Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 119 The Birth Of A Star

Hearing that he had finally decided to visit Eden [Will you be going with the first batch of the security team?] Nova asked.

"Yes, that would be more convenient. I need to personally introduce them to the generals to facilitate the smuggling of weapons and other materials," Aron replied.

[That's true,] Nova nodded in agreement with Aron's idea.

"Have you finalized the list of weapons dealers?" he asked, wanting to shift the discussion to a different subject.

[Yes, it is. However, given your requirement for dealers capable of smuggling the latest generation of weapons, the list is rather short,] she replied while materializing the list in Aron's hand.

"Are they what I think they are?" he questioned, as he was reading the names written on the list.

[Yes, most of them are former US and other NATO soldiers working in private military companies (PMCs), utilizing their connections to acquire weapons from the US Army and other coalition forces deployed in Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern countries. It's the most convenient method to obtain such technology without arousing any suspicion. They can simply claim that the weapons were destroyed in combat or under other circumstances,] Nova elaborated, sharing her understanding of the situation.

"That's good to hear. Do they have sufficient inventory to meet our requirements?" Aron asked.

[Fortunately, yes. And since we'll be making such a large purchase, we have the opportunity to negotiate a discount. However, such a significant transaction will raise red flags with the three-letter agencies,] Nova expressed her concern.

"We just need to ensure that we cover our tracks once the weapons enter international waters. Once they are safely transported to Eden, even if they discover the destination, we can use the Eden army as a cover," Aron confidently stated.

[I agree] Nova answered.

"I don't foresee having any rest for at least the next six months," Aron remarked, acknowledging the significant workload ahead.

[If you utilize the workforce you have at your disposal, it will grant you a few weeks of rest, so you needn't worry about that, sir,] Nova reassured Aron.


[Oh, sir, the fusion lab is about to ignite the fusion reactor. Would you like to have a look at it?] Nova exclaimed with excitement, informing Aron of the significant development.

"Sure, let's go and take a look," Aron said, standing up from his chair and adjusting his trousers. In an instant, Nova teleported them both to Lab City.


Inside the fusion research lab, scientists in white coats bustled about, diligently conducting final checkups and ensuring that every aspect of the system was in order before initiating the ignition sequence. Their meticulous movements and focused expressions demonstrated their dedication to the task at hand, leaving no room for oversight or forgotten details.

Aron and Nova, invisible to the busy scientists in the lab, observed the unfolding scene in silence. 

The engineers took about half an hour to complete their final system diagnosis and other important things before they took a seat inside the control room that was filled with screens showing live video feeds of the insides of everything that would be activated today.

The video feeds displayed on the screens were a product of Nova's abilities, as she accessed the simulation data for each specific location and projected them as real-time video feeds. 

John, the lead scientist clapped his hand to attract the attention of everyone in the room, and then he began addressing the team, "Alright, everyone, let's go through the final checks before we proceed with the ignition test. Safety systems?"

Sarah, the safety officer, replied confidently, "Check. Emergency shutdown mechanisms are in place and functioning correctly. Radiation monitoring systems are active, and containment measures are secure."

John nodded approvingly and continued, "Instrumentation calibration?"

Michael, the lead technician, chimed in, "Check. All diagnostic tools and sensors have been calibrated and verified for accuracy. We're ready to capture and monitor the experimental parameters."

John turned to Peter, the vacuum systems specialist, "Vacuum integrity?"

Peter responded, "Check. The vacuum system has been thoroughly tested, and there are no leaks. We have a high-quality vacuum environment for the ignition test."

"Excellent," John acknowledged. "Fuel preparation?"

Linda, the fuel supply coordinator, confirmed, "Check. The deuterium and tritium fuel has been prepared and verified for purity. Storage and handling procedures are in place, and we have the required quantities ready for the test."

John then turned to Emma, the plasma heating expert, "Heating and conditioning?"

Emma replied confidently, "Check. The neutral beam injection and radiofrequency heating systems have been tested and are capable of reaching the required plasma temperatures. We're ready to preheat and condition the plasma."

John glanced at Mark, responsible for the magnetic field generation, and asked, "Magnetic field generation?"

Mark responded, "Check. The power supply and control systems are functioning properly and are capable of generating the magnetic field with the strength within the desired range for stable plasma confinement."

"Good," John acknowledged. "Interlock systems?"

Anna, the control systems engineer, answered, "Check. The interlock systems have been tested and verified. They are connected and calibrated to activate necessary shutdowns or safety measures if any unsafe conditions arise."

John then addressed the entire team, "Alright, we've gone through the essential checks. We're now in the final stages, everyone. Let's make sure we're focused, thorough, and maintain clear communication throughout the ignition test. Good luck, and let's make history!"

