Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 573: The promise of miracles (2)

Chapter 573: The promise of miracles (2)

They studied the lore and so they know that the Land of Strife would not be consumed by the Darkness before the Final battle

Skeptics or not, the Darkness is real.

Even the most skeptical toward divine beings, deities and mythical lore would change their opinion after living in the New World for a few years. 

One would then see that the stories are not merely stories and talks of evil creatures and divine beings is not a tale of absurd or of no import but it is talk of something is a fact here

Old Gods walk among these lands in the past, their traces and their footsteps might have been erased by the cruel passing of times, but there is not an inch of land in the Shadowlands that the deities have not stepped on.

Trails of the Gods is here. 

These mercenaries are also the one who is the fastest in entering the Wall because of Mercenary Guild close proximity with the wall.

And then far down south, near the Cassini ancestral land, there is the last tree. This tree glow with silver light in the night. Sometime it glows golden.

Other time it looks like glass, transparent and translucent. It is only now that people see that the tree is so magical. 

Most of the times, only Hunters could reach the Tree and see this miraculous and mystical sight

These tree deters evil things and no Darkspawn, Mudborns, Skyfiend or any other dark creatures that would dare come near the area.

The woman is chained to one of these tree. And this woman is none other than Amara, the Goddess of Life and Love

She is chained on the tree in the middle, the one near the Enceladus tribe ancestral lands. Of course the definition of close for her is quite different for her and mortals

It is the closest but that did not mean the ancestral lands is that close to the tree. 

If it is so, Enceladus ancestral land would probably have been ravaged by the Darkness in the past

She looks at the people fleeing the Darkness. 

If the people passing by knew that the Goddess is chained there, they would prostrate and they would do their bets to break the chains that held this Goddess

Amara has her own devotees and people who worshipped her as a giver of Life and the patron saint of true and pure love

But Amara did not need these mortals to free her. This is predestined. Even though, she is chained to the tree, she is smiling in happiness

It is clear that Astiel torture did not work on her. 

It is about to become morning but that is not the reason why she smiles. Tonight, two things happen that made her feel happy

First, she set into motions the fate of Aegir. She has been waiting for that child birth since a hundred years ago.

As she is a deity of miraculous power and of myriad of abilities, peeking through the Veil is not something that is hard for her

For Seers they would have to pay a price. She however is the winner of the Battle of the Gods.

She had pay the price a long time ago and the Will of the World is her Will. How could she then not be able to see some possibility of the future?

She had seen that child future and what a bright future it is for that child. 

Arial is a different kind of child. A chosen child, of her blood, of divine and royal blood.

Arial was destined to be here. 

From the moment that he went back in time, the motion of the prophecy had been set into motion. 

As such nobody would understand the prophecy more than Arial himself. After all, years had passed but Arial had never told anyone that he had loved two lives.

If it was in the past, he would probably be burned in the stake by the Church if he said such crazy things.

But now, even as he became the Emperor of the most prosperous Empire in the known world, he still did not tell this matter to anyone.

That child is very lonely. She thought to herself.

There is no one that he could share his story with. 

Alas, it is only with great hardship characters could be strengthened. Arial had been lost, he had strayed but there is still good in that child

He was hurt deeply and he lash out at the world. It is ironic really. That love could bring something so evil.

Love deeply so one would be hurt deeply

She could only sigh at this. 

She after all, had seen all kinds of love stories in her long existence. 

Which one is not an epic? Which one is not magical? Even the most ordinary love is quite magical

If it is anyone else, them lashing at the world would at most harm the people around him.

But for an Emperor, especially an Emperor that control so many soldiers, when he lashes out toward the world, the world would shake and tremble

She wonders if that Being also had predicted this. if not for that would Arial had come to the Land of Shadows by the temptation of redemption?

If he had been a goody two shoes all of his life, if there is no flaw, why would he come here for redemption.

She shakes her head. At times, it is very good to not think too deeply. 

As for Aegir, that child, he would play an important part in Arial fate.

That child represents the protector star. 

A general of Asrana, a fire that purifies all evil. The moment he was born the protector star shines brightly.

But while it shines bright, it become dim as he grows older. The destiny did not yet breakout at that time. 

As such the star dims. 

But the moment Arial went to the Shadowlands, the star that represent Aegir shines as bright as the sun. 

of course this shine could only be seen by Amara.

There is the divine constellation which is different from the stars on the sky. 

Aegir birth signifies that Asrana is coming. His fate is bound to be extraordinary. 

She pays attention to a lot of people. 

Most of Her love poured toward Arial. But there is a lot of other people she loves.

One of them is Aegir. 

He had lost his parent when he was a child. 

Because of the prophecy he was loved by his tribe and had been showered with all the affection of the elderly and the admiration of the younger generation.

Aegir is a boy now. 

But he would one day become a great warrior and general of Asrana. He would possess great combat skill, unwavering loyalty to his lord, tremendous courage, keen intelligence and serene charisma

Amara has been preparing a weapon for Aegir. 

Asrana would have the sword in the stone. 

How could his general would not have a divine weapon to help him in his fight against Darkness?

Fortunately, she had forged this weapon a hundred years ago. Considering her state right now, it would be too late to forge it.

She had forged for him a divine spear made of Enochian steel, carved with some seraphic runes.

It is a powerful spear, none shall surpass it, even in the heavenly sea of stars.

A nine feet spear length, one day Aegir would wield it with magnificent skill. Of course before that time comes, Aegir must be guided. 

The protector of his people and the protector of the divine lineage. Today, she guided that young boy to Asrana.

With the White Hart guiding them, miracles would happen to them. 

For Aegir and his people to travel from the Tree Rings to the Crystal Wall it would take a few months.

Especially now that there is Darkspawn everywhere and disaster that keep on coming. It would be hard for them to travel normally 

They have to pass through Green Lake which now had its river surging with great waves like a sea that is thrashing wildly

Monsters emerge from the bottom of the river and flesh eating fishes appears. Large worm the size of a boar appears from the crack on the bottom of the lake

This monster alone would bring many calamities to weak people. Aegir himself is leading many people.

Not all of them are strong Gifted people. Some of them are warriors but some of them are pregnant, old, weak and has disabilities

How could then Aegir lead such people toward the Green Lake to contend with monsters and beast there?

The large basin of lake is now filled with monsters so if there is no White Hart to guide him, he had to travel upwards to the Temple of the Gods.

The Temple of the Gods is near the Vergonian ancestral lands. But there slithering snake the size of ten bulls had ben devouring people

Aegir did not know this. But if he goes there with the warriors of the ancestral lands, he could still win but there would still be many casualties.

There, the water of the river is not that deep and the current is not that strong. 

But even then they still have to pass through Ereshdu ancestral lands and then if they walk on foot, they probably would have to take the Crystal gate near the Lucians tribe.

And the Lucians is very predatory as they would probably capture them and even enslaved them.

But with the White Hart, Amara would show them a miracle that was promised. 


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