YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 49: Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game

Chapter 49: Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game

Hi, this chapter is actually longer than I expected, like long enough to be a once-per-week chapter. however, I still decided to post this was because I have an exam on next Monday morning and will be damned if I have to stay up and edit a chapter.

So expect the next chapter to possibly be late or not released in the first place.

[Yuna's POV]

Next Day...

I woke up early in the morning. My body still felt a little stiff, probably due to being in a different bed than I'm used to. Other than that, I also had a weird dream. I dreamt about being in a dark, gloomy space, and I fought against someone in an old duelling arena.

I can't really recall what happened in the duel, but it's probably nothing...

Sighing, I combed my hair and changed into fresh clothes. Exiting my room, I decided to wander around to kill time as everyone else was still asleep. Unknowingly, after walking for ten minutes, I stumbled upon the control room of the airship.

Understanding that this was probably a place I shouldn't be, I tried to leave but was suddenly stopped by Mokuba's eager voice through the speakers: "Big Sister, good morning; feel free to come in."

The door opened, and I hesitantly entered. Inside were a dozen men in suits, operating on keyboards and monitors that I couldn't possibly comprehend. Overlooking the men was Kaiba as he stared at the large screen in the centre of the room.

"Big sister!" Mokuba called excitedly as he spun around in his seat.

Smiling, I patted his head, and his nose twitched with pride, saying that this was something he could brag to Serenity later. A chuckle escaped my lips, and I subconsciously glanced at Kaiba, who was gazing at me with a raised brow.

However, he chose to remain silent and continue observing the screen that was displaying the path ahead.

"M... Morning..." I mumbled.

To my surprise, instead of ignoring me, Kaiba nodded in greeting. Although he didn't say good morning back, this was already a pretty significant development. Following Kaiba, I turned my attention to the large display, and we watched as it showed the real-life video of the sun rising, and the water's surface perfectly reflected the image of the bright red star.

As we flew further, I began to spot a tall, dark structure in the middle of the ocean. It was a massive monolith made of steel with a dark black colour, casting a shadow through the sun. "That place was where Kaiba Corps was born." Kaiba said, sensing my curiosity: "It was built from the ruins of my stepfather's empire, and it symbolises the triumph of the new over the old. That place will be where the finals of Batte City will be held."

I watched with bated breath as the airship flew closer and closer. Knowing their background, I understood how significant that place was for the two brothers, and I was excited to be able to set foot on this sacred ground.

Suddenly, the airship groaned as the transport did a sharp left turn, throwing us off the course. Being caught off guard, we were hurled to the side of the wall with great force. Sliding across the floor, my back struck the wall, and I winced, imagining the bruise I would get later.

Opening one of my eyes, I spotted Mokuba spiralling towards me, and I managed to catch him from the fall. However, in doing so, we were sent crashing against one of the windows. "Sano!" Kaiba shouted my name.

He reached out his hand, and I instinctively took it. With insane strength, he managed to pull me and Mokuba to him moments before several heavy objects crashed into where we were.

"Tell me what's happening, damn it!" Kaiba shouted at his subordinates, and they hurriedly examined the systems of the ship.

"Seto, look!" Mokuba gasped and pointed at the window beside us.

In unison, everyone turned their heads and witnessed a humongous building emerging from the waves. It was like an underwater fortress, and its intimidating appearance sent slight shivers down my spine.

As we stared in awe, the central screen flickered brightly, replacing the image of Kaiba Corps Island. There appeared an image of a young boy with teal-coloured hair, blue eyes and sharp features. He was dressed in a white long-sleeve jacket that gave him a professional look.

"If it isn't Seto Kaiba." The boy smirked.

"Identify yourself!" Kaiba snarled.

"Still as demanding as always?" The boy laughed: "You and I gone a long way back." Kaiba clenched the handrails, his knuckles turning white: "Someone shut this thing off!" "I'm sorry, sir," One of the employees apologised: "Our mainframe has been breached." "That's impossible!" Mokuba yelped: "Kaibacorp's security system is top-notch. There's no way it can be hacked!"

"But unfortunately, it can." The boy taunted: "And I'm sorry to say that I'm putting a stop to your card games."

The airship churned once more, and it began flying towards the sea fortress. Kaiba angrily ordered the men to take back control, but nothing they did worked. Eventually, the airship reached the fortress, and the structure opened up, revealing an internal hanger.


