YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 30: Faith in the Deck

Chapter 30: Faith in the Deck

Heh heh heh, see I upheld my promise! Anyway, with this chapter, there's one more until pretty much the end of Duelist Kingdom!

If you like the story so far, how about give it a review?

[Yuna POV]

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon returned to my side while grinning savagely. Pegasus watched with an impressed expression: "To think you have a method to counter my Toon World, I am thoroughly satisfied with your abilities."

Despite his praise, I ignored him and continued playing: "I activate my spell card, Wingbeat of Giant Dragon. I can return one level five or more dragon monster to my hand and destroy all spells and traps on the field!"

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon returned to its true monstrous form, and the dragon flapped its wings. All the cards on the back row immediately flew off the table and landed several feet away.

The Toon World book instantly broke apart into tiny pieces, and Toon Divine Dragon Lord cried as it was launched into the air. The monster flipped all over the place before balancing itself. It stared at its body in wonder as it grew, returning to its normal appearance. Now Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, it shook its head before glaring at Pegasus hatefully.

"Toon World has been destroyed so that all Toon monsters will return to normal," I explained.

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack, 2800 Defence]

"That is true, yet to destroy my Toon World, you sacrificed all of your defences," Pegasus pointed out while staring at my now empty field: "Quite a brazen approach, one I didn't predict..."

"But you couldn't attack me directly with nothing on my field." I said with confidence: "I consider this even."

"Hmph," He scoffed: "It is merely stalling the inevitable."

When Pegasus draws a card, his expression becomes disgruntled, indicating he hasn't received the card he wanted: "I will set two cards face down, then I pass the turn to you."

"First, I use the Card of Destruction. We discard our entire hand and draw the same amount of cards we have originally."

As we set our hands on the graveyard pile, Pegasus hummed with curiosity. I stared at the new cards while formulating my next course of action, even while well aware of Pegasus reading my mind.

"I will use Return of the Dragon Lord and special summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my graveyard!"

In the dim room, a sudden bright light emits between us. Once it settled, there stood a beautiful dragon with white scales. Blue Eyes White Dragon lowered its head and observed me with soft, gentle eyes before roaring fiercely at my foe.

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: 3000 Attack, 2500 Defence]

"I will set one card face down, then attack with my Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

"Unfortunately, I can't let you do that," Pegasus interrupted me: "I use Negate Attack to target your Blue-Eyes White Dragon and end the battle entirely."

"So close to rescuing your beloved beast," Pegasus sighed, "Such a sha..."

"I will set two cards and end my turn." Before he could finish talking, I interrupted him. Pegasus hummed amusingly, unbothered by my rudeness. He drew a card, and his mood finally improved: "Let's end this farce once and for all. I will play Black Illusion Ritual! I will tribute my Dragon Piper to bring out my trump card, Relinquished!"

A portal appeared beneath Dragon, and the monster was dragged in. Soon, a horrifying creature revealed itself. It was dark blue with white veins. It lacked a lower body except for a sharp point stabbing into the floor like a Beyblade. The creature has huge arms with sharp claws, and instead of a face, there was a single eyeball connected by a thin long neck.

[Relinquished: 0 Attack, o Defence]

"Behold, this is the card I made to defeat you, Yuna Sano!" Pegasus exclaimed: "Be proud that you will be the first to taste its might!"

A card to defeat me? I subconsciously narrowed my eyebrows. Shouldn't it be the one to defeat Yugi? Or was the timeline changed so much that Pegasus has become completely interested in me instead?

However, Pegasus's next words brought me back to reality...

"Unfortunately, that's what I wish to say," Pegasus exhaled with disappointment: "I doubt its strength is enough to defeat you."

"T... thanks?" I responded with an awkward tone.

He smirked: "However, that doesn't mean you're safe! I will use Polymerization! Using my Relinquished and Thousand-Eyes Idol in my hand as materials!"

"Now behold the beauty! The one and only! Thousand-Eyes Restrict!"

Relinquished's body darkened as multiple pulsating flesh squirmed under its skin as if the monster was infested with parasites. Gradually, its skin ripped open, revealing thousands of slimy eyeballs. The main eye turned into a glossy golden colour, resembling the appearance of Pegasus's Millenium Eye.

[Thousand-Eyes Restrict: 0 Attack, o Defence]

"Thousand-Eyes Restrict has a pretty interesting effect if I have to say so myself," Pegasus gloated confidently.

"Once this monster was summoned, you can no longer declare attacks nor change battle positions! Also, once per turn, I can target one of your monsters and attach it to this card! Then Thousand-Eyes Restrict will gain attack and defence equal to all the monster's stats combined!!!"

"With this, I will activate Thousand-Eyes Restrict's effect and absorb your Blue Eyes White Dragon!"

