Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 118 Reading The Report


Title: Operation Hell - Heaven's Uprising. 

Confidential Report


This report outlines a conclusive plan for the overthrow of the government of Eden, to be executed during the Founders Day celebrations.


The primary objective of Operation Hell - Heaven's uprising is to orchestrate a well-coordinated uprising to overthrow the government of Eden during the symbolic Founders Day celebrations. By choosing this specific occasion, we aim to exploit the vulnerability and distraction of the government, maximizing the chances of a successful revolution.


Symbolic Importance

Strategic Timing

Diversionary Tactics

Execution Plan:

Recruitment and Training

Information Gathering

Coordinated Uprising

Seizing Key Positions

Public Support









As everyone in the meeting quietly read through the plan, their expressions revealed everything but calm. 

Despite their efforts to control their emotions, they couldn't help but show their surprise and astonishment. 

The level of detail in the plan was far beyond what any one person could conceive, leaving them in awe of the intricate strategy laid out before them.

"Who came up with this plan?" asked Adam, one of the regional leaders, in an excited tone.

"I can't tell you that, as they wish to remain anonymous," Alexander replied, intentionally avoiding mentioning Aron's involvement in the plan.

"Although the plan is well thought out and feasible, it requires a significant amount of funding, and I'm not certain if we can acquire it without attracting the attention of Adolf and other revolutionary groups," Adam voiced his concern.

"When it comes to funding, you don't have to worry about that. A generous donor has covered the entire cost, so all we have to do now is start planning the execution of the plan," Alexander reassured Adam.

"Although the plan is very detailed, it seems like there is something missing," Ace chimed in after completing his reading, having identified a gap in the report.

"What part is missing?" Alexander asked, curious to know about the omission.

"Although the plan outlines our strategy of utilizing the preparations for the celebration of the founding days as a cover to gather ourselves and exploit the weaknesses created by the concentration of forces in other important locations, it overlooks the crucial aspect of dealing with the remaining army. 

While they may not be a formidable force compared to global standards, they still comprise an armed military of 34,000 personnel. Despite Adolf's focus on his private forces, we cannot disregard the presence of the army. We need to address how we will handle them," he explained, highlighting the missing component of the plan.

"That aspect will be handled by our backer," Alexander replied in response to the question.

"Who is that backer? we need to know him to see if we can trust him and what he plans to gain from all of this when everything is over'' Ace said immediately after hearing the answer from Alexander "We are not children, we all know that someone who will invest such a large amount of money always has something to gain and we are not against it or anything we just need to know his intentions so that we can choose on whether to trust him or not"

When Alexander heard the question, he realized that he couldn't provide a direct answer without divulging the identity and intentions of their backer.

He found himself stuck between a rock and a hard place, torn between revealing Aron as the backer or withholding the information, which could lead to dissatisfaction or opposition among the group. Alexander contemplated the consequences of both options, weighing the potential benefits of transparency against the risks of compromising their benefactor's anonymity.

As Alexander was contemplating, "Ding" his phone chimed with a notification. Though he could have chosen to ignore it, he recognized the specific notification sound as one assigned only to Aron. This indicated that the message held importance, compelling him to swiftly retrieve his phone and open the message, regardless of how it might be perceived by the others in attendance.

The message contained a simple statement: "You can tell them about me." While the message provided relief to Alexander, it also evoked a sense of unease. The words held dual significance. On one hand, it signified Aron's approval for Alexander to reveal his identity to the others. On the other hand, it carried a more ominous implication—one that suggested Aron's omnipresence and control, insinuating that every action and word was under his watchful gaze.

"Is it important?" The man, growing impatient, asked Alexander if the notification he had just received was important, unaware of the significance it held for Alexander and the weight it carried in the current situation.

"No, let's continue with the meeting," Alexander replied, discreetly slipping his phone back into his pocket.

"Since you want to know who our backer is, his name is Aron. As for what he wants to gain from us after everything is succeeded, he wants the constitution to abolish the military and dismantle all its associated institutions," Alexander explained, keeping his response short and concise.

"What??" The room erupted in surprise and shock upon hearing Alexander's revelation. The suddenness and audacity of Aron's proposition left everyone unable to maintain their composure.

"Why would he want such a bullshit thing?" Ace angrily exclaimed, unable to comprehend Aron's motive behind wanting to abolish the military.

