Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 120 Hearing The Report

Universal simulation.

It has been 8 hours since the fusion reactor was powered on and began generating electricity, and it has continued to operate without interruption, consistently producing electrical power.

Nova had connected the transformer, which received the electricity from the fusion reactor to Lab City. This setup allowed the scientists to test the reactor's performance and capabilities under real-life conditions where demands fluctuate constantly, reflecting the ever-changing needs of the people.

After maintaining silence throughout the entire process, Aron finally broke his silence and turned to Nova, ordering, "Provide me a report, as I am completely lost and unable to comprehend any of this."

Nova smiled and began to provide Aron with a comprehensive overview of the recent events. [The reactor was effectively initiated, accomplishing an impressive feat of producing 100 GW of power, sufficient to cater to the uninterrupted demands of 100 million individuals. However, it is important to note that the energy output can be adjusted, either amplified or diminished, by modifying the size of the reactor design.]

"Wow, that's what you call an energy revolution," Aron exclaimed, utterly astounded and impressed by the report.

"Did everything go according to plan as well?" he asked.

[Yes, however, there are still a few challenges that need to be addressed before it can be deemed fully operational,] Nova responded.

"What are the issues?" he asked, sensing that it was about time for problems to arise.

[Well, firstly, acquiring a sufficient supply of tritium poses a significant challenge due to its strict regulations. Therefore, our engineers need to commence research on alternative methods to generate the fuel privately, eliminating the need for the complex process of obtaining the material.

The second issue revolves around the production of high-energy neutrons as a byproduct of the fusion reaction. Neutrons, being uncharged particles, possess the ability to penetrate through materials, resulting in their activation and radioactivity. While we have identified a material capable of withstanding this effect, its integrity can only be preserved for a limited duration before the reactor starts to leak these neutrons.

Lastly, we encounter a problem with plasma ions. The fusion plasma comprises charged particles known as ions, which possess substantial energy and can interact with materials. This interaction leads to erosion and damage to the reactor walls over time.] Nova explained, detailing all the troubles and challenges faced by the researchers in their pursuit of developing a reactor that can be safely utilized for electricity generation.

"For the supply of tritium, since they are already exploring ways to produce it, I believe it will be resolved within a short period of time," Aron stated confidently, swiftly addressing the first problem. He then continued, "As for the second and third problems, I distinctly recall the shield rune that protected me during the atomic bomb test. It clearly demonstrated its capability to counteract such phenomena, as long as there is a sufficient amount of mana available, right?"

[Yes] Nova promptly responded.

"In that case, let's have their counterparts from the Golden Labs collaborate with them to address the shielding issue," Aron suggested, entrusting the task of finding a solution to the Golden Labs, who are currently exploring the application of runes in their respective fields.

[Yes, sir,] Nova replied, acknowledging the instruction, and promptly initiated the process of coordinating collaboration between the labs.

"What are the other projects that have been completed?" he asked.

[The aircraft engine engineering department has successfully concluded its research on the Adaptive Cycle or Variable Cycle Engine and has now transitioned to utilizing this knowledge to engineer engines for military applications. 

Regarding engines for civilian use, we are currently at least seven generations ahead of any existing technology on Earth.] Nova reported.

But just as she was about to continue, Aron interrupted, asking, "What is an Adaptive Cycle or Variable Cycle Engine?"

Nova stopped mentioning the completed projects, then responded, [An Adaptive Cycle or Variable Cycle Engine is an advanced type of aircraft engine that combines the benefits of both turbofan and supersonic engines. 

It allows for optimal performance and efficiency across a wide range of flight conditions by adapting and adjusting its internal configuration. 

This flexibility enables the engine to efficiently handle various flight regimes, including subsonic, transonic, and supersonic speeds. 

Essentially, it offers enhanced versatility and performance capabilities for military aircraft, providing greater operational effectiveness.]

"That's great," Aron nodded, indicating his understanding of her explanation.

Nova then proceeded to enumerate the other completed projects, [ Frictionless Bearing, Quantum Cryptography, Neurotechnology, Quantum Sensing, Smart Grid Technologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Robotics, Energy Storage, Quantum Communications, ....] She continued listing the research achievements for a span of five minutes until Aron interjected, signaling her to stop.

"How much more is left?" asked Aron, his demeanor displaying signs of being almost overwhelmed.