When Aron heard John say that, he was about to start clapping but he stopped himself when he noticed that the engineers remained focused on their tasks, their attention fixed on the computers in front of them.

Aron turned to Nova and asked, "Shouldn't they have applauded after that short motivational speech?"

[They need to maintain their focus until the testing is completed,] Nova answered. [If they get excited now, they might overlook a critical detail that could have serious consequences.]

"Don't you have everything under control?" he asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

[Although I have the ability to prevent any mishaps, I purposely refrain from doing so. I want to provide them with a realistic environment, simulating the challenges they would face in the real world. 

This way, they won't overlook any critical errors that could potentially cause problems for you. 

Additionally, I am compiling a training manual based on their experiences, which you can use to educate engineers in the real world and prevent them from making the same mistakes,] Nova explained, outlining her rationale.

"Thanks," he said, acknowledging Nova's explanation. He then shifted his attention back to the proceedings, as they were on the verge of commencing the reactor ignition process.

"Initiate the ignition sequence," John declared as he settled into his seat, signaling the start of the ignition process.

The room fell into a focused silence as the team executed their pre-planned procedures. John's eyes were fixed on the central display, where a schematic diagram of the tokamak reactor flickered to life, indicating the initiation of the first crucial step.

The tokamak's magnetic field, the guardian of the plasma, sprang into action. Aron watched in awe as the powerful magnetic coils lining the reactor chamber began to surge with life. 

The whirring hum of electrical currents enveloped the control room as the magnetic field took shape. It was a symphony of precision engineering, a testament to human ingenuity in taming the immense forces at play.

With the magnetic field established, attention turned to the plasma formation. Aron's gaze shifted to another screen, where he could see the fuel injection system come to life. 

A delicate balance of hydrogen isotopes, carefully controlled by state-of-the-art valves, flowed into the tokamak's core. The process was meticulous, ensuring the precise composition necessary for successful fusion reactions.

For the next 20 minutes, Aron watched with anticipation as the fuel gracefully danced through the tokamak's intricate pathways. 

Sensors monitored its purity, eliminating any traces of impurities that could hinder the fusion process. The tension in the room grew as the fuel injection process neared completion, setting the stage for the fusion ignition.

Upon completion, the heating mechanisms engaged, ready to nudge the plasma towards the extraordinary temperatures required for fusion. 

Aron's attention focused on the powerful neutral beam injectors, their beams of high-energy particles penetrating the plasma's core. He could almost feel the energy building, the plasma responding to the invisible touch of the beams.

Simultaneously, radiofrequency waves enveloped the tokamak, resonating with the plasma's natural frequencies. Aron observed the plasma's glow intensify, growing brighter and more energetic by the second. 

The tokamak's control systems carefully adjusted the heating parameters, creating the ideal conditions for fusion to ignite.

Forty minutes later, the plasma reached the optimal temperature and density for fusion reactions to occur. Aron held his breath as the room fell into a hushed reverence. 

Within the tokamak's heart, the plasma erupted into a maelstrom of energy. Fusion reactions took place, hydrogen nuclei colliding with a force that rivaled the power of the stars.

In the midst of this awe-inspiring spectacle, Aron's attention turned to the MagnetoHydrodynamic(MHD) generator, the ingenious device that would harness the plasma's kinetic energy for electricity production. 

The generator MHD, a testament to cutting-edge engineering, stood poised to revolutionize the way energy was harvested from fusion reactors.

As the fusion reactions unleashed a torrent of charged particles, the MHD generator came to life. Aron watched with fascination as the plasma, brimming with energy, interacted with the generator's intricate network of electrodes and magnetic fields. 

A symphony of electromagnetic forces unfolded before his eyes, guiding the charged particles along their designated paths.

The MHD generator operated on a principle of direct conversion, eschewing the need for traditional turbines or heat exchange systems. As the charged particles passed through the magnetic field within the generator, electric currents were induced. These currents, skillfully captured by the electrodes, were meticulously channeled into an external circuit.

Aron's pulse quickened as he witnessed the first sparks of electricity being harvested from the plasma. The MHD generator efficiently converted the plasma's kinetic energy into electrical power, paving the way for a more direct and efficient energy conversion process. It was a remarkable marriage of plasma physics and electrical engineering, a paradigm shift in energy generation.

The MHD generator efficiently converted the plasma's kinetic energy into electrical power, paving the way for a more direct and efficient energy conversion process. 

It was a remarkable marriage of plasma physics and electrical engineering, a paradigm shift in energy generation.

Aron's pulse quickened as he witnessed the first sparks of electricity being harvested from the plasma. 

And just like that, a star was born.

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