Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 560: The creator

Chapter 560: The creator

The reason why the tribulation happen is because the resentment of humans enslaved by Gods and Demons had reached to a boiling point that it angers the Heavens as it was foretold in the songs of Oracles and the carvings of the shamans

And that is when Elkar learned that there is a being called the Creator. 

It had many names as people and demons alike worshipped him in the past and some of those belief still persist today

The Church called this being, Light and it is to Him who the Church offered prayers and wishes. 

The Demon Church called him the Father of Morningstar, the One that sits upon the Almighty Throne.

Some tribal people called him the Source. 

Regardless of where it was and when it was, this being had been worshipped since the beginning of humans and demon civilization with so many names and so many stories.

If not for the fact that Elkar had seen the miracles and knows that most stories are real, he would have thought that the Creator is merely a story people made up to create a yardstick of morals.

Astiel told him, that the Creator is real. He had seen the glory of the Creator. Elkar was shocked when he first heard it.

This is a being that he himself had worshipped. 

But after the death of his parents, he believes that there is no God. Why would God not stop such cruelty and savagery?

But the Creator does exist. 

And so he was curious. 

Of the appearance of this creator. 

Was it like the way the Church of Light describe Him? A floating orb of Light? Or was it like the way the Church of Demons portrayed him?

A Light personified, appearing like a titanic demon that covers the Heaven and Earth, possessing an uncountable of wings that stretched from one expanse of the Heavens to another? 

Or does he have no shape at all? 

What is the appearance of this being?

Elkar thought that if he asked such question Astiel would not answer him. What shocked him was that Astiel reply to his question with the word

'I have once seen his mortal form' This answer shocked Elkar. 

He had never thought that Astiel could see the form of such being in the first place.

The Creator did not have a fixed form. 

Or if he had, they were not qualified to see it. 

Astiel said, while he had seen such form of the Creator, he had never seen the true appearance of the Creator and those who tried to do so were met with terrible ending

Astiel said when the angels follow Morningstar in his rebellion, they have fallen. 

Their wings turn black and skeletal, the mark of a curse appeared all over their seraphic runes.

The blessing that the Creator had given them, all the power they have over the dominion of men, over the fate and destiny of men, were stripped out from them.

In that moment, some of the more rebellious angels wanted to see the true appearance of their Lord.

There is nothing more rebellious than this.

They opened their eyes and look. 

And what happened next was that these angels had fire coming from the inside of their eyes.

It is a fire used to purify unholy things. The moment they look, they were damned.

And in a blink of an eye they were burned by holy fire from inside out, and turns to ashes 

The true appearance of the Creator had never been seen by the angels, the demons or even the very humans the Creator had given His love to.

But the Creator once shows his mortal form. His face was hard to see as there is the principle of the world covering his face.

A pure light of the stars covers him. 

Even if Astiel look around the face of the Creator, he could not describe it because the face of the Creator is born from his heart.

The heart of the Creator is not something that could be described in the world, abstract, intangible and unpredictable.

And when Astiel to form an image of the Creator in his heart, he would forget like he had never seen the Creator face. 

He could only form an outline and try to remember what he felt

The Creator seems to merge with the Heaven and Earth. When He wanted to merge, he would merge. When He wanted to separate, he would separate.

It is as easy as that. Determined by his intentions, wishes and desire, nothing could not be achieved.

When Elkar heard of this, he was shocked. 

But when he asked, whether the Creator is still looking at this world, even Astiel did not have an answer to that.

The reason why the Age of Gods ended is because the Creator plans. The deities live in their divine abodes and enjoy the fortune of the world

The fortune of the world falls onto the living beings of the world. These deities in the beginning, aid and help the living beings of the world.

People wished for them to exist and so the faith and belief of this people willed them to exist. 

They are unlike the Creator that does not need prayers. The Creator does not need temple or churches 

He could hear prayers. But He did not need people to pray to him. But He rejoices when people prays to Him.

Like a father look at their son. 

When the son has trouble and ask help from their father, any loving father would try to give their son a little bit of aid.

Not all prayers are answered. One had to learn how to stand up on your own.

They all wanted to go to Blessed Realm. But is it easy? How could they want to go into the Blessed Realm without being tested?

Spoiled child would bring disaster to oneself after all. Humans and Demonkind at that time was the living beings of the world.

The deities help them in establishing kingdoms, answers prayers. But, then they asked for sacrifice.

At first, it was simple things. A few fruits in the beginning. Then cows and pigs. And then finally, they asked something that should not be asked

They asked for human sacrifice.

That day, for the first time that a human was sacrificed to these deities, red thunder roars in the sky, sharp and heavy rains fall down to the world and the entire sky trembles with anger 

The Heaven trembles and the world quakes

That is the beginning of the curse of the deities. The Creator send a prophecy to the seers of the Gods and Goddesses of that era

And the Seers spoke of the prophecy. The prophecy goes.

The Gods of Ancient

Hear my dreadful warning,

For the Light has spoken of your doom,

I tell you that your temple wall is fallen in decay,

Your sacred fires have burn out,

Your Priest will be bathed in blood,

Your temples will be sacked and pillaged,

The gods have no temple left to run to, 

No prophesying bay to divine meanings of the Supreme,

For, there will descend a race of avenging angel from the sky,

A race that brought with them, 

Might that could slay Gods,

The Blood of Light lineage will dawn,

By the decision of one of your brethren,

As their blood will dictate the course of this world.

This is the prophecy of the descent of the First Generation and the beginning of the end of the Age of Gods.

When the First Generation finally descended, some of these deities wanted to hinder them. Some wanted to support them.

For those who wanted to hinder them, they believe that they should destroy this race of people before it would grow to be a threat.

As for the other deities, they believe that if they were to do so, they would then seal their own fate.

The deities are quite aware of what self-fulfilling prophecy is and how prophecy is sometimes very vague on purpose.

In the era of the Age of the Gods, there were once two empires. It was called the Talklakan empire and the Gostie empire.

The Emperor of the Talklakan empire wanted to attack the Gostie empire. Before he went to march to the capital of his enemy, he went to meet a seer.

He asked for a divination. The seer said to him

'This march would bring down an empire' the Emperor believe that the seer was referring to the fall of the Gostie empire.

So, he marches with his army. 

And then they fought and they lost. 

The lost was so terrible that there is no more powerful force in the Talklakan empire to defend it. The Gostie empire then sent their own force and took down the entire Talklakan empire

The seer was not wrong. An empire did fall. Only it is not the Gostie empire but the Talklakan empire.

Prophecy sometimes need to be pondered very carefully. It is subject to misinterpretation.

The deities fought against each other because of this. Some of them decided to attack this race. 

But then they found out that the fortune of the world, the luck of the world was concentrated on these new race of people 

They could not attack these people without incurring the punishment of heaven. Even the deities could not fight against the Creator.

Like the prophecy had foretold, the blood of Light would appear by the decision of one of their brethren.


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