Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 518: Three kingdoms iv

Chapter 518: Three kingdoms iv

In conjunction with strictly imposed discipline and a new code of laws, regulating all aspect of army life, Arial transformed these primitive tribesmen into his sharp terrifying blade.

The reason why Arial maintain such high discipline in his army is because the very nature of the tribesmen who respected the strong. 

They are obedient in regards to their leaders, even more so than to their own family. 

They hold their leaders in the greatest reverence and never tell them a lie. As long Arial won their admiration, then they would even sacrifice their life for him.

It reminds Arial many of the values of Orcs.

The second reason why Arial remains undefeated in his campaign to reach the Shadowlands is because the leaders on each level had significant license to execute their orders in the way they considered best.

This command structure proved to be highly effective and allowed Arial army to attack en masse, divide into smaller groups to encircle and lead enemies into ambush or divide into small group of ten to mop up a fleeing and broken army.

Arial who is still lying down thinks of the vicissitudes of life that brought him here and thinks to himself that even here in a distant land he has to fight. 

He is tired. Weary of this kind of life. An eternal battle. A war that never ends. He asks himself 

'Is this my Destiny?'

He was reminded of the story he used to read when he was a child. The Voyage of Zhu Ar Zur. 

Stranded on an island, he became that Island savior, but he was lonely, alone in a world where his beloved is not there. 

The Island messes with his mind, coming up with ways to make him stay, a mystical island forged to stop Zhu Ar Zur from returning home. 

To prevent him from helping Levitia.

Until he was reminded of his purpose. So, one morning, he constructed himself a ship, the hard labor and the sweats that dripped down from his back clears his head, opening his eyes again and he sail back to his land.

To return Home. To return to his beloved, to return to his friend. 

Zhu Ar Zur was always depicted as a wise and smart strategist, his marriage with Felicia was regarded as a symbol of fidelity and was hold up as the most ideal marriage, his friendship with Levitia was depicted as close as blood brothers.

Even Levitia closest friend and sworn brother once expressed his jealousy of how Levitia treats Zhu Ar Zur.

And out of the many companions of Levitia, Zhu Ar Zur get to live his happy ending. 

Alan Shadowstrider devoted his life, honoring his sworn brother Levitia, constructing the Bleeding Wall in his dukedom.

He rarely had time for himself. 

Lady Leliana mourns his death for all of her life, and even after she married Emperor Alexander, her love for the Great hero never wanes and as her loves for him never wanes, so does the grief never stop.

Duvan Renasi who only wanted to live a carefree life, instead had to bear the responsibility of being the King of his people. 

It is known that in the story when Levitia ask Duvan what is his wish Duvan responded by saying

'To live a carefree life, with woman on my dicks and wine on my hand. And when I die people will hold feast for seven days and seven nights, thanking the Gods Above that the jinx is no longer'

Instead he was burdened by the fate of his people and toils and bled for his kingdom, and has always opposed the Emperor.

Aresh and Hippolia married each other but their descendant while great warrior is not good people, as they become great bandits that roamed the world and great pirates that sails the sea.

They have always been ashamed of this and if not for some of their descendant who manage to found the Kingdom of Vangua, then their name would surely be dragged to the mud by their descendant

But the most pitiful must be Emperor Alexander. 

Marrying his sworn brother lover after his death, he thought he could win Leliana heart but it was known that even until the end of his life, this difficult task was something he could not accomplish.

In the end, only Zhu Ar Zur get his happy endings.

'A way back home' Arial unconsciously said and he was reminded of a fiery girl as replescendent as the sun. 

And he was reminded of an innocent woman like the dew of the morning. He remembers that eye that was so haunting that his heart still beats remembering it.

He remembers the innocent laugh that woman have that tugged at his heartstring. He then shakes his head.

'Hmm' he sighed, releasing a sigh like he was holding the burdens of the world on his shoulders.

Shaking his head, he thought of other matters.

As his men and influence grew, and Arial hate to admit it, but his ambitions grew again and that fire that burn in his heart burns again like an ember brought back to life, and blaring furiously.

Which Monarch in this world has ever conquered two Continents other than the past Emperor of Arakath or the Ages Past god-like Kings?

Arial could only imagine the kind of name he would leave behind in history if he ever manages to unify the Shadowlands

He might deny it, but this second life has transformed Arial into a peerless warrior of his era, and as such, he yearns for a great battle.

Yearns for a foe that could rival him. 

He did not realize it but he is no longer the coward he was before. A Great Emperor, a peerless martial arts expert, an undefeatable warrior in the battlefield!

And all this attributes and titles converged to symbolize him. No wonder the Empire stand strong and united when he was there to helm the Throne.

He imagines the titles that would be associated with him later in history. 

To be the greatest of all Kings, to truly rule all under Heavens! 

