Yuri Empire

Chapter 49: Won’t Let You Go

Chapter 49: Won’t Let You Go


After that, Yuri exchanged various stories with Pope Altorius.

Although the purpose of the visit was to send messengers, as long as she was able to meet with the landlord of the Holy Kingdom of Nimun, it has exactly the same meaning as bilateral talks. In terms of deepening friendship, trade will be activated in the future, so there were many stories that should be discussed with the partner country.

However, first of all, you have to digest what you should do.

Pope Altorius. Actually, Estoa has asked me to develop a [temperature control barrier] in the palace and the cathedral. What should I do?

Hmm Im sorry, Im not familiar with the barrier, so can you explain it?

Of course

Yuri exercises the skill of [Summoning subordinate NPCs], calls Hotaru, the captain of Red Plum (Koumei) who is good at barrier art, and explains what kind of effect the barrier has.

[Temperature control barrier] is a barrier that keeps the internal space at an arbitrary temperature. In the space protected by this barrier, a comfortable temperature is always maintained even in the desert.

Its okay to create a barrier not just for the palace and cathedral, but for the entire city.

Are you sure? Its difficult, as expected.

Its not so much labor, isnt it? However, if it is spread over the entire city, it will of course cost a certain amount.

You dont have to worry about the materials (costs) consumed. Of course I will give it because it is a request from my saint. I will not ask the Holy Kingdom of Nimun for the burden.

Aruji-sama, so how about it? If you want to create a barrier throughout the city, you can also deploy a [boundary barrier] to prevent monsters from invading the city?

Prevent the invasion of monsters? Is it possible to do that?

In response to Hotarus word, the Pope, Estoa, and the two high priests all showed surprise.

When she heard the story, it seems that a large monster flying in the sky in the shape of vulture appears once every few days in Nimun Holy Land.

Because it is a monster that flies in the sky, the barrier that surrounds the city of Farrata is of course useless. As a countermeasure against this monster, it seems that guard turrets (yagura) are set up in various places in the city, and archers are also placed. Even so, the threat has not been suppressed, and when a monster attacks, there is a high probability that the people will be damaged.

If you can protect the people, there is no other way. I will give you as much reward as possible, and I would appreciate it if you could cover the entire city of Farrata with a barrier.

Okay, Hataru, lets do it before it gets dark.

Aiaisa ~, Aruji-sama ~

Yuri and Hotaru wear black feather shoes and move while flying in the sky, circling around the city of the holy city of Farrata and driving barrier stones into the ground, developing two barriers [temperature control barrier] and [boundary barrier].

With this, the temperature of the holy city of Farrata should always be kept at a temperature that makes it easy for people to work, day or night. Citizens activities, which had been sluggish due to the cold and heat, will become more active in the future.

Also, among the children of Red Plum, the [Barrier Barrier] developed by Hotaru, which is packed with p2w equipment which strengthened barrier techniques, has considerable strength. They dont know what level of monsters appear in the vicinity of the holy city of Farrata. A monster attack of level 100 or lower will not be able to damage the barrier.

Furthermore, Yuri also summoned three children of Kikyou and asked them to build a small warehouse in an empty space near the palace of the Holy City, and to enclose the building with a [temperature control barrier] by Hotaru. This is a warehouse for storing the chocolates that Estoa, Priest Leonard and Priest Roan were looking for.

The temperature of the space surrounded by [Temperature control barrier] can be set freely between -20 degrees and 60 degrees, so make sure that the temperature inside this building is kept at the lowest -20 degrees.

A general freezer is about -18 degrees, so at this temperature it will be possible to store it in a freezer. At least theres no need to worry about the chocolate melting. Chocolate can be stored for a long time if frozen. In this warehouse, there should be no problem even if you store a certain amount of goods. Of course, it can be used not only for storing chocolate but also as a freezer, so the utility value of the building should not be exhausted even for the Holy Land.

When I returned to the palace of the Holy City after finishing one job, the sun had already set. Yuri has a job that she always does every evening. Its the usual broadcast. Because we have come to the capital of the Holy Land of Nimun, lets broadcast the dialogue with Pope Altorius today. With that in mind, Yuri asked, and the Pope immediately agreed.

Is it broadcasting using telepathy? Yuri-sama is a versatile person who can do that.

Im glad you praise me, but its just a coincidence like this, because theres really little I can do on my own.

By the way, about that broadcast. Is it possible to make it available not only to the citizens of Nildea but also to the citizens of Farrata?

Its possible, but is that okay?

From Yuris point of view, it doesnt seem to be sane, such as allowing people from other countries to broadcast.

Its cold in the desert nights, and the citizens are basically stuck at home after the sun goes down. They should be hungry for entertainment, so if Yuri-sama sends the broadcast , the citizens will surely be pleased. Of course, thanks to Yuri-samas [temperature control barrier], the citizens may become more active at night in the future.

Hmm By the way, is it okay to just broadcast to Farrata today?

If Yuri-sama doesnt mind it, please from now on too.

Somehow, from today, she has decided to deliver broadcasting not only to Nildea but also to the citizens of Farrata.

In order to deliver the broadcast to the citizens, it is necessary to connect Kizuna (link), and for that purpose, it is necessary to use the magic of [space grasp] in the city of Farrata.

Because of that, everything from the population of the holy city of Farrata to the economic situation and military-related information has become known to Yuri well, if Yuri is careful not to abuse it, thats okay. Isnt it?

