his genuinely humble attitude."

"Yeah, usually people in that age group tend to show off, but he goes straight home for thorough self-management!"

"Photo evidence has surfaced, want to see it together?"

"Wow… one hand holding a greatsword… the other a halberd… truly impressive. Even as a man, I'd be captivated."

"Oh dear, what about me as a woman? Look at the chains wrapped around the hands… is it to avoid letting go of the greatsword?"

Baek Taeyang emerged like a comet. He precisely seized the opportunity amid the downfall of Kim Minsoo, the congenital awakened star.

The timing was spot on. Just when the ‘Kim Minsoo's Wail' meme was circulating on the internet, photos of Baek Taeyang ‘After Clearing S-Rank Gate' were released.

He cleared the S-Rank gate a while ago, suddenly releasing photos while Kim Minsoo is in a downfall?

This is definitely intentional. It's clear that the release of the photo was deliberately delayed, waiting for the right moment. Otherwise, there's no way the photo could have such perfect editing!

It was significantly different from photos taken by reporters with a flash. It conveyed the sense that someone who had been in the photography industry for decades captured reality on the screen. Producer Kim Sadon isn't foolish enough to let this opportunity slip away.

At this chance, let's shape the image of acquired awakened individuals to be similar to Baek Taeyang. An exterior that looks delinquent but an image of kindness and righteousness more than anyone else!

"Let's go with the bad boy style…"

Ultimately, if it gives the feeling that ‘awakened individuals are all committed to preventing harm to humanity,' wouldn't discrimination ease, and people get along better? If that happens, my life will be on the golden path strewn with flowers. I should invite Baek Taeyang for this program.

The eyes of Producer Kim Sadon sparkled.


"Fucking bastard!!!!!"

Smack— Unable to tolerate it, he gave the TV a good whack with his chubby hand.

"What? Does he think he's all cool and shit?!"

The TV kept on blabbering nonsense.

[Especially in Wonderland… Ah… that… really… impressive… emotion…]

After the impact, the TV flickered and sporadically emitted sounds. With an expression that conveyed his irritation, the man worked the remote control.

Click— He turned off the TV and let out a deep sigh. Lately, the image of congenital awakened individuals had taken a hit, and things had suddenly gotten weird. He knew exactly where the problem lay, but honestly, it made no sense.

"Is this how they repay what I've done so far? I've put in so much effort, and this is how they turn their backs!"

"Please, calm down, this is why the public is called pigs. You feed them garbage, and they grunt while eating."

"How can I calm down after seeing that?! People who haven't learned to properly appreciate are struggling to improve their image!"

"He hasn't said anything yet… If it weren't for that nerd Kim Minsoo…"

"What did you say?"


The atmosphere, previously heated, instantly cooled down. Even those who were rioting all lay flat. One word overwhelmed and subdued the entire audience.

The Chaos King…

Honestly, they thought ‘Chaos King' was a pretty lame name. It wasn't even a nickname from a game he played when he was young, and he didn't know what ‘Chaos King' meant. But no one expressed their dissatisfaction openly. You can't really criticize the leader of this group just because you don't like the name.

"Didn't I specifically ask not to use the expression ‘nerd'?"


When Chaos King is enraged, you have to lie flat with your chest pressed to the ground. Literally, it's as if your chest is stuck to the floor, like an old piece of chewing gum.

"Moreover, Kim Minsoo is the figure we represent… Don't use such malicious language…"

"We will keep that in mind!"

No one could defy him. The established group of congenital awakened individuals, the Noble, had been around for a long time. No one knew who created it or what its purpose was—a mysterious group.

All the privileged congenital awakened individuals were members, including those who recently joined. Everyone unquestionably followed the Chaos King, starting from why he was the leader to why he had to be called ‘The Chaos King.'

No one dared to question him. From the leader's position to why he had to be called ‘The Chaos King,' any inquiry was forbidden. Therefore, the members of the Noble gave up questioning and focused only on rolling in dough if they listened to his words.

Firstly, the recent presence of a hunter stealing skills was as everyone had expected, it was him.

Everyone's eyes were filled with astonishment. They couldn't see each other's faces since they were lying down, but they could tell. They thought they were witnessing the beginning of a legend. The truth of the skill hunter that even first-class hunters couldn't properly grasp.

Skill hunter only target acquired awakened individuals. In fact, this was possible because the Noble deliberately concealed information. Even though it was tough to cause confusion in the information network among first-class hunters, they went to such lengths. It's his intention.

The man who had just smashed the TV was genuinely impressed. People who hadn't received character education, accidentally awakened, and luckily became hunters. He had been contemplating how to destroy them, but now he had outright stolen their skills. He didn't even care how he stole the skills. All the members of the Noble focused solely on the results.

"Recently, the image of the icon we're promoting has completely gone to hell… I thought the cause was Kim Minsoo's weakness."

"We are sorry!"

In truth, there was nothing to be sorry about. It was just that Kim Minsoo had been publicly humiliated on the streets. It felt vague to call it weakness, but no one cared. The authority to steal skills was the most crucial thing.

If only I had that power…!

He could crush the noses of hunters who were of a higher class but were acquired awakened individuals on the topic. They were really arrogant people. Living by scavenging corpses in lower-level dungeons that matched their image, how dare they!

This wasn't just one person's opinion. The Noble is a group that desire strict discrimination and oppression of acquired awakened individuals. The conflicts among awakened individuals are deeper and more intense than what the general public thought.

"This power comes with many constraints. Therefore, when I share it with you, I can only give you a small share. Seize this one opportunity. Our goal is Baek Taeyang."


Finally, is it time to reveal our power to the world and spread our wings?

Everyone's excitement surged. Already, there were those who weren't fond of Baek Taeyang, who had been rapidly gaining popularity recently. But who would've thought that this opportunity would come naturally like this?

"And this action could be considered truly devilish… So from now on, I'll become the Devil Chaos King."

"Yes, understood, Chaos King!!!"

"Make sure to include the ‘Devil' part!"

"Yes, Devil Chaos King!!!"

Everyone stifled their laughter while blood rushed to the inside of their cheeks. But such a joke title? It could be adjusted as needed. As long as they can obtain greater power and wield the ultimate authority.

This is nothing.

Glancing at the Devil Chaos King, there wasn't a clear view due to the darkness, but the slightly folded chin caught the eye.

I want to tug it once.

It was a peculiar urge brought on by the folded chin.

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