A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 248: Dealt with ease.

Chapter 248: Dealt with ease.

The voice belonged to You Xi Wang. It did make the atmosphere lose the usual tension. The next moment You Xi Wang was attacked by a strong aura. The strongmen of the council did not think that the Dark Dwellers would attack a junior in their presence. 

Did it scare You Xi Wang? He stood up from the crown of the tree and said, "Come at me you bugs." the next second he was glowing with a golden light. His body was covered with golden armor. Four holy beasts were engraved on it. His aura changed, his spirit was rose to another level. 

The aura of the dark dwellers vanished as if it had never appeared. You Xi Wang spoke in a cold voice, "YOU BUGS THINK BECAUSE YOU HAVE A HIGHER LEVEL OF STRENGTH THAN OTHER BUGS, YOU THREATEN ME? NO MATTER HOW STRONG A BUG IS. IT WILL BE A BUG."

The next moment, something happened and it shook both the council and the dark side. You Xi Wang vanished and appeared in the middle of the two forces. In his hand, a golden spear and a golden sword were trembling and giving off shrill cries of excitement.

The boy stabbed the spear forward with a loosened grip. The spear almost flew out, he held it tightly again from the end of the shaft. The spearhead was pointed at Heath Ashton. He spoke, "Say you creepy insect. Want to face me head-on? Or do you only know how to be sneaky?"

The dark dwellers were enraged. While the council elders held their heads high. What was bravery? This was bravery. The hippie elder spoke, "Boy, are you sure?"

You Xi Wang replied with a raised eyebrow, "Are you doubting me?" his voice was domineering. His whole person was in a different mode now. Alester Book sighed and spoke, "Wang'er, reign it in."

The golden glow in his eyes dimmed a little. He took a deep breath, with his spear still pointed at Heath Ashton he said, "Are you coming, or do I come to you?"

Heath Ashton was irritated and his figure flashed, appearing right in front of You Xi Wang and a sword slashed out at the golden armor boy. You Xi Wang swung around and the long spear slammed in Heath Ashton's exposed left underarm. 


The dark dweller was shunned off. You Xi Wang shook his head and said, "You are not worthy of me using my weapons." He left the sword and the spear suspended in the air. Then his fists started to glow. A vague roar was heard in the void. 

You Xi Wang spoke, "Come, I will break you." his words rilled in Heath Ashton completely. The dark dweller suddenly used his sword deeply and You Xi Wang ducked with his hands close to his body. Heath suddenly felt a stinging pain coming from his left ribs. The boy in the wolf suit had punched his open ribs. 

Achilles nodded and said, "This boy, his fighting style is different. But Good." he was done complimenting when two more fists landed on the dark dweller's temple and liver. The guy was stunned. His body felt as if it was burning from inside out. You Xi Wang stopped his assault and glanced at all of the Dark Dwellers. He said, "You people did not even take a chance to sneak attack? Are you sure you are Dark insects?"

A figure appeared behind him with a halberd in his hand. The blade was slashing down at You Xi Wang. The boy did not even turn back. The councilmen were very anxious they wanted to warn him but Achilles shook his head.


Two golden bullets were shot from a gun You Xi Wang held. He said, "Okay, I am bored of your games. You sneak when I ask you, maybe you will bark when I ask you. So now I ask you to die." The man behind him was close to You Xi Wang. But instead of attacking the man himself, he controls his spear to fly over. 

The man was amidst the attack and he could not stop his moments. The spearhead passed through his back and came out of the chest. The next moment You Xi Wang slapped his forehead, he insta cast a spirit blocking array. This was to prevent him from using his power. The boy kicked him back to his master. He said, "Master, can you guard him for a bit. I haven't played enough with him. I will collect him back after I deal with these fuckers."

You Xi Wang had no empathy for the dark dwellers. He turned around and appeared next to Heath. His hand flashed and a handgun appeared in his hand. 


The boy used a phaser gun. A hole appeared in Heath's abdomen. He wailed, "NOOOOOO..."

You Xi Wang kicked his jaw and broke it. Only a muffled groan was heard. The villain received a second kick and it sent him flying to Achilles. He said, "Elder, a gift to you."

The dark dweller master saw two of his disciples falling to such straits and he roared. You Xi Wang turned to face him and an assault rifle appeared in his hand. The next thing everyone saw was a shower of golden light raining over the dark dwellers. In a blink, the beams landed on the dark dwellers. 

The dark dwellers did not know what happen. The master wailed,  "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? WHAT IS THAT WEAPON?"

You Xi Wang chuckled and said, "Dear council elders, master. I proudly present you, PAR, Phaser Assault Rifle. This weapon is capable of gathering your spirit energy and then shoot it in the form of a beam. These beams are capable of traveling at the speed of light. I have 9 of such rifles custom-made for you. It was a gift from the Elves. I hope now you guys can let them leave in peace."

The council elders were stunned. The most shocked was Alester Book. He suddenly started laughing loudly, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...GOOD BOY, WANG'ER"

He said in a loud voice, "Did you fucking insects think, that it was you who can play games in the shadows? We can do that too. Our operation is too good too. Maggots. Now let's see how long can you last."

The 8 masters flew up and grabbed the injured dark dwellers. The opponents started to fight but they were helpless. You Xi Wang's holy spirit will be more effective against the higher level dark dwellers. You Xi Wang and Achilles stood in the void side by side. You Xi Wang had Barn hanging in the void with his leg tied to a rope. 

Achilles spoke, "Boy, you are good. Meet me after you recover."

You Xi Wang gave him a deep glance and nodded. His gaze returned to the fighting elders. In Achilles's eyes he was not a junior anymore, but an equal. He alone wiped the upper echelons of the death sect. This was an unprecedented achievement.


In array hall, Animus was drinking tea. As soon as he saw You Xi Wang taking out a PAR he sprayed the tea out. He said in a loud voice, "FUCK!!!"

Animo Albus was shocked. She asked, "Master, what happened?" her master has seldom lost composure. He is capable of reading minds so how did he become so shocked. 

Animus replied, "Xiao Chi, your brother just scrapped the whole upper echelon of The Death Sect. Do you want to know how?"

You Zhichi was also present at the watchtower. She nodded her head with a smile, "Please tell me, grandmaster."

Animus sighed, "He took out a gun, fired it. That's all." after watching the two people beside him acting confused. He narrated the whole process to them. You Zhichi couldn't help but start laughing. Animus asked, "Xiao Chi, why do you laugh?"

You Zhichi restrained herself and said, "Grandmaster, that brat is an actor. He deliberately called upon his martial spirit. He deceived everyone. Tell me if he laughed or acted excited? Talking to people instead of talking to them?"

Animus nodded and agreed with her. You Zhichi then said, "Gougou gets calm when he is angry. His calm is so terrifying that even I feel scared of him. Since he was talking then it was probably because he was scared."

Animus was shocked. After some silence he said with a sigh, "He is the first person, I cannot see through."

The old man shook his head and got back to drink his tea.


Back on the island, Alester Book was laughing happily with his fellow elders. They rejected You Xi Wang's gift of Phaser Beam Guns. They said that it was meant for the young people. They don't like flashy things. You Xi Wang went to the cliff side and brought out the people. They were all now sober. They were all shocked on how You Xi Wang helped them catch the upper echelon of the dark sect. They were surprised but that was it.

The dust settled and now the Council started to hunt the left overs of the dark dwellers. The situation was now calm. But it was difficult to say what sort of Calm it was. Was it before the store or was it after the storm.

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