Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 561: Tribulation of the gods

Chapter 561: Tribulation of the gods

Because of the prophecy, a great chaos erupted among the deities. 

The deities fought against each other because of this. Some of them decided to attack this race. 

But then they found out that the fortune of the world, the luck of the world was concentrated on these new race of people 

These people, the First Generation as they are then known, give language to the uncivilized humans, teach humanity the laws of heaven and earth, bringing life and prosperity, protecting and guarding the human race and try to live peacefully among the living beings of this world

They propagated knowledge, stop human sacrifice, teach reason and logic, telling the world human can conquer nature.

The benefit that they have done bring out humans from the Dark Ages where men were beast and bringing them culture. 

Methods of planting, of hunting of building were taught and the human race fortune grew as they abandoned the barbaric ritual of sacrificing people to the deities.

Virtuous men appear and teach reason and instruct moral. The fortune of the world concentrated even more upon the First Generation

The deities could not attack these people without incurring the punishment of heaven. Even the deities could not fight against the Creator.

Like the prophecy had foretold, the blood of Light would appear by the decision of one of their brethren.

Amara, the Lady of the Lake, the Lady of Life and Love shares her blood with mortal being. Since then, the lineage of that mortal family is intertwined with the Divine.

Half mortal, half God. A demigod. This lineage is a lineage of Emperors and Kings, of heroes and knights.

What people don't know is that this lineage of emperors is a lineage of godly emperor, of godly kings and divine heroes and knights

It is from this that Elkar learned another secret knowledge. Levitia was one of the lineage of this blood.

Blood of Light, they called him in the scripture. Many priest believe it to be a metaphor for the beloved of Light

What most of them didn't know was that, it literally refers to his possession of blood of Light. Light itself is associated with the Divine

Blood of Light then if translated to some of the old languages did not mean what it means. In the old language, the Blood of light then would be translated to the Blood of the Divine.

And like the prophecy had told, the blood will dictate the course of the world.

The Creator punishes the Gods and Goddesses because of the fact that they treated living beings like their toys.

His anger brings down upon tribulations that each Gods and goddesses, Demon deities and all other kinds of divine beings had to pass through if they wanted to survive the tribulation of Age of Gods

The resentment of the dead living beings chained all of this deities, without no other way around for them to escape from it.

They could not hide nor could they run. Those who try were either burned by purifying fire from the Heavens or being struck down by red thunder

But, even during that time of tribulation they were not allowed to fight against each other in the mortal realm.

Astiel told him of a story of one of the divine beings that defy this. he had wanted to destroy a mortal city using the divine power.

The moment eh even intended to do this, the clouds turns dark and thunder and lightning fills the world.

Red thunder streak across the dark clouds and as that deity raise his hand and was about to hurl a divine punishment upon that city, the world responded by hurling a red thunder toward that divine being.

that divine being was wiped from the face of the world, his divinity dissipated as easily as  a small fire trying to endure a windstorm.

Pointless and meaningless. 

The Gods and Goddess at that time was as numerous as the stars. Some were born from primordial forces. Others were born because of faith and belief.

Others are created by the Creator and some come into consciousness as the mana or magical energy bring them into existence.

There is a deity for each mountain, a deity for each river, a deity for each lake. People pray to a variety of deities.

When they sail the sea, they pray to the deities of the sea. 

When they pass a certain crossroad, they pray to the deities that governs directions and so on and so forth.

But these deities were all inside the tribulation. 

No prayers could save them from the sins of exploiting the fortune of the world.

And so even though more deities die as they were swallowed by the tribulation, the battle between the divine rages on

It was a great era. It was a terrible era. 

It was an era where villains and heroes rises together. It is an era of suffering and an era of great perseverance.

It was an era of divine beings fighting each other, with humans slowly rising up against them,

One could only image in how glorious that era was as humans hunted deities

While the divine beings could no longer use their divine powers to meddle with human and while they could not descend directly, they could send Champions to fight on their behalf.

Every Gods and Goddesses chose their champion to fight in this Battle that would determine the fate of these Old Gods and Goddesses

Each of these champions is blessed by their patron deity. This was allowed by the tribulation.

Deities descended from their holy abodes, Demon Gods appears from the crack of the Void of Darkness and seek their champions.

These champions usually correspond to the aspect of the divine beings that blesses them

They did not come using their true body, instead they schemed against the living beings, whether it be humankind or Demonkind using these champions.

Elkar however was very surprised to know that the final winner is actually once was a small deity among the many great deities of the world.

Amara, this one Goddess, small Goddess that no one had ever pay attention on become the final winner

She is the Lady of the Lake. 

Astiel spoke of Her story. And of all the stories he heard from Astiel, this is the story that Elkar was most amused with

She is a guardian deity of a small lake in the middle of a secluded forest.

She is peaceful and she is loving. 

Many animals would drink the water of her lake and while many divine beings at that time wanted to grow stronger by relying on the faith of humans and Demonkind alike, Amara was content in guarding and living in that small lake.

Those who offer her prayers and gratitude was only the animals that drink the water of the lake.

But she grows stronger nonetheless. 

Because unlike the worshippers of those great gods of war, gods of the skies and the seas, all of those animals, did not pray to her because they fear her, or wanting something from her. 

It was a sincerest form of prayer where they were grateful for allowing them to quench their thirst in her lake

The Lady of the Lake life was peaceful and without any conflict. 

Probably during that era, her life is the envy of the deities high in the Heavens who had to fight and prepare for the eventual tribulation

And that peaceful life was broken when a person had come to her lake. 

This person is the King of the First Generation, a warrior king that was exalted by the Lost Generation as a God.

But this man was mortal. 

Astiel knows this story and he related to Elkar. Aero. That is the name of this King. 

Amara, the Lady of the lake was charged with holding this King from passing her forest. 

But when the King arrived, Amara did not want to kill. 

She is known as a lover of life and she also knows that the fortune of the world concentrated deeply upon that human king

The King insisted to pass the lake, but Amara could not let him go. 

Yet, at the same time Amara could not kill the King and so they reached a stalemate. In the end, the human King ask for a match of wits.

Amara agreed and they play a game of wits. 

With trickery, the human king won against her and as the promise of a deity is sealed in the Heavens, Aero was allowed to pass

The other story that most people did not know was that the human king even give some pointer toward the Lady of the Lake.

This is not something that Astiel had told him. Instead it was something that he had read in some unverified collection of lore in the library of the palace.

Astiel just confirmed it for him. In that book there is a passage about the conversation between the Lady of the Lake and that King.


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