Slimy tentacles shoot out of Thousand-Eyes Restrict's body and wrap around my monster. It dragged Blue Eyes White Dragon towards itself, and the dragon became half-fused with

Thousand-Eyes Restrict.

[Thousand-Eyes Restrict: 0 -> 3000 Attack, 0 -> 2500 Defence]

"What will you do Yuna Sano? Your Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand is still mine, and I have my Thousand-Eyes Restrict on the board! It's over!" Pegasus preached.

I bit my lips with frustration. Pegasus's Thousand-Eyes Restrict has no counters unless I have

a card that specifically targets. The only card I could think of was Divine Dragon Lord

Felgrand, but it's currently under his control!

"I summon Paladin of Felgrand in attack position," I shouted, and a young blond-haired warrior wearing silver armour appeared.

[Paladin of Felgrand: 1700 Attack, 300 Defence]

I was pushed to the defensive and I can feel myself getting cornered by the second. Forced to summon a monster this turn, I reluctantly continued to play while hoping I can stall well

enough to survive this turn.

"With Paladin of Felgrand's effect, I equip Arkbrave Dragon from my graveyard to this card, then Paladin of Felgrand can't be targetted by effects!"

"I then set a card and end my turn..."

Pegasus hummed and licked his lips as he stared at my back row with interest: "Let's begin by using my second Mystical Typhoon to destroy that card in the middle."

A second tornado destroyed another one of my traps, and I caught the card in midair with a

grim expression. That was my Waboku, my most important defence, gone.

"Now, Thousand-Eyes Restrict, destroy Paladin of Felgrand!"

"Not so fast!" I stammered: "I use my trap card, Reinforcement, and grant Paladin of

Felgrand five hundred more attacks!"

[Paladin of Felgrand: 1700 -> 2200 Attack, 300 Defence]

Thousand-Eyes Restrict swung its arm like a hammer, and Paladin of Felgrand raised his sword in a desperate attempt to block the attack. Unfortunately, the blade shattered, and the

warrior was ultimately defeated.

[Yuna Sano: 850 LP -> 50 LP]

I stared at my measly amount of life points in disbelief. Even a gentle breeze can spell the end for me. Pegasus's assault should have been the end for me but yet I survived. Staring at the absurd strength of Thousand-Eyes Restrict, fear begins to set in. The thought of actually losing entered my mind, and I found difficulty breathing.

I'm scared...

What should I do?

"I will set a monster and end my turn," I muttered anxiously. Pegasus chuckled: "Is this all you can do? Thousand-Eyes Restrict, capture that monster!" Thousand-Eyes Restrict simultaneously blinked with all of its eyes as it grabbed the monster hiding under my card. It pulled the Koumori Dragon out of the card; the dragon struggled in fear but was fused into the monster's body while exposing one of the Koumori Dragon's arms. [Thousand-Eyes Restrict: 3000 -> 4500 Attack, 2500 -> 3700 Defence]

"Seems like that's all you can amount to..." Pegasus mumbled with dissatisfaction.

I flinched at his insults as each word felt like a stab to the heart. I visibly shrunk in my seat

while staring at the floor with shame.

I don't think I can win...

He was way too strong...

My vision became hazy, and I felt myself struggling to concentrate. I grabbed the corner of

the table and clutched my chest in pain.

"W... what's happening...." I gasped for breath.

Pegasus sighed and shook his head disappointingly: " If your heart wavered, it meant you

have admitted defeat."

My arms felt numb, and it was like I was slowly separating from my own body. I dropped the

cards, and a single tear dripped on the table.

No... Not like this...

Someone help me...

Mokuba, I'm sorry...

As I closed my eyes and accepted my demise, I sensed a hand placed on my shoulder. Thinking

it was Pegasus, I gritted my teeth. Using my last strength, I reopened my eyes and stared him


But it wasn't Pegasus...

It was a woman dressed in full white. Her face was covered by a veil, revealing her beautiful

lips and the hair as white as snow flowing down to her waist.

"Who..." I groaned.

The woman smiled and leaned close to my ear before speaking in a soft, silky voice:

"Don't lose hope.

Believe in your deck.

Don't give up.

You can win.

So... Keep fighting!"

I stared at her in shock as she delivered words of encouragement, and a warmness overwhelmed me. I raised my weakened hand and touched her clothes. However, like before, my finger merely went through her body. The woman giggled at my action as her figure

gradually turned translucent.

It wasn't long until only her head remained, and she was still smiling as bright as the sun. Her

mouth moved, but no words came out, yet I knew exactly what she said...

"Don't be scared, Yuna, you can win!"

[3rd POV]

Pegasus sighed with disappointment, and he thought Yuna would be more but turns out that

the one with the highest potential will still fall to his Millenium Eye. As he was ready to

collect her soul, Pegasus stopped and gazed at her in amazement.

