A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 249: Pioneer.

Chapter 249: Pioneer.

The dark dwellers were sent to the torture and experimentation rooms, the council wanted to extract everything they can from them. The hippie elder was presiding over the interrogation himself. The whole council was shaken up as soon as they received the news that The Death Sect's upper echelon was wiped out. They all did not expect such news all of a sudden.

What surprised them, even more, was the fact that Death Sect was a major support pillar to the shadow council. This event was bound to coz a stir in the dark side. At this moment You Xi Wang stood in front of 8 council elders. The eight elders sat on a semi-circular table. You Xi Wang sat in front of them with a poker face. He did not know why he was called here. 

Alester Book spoke, "You have done really good, Wang'er. The council would like to know your take on how this news to be presented to the world."

You Xi Wang bowed to the elders. He said, "Elders, the junior is obliged with the fact that my opinion is also taken into account. So, I will not be ignorant and reject this honor. I hope that the council can mention that the participants of the trial can be given some credit for taking down the dark dwellers. The demon summoning should not be mentioned as it will only create panic and fear for the future among the civilians. As for the reason behind how the death sect master is taken down. I leave that up to you all."

The council elders nodded. You Xi Wang did leave the most important thing to them, that showed his respect for them. Achilles spoke, "We have decided to fulfill one of your wishes. Tell us. What do you want?"

You Xi Wang spoke without hesitation, "I want me and my squad to be allowed to venture in the lost sector." his words sent tremors to the elders. A graceful lady spoke, "Junior You Xi Wang, why do you know what kind of a place is the lost sector?"

You Xi Wang glanced at the lady, she was the strategist of the council forces. Don't judge her by appearance. She was even more fierce than Achilles himself. Her name is Victoria Lisbeth. 

The boy bowed to her slightly and said, "The junior is aware of what kind of place the lost sector is but, treasures and trouble are always together. Once they are you shrink back from opportunities. You will never be able to improve easily. Pardon me for such a remark elder."

The lady asked, "We will allow you to venture in but you need to tell us how big your team will be first."

You Xi Wang replied, "My own team of five people. The other top contenders who took part in the final and their teams. I will ask for a medic to come along with us as well. 80 cultivators, 20 spirit beasts, 4 array masters, and 1 medic. You can make inquiries."

Before getting back to the Council headquarter, he already asked the other people all the details regarding their teams. He was going to ask his master for this even if they did not ask him. 

Victoria Lisbeth asked, "What is it that you seek in the lost sector?"

You Xi Wang wang replied, "Opportunities."

"What opportunities?" asked back the lady.

The boy replied, "Opportunities, that can make my team stronger. That can make me see what lies ahead." his answer seemed a bit vague but, Victoria smiled faintly. She nodded to him. 

Then said, "Very well, you are given 15 days for preparation and make arrangements for everything you need to look after. Once you depart here, the trip will last for a year. You will have coms set but whether it can connect is not up to us. Any questions?" she did not ask whether the team agreed to him or not. It was evident that they all agreed when they sent a confirmation 

You Xi Wang shook his head and after a bow, he retreated to the outside where the rest of the trial finalists were standing. The boy said, "UMMM, start prepping, we have 15 days to departure. The trip will last for a year. The coms however is a different issue. I will now go back home and rest before we head out." he paused and looked at all of the people.

He continued, "We all will be moving as one unit. So, in ten days we all will meet here in the imperial city. Get to know and practice together to increase our cooperation together. What do you guys think?"

Isaac asked, "How will we improve the cooperation together in just five days?"

You Xi Wang replied, "I have my own method. Don't worry, you will see then. How about it? Will you be ready in 100 days?"

The rest of the people nodded, after a small talk they all left. Gena was the only one who stayed behind. The green-eyed girl spoke in a soft and low voice, "You Xi Wang, can I go to Silica City with you? Master asked me to learn about the tech you used. Then we will be able to use it in the lost sector."

You Xi Wang nodded with a smile and the two people left. 


Inside the hall. The elders were arguing over, why did Victoria agree to such a request. Achilles asked, "Victoria, why did you agree to him? Do you not know that place is dead land? Your War forces are having trouble keeping those things inside. Now you want a bunch of kids to be deployed there? Are you dumb?"

Alester suddenly sighed. Victoria's gaze turned cold as soon as she heard the word 'dumb'. She spoke in a cold voice, "Do you think I am dumb? Why don't you send your defense forces there? My forces are capable enough to hold them all inside for so many centuries. They can do it even now. As for the reason I agreed to You Xi Wang. It was because this boy can constantly improve his skills and strength. Do you know how much has Isaac improved under his influence?"

Yup, Isaac was her disciple. His growth has been tremendous. He did tell Victoria about the way they dealt with the demons and new ways to survive in the wild. It was rare for Isaac to compliment and praise someone else. Thus Victoria had confidence in You Xi Wang. 

She snorted and said, "Book, do you have a problem with me sending your disciple to that place?"

Alester Book shook his head and said, "My disciple is your disciple as well, Vicky. I don't mind any of you doing something for his improvement."

Victoria smiled at his words. She said to Achilles, "Mark my words, Achilles. This boy will earn his place in that book. In, just one year. He will become a God Of War."


As the people were arguing, You Xi Wang was already flying back to Silica City with Gena along with him. They were traveling by the airship Elder Hippie used to pick them up earlier. On the way back You Xi Wang called his grandaunt. 

You Naixin picked up the call in a blink. She spoke, "Xiao Wang, how are you? The council released a piece of news that the death sect raided your trial spot?"

You Xi Wang smiled brightly as he replied, "I am fine, Granny Xin. We dealt with those bugs with ease. Also, I am on a way back home. After 10 days, we will be sent to a secret realm for training and improving ourselves. I will tell you when I get home. So, I called you so that you only tell uncle Robert to pick me up. Don't tell anyone, it will be a surprise for them."

You Naixin sighed, "Okay, my child. I will see you then. I will have your favorite food prepped. Also, tell me, do I have a new daughter-in-law?" despite being his Grandaunt, You Naixin treated You Xi Wang as her own child. 

You Xi Wang stuck out his tongue and said, "I am not a womanizer, Granny."

The lady chuckled. She said, "Okay, Okay. I will not tease you. Let me ask, big mother Cotton to make your favorite food. Also, Xiao Chi is in seclusion with her master so, you will have to buy some gifts or an army of little devils will spit out your bones."

You Xi Wang nodded with a smile. The call ended. The boy sighed and said, "Only 10 days, huh."

He was now very attached to the family. He disliked this feeling of being distant. Yet he had no other choice. To make sure that his family improves steadily the boy had to be the pioneer. Only when he ventures out will the family be able to follow his lead. He wanted to tell them that as long as they have the guts to take a step forward to their dreams, they will be able to see the whole new way. 

As thoughts flashed in his mind, the airship flew to its destination.

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