When Alexander heard the man dismiss Aron's demand as "bullshit," he felt a sinking feeling in his heart, knowing that Aron was listening to the entire conversation. In an attempt to prevent further insults and potential consequences, Alexander quickly intervened, offering an explanation. "His private forces will be taking its place," he clarified, hoping to pacify the situation and alleviate any concerns.

"Why the heck would he want to do that?" Ace continued asking

"For the specific reasons behind his decision, I'm not entirely sure," Alexander replied honestly.

"And what about the 34 thousand soldiers in the army? Are they just going to sit back and accept their unemployment? Let's not forget, they are armed," Ace questioned, his tone filled with mockery.

"As I mentioned before, when it comes to the army, there is no need to worry. Our backer, Aron, will personally handle the challenges associated with the army and all that it entails," Alexander assured them in a confident tone.

"I truly cannot grasp how he intends to achieve that," remarked one individual, attempting to envision the practicalities. "I personally don't know of anyone in the world with a private army capable of handling and exerting control over more than 34,000 individuals, except for Ramzan Kadyrov, and Aron's name bears no resemblance to his. It's quite perplexing to contemplate."

"Though I am not aware of his true capabilities, what I do know is that he possesses enough wealth to substantiate every claim he has made," Alexander responded, acknowledging his own naivety about the extent of his unwavering confidence in Aron's abilities, not knowing where it comes from.

"That's too little for us to place our trust in him. Can you arrange a meeting with him so that we can personally assess his credibility and determine whether we can rely on him and comply with his demands? Or should we consider the possibility of betraying him once we have gained power and achieved our goals?" Oscar proposed, causing Alexander to nervously grip his trousers, fearing the potential repercussions of the man's words.

"I will convey your request to meet him and inform you of his response once I receive it," Alexander replied, his voice still tinged with residual fear. "With that, let's conclude today's meeting and reconvene after we receive his reply." Sensing the tense atmosphere in the room, he swiftly brought the meeting to an end, wary of provoking any actions from Aron that could jeopardize his own safety.

To Alexander, although Aron was always civil during every interaction they had, he understood that Aron was a formidable and potentially dangerous individual. 

The fact that Aron had already invested a substantial sum of money, exceeding a quarter of a billion dollars, indicated the seriousness of his intentions. Aron's commitment to his promises was unwavering, and Alexander knew that any betrayal from their side would not end well for them.

The vast resources Aron had dedicated to their cause demonstrated the significance of what he stood to gain in return. Alexander recognized that the value Aron placed on his endgame was so significant that he would not hesitate to change the group he will support if necessary. 

In Alexander's mind, the consequences of crossing Aron were clear. The financial support of approximately 60 million dollars provided by the billionaire was a relatively insignificant amount to him, akin to pocket change. 


Universal simulation.

Aron couldn't help but burst out laughing in disappointment upon hearing the suggestion that they should consider betraying him once they had gained power.

"Human minds are truly feeble," Aron remarked with a disappointed shake of his head. "it seems that when they saw an achievable plan, one of them had already contemplated betraying me." His tone carried a tale of his disappointment.

[I left him because it is difficult to replace him at the moment and he is still useful to us. We can get rid of him after we finish the revolution] Nova replied, gently brushing Aron's back as a gesture of consolation.

"I am aware of that, and I had foreseen it," Aron remarked, acknowledging the situation. "However, there is a notable distinction between expecting something and witnessing its actual occurrence. The contrast between anticipation and reality can be quite striking."

[Isn't that why you took charge of handling the army yourself?] Nova remarked playfully, aware of Aron's tendency for planning for all possibilities.

"As you know by forcing the generals to sign the runic contract, I will gain control over the army, enabling me to assimilate and retrain them as my own forces," Aron explained, his tone filled with a calculated sense of power. 

"But that is not the only reason. As a wise man once said, 'The romantic image of the people storming the gates and overthrowing their dictator is mostly a fantasy. If you run a middling dictatorship, the people only storm the palace when the army lets them.' 

By retaining control over the army, I can oversee the entire process and ensure a smooth transition of power, while also shaping the constitution to include the amendments I desire and eliminating any potential for betrayal." A sinister smile crept across Aron's face, hinting at a transformation within him.

Nova, present to see this change, felt a surge of joy as she witnessed Aron's evolution and the gradual transformation of his mindset. It was a small step, but it represented progress. Every improvement, no matter how slight, brought a sense of relief and joy to her.

"It seems that the time has come for me to visit Eden," Aron declared, making his journey official.

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