Yuri Empire

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

Yuri, who monitors the cities of her own country and its allies with Spatial Grasp , is always knowing where the monarch of the Duchy of Selsia, Cadain Theodore, is currently.

She visited the palace in the duchys capital, Dellane, and spoke directly to Cadain, who was researching the archives. Of course, hes surprised.

I dont mind if you order our soldiers to call me to the reception room.

Well, thats all right. Ive always wanted to see the archives of the Principality.

Yuri, who was thinking of building a library of Japanese books in the Shinto City, was also interested in seeing the archives of other countries.

The stacks in the Principality were not very large, but the books were kept clean and repaired as needed.

It was probably managed by an excellent librarian.

If the Yuri Empire is going to build a library, they should hire a professional librarian. Books can be passed down from generation to generation if they are properly managed, but if they are mishandled, they will be damaged before they last even one generation.

Since there seemed to be no one else using the library, Yuri asked the maid working in the library to prepare some tea and shared the information with Cadain at the book reading table.

As it turned out, Cadain had never heard of the Mud Wolf itself.

It seems that he has no idea that such a monster has appeared in the southern part of the Duchy of Selsianear the border with the Volmisian Empire.

However, this is probably unavoidable.

With the Yuri Empire taking on the entire role of extermination, the soldiers of the Principality of Selsia rarely have the opportunity to go out of their way to hunt demons outside the cities.

In that case, there was no opportunity to know about the existence of demons that only appeared near the border, let alone those that appeared near cities and villages.

Im afraid my children will be frequenting the territory of the Duchy of Selsia for some time to come. I hope you can tolerate this.

Well, Yuri doesnt expect the Principality to solve the problem by itself.

If Yuri, who is planning to have the Yuri Empire take the lead in resolving the matter of the Mud Wolves, declares so beforehand. Cadain looked more than a little surprised.

Are you going to take care of this Mud Wolf thing?

Of course. As long as the vassalage relationship continues, it is natural to think that our country has the responsibility to protect the Duchy of Selsia.

Im sure thats true in theory. Its justmost sovereign countries dont go to that much trouble for their vassals, you know?

Really? Well, anywhere else is anywhere else, and the Yuri Empire is the Yuri Empire. I dont know about other countries, but at least well do our best to help. Is that okay with you?

Of course, wed like that.

Cadain bowed deeply as he said this.

Although he did not acknowledge it in writing, she had officially obtained the permission of the other partys master, Cadain. Yuri can now allow the children of the Yuri Empire to operate in the territory of the Principality with impunity.

How long do you think it will take to deal with it?

Im not sure how long its going to take to solve this problem if we dont even know what caused the Mud Wolves to appear in the first place Well, I dont want to drag this out too long, so Id like to get this done in the next ten days if at all possible.

For the time being, Yuri wanted to focus only on the Shinto City and education.

It may be a threat to the people of this world, but I didnt want to waste my time dealing with a level 56 demon.

Only 10 days Thank you for trying to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

There is one matter that the Duchy of Selsia will need some help with later. If youre grateful, Id appreciate it if you could return the favor.

All right. I dont know what kind of matter it is, but I will spare no effort to help.

Cadain agreed and smiled cheerfully at the same time.

He was a man who excelled in domestic affairs, not a warrior like Duke Drapon, who had once been the lord of this country.

If you can delegate the unskilled military task of dealing with demons. The extent to which they promise active cooperation in other matters in exchange for it would not even be a problem.

Incidentally, what Yuri wants to ask for the cooperation of the Principality of Selsia is the educational institution to be built in the Shinto City and the spread of the Japanese language.

This is a huge project to spread a completely new language. If we are going to do this, it would be more interesting to involve not only our own country but also our allies.

Thank you, Cadain. Well, my good friend, I shall have to show my sincerity with reasonable results. Ill send you a progress report soon, look forward to it.

Yes. Is there anything I should be doing here?

Nothing special. However until the details of the situation have been investigated, it would be best if merchants and passengers were restricted from using the trade routes.

The people living in the cities and villages will be protected by the wards that have been set up. If theyre attacked by a mud wolf while traveling along the trade routes, theyre not going to survive.

Sure All right, Ill take care of that.

