Yuri Empire

Chapter 43: Messengers From Two Countries (Back)

Chapter 43: Messengers From Two Countries (Back)


The door of the Throne Room was opened wide in response to the voice of Yuri.

The figure of the messenger was visible over there. There are a group of priests and two knights wearing sooted breastplates. The former would be the messenger from the Holy Kingdom of Nimun, and the latter would be the messenger from the Principality of Silesia.

Behind that, you can see the figure of Badantere High Priest. Yuri had asked in advance that she would like him to be present at the interview, so it seems that he came in at the same time.


The door was already opened to the maximum by the hand of the guide, Popuri but for some reason, the messengers do not seem to enter the room at all. Yuri was waiting with suspicion. Eventually, with a terrifying step, only a group of priests entered the room and knelt in front of Yuri. However, the knights of the Principality of Silesia still refuse to enter the room at all.

When she had no choice but to look at the two knights with the skill of <appraisal>, they both fell into an abnormal condition called atrophy. For Yuri, this is the first abnormal condition she sees. At least during the Atros Online game, there were no abnormal conditions such as atrophy.

  • - +

    Atrophy Mental condition abnormality

    Abnormal condition that occurs when receiving mental attack skills such as [intimidation].

    The movement speed and action speed will temporarily decrease.

    Especially when someone with a different level or position is set up, resistance becomes difficult, at the same time, the effect will increase. At worst, you may get stuck at all.

    The higher the [attractiveness], the easier it is to resist << atrophy >>.

    The higher the [Protection], the faster the natural recovery from the << atrophy >> state.

  • - +

The details of the information obtained in <Appraisal> can also be viewed.

Therefore, when the detailed information about the atrophy state was displayed, it was found that this was a kind of mental disorder.

Yuris <Rulers Dignity> is like a kind of joke skill, and in the game era, it has no effect other than making others feel dignified, and it is a skill with no practicality. It was it should be.

However, in this world where there is an abnormal condition called atrophy, the story may change. After all, the level of Yuri is 200, and the position is Empress and Goddess, so atrophy seems to be effective on the face.

Well, anyway.

In this place, even if the other party was atrophied, it would only cause trouble.

I cant help it. Is this okay?

Telling that, Yuri turns off the <Rulers Dignity> skill. Immediately, the color of agony disappeared from the facial expressions of the two messengers of the Principality of Silesia. They finally came into the room and both of them knelt in front of Yuri.

At the same time, the expression of the group of the Holy Kingdom of Nimun also seemed to clear the tension.

The girl at the head of the group reverently bowed her head and spoke to Yuri.

I see you for the first time, the empress of the great Yuri Empire and one of the highest Gods, Yuri, the goddess of love. I am Estoa, one saint of the Holy Kingdom of Nimun.

This time, we came as a celebration envoy to celebrate the founding of the Yuri Empire and the fact that Yuri-sama joined the main Gods. Thank you for your cooperation.

My sister is the goddess of love ?

In response to Estoas words, Parfe leaked so in a small voice.

Yuris ears picked it up clearly, but she decided not to listen to it.

Thank you for coming, Estoa. Certainly, for a trivial reason, I joined as a pillar of God As you can see, Im not as old as you. Its just a little girl. I hope youre not disillusioned with the boring real thing.

I will never be disillusioned. Rather, my faith will only increase when I see the Lord God in this way.

Thank you, Estoa. By the way, could you please introduce me to people from the Holy Kingdom of Nimun other than you?

Im sorry for this. From Yuris point of view, the one on my right is the Leonard Paladin, and the one on the left is the Roan Paladin. The other three are Holy Knights of the Nimun Holy Land.

The people introduced by Estoa hang deeply on Yuri. Apparently, not only Estoa but also the other 5 people are giving the utmost respect to Yuri.

I dont know much about the temple organization, but I know that the status of a high priest is definitely unscrupulous. Im glad to have such people come all the way.

What do you think of the Badantere High Priest when you see everyone from the Holy Land of Nimun?

Thats right Its a good idea to have two high priests, but at the time when theyre using a saint who wouldnt normally get out of the country, they understand how important Yuri-sama is.

I see, it was very helpful. Then, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the people of the Holy Kingdom of Nimun for giving unreasonable respect to me, who is still a newcomer as a landlord and a pillar of God.

No, thats Were honored.

Estoa clearly raised a dismayed voice when Yuri bowed her head.

It should be said that they also understand that the landlord does not bow his head. No, or should she be surprised because the Goddess bowed?

Now, a messenger from the Principality of Silesia is also coming today. Is it okay for you to prove yourself first?

Yes! Im very sorry that I exposed my unsightly appearance earlier. Im Garzo, a second-class knight who became messenger for the Principality of Silesia. Also, this person is my knight, Corin.

Garzo and Corin. Thank you for coming to Nildea. Maybe you two carried some kind of letter?

Yes, I brought a letter from Duke Drapondo to Your Majesty Yuri.



Popuri once received the letter presented by the messenger, and Yuri received it after having Popuri carry it to the throne. Its a little troublesome, but it seems that the king does not receive letters or gifts directly from messengers in other countries, but always relays his vassals. She doesnt know now whether it is a custom unique to this world, or whether it was the same on the earth where she used to live, but she doesnt feel the need to go against customs.

Unseal the wax and read the letter inside.

I see, its written that its quite funny Yuri thought.


Yes, what is it?