"I... I can continue..." Yuna growled.

She reached for the cards on the floor and slammed them on the table. She drunkenly

supported her body and glared at Pegasus: "It will end... Only until I defeat you." Pegasus frowned as he couldn't believe Yuna's endurance. He felt himself losing the grip of her soul as it returned to her body. He read her thoughts, but to his shock, there was nothing.

Something was placed between their connections, like a filter that stopped his intrusion. Pegasus's body tensed, and he sat back down on the chair. He observed Yuna with a solemn expression while doubting himself: 'What happened? Why can't I use my Millenium Eye?'

"My move," Yuna spoke with conviction, reminding Pegasus that they were still in the middle

of a duel.

"I will banish the Keeper of the Shrine and Paladin of Felgrand in my grave to summon Lightpulsar Dragon from my hand!"

A slim white dragon appeared, roaring confidently, although severely outmatched.

[Lightpulsar Dragon: 2500 Attack, 1500 Defence]

"Then I tribute my Lightpulsar Dragon and summon my Darkflare Dragon!"

Lightpulsar Dragon tilted its head confusingly as if saying: 'Finally, I got called, but you're

immediately sacrificing me to get my brother?!'

However, before Lightpulsar Dragon could argue further, it was fully tributed, and Darkflare Dragon replaced its place.

[Darkflare Dragon: 2400 Attack, 1200 Defence]

"With Lightpulsar Dragon's effect. When this monster was sent to the grave, I can special

summon one Level Five or Higher Dark Dragon Monster from my Graveyard. I will revive my second Darkflare Dragon!"

[Darkflare Dragon: 2400 Attack, 1200 Defence]

The two Darkflare Dragons conversed with each other. Seemingly enjoying each other's


"I will use Polymerization! Allowing me to fuse my two Darkflare Dragons! I fusion summon

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!" Yuna shouted.

[Starving Venom Fusion Dragon: 2800 Attack, 2000 Defence]

"Finally, I will set a card and end my turn."

Pegasus frowned when he stared at the two trap cards on her field: "This may be


When he added a card to his hand, Yuna immediately flipped over one of those traps: "I activate Battle Mania; your monsters must attack me no matter what this turn!" "However!" Yuna explained: "Since you can only attack the player's monsters and not then/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

duelist directly, you couldn't absorb my Starving Venom Fusion Dragon and leave my field empty!"

"Fine, let's play it your way." Pegasus shrugged; "Thousand-Eyes Restrict, attack Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!"

"Not so fast! I will use Waboku, and I won't take battle damage, or my monsters can be

destroyed by battle!"

Thousand-Eyes Restrict's claws struck a blue shield, and Yuna's Starving Venom Fusion Dragon was protected from harm. When Thousand-Eyes Restrict retreated, it was Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand's time to attack.

The golden dragon flew from Pegasus's side to Yuna's and slashed at Starving Venom Fusion

Dragon. However, just like before, her monster was protected by a barrier, leaving it unharmed.

Suddenly, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon lashed out and cleaved Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand apart with its scythe tail. Pegasus clicked his teeth: "They have the same amount of

attack... So you're aiming to destroy that dragon all along?"

"But, did you forget about one thing?" Pegasus asked: "Since I finished my attacks and Starving Venom Fusion Dragon is still on the field, it meant that my Thousand-Eyes Restrict will absorb it!"

During his explanation, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon was also captured and joined along

with Blue Eyes White Dragon. [Thousand-Eyes Restrict: 4500 -> 7300 Attack, 3700 -> 5700 Defence] "It's your turn now, Yuna!" Pegasus urged.

Yuna nervously bit her lips. This was it; with her previous actions, there was no turning back

now, and she deemed it was all for nothing. She gritted her teeth and remembered that unknown woman's words.

"Believe in my deck...." Yuna mumbled to herself.

She placed her hand on the remaining deck of cards. With a single motion, she drew a card and

held her breath. Yuna's eyes widened with shock before smiling: "Thank you..." Yuna raised her head and lifted the card in the air: "I will use Monster Reborn! Rise again,

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!"

The golden dragon howled and appeared behind Yuna. Pegasus frowned for the first time in

this duel, and Pegasus felt his anxiety grow by the second: "Don't tell me, you're banishing my Thousand-Eyes Restrict?"

"No!" Yuna yelled, and his eyes widened in surprise: "I will target the Blue-Eyes White

Dragon, that was being absorbed!"

Pegasus: ?!

The Blue-Eyes White Dragon howled and vanished from Thousand-Eyes Restrict. Now Pegasus realised Yuna's intention. Thousand-Eyes Restrict absorbs monsters into its own, meaning they weren't Equip Spells but became monsters he controlled! [1] [Thousand-Eyes Restrict: 7300 -> 4300 Attack, 5700 -> 3200 Defence] "Then I activate Ruins of the Divine Dragon Lord!" Yuna yelled, and a small statue of Divine

Dragon Lord Felgrand emerged beside her: "Using Dragon Lord Ruin's effect, I tribute my Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand and summon a light token!