Thank you.

Yuri left the Dellane Palace and went directly to the Holy Land of Nimun.

After meeting with Pope Altorius, she also traveled to the Kingdom of Rapier to meet with King Raven, explaining the situation in the Principality of Selsia and sharing information.

The Mud Wolf incident that occurred in the Principality of Selsia this time has nothing to do directly with the Holy Land of Nimun or the Kingdom of Rapier.

Even so, a situation that suddenly arises in one country can happen in other countries as well. So when Yuri brought the information, both Pope Altorius and King Raven listened sincerely.

You have to share the information that the other person wants, even if only a little, whenever you get it. Yuri knew that the accumulation of such detailed efforts would build a solid relationship of mutual trust.

This is not knowledge that I learned as a national leader. It is something that I developed while working for a landscaping company as a garden designer and building relationships with many clients.

My, its Sofia.

Welcome back, Master. Ive taken the liberty of intruding.

After traveling around the world, Yuri used transfer magic to return to the Yuritania Palace and returned to her office. There she found Sofia.

Shes working at the desk where Yuri usually sat.

Sofia immediately left her seat and offered her chair to Yuri, who thankfully took it.

Even if the transfer magic makes the travel time only a moment, visiting three countries in a row will make you tired. For now, I just wanted to lean my body deeply against the back of the chair.

Ive taken the liberty of writing instructions for the documents that require the approval of the head of state, based on my judgment that Master would judge it this way. If there are no problems after you check it later, please just put your seal of approval on it and then send it to the various offices.

Im sorry to make you do this while Im away If its just to check, Ill do it now, just give me a minute.

Okay. Ill prepare a cup of tea in the meantime.

Taking out a set of tea sets and a pot from the <Maid Bag>, Sofia prepared tea for two.

In the meantime, I checked the documents that needed to be approved and found that none of the instructions Sofia had written differed in any way from the decisions Yuri herself had made.

Id give my country to Sofa any day.

Even if I were to disappear today. Sofia will be able to run this country without any problems.

Yuri spilled out her words after seeing the perfect instructions. However, even though she was praised, Sofia made a very disapproving expression.

Are you stupid?

My, thats harsh.

Im confident that I can serve as an ordinary monarch. But, the only person who can unite this Yuri Empire, no matter how you look at it, a monarch who deviates from the realm of normal. If Im the one on the throne, Ill be bankrupt in less than three days.

There was no hint of exaggeration or falsehood in Sophias tone of voice.

If Sophia says sothen it must be true.

Hmm Is that a compliment?

Of course. I hope you will rule the country for many years to come.

I dont need to be told. By the way, Sofia.


I put my right hand under the hem of her skirt and touched her slippery thigh. Perhaps because she was caught off guard, a very high-pitched voice escaped from Sofias mouth.

You cant call me stupid, can you?

Ah, no, thats! Th, thats a figure of speech!

Sofia. What are you to me?

Uuuu, uummm! I, I, Im my masters concubine slave

Yuri kept stroking her thighs without restraint. Sofias voice was restless, wavering uncertainly in and out of register.

Once she declared herself a slave, she would not be allowed to refuse or even protest against Yuris hands caressing her skin.

The palm of Yuris hand gradually moved up to the inside of her thigh. At last, Sofia couldnt take it anymore and fell to her knees.

If you were a slave, you wouldnt lie to your master, would you?

Ye, yes.

Sofia, a brilliant woman, would not have called me a fool by accident. Then why did you just call me that?

Uuu Be, Because I wanted you to abuse me

Fufu. I like honest girls, dont I?

Touching Sofias collapsed body, Yuri uses transfer magic.

The destination is Yuris bedroomon the bed.

Yuri slowly pushed down Sofias body, which was unable to stand up.

You dont expect me to love you gently after teasing you, do you?

Yes, Master Please discipline me strictly as the bad girl.

Very well.

Lapping her lips together and twisting her tongue, Yuri violates Sofias tongue and mouth.

Sofias body stiffens for a moment, but soon accepts Yuris assault.

Its a one-sided kiss, something that would never happen between two people on equal terms.

It had enough power to make Sofias eyes instantly melt, as she had learned the pleasure of being violated.

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