By the way, the holy city of Farrata was larger than Nildea in terms of urban area. However, the total population is only about 15,000, Nildea is much more.

Today, the memorable first time of the two-country simultaneous broadcast, we first informed the citizens of Farrata the fact that they had set up a [boundary barrier] to prevent the invasion of monsters and a [temperature control barrier] to stabilize the temperature.

These barriers have not yet been set up in the city of Nildea. Therefore, she thought that the citizens of Nildea might feel uncomfortable, so dhr promised the citizens of Nildea that she would not install it in the current city, but will install it in the city after relocation.

She honestly told them that if she set up a barrier now, the materials you consume will be wasted, so this will help to calm doen the citizens of Nildea.

After that, she broadcast a dialogue with Pope Altorius. She didnt talk about it so strangely, but in the first place, for the citizens, not only the landlords of other countries, but even the landlords of their own country rarely have the opportunity to see it, so it became a broadcast that people were fully interested in.

After the broadcast was over, they talked about what kind of things they would exchange with Pope Altorius in the future until late at night.

After all, since half of the land of the Holy Land is desert, there arent many trade items that can be put out

While Pope Altorius said so, he showed Yuri a list of the main trade items that the Holy Kingdom of Nimun is exchanging with other countries. Witnessing the list . Yuri is made to understand that the Popes words just announced are full of a great deal of humility.

At first glance, the two things that made Yuri feel dangerous were rubber and myrrh.

These two types of materials also existed in the game of Atros Online, but in principle neither of them drops monsters. It was a material acquired by using collection skills at places called collection points scattered on the ground (field).

Therefore, these materials are still impossible for Yuri to re-acquire. To be honest, Shes very grateful that it can be procured in this world as well.

Regarding rubber, there is no need to explain the wide range of uses anymore. The first usage that comes to mind for Yuri is to use them for carriages. If you have rubber, you can make a tube and complete a tire. Simply replacing the wooden wheels with tires will greatly reduce the wagons sway, and at the same time, it should be expected to improve braking.

It should be possible to make adhesives such as glue from natural rubber. Elastic cord is a material often used for clothing, and it is indispensable to use it for shoes.

Also, rubber is an insulator and does not conduct electricity. Therefore, there is no doubt that it is a highly useful material for use in armor and magic tools.

Myrrh is a distilled resin from a specific tree. It is a kind of incense that is used by burning, and it also has value as a medicine because it has a bactericidal action. It is also widely known as a preservative used for bodies when making mummies in ancient Egypt. There is even a theory that myrrh became the etymology of mummy.

In the game Atros Online, it was an indispensable material for making high-level remedies. There is no doubt that it is a very attractive trade item for Yuri.

The fact that there is wool in the item means that you are raising sheep, right?

Yes, because some sheep can grow in the desert.

When you hear sheep as a Japanese sensibility, you may have the image that nomadic people are raising only in a limited area. Sheep are animals with extremely high adaptability to the environment, and in fact, there are species that have adapted anywhere in the world.

Sheep are not common in some parts of Asia, including Japan.

Whether in desert areas, very steep mountainous areas, isolated islands with cliffs, volcanic areas, or even in places that are closed to snow all year round, sheep have species that are adapted to the land...

However, unfortunately it is not bred near Nildea. Because the area around Nildea is warm and easy to livestock, livestock such as cows and pigs, which are preferred by human mouths, are bred more vigorously.

Is it possible to sell lanolin as a trade item?

Um what exactly is that lanolin?

Its a lipid from wool, or something like wax.

Oh. Its a by-product of removing fat from wool. In our country, it is mixed with beeswax and used to tan the leather.

I wonder if you can add that to your trade items.

Of course it doesnt matter

It was clearly written on the face of Pope Altorius (what on earth would it be used for?), but she just ignored it.

Lanolin is a material that can be used as a material for cosmetics. Since it can give a moisturizing effect to the skin, it is highly likely that it can be used as a material for basic products in cosmetics. Needless to say, cosmetics can be a product that produces enormous wealth. So,even though it was Pope Altorius, she didnt feel like talking about this usage so easily.

The overwhelmingly dangerous trade items on the list are neither rubber nor myrrh, much less lanolin.

The overwhelmingly dangerous items were listed there.

Pope Altorius. What is this burning water?

Its literally a well-burning liquid when you light it. It doesnt generate much firepower, but it burns for a long time, so its used to warm up the night of desert life. But


If you burn it, you will get sick, it seems that gas will come out. Therefore, it may be dangerous if you use it in a closed room.

Hmm Can you show me the real thing?

Lets bring it now

At the direction of Pope Altorius, one of the women in white costumes in the corner of the room went out of the room. After a few more minutes, the woman returned to the room with a container of liquid.

She thought this was probably burning water, and Yuri looked into the container. It had an unpleasant odor mixed with the so-called hot spring odor or the odor of hydrogen sulfide.

( What is this)

Yuri exercised the <Appraisal> skill because she couldnt understand it even if she looked at it.

Then, look at burning water

  • - +

    Crude oil / quality [98]


    Petroleum with a lot of impurities that has not been refined yet. It has a strong odor.

    It is a kind of mineral resource and very valuable. It springs naturally in some areas.

  • - +

What should you say about your feelings when you read the explanation?

I definitely want to maintain a friendly relationship with the Nimun Holy Kingdom for a long time.

Yes, yeah. Thank you for your cooperation.

With a big smile, Yuri extended her hand and shook hands with the Pope again. A country full of such precious resources, who the hell will miss this chance?

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