The rough landing made us stumble on our steps. The computer screen flickered, and the boy returned: "Welcome to my humble abode. Now, as your host, I insist on leaving this airship."

Kaiba: "And what if we don't?"

Suddenly, the hatch doors on the hanger walls opened simultaneously, revealing dozens of turrets. In unison, the barrels of the weapons aimed at us as the red lasers on the tips of the guns pointed at our heads.

As if right on time, Yugi and his friends burst in, attracted by the commotion. However, they instantly froze when they came face to face with the automatic weapons.

"If you don't, I naturally don't explain what will happen, right?" The boy warned. With no choice, we stepped out of the airship with the guns still trained on us.

"Good. Please enter the door to the right." He instructed as the automatic door unlocked with

a hiss.

"Sir, what should we do?" Roland asked with a solemn gaze.

"The rest of you wait here," Kaiba declared: "I will go alone and put an end to this farce."


As soon as he took a step, one of the guns fired, inciting the screams of several people. The bullet struck the floor before Kaiba, stopping him in his tracks.

"I didn't say just you, did I?" The boy uttered in an antagonizing tone: "Your subordinates can stay, but the other people will be coming with you."

Kaiba scowled, and I could hear the sound of his teeth grinding together: "Fine... Let's go."

"Please wait," A voice interrupted Kaiba: "Mind if we join you?"

We all simultaneously turned around and were surprised to see Ishizu and Odion standing on top of the ramp. Calmly, the two tombkeepers stopped before Kaiba and stared into his eyes: "I hope there won't be any problems?"

"....Stop with your jokes..." Kaiba spat: "Do you really think I can trust you?"

"You don't have to," Ishizu shook her head: "We were merely stating our intentions."

"Don't make me repeat myself." Kaiba warned menacingly: "Go.... Back..."

The atmosphere was getting increasingly tense as the two sides refused to back down. I

sighed and finally decided to step in.

"Let them..." I said in the silence.

Kaiba turned to me in shock: "What..."

"It's.. fine.." I insisted, and his face contorted into various emotions ranging from anger and annoyance. I also detected a tiny hint of betrayal...

"Suit yourself..." Kaiba growled and walked away as the rest of us were inclined to follow.

Walking through the dark corridor, I stared at Kaiba's broad back as he marched in front of the group. I wanted to ask what happened earlier, but it's best if I wait for now, as he's clearly

pissed off.

I glimpsed at Ishizu beside me: "Why?" I couldn't help but voice out.

"Miss Sano agreed to assist the Ishtar family." Ishizu smiled: "It's natural for us to help as


I nodded with relief. After the duel between Marik and Joey, I was worried whether some things would change in the Virtual World arc. I assume that it should be fine with me to replace Joey. However, if Ishizu and Odion agreed to help, things would be much easier. Eventually, we arrived at a dark and empty room. There was silence except for the sound of our breathing. The light flickered to life, and the sudden change of brightness momentarily

blinded my eyes.

When my vision cleared, standing before us were five men dressed in business attire. Mokuba and Kaiba's eyes widened upon realising their identities.

"It's the Big Fives!" Mokuba exclaimed: "What are they doing here!"

The members of the Big Five smiled. Stepping forward, the leader of the Big Fives, Gansely, smirked: "Looks like we meet again, Seto Kaiba... And Yuna Sano...."

His creepy grin made me shiver, and I subconsciously hugged my body. However, before I could return my glare, Kaiba stepped forward and blocked my view. Hey, I want to see too!

But much to my displeasure, Kaiba ignored me and continued to stare at the Big Fives: "I thought I had dealt with you scums, yet you cockroaches seemed to be still clinging to life." "Yes," Gansely growled: "Although our physical bodies have been lost, in our last encounter, our minds were transported into the virtual world, and now we have returned to exact our


Kaiba smirked: "So you're going to kill us?"

"Quite the contrary," Gansely retorted: "Instead, we want you to suffer the same fate as us! Once we're done, you will become merely a senseless data trapped in this virtual world while

we will take control of your bodies!"

Ha ha ha... No, thank you... I don't want any smelly old man controlling my body!

It was obvious that everyone shared the same sentiment as me, and they glared at the Big

Fives with anger.

"I like to see you try," Seto snarled.

"Indeed we shall," Gansely clapped his head.

The lights in the room brightened, revealing the rows of machinery mounted on the walls.