The dragon furled its wings and shrunk into a golden orb that floated gracefully. [Dragon Lord Token: 0 Attack, o Defence]

Yuna: "I then summon Guardian of Felgrand in attack position!"

A tall armoured warrior with green hair and a battle axe was summoned onto the field. He

crossed his arms and laughed as his loud voice reverberated through the room. [Guardian of Felgrand: 500 Attack, 500 Defence]

"With Guardian of Felgrand's effect, I can equip one Level Seven or Eight dragon to this card,

and Guardian of Felgrand will gain attack and defence equal to half the ATK and DEF of the

monster equipped to it by this effect! The dragon I choose is Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand.

Guardian of Felgrand shouted and tensed his body. His energy intensified, giving him strength like never before.

[Guardian of Felgrand: 500 -> 1900 Attack, 500 -> 1900 Defence] 'What is she planning?!' Pegasus thought while gritting his teeth. His Millenium Eye has refused to work, so there was no way Pegasus could predict Yuna's next

move. However, despite the lack of information, all Pegasus knew was that what she was

about to do would be extremely dangerous.

'Wait...' Pegasus froze and remembered a particular moment he had seen in the tag team duel

Yuna had played: 'Don't tell me?!'

"Now I activate Guardian of Felgrand's second effect! I can summon a Level Seven or Eight

dragon from the graveyard by tributing this monster and the token!" Guardian of Felgrand and the token burst into a stream of light. Yuna's smiled and raised her

hand as if responding to her call. The light swirled around her body before shooting into the


Yuna's heart thrashed against her ribs, and a golden aura washed over her. She closed her eyes

and began to speak:

"With our tributes to the heavens!

I call upon the guardian that protects this land!

With your golden radiance and unyielding will!

Rescue us from this sad fate!

Please heed my words and show yourself!



The huge golden dragon revealed its presence, generating a massive shockwave. Pegasus

gasped in shock as Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand hovered behind Yuna. Pegasus cursed as he sweated nervously: "I won't let you!" He shouted and slammed his hand

against the table: "I will use my trap card, Bottom Less Trap Hole to destroy Divine Dragon

Lord Felgrand

"With this, you're done for!" He cackled.

A similar hole opened beneath Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand but this time it was much darker

and more menacing. A goblin creature leapt out of the hole and grabbed Divine Dragon Lord

Felgrand's ankles as it grinned snobbishly.

However, the dragon snorted and kicked the goblin back into the hole as the cavity closes up, leaving Pegasus bewildered.

"Why didn't it work why?!" He screamed: "It should've destroyed your monster and win me

the game!"

"I use the effect of Return of the Dragon Lord in my graveyard! If one of my dragon monsters

would be destroyed by effect or battle! I can banish this card instead!!" Yuna yelled, leaving

Pegasus speechless.

"Now, I use Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand's effect. I banish Starving Venom Fusion Dragon

from the field and gain attack and defence equal to its level!"

[Thouand-Eyes Restrict: 4300 -> 1500 Attack, 3200 -> 1200 Defence] [Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 -> 3600 Attack, 2800 -> 3600 Defence] "Now I set a card and end my turn!" Yuna declared: "On your next turn, this duel will officially

be over!"

Pegasus gulped, and realisation set in. He could tell what that set card was even without the Millenium Eye. As he grimly drew a card, Yuna's expression finally transformed into a smile: "During the Stand-By Phase, I activate Battle Mania, and your Thousand-Eyes Restrict must attack this turn!"

Pegasus's expression collapsed, and his arms drooped to the floor. The Thousand-Eyes Restrict behind him charged fearlessly, but unexpectedly, the results were already set in


One thousand five hundred Attack vs three thousand and six hundred Attack...

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand opened its jaw as energy gathered in its mouth. At this moment,

Pegasus stared at Yuna in a daze. Her beautiful appearance stood out under Divine Dragon

Lord Felgrand's radiance as her hair flew wildly by the unknown wind. For a brief moment, her pupils transformed into a golden colour that didn't escape Pegasus's



Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand roared and unleashed the bright orange beam. The laser pierced Thousand-Eyes Restrict and travelled towards Pegasus. The man spread his arms and let go of

his cards.

"Yuna Sano... As of today, I acknowledge you as the one who defeated me..." Pegasus muttered in acceptance...


[Pegasus: 1400 LP -> 0 LP]

[1] In the anime, Thousand-Eye Restrict's text said that it would absorb monsters instead of turning them into equipped spells. Also, there was also the effect that if the absorbed monster

was destroyed, the original user would suffer the damage. Thus it meant that it's not an Equip


I hope you enjoy!

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