YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 16: Nothing is Free

Chapter 16: Nothing is Free

[Yuna POV]

"I will set a monster and two cards face down!" I yelled in a frustrated tone: "Then I will end my turn!"

The eliminator tilted his head: "That's it? Seems like the show's going to reach its finale."

Ludere drew his card and laughed: "Oh? Who'd've guessed it's the Axe of Despair? Then you already know what I would do with it?"

I ignored Ludere as he reequipped Terrorking Archfiend with the Axe of Despair, and the monster regained its mighty strength.

[Terrorking Archfiend: Attack: 2000 -> 3000, Defense: 1400]

"Now, Terrorking Archfiend, attack her monster!"

The Archfiend raised its axe and smashed it into my defensive monster. My card was turned face up, revealing a hiding Battle Ox that easily fell to the fiend's blow. I watched with bitterness as the attack killed Battle Ox, and I grasped my cards so tightly that they creased from the stress.

"After that! I will summon Shadowknight Archfiend and boost my power even further!"

[Shadowknight Archfiend: Attack: 2000, Defense: 1600]

When it was my turn, I sighed pathetically: "I.... will set another monster and end my turn..."

I glanced at Mokuba, and he stared back with concern. Guilt washed over me, and I couldn't imagine the consequences if I lost.

Can I defeat him?

This eliminator was strong, abnormally strong...

Was I too arrogant?

My chest heaved, and I felt anxious to continue to play. My fingers trembled, and my legs felt weak; my confidence wavered as doubt sprouted from my heart.

"Sano!" Mokuba yelled, and I instinctively flinched.

"You beat my brother, right?! So what's there to be scared of!"

"Wha..." I muttered in a daze, but his shouting made me close my mouth.

"So defeat him!" Mokuba ordered in a loud voice.

Yes, he's right...

I took a deep breath and calmed down. I'm so stupid. The match still wasn't over yet! Like the old saying, as long as you have life points, even a losing fight can become a winning one!

"I will set a monster and end my turn!"

Ludere frowned: "I will summon Vilepawn Archfiend, then attack!"

[Vilepawn Archfiend: Attack: 1200, Defense: 200]


I subconsciously covered my eyes as my monster burst into pieces. However, I didn't give up and drew my card. My mind went into overdrive, and I thought of the best solution for me to survive.


I was reminded of a card within my deck that could turn this situation around. I glanced at my deck and gulped. Come on, Heart of the Cards, don't fail me now!

"Set a monster, and my turn end."

Ludere: "I will attack!"

I draw...

"I will set a monster and end my turn!"

Ludere: "Stop fooling around and destroy her!"

I draw again...

"Tsk." I clicked my teeth and set one more monster face down.

I don't know how long I can last. Only two more normal monsters were left in my hand. I know I'm running out of options, but I can't give up now!

The Ludere picked up a card from his deck and smiled: "Your strategy won't work now. Time to end this once and for all!"

"I activate my spell card, Checkmate! I will tribute one Archfiend monster, and my Terrorking Archfiend can attack directly!" Ludere announced.

Attack directly.....

I gritted my teeth. Normally, this wasn't possible. However, if a card says so... Vilepawn Archfiend was suddenly absorbed into Terrorking Archfiend's axe, and the metal shinned with a dark purple hue. The demon raised its weapon, dashed toward me, and ignored my set monster on the field.

My eyes widened in shock as the monster swung its axe, and I watched in slow motion as the blade gradually closed in on my face...

[3rd POV]

"NO!" Mokuba screamed as Terrorking Archfiend slashed Yuna with its weapon.

Mokuba covered his face with his hands, and he couldn't bear to watch the scene playing out before him. There was silence, and a minute had gone by. Finally, out of curiosity, the boy peaked through the gap of his fingers.

His jaw dropped to the floor, and he stepped back in shock. Why was Yuna still remaining inn/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

the duel?!

[Yuna Sano: 400 LP]

Terrorking Archfiend's axe was an inch away from Yuna's neck, and the demon seemed to be suppressed by an invisible force.

"I... I will reveal my trap card, Negate Attack. If a monster declares an attack, I can target that monster, negate the attack and end the battle phase." Yuna explained while stuttering lightly.

