Yuri Empire

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

This ismore like jewelry than money.

Sofia said as she looked at the eleven coins lined up in order of face value.

The Beth currently in circulation, whether silver or gold, is not particularly eye-catching.

In the first place, the silver and gold content itself cannot be said to be very high. The surface of the coin has only a modest pattern on it.

On the other hand, thegitacoins presented by Yuri, both the silver and gold coins, all shine with dazzling brilliance, like jewelry that has just been polished.

In addition, platinum coins are probably not in circulation in this world. No country would have the facilities to process platinum.

In fact, if you made a pendant out of this instead of a gemstone, it would be a noble enough ornament, wouldnt it?

Yes, I think it would sell just fine. Id like to sell it in my business.

Furthermore, both Aurence and Ados also praised it with open arms.

If they said so, then it must be true.

As the owner of a brothel, Aurence eye is discerning enough, and as the owner of an art dealership, Ados eye for connoisseurship goes without saying.

However, Yuri would be troubled if they found too high a value in something that she was planning to put into general circulation as mere currency.

Before I go any further, let me tell you that this coin was not minted. Well, it would not be wrong to say that they are manufactured by my ability.

By the masters ability?

Yes. Although this coin clearly appears to be made of precious metals such as silver, gold, and platinum. I can produce an infinite number of these coins without consuming any materials. I can tell you that the production cost is completely zero.

These are from the demons that Yuri used as beasts in the gameAtros Online. If Yuri summons them to this world, kills them, and then uses the <Dismantle> skill on their corpses, Yuri can obtain this magic money along with various materials.

So every time one of the beasts that Yuri has placed in the labyrinth of Ulysses is defeated by an explorer, Yuri can obtaingita.

In other words, the explanation that this coin is manufactured by Yuris ability is not a lie.

Hmm If thats the case, does that mean that Your Majesty Yuri can originally create precious metals like silver, gold, and platinum at will, in any quantity?

No. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

Yuri shook her head at Artorius words.

As strange as it may soundthe only thing I can produce with my abilities is the finished coin, and I cant make it any other way.

Also, this magic coin has the property of beingabsolutely indestructiblebuilt into it from the start. It can be thrown into a hot furnace and never melt, speared or hammered and never damaged or deformed, and handled by many hands and never stained. This is a very useful characteristic for money.

However, it also makes it impossible to reuse as a resource

I see If its impossible to melt it down, then so be it.

So, while I can create these 11 types of money at will, they have no resource value.

Also, when I said my ability is producing this, I meant it more like my ability needs to keep producing this. I already have quite a few of these coins in my possession. So if its available, I have a strong desire to make good use of it as a nation.

As long as the Labyrinth is in operation,gitamoney will always be produced.

That is exactly what it is, whether Yuri herself wants it or not.

Specifically, how much do you already have?

At face value, I have about3 Kyo Gita

3 kei?

Tilting her head, Sofia asked back.

Not only Sophia, but the four merchants also seemed to have a hard time understanding the unit ofKyo. However, this is not unreasonable.

Well, lets see Lets say we have a lot of boxes full of 1000 platinum coins with the highest face value of100000 Gita.


I already own more than 300 million boxes of face value currency at this point.


Rubetta was the first one to speak up after Yuris explanation.

As expected from a skilled merchant, shes quick with money.

Its not just the Yuri Empire, the Holy Land of Nimun, and the Duchy of Selsia, but even if I distribute it throughout the entire continent of Mekia, I should still have more than enough to go around.

Can our country also handle this currency?

Cadain said with a slight hint of joy in his voice.

It seems that the Duchy of Selsia will be willing to circulate thegitacurrency.

At present, the currency circulating in the Yuri Empire is that of the Eldard Kingdom made. To show that the ruler has been replaced, the Yuri Empire hopes to renew its currency to thegitaby next year.

Rubetta, Ados, Erin, and Aurence. If you have any opinions or remarks from your knowledge as merchants, please do not hesitate to tell me. Im not so narrow-minded that I wont listen to you.

It is a good thing, I think, that the fact that there is such a beautiful and incomparable currency in circulation will spread to neighboring countries and enhance the prestige of the country.

I agree with you. This art coinage will be the envy of other countries.

Rubetta and Ados both responded that they did.

Erin and Aurence didnt say anything, but they both seemed to have no objections.

Sofia, you were also the head of the Theodore Company. What do you think?

I think its very good. I can see this currency sweeping across the continent.

Sofia tells me this with her eyes closed, making a gesture as if she is thinking about something.

Sofia also seems to be in favor of renewing the currency. If the five trusted merchants are all in favor of it, there is no need to hesitate.

As of today, theGitacoin will be established as the national currency of the Yuri Empire, to renew the currency in circulation within the country by the end of this year.

Ill leave it up to each of you to decide whether or not the Holy Land of Nimun and the Duchy of Selsia will follow this move. The Yuri Empire will not pressure you to do anything, so please take your time and make your decision.

The Holy Kingdom of Nimmun is willing to do the same.

The Duchy of Selsia is willing to do the same.

Despite Yuris words that he wanted them to take their time in making a decision, Artorius and Cadain, as the two heads of state, made the decision immediately.

Changing the currency is supposed to be a big deal for a nation It made Yuri feel a little uneasy, wondering if it was okay to make such an easy decision.

Its a great honor to be allowed to handle the divine currency.

When Yuri asked about it, Artorius answered with a big smile on his face.

Thegitais just a coin that was universally used in the game ofAtros Online, and is not a big deal like a god coin by any means.

Well, I guess I dont have to bother explaining all the extra stuff, do I?

Its not a lie that this currency is being mass-produced with Yuris ability. You can say that this is a god currency if you want to. Im sure 

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