YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 34: Rescuer Yuna Needed Some Rescuing

Chapter 34: Rescuer Yuna Needed Some Rescuing

Bonus chapter since I promised that I would finish Rebecca part two last week but didn't so.....

A day later...

[Yuna POV]


The thunderstorm outside roared fiercely as the harsh rain struck against the windows, creating a rhythmic tapping sound. Outside, the sky was dark, with no signs of life without traffic or pedestrians.

I closed the curtains and sighed with boredom. Due to the heavy rain, there wasn't much to do, and I lay on my couch while staring at the white ceiling.

Absentmindedly, I muttered: "System..." The magical blue screen responded to my call, displaying the list of pieces of information.

[Name: Yuna Sano]

[Title: King of Games/Duel King]

[Credits: 8600]




I stared at the credits while drooling. Finally, I have enough to get an ultra-rare card! However, now, it all comes down to what I should buy. Well, it should first obviously be a monster, right? In this era, some traps and spell cards were already absurdly powerful and compared to having a single ultra-rare spell or an ultra-rare monster, it's evident that the latter was better.

Ultimately, I bought some common and rare cards I can't usually get and called it a day. It's probably best if I save up for now, never know that I might need a card to save my life. *Knock Knock Knock*

I frowned when someone knocked on my door. I peeped through the peek hole but couldn't see anyone. I hope it's not a ghost. I opened the door with a deep breath, and my eyes widened when I looked down.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"M.. Mokuba?" I uttered in shock, seeing his drenched appearance.

"Big Sister!" He cried: "I need your help!"

[3rd POV]

Earlier, in Kaiba Corps...

"Brother, I'm unsure if this is a good idea!" Mokuba said with concern.

"You don't have to worry about it, Mokuba," Seto assured with confidence: "I have designed each and every program of this game myself."

"But still...." Mokuba muttered.

Together they went down the elevator leading to the underground levels of Kaiba Corps. Through a set of hallways, the two entered a large room full of monitor screens and wires. A mechanical chair built into a pod was in the centre of the room.

As Seto approached the pod, Mokuba ran before him and spread his arms: "Before you do this, shouldn't you at least fire the Big Fives first?! Who knows what they have done while you're away!"

Seto snorted: "The Big Fives were nothing. I can deal with them later. This comes first."

Mokuba reluctantly gave in and moved away as Seto settled inside the pod. Mokuba went to the control panel and sighed. He couldn't help but feel that whatever happened next would go horribly wrong.

As Mokuba switched on the device, he stared at Seto through the pod's glass with anxiety. Seto glimpsed at him: "I will return shortly."

"~Mind Link Initiated~"

An artificial voice spoke through the speaker as all the lights on the Pods lit up. Mokuba turned to the screens and confirmed that his brother had successfully entered the game. Suddenly, the monitors distorted, and Seto's shout entered the coms.

"Brother?!" Mokuba yelled in panic.

He ran to the game pod and forcibly opened the hatch by typing the code on the side. Mokuba shook Seto's shoulder, but he remained unconscious.


The door to the room shut automatically as the image on the computers changed. Five of the screens showcased five separate men, and Mokuba scowled.

"What have you done to my brother?!" Mokuba hissed at the Big Fives.

One of the Big Five members smirked: "Seto Kaiba always thinks that he's invincible, but it's quite the opposite."

"We have trapped your brother in his own game, and now, if you simply surrender yourself or else things may get messy."

Mokuba heard multiple footsteps approaching the door. He swiftly turned off the monitors and took his brother's deck. Using a desk as leverage, Mokuba escaped through the air vents and eventually ended up in Yuna's home.

[Yuna's POV]

Present time...

I sat beside Mokuba as he sniffled in tears while recounting what happened. There was a blanket wrapped around his body to keep him warm and in his hand was a cup of hot choclate. He had been in the rain for a long time, and when I first saw him, his lips had become a little

blue from the cold.

"Wh... what now?" I asked.

"We have to go save big brother!" Mokuba uttered and grasped my hand: "Please help me, big sister! You're the only one I can depend on!"

So I'm getting involved in the Legendary Hero arcs now... What about Yugi and his friends? Will they be joining too?

When I asked about this, Mokuba merely tilted his head: "Yugi? What about him? Big Sister is all I need!"

With this much expectation placed on me, I couldn't help but feel a slight amount of pressure. However, since Mokuba's the one asking, I will definitely agree. When I gave him my answer, his face lit up with joy and he stood up eagerly as the blanket fell to the ground. "Alright! We will go tonight! Let's go save Seto!!!" He cheered, and I was caught up with his enthusiasm.