Terrorking Archfiend slowly returned to its original position. The demon let out a low grunt as if dissatisfied with failing to kill its prey.

"Fine, you won't get so lucky next time..." Ludere gnashed his teeth and summoned another Vilepawn Archfiend before ending his turn.

[Vilepawn Archfiend: Attack: 1200, Defense: 200]

Yuna took a shaky breath while grasping the handrails, turning her knuckles white. Despite

there being mere holograms, it still felt too real...

"Are you alright?!" Mokuba yelled from the sidelines.

Yuna nodded and patted her chest; this was too close to her liking. Thankfully, she has set this card in advance, or else there's no way to survive that blow. There was still one trap card on the field. However, if Ludere activates another Chekmate, Yuna will have no other method to

protect herself.

She drew her card, and her eyes widened. Was it really divine intervention? Yuna thought while staring at the card in her hand. Has her prayer really been answered?!

Yuna turned to the arena. Alright, it's possible! She saw her chance of winning; all it took for her to have a chance of winning was to survive the next turn!

"I will set a monster and end my turn!"

"Setting setting setting, I have enough of it!!" Ludere bellowed: "Stop this useless farce, just

give up!"

"Never!" Yuna screamed back.

"Then suffer under my demon's wrath!" He angrily yelled: "I tribute my Vilepawn Archfiend and Shadowknight Archfiend to summon Imprisoned Queen Archfiend!"

A humongous demon emerged from the altar that easily towered the size of Divine Dragon Felgrand. Her bloody red hair ran down her rotten face as chains wrapped around her wrist

and ankles.

[Imprisonment Queen Archfiend: Attack: 2600, Defense: 1700]

"Now the king and queen were reunited. There's no chance of you winning!" He declared arrogantly: "Now attack!"

Terrorking Archfiend and Imprisonment Queen Archfiend charged simultaneously. But Yuna was ready and flipped over her last line of defence: "I activate Waboku! My monster won't be destroyed this turn, and I take zero battle damage!"

Both demons stopped, and Ludere slammed the podium with his fist. He was greatly annoyed by Yuna's tenacity and couldn't understand why wouldn't she surrender! Yuna smiled and felt the stress leaving her body. She made it, and now, it's time for her to fight back!

"I will tribute my two face-down monsters and bring out Blue Eyes White Dragon!"

A terrifying roar resonated in the forest, and a silver dragon landed from the dark sky. The dragon's scales glistened under the moonlight, and the beast howled fiercely.

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: Attack: 3000, Defence: 2500]

Ludere: "So what, are you going to attack with your Blue Eyes?! It doesn't matter, as I can

always summon more Archfiends!"

"No, I won't attack." Yuna corrects Ludere: "Instead, I will activate this spell card, A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon! By returning one level five or higher dragon monster to my hand, destroy all the traps and spell on the field!"

Blue Eyes White Dragon transformed into a small white orb and flew back into Yuna's hand. Suddenly, the demonic altar exploded and crumbled into pieces.

Ludere frowned: "What is the meaning of this?! Did you think you could win like that?!"

Yuna smiled and shook her head: "Actually, I have already won..."


"I will end my turn!"

Ludere couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling in his heart. However, with his pride, he

convinced himself that it was a mere bluff, and he drew his card.

He grinned; there it was, his second Checkmate, with nothing on Yuna's field. This time it

would really be his win!"

"I activate...."

Suddenly, Ludere froze and sensed something was wrong. He hesitantly raised his head and

noticed Terrorking Archfiend and Imprisonment Archfiend were staring at him with a strange

hungry gaze.

"Wh...what's happening?" He croaked.

"Did you really forget?" Yuna's voice snapped Ludere out of his daze," Nothing is free in this world, especially deals you made with demons! You have abused this rule with Pandemonium, but now that it's gone, do you think your Archfiend will let it slide this



During this duel, he completely forgot...

To keep Archfiend on the field, he must pay life points for every Stand By phase. However, Pandemonium completely controlled the Archfiends to be his slaves. Now that the only thing keeping him safe disappeared, will his monsters stand idly by?

Ludere hurriedly stared at his field.

Terrorking Archfiend must pay eight hundred life points...