Responding to Gansely's clap, the devices came to life, generating a loud noise as they

powered on. "Let's see if you can survive what comes after next," The Big Fives laughed.

Suddenly, a wave of dizziness struck me. My knees buckled, and I glanced at the rest of our

group. Similar to me, their complexion was pale, and they were clutching their head in pain.

So it begins, Virtual World arc. Damn, when I wake up, hopefully, I'm with someone, I

thought before embracing the dizziness, and everything went dark.

Some Unkown Time Later...

Gradually, my consciousness returned, and I opened my eyes. My head was still a mess, but it

was much better than before. Taking deep breaths, I was able to relax thoroughly, and I

looked around to grasp my surroundings.

I seemed to be resting on a chair, and the walls resembled an office. In front of me was a wide wooden desk, and I noticed that there seemed to be a man sitting on the opposite of the

furniture. Slowly, I raised my head and took in his appearance.

The red business suit, white shirt and black tie...

His fair-coloured skin, grey hair and moustache...

The atmosphere of a calm but deceitful man...

"Good morning, girl," The man opened his mouth, and a deep voice left his throat: "You may

be wondering who I am. Then let me indulge you. My name is Gozaburo Kaiba, the former CEO

of Kaiba Corps, also Seto and Mokuba's adoptive father." F*ck.... I cursed while showing a composed expression. The Virtual World arc has only just started, and I'm already sitting before the final boss!

In the office, Gozaburo and I stared at each other in silence. I can feel his scrutinising gaze, his

pupils scanning me from up and down.

Gozaburo hummed as his finger tapped against the wooden desk, creating a rhythmic sound:

"Do you know why I summoned you here?" His sudden question made me jolt, and I

awkwardly shook my head.

"Well, usually I wouldn't pay attention to a girl like you, but the way you acted around my

"sons" caught my attention." Gozaburo explained: "Also, I heard that you're the one that contributed to my subordinates' exile."

Ah... haha, I averted my gaze. Was it too late to apologise now?

"So, I did some digging," Several documents manifested in Gozaburo's hand, and he slid it

across the table for me to see.

"Yuna Sano, born from a family with no backgrounds."

"Above average academic skills and no other noteworthy expertise."

"General, a run-of-the-mill person from the streets."

Each word felt like a sharp knife stabbing into my guts, and Gozaburo chuckled lightheartedly: "You're really nothing special. The only thing that makes you stand out is the

ability to play a card game..."

"Yet," his voice turned cold: "How you still manage to get close to them is beyond me."

"But, knowing those failures, it's no wonder that you wormed your way into their inner circle." Gozaburo scoffed: "It was a mistake to bring those two in. My weapon industry was transformed into something that makes games! I should have left them in the orphanage



I angrily smacked the table. Hearing them being insulted like this generated an indescribable rage within me, and my body moved on instinct.

"Apologise," I scowled, inciting his laughter.

"Oh, I will do no such thing," Gozaburo smirked: "Instead, how about we play a game?"

Beside Gozaburo appeared a stack of Duel Monster Cards. Shuffling the cards, he smiled:

"Despite what I said, I can't find this game to be a little interesting, so would you want to have a wager?"

Under my suspicious gaze, Gozaburo stood up and walked around the desk: "W... Why..." Gozaburo shrugged, and a duel disk magically appeared on his wrist. Sliding his deck into the device: "How about if you win, you will earn your freedom. But if you lose? It's best if you

don't know."


Fine, I sat up from my seat; I will make sure you take back what you said earlier! I readied duel disk, but soon, realisation dawned upon me: I'm not wearing one! Remembering that I was in a virtual world, I began to panic.

"Heh," Gozaburo glanced at me with amusement. He swiped his arm, and suddenly, a duel

disk manifested on my wrist: "For your deck, I will allow you to use any cards that you know. But Egyptian God Cards are obviously forbidden."

I froze upon hearing his declaration, and I tilted my head in a daze.

"What do you have a problem with that?" Gozaburo smirked.

No, it's just... I glimpsed at the system screen that randomly appeared.

[Task #8: Are You Sure About That?]

[Make Gozaburo Kaiba regret his words]

[Reward: 5000 Credits]

[Special Condition: All Cards in the Shop will be temporarily unlocked.]