For the next few hours, we prepared for our infiltration. Mokuba borrowed my phone and made various calls. He explained to me that despite Big Five's takeover, there were still people loyal to his brother in the company, and they would assist us.

I was pretty surprised as it was never talked about during the show. But now that I think about

it, that time, Yugi and his group sneaked into Kaiba Corps way too easily, so they must have had some help behind the scenes.

With our preparations complete, we waited until midnight to begin our operation. The rain has died down, so it made everything easier. Mokuba and I stealthily ran down the quiet streets before finally reaching the Kaiba Corps building.

With instructions given by the employees, we entered through the back door and used the staff elevator to go down to the basement levels. Mokuba led me into a large room, and he flicked on the light switch, illuminating the area.

"Thankfully, we still have spare rooms with those Game Pods, and it should be safe to use them," Mokuba said as he checked the status on the computers.

I approached the end of the room where two Virtual Game Pods sat. The seat was made from soft black leather that was comfortable to the touch. Around the seat were many mechanical

machineries that were flickering on and off.

"So, are we ready to go?" Mokuba asked.

I frowned and stared at his innocent appearance: "Stay..."

"What?!" He exclaimed: "No, I'm coming with you to save Seto!"

I shook my head and pointed at the computers: "Too dangerous. Also, help... from... here."

Mokuba pouted but relented when I glared at him sternly. He sighed, dragged his depressed self over to the table, and began typing into the console. I opened the game pod as the glass cover lifted, creating a cool futuristic sound.

"Big sister, please set your deck on the spot below your right armrest," Mokuba instructed.

I did as I was told, and the machine made a beeping noise, indicating the successful scan of

my deck.

"Unfortunately, the Big Fives have prevented anyone from joining the game or changing its code." He explained: "However, Seto have made a DLC that was already operational inside the game but just haven't been published."

Mokuba: "By activating the DLC, the game will be forced to update automatically and

through that window I can get you inside. Also, instead of starting as yourself, you will actually be taking control of a character that was already made so it would gave us some time before the Big Fives detected that another player has joined."

So in a sense, it will be a transmigration? But I also have transmigrated from the modern world, so... Trainsmigration squared?

"Please close your eyes, and you will be in the game when you wake up." As the Game Pod came to life, Mokuba said, "There is a big time difference. One minute in the real world means

one hour has passed in the virtual world."

"Good luck, and come back safely." He said and pressed the large red button on the desk.

As the sound of the machine became increasingly louder, I closed my eyes and felt a pulling sensation. The best way to describe the feeling was similar to when you're in a plane while it's

taking off.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves as the feeling increased in intensity. Don't worry, Kaiba. I'm coming to save you again! I wonder, what character I will possess.

[Sometime Later...]

I groaned and opened my eyes. The first thing I felt was the soft fabric of a bed enveloping my

body. I groggily sat up and found myself in a room. The walls were made of limestones with a window on the side, shining the sunlight into the room.

There weren't many things except a wardrobe, a desk and a mirror. I checked my body and can

safely confirm that it was still one of a woman, and it seemed to be the same age as me in the

real world.

Luckily, I seemed to be wearing a gown, so I'm not just naked. Suddenly, a bell rang in my

head, and I immediately opened the system.

[Task #5

Rescue Kaiba in the Legendary Heroes!

Reward: 5000 Credits]

I wasn't surprised by the task and switched it off as the mission was already imprinted in my

brain. However, another panel appeared, this time in a different colour.

[Welcome to the Legendary Heroes!

In this game, you will use your power of Duel Monsters to save this world! However, you must

learn how to play the game before you start!

1. Each player will be given a duelling gauntlet with the deck they have placed in the Game

Pod. The duelling gauntlet will also display your life points; you will lose the game if you run


2. Every time a battle starts, you may draw five cards. To use a card, raise the card you want to use in the air and shout its name. Spell and Monsters cards will be activated instantly, while Traps will take some time for their effect to activate.

3. You can summon as many monsters as possible, but remember that when a battle ends. All cards used will be discarded forever unless you have spells to bring them back.

4. To summon stronger monsters, you must tribute monsters currently summoned unless


5. When a battle reaches its conclusion, all the unused cards will be placed at the bottom of

the deck, and the defeated monsters will drop rewards that may be useful in your adventure.

