Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 75: I Don’t Want to Bully a Little Kid Like You

75 I Don’t Want to Bully a Little Kid Like You

Jun Hua smiled at the other party. The person who stands up is about 17 years old with tall built. He looks powerful and his youthful face looks full of determination. She doesn't recognize him or even know why he chooses her, but since it's his choice, don't blame her for teaching him a lesson.

"It's Lan Rou. He's the cousin of Lan Ping. They have some relation, but it's still quite far," Yan whispered.

Lan Rou? It seems that the Lan family is itching to teach her a lesson. Have they already forgotten the incident where she beat up the 7 assassins in short time?

"You can even challenge people from outside school?"

Ming Hui thinks for a bit. "You can, as long as the person is in this hall and they accepted the challenge."

Jun Hua turned to Lan Rou. "I don't want to bully a little kid like you."

Jun Hua words make the people in the hall startled. They have just found out that Jun Min is indeed an arrogant person. But if they think about what he had done in some of the occasion before, he does have the right to be arrogant.

Lan Rou face flushed red in anger. He feels highly insulted. With his big built, how can a little kid like Jun Min call him little kid. By built, he won and even by age, he's older than the boy by 3 years. How can he accept getting insulted like this?

"Are you afraid?" Lan Rou said in agitation. His cousin is a talented general and he too has been trained since young in martial arts. There is no way he could be beaten by such a little kid, that's what he believes.

Jun Hua raised her eyebrow. "Don't say that I don't remind you."

With that, Jun Hua stood up and walk towards the stage. The people in the hall, especially the students' parents are all looking with interest. They have heard about the boy prowess and how at such a young age he becomes a general. Now finally, there is a chance to witness his ability.

Fan Ying is also among the audience. He comes to support his sister who fortunately did well. Looking at that figure coming towards the stage, he remembers his own fight and a bitter smile showed on his face. That Lan Rou is truly looking for a beating. He's not even a soldier and never actually steps on the battlefield, but dare to challenge him. If it's not looking for a beating, what is it?

Lan Rou stared at the boy in front of him. Jun Hua built is indeed small compared to her peers. She's considered short especially in front of someone as tall as Lan Rou.

"Why do I feel like watching a showdown between a giant and an ant?" Fan Lanying said in amused tone. She waits on her chair excitedly.

Jun Hua raised her head slightly. "What do we compete on?"

"Can you do archery?"


"Let's compete in archery, striking the arrow towards the target on top of horse."


Jun Hua lazily answered. Lan Rou can clearly feel that Jun Min is not taking him seriously and it makes him feeling angry. Lan Rou takes the bow and mounted his horse. He looks towards Jun Hua who still stands leisurely.

"You can start first."

"I won't be courteous then," Lan Rou answered.

There are only 6 target prepared, three for Jun Min and the other three for Lan Rou. Pacing his horse, Lan Rou aims for the target. The location of each target is different and he could choose which one he wants to. There is one at the left, another one at the right, and the last one at the front.

Quickly, he fires his arrow one by one and each of them landed on the center of the target perfectly.

"Your Highness Ming Kui, this person skill is not bad," one of the first prince attendants said in a low voice.

Ming Kui looks towards Lan Rou. He had heard about the Lan family and their loyalty towards the imperial family. Nevertheless, he knows that those people are only looking for backing. They cannot compare their fighting prowess with the other two families. Aside from their big number of soldiers, their skill is not that good.

"Its average coming from a military family," Ming Kui said calmly. "The standard of the Lan family has been decreasing as of lately."

"Your Highness, he doesn't catch your attention?"

"No, his skill is not enough."

The attendant looks at the young man in the stage. This degree is not enough? Just how high the standard the first prince search for?

Ming Kui looks towards the stage. If he truly wants someone who has high skill in martial arts, he needs to look for Nanglong or Jun family. Both of these families are truly talented and their offspring are exceptional. Unfortunately, given their relationship with the emperor is only lukewarm, they wouldn't want to bother themselves with the fight for the throne.

Since he cannot find a good support in terms of military power, Ming Kui is looking for highly intelligent officials. He knows that he's not really favored by his father because his father only looks towards his second brother, Ming Gong. He doesn't understand why his father didn't just crown that man to be the crown prince, but it seems like he still has some chance.

On the other side, Ming Gong is looking towards the arena with disdainful eyes.

"That low talent and he already hoped to match with a general? What a joke!"

"Your Highness Prince Ming Gong, isn't he really good?"

"What do you know? Compared to his brother, Lan Ping, he's nothing. I don't need useless people like him," Ming Gong said sharply. He uses sharp tone as usual because he knows that his father favored him and someday he will become the emperor. To lower himself and looks for untalented people like this? It's not in his agenda.

On the stage, Jun Hua watched the gleeful Lan Rou with calm eyes. In her eyes, this kind of performance is only child play.

"Jun Min, it's your turn!" Lan Rou said with confidence. With the three of his arrow going straight to the target, he believes that Jun Min cannot beat him anymore.

Jun Hua picks the bow and mounted the horses. Unlike Lan Rou, she put the three arrows on her bow and as she urges the horse to move, three arrows are fired almost at the same time towards the three targets. The three of them goes straight to the middle at the same time, despite the difference in location.

Jun Hua put her bow down and looks at Lan Rou. "Have you finished talking?"

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