It looks like I suddenly got sick. Im sorry, but could you read this letter instead? Let everyone here hear it.

Oh I understand.

Although she looked a little strange, Primula, the captain of Red Rose (Enclaise), agreed.

When Primula received the letter from Yuri and read the text lightly. Her expression was immediately distorted by discomfort.

Ah, uh. Is it okay for us in the Holy Kingdom of Nimun to hear the contents of the letter from the Principality of Silesia?

Estoa, who was listening to the exchange, said so with a little anxiety.

Yuri tried to say its okay in a gentle voice.

Its okay, so theres nothing wrong with it. Primula, please.

Yes, princess

After nodding, Primula paused and started talking.

To the foolish barbarian woman who declare herself as the Empress


When heard the opening sentence, all the captains of the Yuri Empire burst out huge amount of anger, enough to swallow the place. Some of the messengers screamed, Hi!

A non-talented and stupid woman who was lucky enough to take control of a weakened dragon and successfully conquered Nildea using the power of that dragon. In the Great Principality of Silesia, we have the generosity to accept such a lowly woman. Immediately offer us the city of Nildea and the dragon under your control, and oath your weakly graduated soldiers to be our servants. And so you can avoid trouble in your life. Grants Drapon

Fufu, its a funny letter

When Yuri smiled, the two messengers of the Principality of Silesia turned pale.

Apparently the two didnt know about the contents of the letter. And it seems that they are still aware of the fact that they, who delivered such a terrible insulting letter, are likely to be harmed here.

You guys ! You will make your sword rust!

Hotaru of Koubai immediately pulls out the sword.

Yuri just ordered Wait <<Stay>> and shook her movement.

Stop, Hotaru. Killing the messenger has no benefit.

But my lord!

Rather, it benefits the other party. It is a mental calculation that touts the fact that they killed the messenger they sent, denounces the Yuri Empire into a cowardly country, and makes it one of the legitimacies to attack the land of Nildea.

In response to Yuris words, the firefly bites her lips with Ku !.

The letter is usually read only by the head of state of the recipient. So no matter how insulting you write, the facts usually dont leak to other countries. However, there are people from the envoy of the Holy Kingdom of Nimun here. It would be completely unexpected for the Principality of Silesia that they were there.

Garzo and Corin, messengers of the Principality of Silesia


First of all, rest assured. We, the Yuri Empire, are not outlaws who hurt those who came as messengers. Therefore, we will return you safely. The citizens of Nildea will never hurt you either. I believe so.

Yuri said that with a smile.

Of course, this line was said to the citizens of Nildea.

Wait a minute. Lets accept the reply now.

Yuri quickly writes on the stationery taken out from the <inventory>.

This letter paper is a kind of magic tool that has been given the magic of [translation] in advance. After writing only one line of text and signature on it, hand it over to Partita, the captain of Nadeshiko. She magically sealed the letter and then handed it to the messenger of the Principality of Silesia.

Please tell Duke Drapondo. We have certainly received your declaration of war.

I understand

Actually, it was a letter of surrender recommendation rather than a declaration of war. Well, the details dont matter at this time. The only thing that matters is the fact that the Principality of Silesia has sold a fight to the Yuri Empire. Of course, for Yuri, there is no reason not to buy a fight that has been sold.

Then you guys should go home now. Make sure you bring your letter back to the country safely.

Oh, thank you. Excuse me.

Two messengers of the Principality of Silesia leave the room from Throne Room.

After seeing off the figure, Yuri sighed.

Partita. Bring two escorts from Nadeshiko so that they can return safely to the country. If they die on their way home, the Principality of Silesia will probably tell the facts as if we had killed the messenger. Theyll twist it.

We know

Partita, the captain of Nadeshiko, also leaves the room in response to Yuris instructions. The intelligence unit Nadeshiko could disappear, kills signs, and is good at acting secretly. Its easy escorting without being noticed by the messenger.

Well Im sorry for something strange. I apologize from the bottom of my heart for involving the Holy Kingdom of Nimun.

Oh, please stop, Yuri-sama ! There are a lot of fears, such as being bowed by the Lord God! And now, no matter how you think about it, there is something wrong with the other side. I will definitely work with the Pope after returning to our country.

Thank you, Estoa. If we have a friend called the Holy Kingdom of Nimun, we wouldnt need the Principality of Silesia. This may be a good thing.

Some opponents clarify hostility, others clarify friendship.

For Yuri, if she can get along only with the person she wants to get along with, thats fine.

Lets change the air once. Is it okay to continue talking with you in a separate room?

Of course, Yuri-sama

Yuri moves to a separate room in the lords building with the people of the Holy Land of Nimun. Because of the clown of the Principality of Silesia, she felt like she could get along with the Holy Kingdom of Nimun.

Meanwhile, at that time.

A large number of citizens living in Nildea were screaming at the two messengers of the Principality of Silesia who had come out of the lords palace. Citizens who saw the broadcast were so angry that they were gathering just outside the lords building. Some citizens tried to throw stones at the messenger, but it was stopped by another citizen. He tried to protect Yuris declaration that she would not hurt the messenger.

However, even if there is no stone throwing, the swearing at the two messengers does not stop at all. They were no longer able to stay or eat in the city of Nildea, and when they got on a horse, they escaped from the city of Nildea.

The return trip through the night should have been a dangerous road. Fortunately, they were never attacked by monsters until they reached the Principality of Silesia.

Of course, it was only because of the escort of Nadeshiko arranged by Yuri

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