Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 590: The backbone of the kingdom established

Chapter 590: The backbone of the kingdom established

Giovanni on the other hand look at the map intently. Then he said

'I heard that on the southeast border of Balhae there is two mountains that faced each other. If my lord would allow me, I would send some scouts to make sure of the veracity of this information'

Arial then raise his eyebrow. Then he was reminded of something and he smiles.

'You wanted to replicate the Battle of Zargon?' Giovanni nodded with a smile

Arial close his eyes for a second. 

He remembers that battle. 

He did not participate in it but he read the report. The strategy he had sued at that time is very ingenious.

And Giovanni did not have to use the same tactic as he could modify it. 

From what he knows about Giovanni, while he is very good in psychological war, he is also very intelligent in using the surroundings to his advantage. 

After all, the Twelve Generals earns from each other. 

While they have their own distinct way of fighting, after fighting side by side and forming camaraderie with each other, they too learned from each other

Giovanni is said to be close with Alberth. Lord Alberth from the House of Brond is a smart strategist that could decide the outcome of battle from a thousand league

It is the reason why he was given the title the Resting General. It is because when he is resting, he could win a battle if the soldiers he commanded listen to his strategies

He is elegant and scholarly. He could outdebate many of Arial own court officials. And he could even rival Silas in his oratory skills.

It sees Giovanni had also picked some of Alberth habits. Arial nodded

'It is a pity that the mapmaker could not have come. He would know whether there is a mountain or not there' it is clear from the way Arial spoke of this man

It seems Arial trusted this map maker very much. Giovanni step back to his position.

'There is still many things to discuss. Like the security of the state, military, economy the rest. We would resume talking about this later.

The other nodded as they all take a step back. Arial then look at Arun. 

'Councilor Arun would be given the title of Regent' he announced. If this was any other day, Arial would want to hold a ceremony.

Arun come forward nodded and put his hand on his heart and bow toward Arial. One of the servants that was standing behind the seat come forward and give Arun a parchment.

Inside it, is his list of responsibilities and his job description. It is clear that Arial wanted to quickly established a stable government to prepare quickly 

Arun step back. Then Arial look toward Ragar. Ragar seems to guess Arial thought and come forward. 

Arial smiles and then announces.

'Ragar son of Rh'olok would be given the job of a Chancellor responsible for advising me and governing the court so it would be orderly'

Ragar was shocked before he smiles enthusiastically. Then he did the same gesture and said

'I am honored, my king' It is clear Ragar is quite unaccustomed to the etiquette of the nobles.

But he still tried his best. And it is not like Arial is a stickler for the rules.

There is no lord on the land of Novus Gaia. In the Three Kingdoms it is a universally acknowledged system. 

But those who come from the outside, it is very hard for them to call someone their lord. They are not used to it.

King however is something that they understand. To the people outside of the Three Kingdoms, Kings is equivalent to a Great Chief.

Arial did not mind it as it is not his intention to spread the culture of the Human Continent here nor does he feel that the culture of his people is superior than the culture of the Thirteen Tribes.

He even felt that there are parts of the Thirteen tribes culture that he admired and the Human Continent could learn a thing or two from the people of the Thirteen Tribes.

He did not come here to seek control or to spread culture. He had come here for redemption.

He had come here to fulfill a destiny and probably if he is lucky, peace at last.

It is just unfortunate that even if that is his original intention, he still had to fight. 

How ironic and how fitting. 

If he is Asrana, then that means he is the Conqueror. And what does a conqueror do? Conquering.

He is tired of it. He is tired of fighting and conquering. Because he is alone.

He had reach the peal of life, standing higher than anyone else, but sitting in the highest peak, he realizes he is alone up there.

He did not want to fight anymore

Yet he still, had to do it. The promise of redemption and the possible peace at the end, drives him

He is not the same man he is when he started his journey. He just hopes that at the end of journey, he would be a man that he himself would be proud of.

This thought flashed inside his mind for a second as the servant finished handing the parchment to Ragar and Ragar take a step back and standing back in his original position.

Arial look at Castile and he immediately know that it is now his turn. He walks forward and Arial then said

'You have been the general of the army since the beginning and have help me greatly in training the soldiers. But as there is no official title, the legitimacy of that position could be questioned. Since we have no take over one of the state, governance is necessary and titles have to be given. I have seen the way you wage battle and the bravery of your soldiers. Today, I formalize the position of you as a General. The reorganization of the army would have to be discussed between us later'

Arial had already had an idea on how to organize the army. The way the Thirteen Tribes fought it reminded him of the Orcs. 

Arial wanted to organize his army like the orcs organize their army. There is a lot of advantage of following the way the orc organizes their army.

Castile bow saying

'I will not disappoint your expectation on me, my king' as the servants gives him the parchment. 

Castile step back and Arial gesture toward Lelanc.

Lelanc was shocked. 

The other only look toward him with scrutinizing eyes. Nobody had thought that Arial would also give title to someone that is not long enough in service under him

Only the two generals were not surprised. After all, during the Conquest War  Arial had promoted a lot of people

Most of them when they were first being promoted is still a greenhorn and not many people had confidence 

But, the years passed and the wisdom of the Emperor was proved. One of the reason why the Empire is as strong as it is today, is because the Emperor pick able men

Arial knows the feeling and the thoughts of the people. But Arial trust his judgment.

'Yes, you' Arial said as he saw Lelanc looking like a lost lamb. 

'MilordI' Lelanc is someone who is the original people in the Three Kingdoms. He is quite accustomed of etiquette of the nobles. Just the way he called Arial milord is a testament to this.

He was nervous but regardless he still come forward and he bows. Arial smiles and then said

'Lelanc Son of Lervine, I see potential in you. As a trial, you would be one of the minister in my court. I hope you would help me in administrating the state and ease off the burden of administration from me. If you prove to be worthy, this post would be permanent' 

'My lord, I am unworthy of such title.' Even his word is polite, Arial thought to himself as the servant come in front of Neroian and gives him the parchment.

Lelanc quickly clam himself down and then take a step back and stand on his original position.

Neroian on the side knows that he would be the one called next. 

But he did not want to seem presumptuous. Arial smiles as he could see the hesitation on Neroian face. 

Arial then nodded toward Neroian and he knows there is a place for him in the court. He took a step forward and bow toward Arial

'I have seen your effort and do know that I appreciate the things you have done for me. I intend to give you the position of the Treasurer? Are you willing to accept?'

'Milord, I am willing' Arial nodded and then he said to the rest of the people inside the Grand Hall

'Lord Neronian would be given the job of Treasurer for the time being. The Department and the ministries related to each of your title has not been established yet. We need more people to enter the court. I hope if you find talented people, you would recruit him to our cause.'


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