[3rd POV] Gozaburo smiled as Yuna stared into space. Despite being known as the Duel King, he heavily doubted whether Yuna could best him in a game of strategy. 'Trapped in this world, I have studied this card game and created, in my opinion, the best deck

that can ever exist. Duel King or not, the outcome is already set in stone,' Gozaburo thought

quietly. However, Yuna quickly snapped out of her daze and asked worriedly: "You... sure?" Gozaburo frowned: "What is that supposed to mean? Of course, I'm sure!" "Promise?"

"Are you taking me for a liar?! I, Gozaburo Kaiba, will never go back on his words!"

Unconvinced, Yuna went to the table and grabbed a pen. After scribbling on a piece of paper, she handed it to Gozaburo: "Contract..."


Suddenly, he didn't understand why; Gozaburo began to feel slightly nervous. Unfortunately, what was said had already been said, so he cautiously signed on the piece of paper. Making sure that it really was his signature, Yuna nodded to herself before choosing her deck.

Soon, a stack of cards appeared in her hand, and she inserted it into the duel disk.

"Alright," Gozaburo regained his composure: "Let's begin!"

[Gozaburo Kaiba: 4000 LP]

[Yuna Sano: 4000 LP]

[Warning: The following content may be triggering, insulting, and possibly traumatising for

the Yugioh players out there, You have been warned.]

"I will go first," Gozaburo declared as he drew five cards from his deck. Glancing at his hand,

his smile widened: "First, I will activate Painful Choice. I can choose five cards from my deck, and you will have to pick one while I discard the rest into my graveyard."

Gozaburo approached Yuna with a smirk, presenting the five options to her:

Exodia the Forbidden One

Right Arm of the Forbidden Onen/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Left Arm of the Forbidden One

Right Leg of the Forbidden One

Left Leg of the Forbidden One

Yuna gazed at the cards silently and picked out the Right Leg of the Forbidden One. Gozaburo

took the card into his hand and moved back to his side of the field.

"Next, I will activate Graceful Charity to draw three cards from the deck, and then I must discard two cards."

Drawing another three cards, Gozaburo then slid two cards into his duel disk. When everything was ready, Gozaburo's laughter filled the room: "To think luck shines down upon

me today, my preparations are completed, and this duel will end swiftly!"

"I activated my Contract with Exodia!"

The floor seemed to shake as a colossal statue of the head of the Exodia rose from the ground.

The eyes on the statue light up, and the stone structure opens its mouth, unleashing a

yellowish breath. "When there are all of the pieces of Exodia in the graveyard, I will be able to play this card!" Gozabura explained: "Using two thousand of my life points as a sacrifice, I will be able to summon a monster stronger than a God! I call upon you, Exodia Necross!"

Instantly, the eyes on the statue transformed into pure darkness, and the yellowish breath

became murky like mud.


An arm burst out of the disgusting substance as a peal of coarse and deep laughter entered

everyone's ears. Yuna took a step back as the oppressive energy intensified to a dangerous


With its mere presence, the walls surrounding Yuna and Gozaburo were blown away. With enough space, the monster fully revealed its proper form. With a height as tall as Obelisk the

Tormentor and its skin as black as the night sky. The Monster that resembled Exodia stood up fully and released a chilling roar. [Exodia Necross: 1800 Attack, o Defence]

"Although it may seem weak, Exodia Necross has a unique effect in that it would gain an ability for every Exodia piece in the graveyard. Exodia the Forbidden One: This card cannot be destroyed by battle.

Right Arm of the Forbidden One: Whenever this card battles an opponent's monster, it gains

1000 ATK at the end of the Damage Step.

Left Arm of the Forbidden One: This card cannot be destroyed by the effects of other


Right Leg of the Forbidden One: This card cannot be destroyed by Trap Cards.

Left Leg of the Forbidden One: This card cannot be destroyed by Spell Cards."

Gozaburo spread his arms with a face full of confidence: "With these effects, there's no way for you to defeat Exodia Necross! It's a being superior to the Egyptian Gods!"

"So it will be your turn." Gozaburo said in a mocking tone: "How will the "best" Duel

Monster player get out of this one?" Yuna didn't respond but gazed at Gozaburo silently. The man sneered as he thought that his

opponent was freezing in fear at the power of his Exodia Necross. However, he couldn't be more wrong...

"Ah... I seemed to have a bad hand..." Yuna muttered disappointingly and uttered possibly one of the most cursed things you can say in a duel: "I will just set five cards face down and my


Gozaburo: "....You called that a bad hand..." "Yes," Yuna nodded honestly.