6. Good Luck]

I gulped and read the bundle of information presented to me. The screen vanished, and I

couldn't bring them back, no matter how many times I tried. I assume that must be the interface implemented inside the game instead of my system, as it acted differently. Before I could investigate further, I heard a knock on the door.

"Young Miss, may I come in?" A feminine voice asked through the door.

"A... Ah... yes," I yelped, and the door opened.

A young girl dressed in a maid outfit entered. Upon seeing me, she smiled brightly: "I'm

really happy Young Miss is already awake. She must be excited as today's her big day!"

She brought me to the mirror and sat me on a chair. With a smooth motion, the maid combed my long hair as I observed myself through the mirror. In the game, I looked similar to my real-world appearance, but the main difference was my silky white hair, contrary to its ocean

blue colour.

"I really envy Young Miss's beautiful hair." The maid muttered: "This really shows that Young Miss was the child blessed by our God."

I stayed silent and tried to analyse the information. What was this god she was referring to?

After combining my hair, the maid reached for the make-up cosmetics on the desk, and I

stopped her.

"Is there something wrong, Young Miss?" The maid said and tilted her head.

"Why?" I asked and pointed at items in her hand.

"Well, I have to make Young Miss as gorgeous as ever! There's going to be thousands of

people coming to see you today!"

Hold up, pause. What the heck did you say?

"Huh, don't tell me you forgot!" The maid gasped: "Today's your debut as the new priestess

of the Blue Eyes!"


Blue Eyes?

Mokuba, where did you send me?!!

"Come on, now raise your arms." The maid urged, and I couldn't even argue as she helped me

change into a new outfit.

Atleast ten minutes has passed until the maid have finished. Staring at my changed appearance, she squealed excitedly: "Kyaaa, you're so beautiful!"

I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, and I naturally thought the same. My lips were carefully

applied with light red lipstick, and blush was applied to my cheeks. There were also Eye-

shadows near my eyelids, showcasing my blue pupils. My hair was kept natural except for three thin braids that hung closely from my sides and back.

My outfit also wasn't something to scoff at either. I wore a comfortable dress, and there were

blue coloured engravings on the clothes. As I continued to gawk at my appearance, the maid

gently led me out of the room...

A few minutes of walking later...

We travelled through a set of limestone hallways, passing by countless guards armed with

swords. I realised that we're currently set in a temple as the maid continuously preached about things like God and priests.

However, what scared me the most was what do any of those things have to do with me? I'm

too embarrassed to ask her and I helplessly followed while crawling deeper into the rabbit hole I dug.

"Young Miss," She called out amidst my stupor: "Are you certain you will be wearing that?"

She worriedly pointed at the duel disk on my wrist. Before I was dragged out of the room, I managed to grab the duel disk, which was sitting on a table in the corner. Contrary to the duel disk I'm familiar with, this design was smaller and there were no slots

where I can place my cards. Instead, it was only a circular disk where there was a small screen

currently displaying my life points and below was my deck attached firmly so it won't fall off if I make sudden movements.

"I'm not sure where you got such ornament but it may look odd with your appearance." The

maid said.

I shook my head in denial and she kept her mouth shut. I'm sorry to be a burden, but right

now, you never know what events will occur and I don't want to find out what happens when I die in this game.

When we arrived, what greeted me first was a massive hall, there weren't any walls and the ceiling was supported by humongous marble pillars on both sides. The bright sun shines through the gaps in the pillars creating an ethereal feeling.

In the centre of the room was a statue of a dragon. Even with its stony appearance, I can

instantly discern its identity, affirming my suspicion. Of course, it has to be the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, why do I even bother? If it's Kaiba and he made DLC for a game, wouldn't it be obvious to be Blue Eyes White Dragon themed?

When I stopped focusing on the designs of the room, I froze and noticed a horrifying sight. There were possibly hundreds no thousands of people gathered together, all dressed in fantasy from civilian outfits to clothes for rich people and all of them were staring at me... I was led to an elevated platform at the front of the room. I moved stiffly and felt all the

pupils honing in on me like a hawk. On the platform was a lectern table where a book was


I approached the lectern table and stared at the pages full of scriptures: "The priestess will

now give her sermon!" A guard shouted with a booming voice. Instinctively, everyone kneeled in silence as they gazed at me from the corner of their eyes. Their stares were full of expectations and I felt the butterfly in my stomach going wild. My

mind was blank and my heart thrashed with fear.





I screamed in my head while keeping an emotionless face.

I hope you enjoy it!

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