Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 74: Challenge

74 Challenge

Ming Hui laughed seeing her brother reaction. "You shouldn't judge them by normal standard, they are more than that."

"You're correct."

Soujin ignored the two people and turned his attention back to Jun Min. As he had expected after careful examination, the two people are highly similar. It makes him wants to know more, but at the same time, not really.

"Your face is truly similar with your sister."

Soujin remark makes Jun Hua remember the scene before now. Soujin had surprisingly walked towards her and asks the same question. For her, it's weird that he didn't come straight to Jun Min. But now, it seems he wants to ask Jun Min too.

"It's just some coincidence," Jun Hua answered, partially lying.

Soujin raised his eyebrows. "It's alright if you don't want to answer. There are things we need to talk about after this event."

Jun Hua nodded, she doesn't know what they want to talk about, but she knows that it's something serious. Normally, he would only ask for an ordinary thing and banter around, but she's sure that he had his own reason for getting close with Jun Min. They might have been together for some time, but they are still probing each other.

Ming Hui stared at Soujin. "You finally want to tell him about it?"

"Why not?" Soujin retorted.

"Fine, he's a good friend after all," Ming Hui commented.

Jun Hua looks at them with interest. It seems that there's indeed something. She will soon find out about it.

As they are talking with each other, the performances of the girls who got music finally finished. Many of them played excellently and they would get a good score. Now, it's time for the girls who pick drawing to show their result.

The first girl who got the chance to come up is Lin San. The girl stays calm and picks her canvas leisurely. She stared at the audience with confidence and unfolds the drawing in front of them. Many people look in surprise at the picture she had shown.

The theme for this test drawing is free so Lin San chooses to draw an image of flowers. There are several flowers in a field with the sun still shining. The flowers are in different condition, some were blooming, some were dying, and the others. All of them look different and they all look so beautiful. The arrangement of the flower makes every single one of them could show their beauty perfectly. On top of them, there are several butterflies flying and some of them landed on the flower.

Lin San smiled. "This is my drawing. I choose this theme because girls are often associated with flowers and this different kinds of flower means all of us. There will come the times when flower withers, but when we are young, we are like the blooming of the flower that attracts bees and butterflies. Thank you."

Jun Hua smiled slightly. She could see that Lin San ability in drawing is truly perfect. That single piece of drawing makes them think of her as a highly talented person who did not only think of herself, but also others. She uses this chance to completely change how people think about her ever since the incident with her mother. This girl had surprisingly matured at an alarming speed.

Some of the girls in the hall blushed at Lin San explanation, but they didn't disagree. The other girls who chooses painting face fell because they're sure that the first place would belong to Lin San.

"She changed a lot," Ming Hui said. "Probably, there will be a lot of people wanting her again like this."

"She truly uses her chance perfectly. She might become someone important in the future," Yan commented.

Jun Hua nodded. When people experience setback, they might change. Some of them might open their eyes and see the world better while the others instead digging their own grave. Whatever they choose, they have to follow that path until the end.

Lin San is smart, she's not an ordinary girl as she had already learn more from her mother. Previously, her arrogance is truly annoying, but now, she had perfectly hid it and portrays herself better in front of many people. Probably, she can achieve things by her own. Jun Hua won't bother with her anymore.

After the girls finished, it's time for the boys to show off their skill. They can choose archery or essay. Most of the boys are already proficient in it especially if they're already in the academy for years or have their family lesson. The boys learn in the academy for 5 years, from 13 to 17 unless they're enlisted in military because for scholar, they need to finish their lesson.

"Those scholar people are not bad," said Yan.

"You want to recruit them?" Ming Hui raised her eyebrow.

"Not them, who I want is that top scorer, Xuan Pei. But it seems, he won't accept the offer easily," Yan said.

Jun Hua remembers her teacher. Is he really that good? She doesn't really think that highly about him though he's a good teacher. Besides, he detests going into the fight with the imperial family member for the throne and he even doesn't want to be an official.

"Soujin, do you know how to persuade him?" Yan grinned.

"No, he's a double-edge sword."

"What?" Yan stared at the man with confusion. What does he have that make Soujin doesn't like him? He seems to be a good one.

"Let the other prince take him if they want. We don't need someone like him," Soujin answered calmly.

Yan and Ming Hui stared at each other before giving up the intention. They don't understand what Soujin wanted, but since he said that, there must be a reason behind it.

Jun Hua also didn't understand what this guy wanted. She doesn't see anything wrong from Xuan Pei, aside from his weird interest. In the test, he might be challenged by one of the students later since he's a good scholar.

Returning her attention towards the boys who show off their archery skill, she felt that it's ridiculous. Even she, a girl, can do better than them. Some of them almost cannot hit the target correctly and nearly hit the wall. Then there are also those who did well, but didn't stand among the others.

The second part of the test soon finished and it's time for the third. This one is for those who didn't get their most able choice in the test or merely wants to show off their skill by challenging other people. They can challenge everyone in the hall even if that person is the teacher.

Soon, one person stands up and he said loudly. "I want to challenge Jun Min."

This sentence caused an uproar.

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