If he manages to rule two continents imagine the influence he could command to affect matters in the world!

Not to mention Arial also had plans to forge relations with Arakath through marriage one day.

If that happens, his Heir would one day, rule and had the support of three continents in this world.

Anvali, the Human Continent and Novus Gaia.

Even if Ariundus and Asteros banded together, they would still found it hard to shake the foundation of Arial Empire.

They might even be swallowed down the Dragon throat if they ever dare bare their fangs to Eden.

Arial unconsciously smiles but his smile was cold and lack any warmth. 

He might be a Warchief here, but the aura of an Emperor leaks out of him, giving him an almost holy dignified presence that could affect people minds.

As he was thinking of his future plans, he also could not help but thinks of Ragar. He grabs a flask and poured himself a wine and gulp it in one pouring.

It is fortunate he has Ragar as his right hand man.

Ragar in the beginning help began initiating recruits for him and talked about the Ends of Days and the Savior that would lead them into the Ancient Gate, to the Island of Blessings to pluck the Sword in the Stone.

Ragar won the admiration of Arial in the way that Ragar himself carries himself with a valorous disposition and intelligence.

Ragar dreamed of Arial Empire stretching out to cover all the world and he wishes to be the right hand man of Arial, to serve loyally and gain what is promised to him.

Ragar remember the guidance of the Three Wise Men. 

Ragar wanted to leave his name in history, to become the right hand man of a man who he is confident to become a Savior of his tribes.

Arial was actually hesitant to establish a new rule in the Shadowlands before Ragar bursting into Arial tents at night two months ago, kneeling and smashing his head onto the ground, he then said, without lifting up his face

'The most difficult part to found a new kingdom is to gain popular support. But that is already yours. Such an opportunity must not pass.'

He refuses to lift his head until Arial acknowledges his words and Arial laugh joyously and support Ragar as he lifts him up and pat Ragar in the back.

He then looks out of his tent and said

'So be it. We will conquer them all and I will shower you with more riches you could ever imagine.'

This happens about two months ago when Ragar pitched his idea for Arial to unify the Shadowlands.

Arial himself wanted to find the Ancient gate but at that time he did not know of the myth of the Ancient Gate.

Now, that he knows, the desire to unify the Shadowlands becomes his obsession. 

So, two months ago, they began to prepare as they journey the land to the borders that separate the Shadowlands and the Novus Gaia.

Red flags and banners were made, with the painting of a black dragon painted on the red banner soaring majestically in the air.

And they swept the Tribes that encountered them in their journey to the Wall. They fought the Arakian who has a gift for fire magic.

Arial gives them a chance to surrender of die under his glaive. 

They surrender and a thousand men were added to his army, the others were released but is relieved from their possession.

They fought the Hill folk who manages to escape but not before Arial manages to steal their horses and caravans.

Arial even met a few Cassinian tribe people who follows Arial and boosted Arial army to a whopping five thousand troops.

But most of his troops consisted of Ragranian and Saranites. The Saranites rides tigers into battles and horses of great strength and speed.

And when Arial almost reached the Wall, support was not lacking as these tribes knows they need to carve a place to live inside the Shadowlands without the Three Kingdoms breathing on their necks.

On every side people joined Arial army, so now Arial possess the strength of thirty thousand troops under his commands.

Soon, any tribes melted away at a whisper of his coming.

But as his fame grew, so does his list of enemies. From each tribe, emerge heroes that could lead their tribes to the peak.

From Arakian, there is Aralina, a warrior of fiery temper and rides a warhorse called Warhare. 

The man was an expert in spear and the champion of his tribe.

He also guarded the Orb of Fire of his Tribe and declare that once he unifies the land, he would unleash the Orb of Fire to purify himself and remold his body so he could pluck the Sword in the Stone.

Nasranian supports Nasrunth, a warrior of eight feet proportions and uses a gigantic mace to vanquish his enemies.

He fights barefooted and does not ride anything to battles since most horses or beast would die enduring his weight and the weight of his weapons.

He is a bit dull in his head but extremely strong. 

And there are others from other tribes. Arial only knows these two since they both created an alliance to deal with him.

They persuaded the other tribes champion to fight against the encroaching influence of Arial the moment they stepped inside the Shadowlands.

But from the news Arial got, the champions of the Tribes are now fighting furiously with the Darkly Things inside the Shadowlands.

They marched against the Darkly Things and engages battle with the monster in the hopes their names to spread out inside the Shadowlands to wins people to their cause

In the Shadowlands, the tribes do not matter too much since everyone wanted to back a winner.

And the stake is high in this battle.

Arial was about to close his eyes when a voice announces

'Announcing the arrival of Commander Ragar answering the Warchief summons' And Arial got up and sit down in his chair instead of lying the bed.

And he said 

'Come in'


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