Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 591: The method of ruling i

Chapter 591: The method of ruling i

Then he added 

'I do not know all the customs of the Thirteen tribe. For now, there is not many responsibilities for your job. This job title is temporary. It would probably be reformed later when they were more people that I could trust'

Then Arial continue by saying

'Some of you have talents that could be used to help me. Some of you have followed me from the beginning and trusted me' Arial said as he looks slowly toward everyone in the room and smile

Then he nodded and said

'You all know I have a grand ambition. I want to conquer the Shadowlands and open the Ancient Gate' The two generals frowned but as for the people of the Thirteen tribe there is a fire in their eyes

To the people of the Thirteen tribes, there is no worthier goal than to open the Ancient Gate and herald the coming of Asrana.

People that is not of the tribes would not understand their reverence and their burning desire for such a goal.

Since the beginning of the Darkness eruption, there is many Outlanders that had appears all over the Three Kingdoms.

Warlords appear. 

The Three Kingdoms for most of the time still possess the dominant power. But that would not be for long. 

For most people of the tribes that knows the lore and accept the lore, they know that Asrana would not come from amongst them

Those who follow the word of the Prophet, knows that Asrana would come from a distant land.

And he is not a god initially. Asrana would be human like them. 

He would walk the Earth. He would suffer. He would experience sadness, happiness, sorrow and all the emotions.

He would make mistake and he would redeem himself. 

And after he had finished with his trial, he would be a divine being, sent to save them from the Darkness.

This belief in Asrana is strong. Their faith is strong. And those who live outside the Shadowlands, mostly the ten tribes, they all believe in this.

As such, they would rather follow an Outlander warlord.

They would seek signs. They would seek omens to verify the identity of the person they serve.

As for the Three Kingdoms and their kings and their royals, they know the lore, and they know the story. 

But they will never ever kneel before an Outlander Monarch

They believe their suffering had ended. 

That they have paid for the sins of killing the beloved of a holy man

That they are eligible and they wanted to steal the fate of Asrana.

The disappearance of the Darkness form the Shadowlands is the beginning of their trials and not its end.

But hubris had always been humanity fatal flaw.

It is the reason why this war would inevitably start. 

Whether Arial started the battle or not, even if there is no other external factor, or any warlords that wanted to conquer the land of the Three Kingdoms, the royalties of the Three Kingdom would start the war regardless of anything

Because only then, could they steal the fate of Asrana.

The only way to open the Ancient gate, if the lore is to be believed is to conquer all of the Three Kingdoms or to be more accurate, conquer the Shadowlands.

It is when this is achieved, the Ancient Gate would be open. 

Arial look at his two general and he wonder what Giovanni and Santiago is thinking right now. 

Did they think their liege had gone insane and started believing the lore of the Thirteen Tribes?

Or do they think that he is using the myths and the stories of the Thirteen tribes as a way to legitimize himself?

Arial believed that those two general probably think of the latter. After all, to the Twelve Generals, his image might be of that of a cunning Emperor.

Arial then continue his word, addressing the backbone of his administration 

'Any wise ruler would be full in spirit in recruiting the best of mind to work under them. I am the Emperor of Eden, the four corners of Davarus belongs to me. My position is the highest and not lowly' All of those present nodded.

'However, there were time when in the course of washing my hair, in the course of eating that I had to stop several times so that I could greet talented men who came to me. I fear that I might overlooked a talent if I put my pride first. I am humble before men who were talented and I do not look down on anybody.'

The two generals nodded in understanding. 

Out of all the official inside the room, only they were the witness of the humbleness of the Emperor in front of talented men

It is the reason why Silas would be so loyal to a man. Silas is known as the most duplicitous man in the court.

But even that man with such a bad reputation among his colleague is known to be extremely loyal to the Emperor.

The magnanimity of the Emperor toward talented men known no bound. Everyone knows that the Emperor deals with his enemies mercilessly.

And mediocre officials would not be spared from being punished.

But to talented men, Arial shows his magnanimous side. 

When the Conquest War began, Silas had advised and even rebuked the Emperor harshly in the throne room.

He rebuked the Emperor with so much eloquence that the Emperor was red in the face. Silas ability in crafting words to rebuke a person could be termed as divine.

If its anybody else, that person would probably have their head chopped off by the evening

But the Emperor in his anger, instead of giving Silas a punishment went out from the throne room in anger. 

He went back to his office and calm himself down. It is only after he calm himself down that he started the meeting again.

When he was asked by the other officials why he would not levy punishment to Silas, Arial had said

'This is a man who had given his honest opinion to me. He did not sway under authority, and his rebuke is meant for my own welfare. I am angry. But if I levied my anger upon him, then I would not only lose a friend. I would lose an able and capable minister. That is not a bargain I am ready to made.'

Silas then quit the political life and retreated to his villa.

Even then, the Emperor did not make it hard for him and even shower gifts on him 

It wasn't until the Conquest War ended that Arial then went to that villa to invite back Silas into the government. That story is repeated so many times in teahouse and performer of travelling troupe that everyone in the Human Continent knows about it.

Arial then continue saying

'But, my experience in ruling has taught me, that it is not enough to only have talented men. If I have a talented person but I could not put them in position of influence befitting of their ability, then the presence of such a talented person is only useful in name but not in practice.'

'a wise ruler must have the wisdom to recognize an able person. And when such person is recognized, one must appoint a position that is befitting for them. When he is appointed and he now sits on the right position, then he must be utilized and used and not neglect the opinion of such a person'

Arial then added

'Remind me when I overlooked a certain minister advice because of my own personal resentment. Remind me, when outstanding contribution are dismissed because of some minor offenses that the officials had done toward me. Warn me, when a person overall excellence is concealed because of some minor flaws in his character'

The other officials were shocked to hear such speech. 

The more so for people who live inside the Three Kingdoms. The position of King in the Three Kingdoms is akin to God

Their will and word is absolute. It would not be strange to hear stories about lords oppressing the people under their rule.

The minister is mostly blamed when something goes wrong. 

It is one of the reason why the tribespeople outside of the three Kingdoms did not like the ambition of the Three Great Tribes.

But it is undeniable, that under such an absolute will, it is easy to create a powerful unified force compared to the other tribe that is loosely affiliated and had many entanglements of past blood feud.

Arial might be Emperor in Human Continent and while he himself theoretically have full power and his dynasty is an absolute monarchy, he himself is unlike any of the Emperor of the other continent

he restrained himself with the Laws and while his method at times seems merciless, his sword is always pointed toward corrupt officials.

He himself is praised as a good Emperor by the people and those who is virtuous, capable always would find themselves favored by the Emperor.

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