[There is still a significant amount left, sir,] Nova responded, understanding the overwhelming nature of the situation. 

[You have to consider that Lab City is home to over 50,000 world-leading engineers, scientists, and other STEM professionals, and they are now engaged in research with ample funding, abundant resources, and unwavering motivation, it becomes apparent that most labs have already completed more than four generations of their research. Some have even achieved perfection in their initial pursuits and have transitioned to new topics for further investigation.]

Nova felt the need to explain this to Aron, despite his awareness of the city's scale and the vast number of scientists working in various fields. She recognized that the human brain, after reaching a certain threshold, struggles to grasp the magnitude consistently. 

Consequently, even though Aron had an understanding of the city's size and the abundance of researchers, he was still taken aback by the sheer volume of completed researches, reaching into the thousands.

"I understand, but I'm still impressed by their remarkable pace of work. It seems that the time acceleration within the universal simulation has played a significant role," Aron acknowledged, recognizing the advantages provided by him having the universal simulation.

[Yes, for the initial group of individuals in the city, they have already experienced over a year and a few months within this environment,] Nova confirmed, concurring with Aron's observation.

"Has there been any notable progress from the researchers on the Golden Side?" he asked, expressing his curiosity about the advancements made by those who were conducting their research utilizing runes.

[While they have made some new discoveries, they have yet to complete anything significant on the Golden side. However, it appears that they are currently in the midst of uncovering something truly substantial,] Nova responded.

"What is it?" Aron asked excitedly.

[At the moment, one of the significant achievements on the Golden Side involves the activation of one of the billions of runic lines within your heart. 

These runic lines are typically used to replenish the mana reserves whenever you expend mana for activating runes. 

By utilizing this rune, they have successfully collected and condensed enough mana to transform it into a liquid state. 

Currently, they are conducting research to explore its potential as a new form of energy. 

This research is being conducted in collaboration with the White Labs because if it succeeds and demonstrates higher energy density than conventional fuels, it could lead to the widespread adoption of mana as a fuel source for all machines.

In addition, the Golden Labs are also engaged in a significant research project led by electrical engineers. Their aim is to discover a method for converting electricity into mana and vice versa. 

If successful, this breakthrough would allow them to harness the excess energy generated by the nuclear reactor to power the replica of the runic lines in your heart, enabling the collection and storage of mana for use in various other applications,] Nova explained, shedding light on the ongoing research endeavors.

"That is truly exciting news! Looks like it is time to start accumulating SP to purchase the knowledge about mana and expedite the research," Aron remarked, a smile spreading across his face. 

He had finally made up his mind to develop the game he had mentioned to Sarah. His plan was to generate enough SP through the game to acquire the knowledge about mana. 

Aron was convinced that the energy density of mana would be at least a hundred times greater than any other energy source on Earth, even in his most conservative estimation.

[Finally,] Nova responded with a smile, teleporting them back to the area near the entrance gate to the universal simulation.

"What game do you think will provide me with the highest SP earnings?" Aron asked Nova.

Nova, who had been prepared for this idea since the day Aron first mentioned it, had utilized her immense computing power to collect and analyze user information. Reported her findings to Aron, saying, [I recommend that you create a large-scale game, sir.]

"Why?" Aron asked, his curiosity piqued, wanting to understand Nova's reasoning.

[Since the release of the GAIA OS, the capabilities of personal devices have significantly increased. However, the games and applications developed for these devices have not fully utilized the expanded potential. 

As the source code of the OS has not been released to the public, the games and apps created thus far have only been able to adapt to the OS in a rudimentary manner, relying on the virtual assistant for seamless integration.

Considering this, if you were to develop a large-scale game that could leverage the full capabilities of the GAIA OS, it would allow your game to offer more than ten times the content compared to existing games while maintaining a smaller file size. 

By optimizing your game to utilize the OS's features to their fullest extent, you would create a unique and immersive gaming experience,] Nova explained, presenting her reasoning for the idea.

"Mhh..." Aron acknowledged Nova's explanation, fully agreeing with everything she had said.

"Let's proceed with your plan," Aron agreed. He began consulting with Nova on various aspects of the game, such as the genre, gameplay mechanics, and other details.

Leveraging Nova's data-gathering and analyzing abilities, they aimed to create a game that would not only appeal to hardcore gamers but also capture the attention of casual players. Their goal was to perfect every aspect of the game, ensuring it would attract the widest possible audience.

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