Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 592: The method of ruling (2)

Chapter 592: The method of ruling (2)

He could be stubborn and bull headed and there is certain thing which his will overrides the advice of his minister, but such an occurrence is an anomaly and not a usual occasion.

For example, the Conquest War was actually supported by the majority of the ministers as they truly believed that Arrandy, that the Vermont dynasty was promised the world since that fateful victory in Vangua.

And not only that. 

Arial was different than the nobles that some of the officials was accustomed with. The nobles never apologize. 

But Arial did. 

He accepts advice and he is not afraid to admit his own ignorance. Such trait is refreshing and for the people like Ragar, his confidence that Arial is the promised Asrana grows higher

Arial himself did not realize this change toward him. 

Yes, Arial was also like this when he is in Eden. 

But there is a certain coldness to him that make those officials felt like they were walking on a tightrope when talking with the Emperor

Now, however there is a certain kind of gentleness. Like some kind of an all embracing warmth.

Arial was cleansed when he met the White Hart. 

Arial himself did not notice it. He is slowly becoming that Arial in the past. The one that still have a lot of hope. 

The one that still have a lot of love to give. The one that look at the stars and smile while reciting poetry

All it needs is a bit of catalyst. Arial then continue saying

'Guard your integrity and guard yourself. Do not give your enemies a weapon to bring you down. Be able, and be vigilant. When good minister is not put to good use, a kingdom ability to survive will be challenged'

Arial is trying to give some encouraging talk and also to instill some bravery toward his officials to talk to him.

He knew all about the differences between the nobles in the Three Kingdoms and the nobles that is in his Human Continent.

He wanted to tell them that he is not like them. He does appreciate talented men and he does listen to their advice.

While having absolute power to command does give him advantages, Arial knows his limitation.

Arial did not govern such a large Empire relying only on his ability. He knows how to delegate and he knows to adopt great ideas.

Even when he felt he had a good idea he would propose it and debated it with his ministers so that he could perfected it even more. 

Sometimes, when you are working it by yourself, there is always certain thing you would fail to consider, or some angle that you failed to see.

It is this practice of discussing with his minister that enable him to enact comprehensive reform that is complete and have the least flaws

He wanted to create such an environment here too. 

If he did not say it, he fears that his officials would be nothing more than people who would just do his bidding. If he wanted such a people, he would not pick these men.

He could just grab anyone he could see that fears or love him enough. Absolute power sometimes makes you blind.

Arial knows the temptation of power. 

He had absolute power in the Empire. 

The temptation of using that power haphazardly is ever-present. Arial remember what Silas said to him about how absolute power corrupts absolutely.

As such, he himself restrained his action by the Law. Each day he wakes up and when he presided over the meeting, he reminded himself not to be drunk on power.

It is a responsibility that he taken over himself. When the anger is dousedall that remains is regret. And that is what he felt

But the thing about regret is that you could not just go back in time to rectify it. After all, Arial doubt that he would get another chance.

He had to live with it. 

And the only way he could repay all those lives that was lost because of his anger, the lives of the soldiers that have died for to make sure that the promise that he made them be fulfilled.

Arial could be said to be better than most of the monarch that the Human Continent had ever known.

He remembers the promise he made with his soldiers. 

To lead Eden to a prosperous age where they would no longer have to fear war, to live in an enduring peace.

Redemption is something he had been seeking since the end of the Conquest war. Because of that search, he governed his Empire well. 

His people lives in an age of great prosperity.

And then he came here. Following a dream, following an ancient whisper.

For some reason, Arial felt that he should protect these people. These thirteen tribe. This instinct is like the instinct of a father trying to save his children.

An instinct. It is from this that Arial knows this is probably something that is planted in his heart

But Azief had no desire to remove this feeling. Arial sighed. Nobody would know his complicated feeling.

Under that exterior of a cold man. who knows the way his heart break? Who knows that he found existence itself is burdensome?

A man who found no peace in life, and even in glory, his heart could not be filed with joys and the cheers of his men?

There is much for him to live for. 

To the eyes of many he possesses so many things to be grateful about. But life to him is tiresome, lonely and wearisome when there is no one beside him.

There is no place where he could rest his body and his heart. In this long and lonesome journey that is called life. his life is colorless. 

Asleep, nightmares haunt him. Awake, guilt crushed him. Such an it not tiresome? Is it not. debilitating?

But no one could see it. Under that cold face and his cold demeanor, there is a heart that is just as cold.

But wanting always to be warm. He need someone warm. Someone that could draw that smile out of his heart, someone that could give unrestrained joy.

He did not expect people to understand. 

There was a few second of silence as Arial seems to be wandering about in his mind before he continues saying

'A kingdom could only be governed well if the king is wise. And the fall of the kingdom is mostly because it has foolish kings. How then should a king be wise?'

'Should he listen to the fawning words of those who wish his favors? Or should he listen to the honest but hurtful advice of wise and virtuous ministers? The answer is self-evident.'

'A king that wanted to be wise would open his heart and his mind to listen and gauge opinion from all sides. A foolish king will only listen to opinion that echoes his own mind, preferring to hear beautiful lies than ugly truth'

'A broad minded king should be able to accept suggestion from all parties, only then he could attain wisdom. On the contrary, if he insists on listening to one sided, sly and fawning remark, his foolishness will also increase day by day.'

'Use this words to remonstrate me when iota papers that I become narrow minded. Remind me of this word should I one day become too stubborn and warn me when I favor jesters and clowns more than I value talented men'

Everyone listen to his word and they have a new opinion on the new King. To the officials that come from Novus Gaia, this is mind breaking for them.

For such a king to voluntarily tell his own minister to challenge him is quite a novelty.

Arial had played the game of politics long enough to know full control did not mean you should control every moving parts

Sometimes you have to let go to gain control. In real life it did not work like that. But in politics, sometimes the more you let go, the more you would gain.

Arial look at his officials and he was satisfied and he nodded.

'You are all dismissed for today. Slowly accustomed yourself with the responsibilities of your job and if there are no pressing matters, we would be holding a morning meeting and an evening meeting after today'

They all nodded and then bow toward Arial as they slowly leave the room. As they were leaving the room Arial could see that the officials are beginning to talk with each other.

Arial nodded as this is what he wanted to see. 

Of course he did not want them to form cliques but there are too little officials in the court to worry about that.

If it were to happen like that Arial would deal with it when the times comes.

The moment they leave the room, and the door is closed, Arial sighed. Now inside the Grand Hall, he is the only one around.

Even his servant is dismissed. He sighed as he rubs his temple.

'I need to plan this carefully. The Goddess might have said I am some kind of divine reincarnation of some God. but if I died before that then there would be no such thing.'

Then smiling sadly, he thought to himself

'It would not be that bad if he could somehow redeem himself. Saving the world does seem like something that would redeem him

He nodded and thought to himself

'I have a long way to go' And then he looks at the empty room and he shakes his head

Sitting on the highest peak would always get lonely. Then he laughs.

'I should not whine too much.' And he laughed at himself.


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