Imprisonment Queen Archfiend must pay one thousand...

Ludere gulped when the two demons approached him with a fierce smile: "Wait, stay back!"

However, they didn't listen and eagerly raised their weapons. With one scream, his ambitious

dream of victory escaped his grasp...

[Ludere: 1400 LP -> 0 LP]

[Yuna POV]

I took a deep breath and leaned against the podium. I won. I still couldn't believe it. This fight

was way too close to my liking. I truly felt I would've lost if I hadn't drawn the correct card in


Wingbeat of the Giant Dragon wasn't the only spell removals I have in my deck, but strangely

I haven't drawn a single one yet. Finally, at the last desperation, I managed to get what I


Man... I should really rebuild my deck...

I was brought down from the podium, and Mokuba eagerly ran towards me: "You did it!" He


Seeing him so happy made me feel excited as well. However, I tried not to show it on my face,

or else his image of me would be ruined further.


We stopped celebrating and noticed the haggard Ludere staggering towards us: "You you


He approached us with a crazed expression, and I blocked Mokuba with my arm: "L...leave." I


Ludere's expression darkened, and he smiled: "No."

"What do you mean no?! Sano defeated you, so scram!" Mokuba yelled from behind. "You brat." Ludere cursed and clenched his fist: "You will pay for saying that!"

He hastily approached us and raised his fist. I closed my eyes and was fully expecting to be, for

the first time in my life RKOed for winning a duel. However, the punch never came, and suddenly a painful howl reached our ears.

I hesitantly opened my eyes and saw Ludere clutching his head while screaming in pain. A

strange golden symbol appeared on his forehead, and he collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut.

After a while, Ludere slowly rises, staring blankly at the ground: "Good evening." He said in an entirely different tone: "I have to apologize for my subordinate's unmanly action." "Pegasus..." I muttered upon realization. "Indeed," Pegasus responded with an amused smile. The dazed Ludered glanced at Mokuba:

"Please refrain from leaving so abruptly next time; you've caused me a lot of trouble."

"What are you on about?! You kidnapped me!" Mokuba yelled in anger.

"Ah, that's too crude of a way of saying it," Pegasus calmly replied: "I'm just simply

relocating you."

I stared at the expressionless Ludere with wariness. His empty pupils met mine: "You must be wondering what happened to this man, well it's simple, sometimes losing a game can cost you more than you imagine, you know?"

I quietly analyzed Pegasus's choice of words, and my eyes widened. No way, did he really turn

that duel into a shadow Game without me realizing it?! Since when!? I gulped; if I really lost

back there, I would've lost much more than my star chips...

"Well, as this man promised, I will leave you guys alone," Pegasus announced, and Ludere's body slowly wobbled deeper into the forest.

"Oh," he stopped: "I look forward to more of your duels, Yuna...."

Before I could reply, Pegasus left, and the forest became quiet once more. Mokuba tiredly fell

to the ground: "What in the world was that?"

I felt exhausted and followed Mokbua and sat on the ground. I was still creeped out by what

happened but wasn't on guard as before. Despite how crazy Pegasus was, he always kept his word, so we should be safe tonight...

I yawned and prepared the sleeping bag. Unfortunately, I only brought one, so I gave it to Mokbua. I'm not as heartless as to let a child sleep in the open so he could have it. Thankfully, I brought a spare blanket, so it wasn't bad. I decided to wash up tomorrow as it

was already very late, and losing sleep was a big no! That night, I fell asleep feeling content,

knowing I seemed to have a better relationship with Mokuba and my soul was still intact with my body

Next Morning...

The birds chirped energetically, and the bright sun shone on my face. I begrudgingly opened

my eyes. I sat up and stretched; the sleep was more comfortable than I imagined, so I felt refreshed.

Mokuba was still asleep, so I quietly stood up and wandered into the forest. I found a small

creek to wash my body. I dipped my toes into the water, it felt cold but soothing, and I bathed in a cheerful mood.

When I returned, Mokuba was still asleep, so I made breakfast with the rations from my bag.


"Don't. Move."

However, contrary to the peaceful morning I had hoped. I found myself before the barrel of a

gun, pointing straight at the back of my head.

I hope you enjoy

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