Gozaburo stared at the five placed cards, and all of a sudden, he felt a slight chill: "I will


"Hold on," Yuna stopped him: "I will first activate Gozen Match; we can only have one attribute of monsters, and if we own any other monsters with a separate attribute, we send

the monsters to the graveyard."

"Then, I activate Rivalry of the Warlords; we can only control one monster type, and if we own

any other monsters with a separate type, we send the monsters to the graveyard."

"Are you done?" Gozaburo asked, but to his horror, Yuna shook her head." "I will also activate Summon Limit. We will only be able to summon two monsters per turn,

and then I also play Skill Drain. By paying one thousand life points, we can no longer activate

monster effects."

[Yuna Sano: 4000 LP -> 3000 LP]

"Is that all..." He muttered gravely, and Yuna finally nodded. Gozaburo pinched the bridge of his nose as he felt a migraine developing in his head: 'Don't worry, there's nothing to worry about; I still have Exodia Necross, so everything should be fine. Despite the Skill Drain, its effect has already been activated, so it doesn't matter."

"Now, Exodia Necross, attack!"

The monster roared and unleashed a devasting laser. Struck by the laser, Yuna gritted her

teeth and endured the damage, unbothered by the sharp drop of her life points.

[Yuna Sano: 3000 LP -> 1200 LP]

"Unfortunately, Exodia Necross didn't battle a monster, so it can't gain one thousand attacks." Gozaburo explained: "It's your turn." 'There's nothing to worry about, just one more hit and I will win. The earlier move may have scared me a little bit but its only empty threats!' Gozaburo eventually regained his composure and boasted: "Fool, are you aware that your trap cards affect you too?! You have just shot

yourself in the foot; good luck destroy...."

"I will special summon Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju, from my hand. Its effect allows me to

tribute one of your monsters and special summon this card onto your side of the field."

Gozaburo: "Come again?"

Exodia Necross suddenly burst into millions of pieces and was replaced by a giant turtle

monster that seemed to be taunting him. [Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju: 2200 Attack, 3000 Defence]

"Ha.... There's nothing to worry about! The monster you gave me is still powerful! How

should you defeat it?!"

"Um, I will play my last trap card, Eldlixir of Scarlet Sanguine. This card allows me to special

summon my boss monster, Eldlich the Golden Lord, from my deck."


The ground in front of Yuna trembled, and a tall figure donning golden armour emerged.

Flaunting the purple cape on its back, Eldlich the Golden Lord crossed its arms and stood with

an imposing atmosphere.

[Eldlich the Golden Lord: 2500 Attack, 2800 Defence] "Now, Eldlich the Golden Lord, attack, please," Yuna ordered as the monster charged,

destroying the sea turtle with one punch. [Gozaburo Kaiba: 2000 LP -> 1700 LP]

"Ah... Ah..." Words refused to leave his mouth as Gozaburo wanted to tear his hair off out of

frustration. What the hell was this?! This was pure evil! That woman was definitely a demon! He drew a card, and his expression somewhat brightened: "I will play Special Hurricane! I can

discard one card and destroy every special summoned monster on the field!" Gozaburo hurriedly dumped one card into the graveyard, and he watched with delight as Eldlich, The Golden Lord, got smitten by lightning and perished. "I will end my turn here," Gozaburo said with determination. He was safe for now. As long as

he gets a monster on the field before her, he can win! "Oh no... My Eldlich, the Golden Lord," Yuna mumbled: "Anyways..." "I activate Eldlich the Golden Lord's effect in the graveyard, and I will destroy my Skill Drain.

Then I can add Eldlich the Golden Lord back into my hand and special summon a zombie

monster from my hand. I choose the Eldlich, the Golden Lord." [Eldlich the Golden Lord: 2500 Attack, 2800 Defence]

Immediately, all the hope drained from Gozaburo's face, and he collapsed onto his knees. As

if the wound wasn't deep enough, Yuna then grabbed the metaphorical knife in his stomach

and began twisting it.

"Then Eldlich the Golden Lord's second effect allows it to gain one thousand attacks."

[Eldlich the Golden Lord: 2500 -> 3500 Attack, 2800 Defence]

"Now attack."

Gozaburo: "Oh for fuc...."


[Gozaburo Kaiba: 1700 LP -> 0 LP]

I hope you enjoy this one.

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