Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 66 Impressing Rina

Rina was taken aback by the information. The fact that the Morgans were preparing for a rematch was not that surprising but them being nearly or almost ready was enough to send shivers down her spine.

Both families expected each other to be preparing themselves for a rematch, but her family's planning team had speculated that the morgans would need more time to recover in order for them to be ready for another round.

Despite that assumption, they had tried to plant spies in the morgans family and despite succeeding in infiltration they never received the news of morgan's preparing for the war.

This meant that they had put that much importance to the plan's secrecy to the point of assuring that it remains a secret even if there are spies among them.

This lack of knowledge made Rina feel vulnerable and exposed. If the Morgans were indeed preparing for a rematch and her family was not prepared for it and were caught off guard, the consequences would be catastrophic.

They would be massacred without mercy, and there would be little they could do to defend themselves. The thought of such a devastating defeat filled Rina with fear and dread.

She knew it would be the first of its kind, meaning she couldn't think of the catastrophe that would be caused. It might even lead to a more devastating economic crisis far worse than the 2008 financial crisis that resulted from their last war with the morgans, which they won.

What frightened her even more was the fact that Aron had managed to obtain this information. Not only did he know about the Morgans' plans, but he also knew everything about their strategy and tactics.

Rina couldn't help but wonder how he had managed to gather such detailed intelligence, and what he planned to do with it.

For the first time, Rina began to see Aron in a different light. She had always known that he was cunning and resourceful, but now she realized just how dangerous he could be.

She couldn't help but wonder what other secrets he was keeping from her, and whether or not she could trust him completely.

Despite her reservations, Rina knew that she had little choice but to work with Aron if she wanted to regain her position within the family.

She took a deep breath and tried to push her fears aside, focusing instead on the task at hand.

With Aron's help, she knew that they could come up with a plan to face the Morgans and emerge victorious.

Rina was acutely aware of the gravity of the situation, and so she posed the crucial question to Aron, "Will we have enough time to prepare countermeasures?" She asked Aron after apologizing for her earlier outburst but this time her voice carried a hint of fear and respect.

She knew that even with the information they had obtained, it would be worthless if they didn't have enough time to plan and prepare for the Morgans' inevitable attack. It would be akin to knowing that death was coming, but being unable to do anything about it.

With Rina's anxiety palpable, Aron remained calm and composed as he answered her question.

"The countermeasures to their plan are being constantly reviewed and revised as we receive the remaining pieces of information," Aron explained. "You don't have to worry about it. I'm on top of it."

Rina felt a wave of relief wash over her upon hearing this. The knowledge that a plan was in place and constantly being updated to account for any new information gave her hope that they might have a fighting chance against the Morgans.

"I will provide you with the complete plan once you have finished removing the moles," Aron added, reassuring her once more.

Rina sought further clarification and asked, "Do you have other means of communication other than the email?"

Aron pointed at the phone that was still in her hands since he handed it to her and said "Through that. Using it you will always be able to reach me.

It will also help you find out the remaining moles among those that are working for you.

All you have to do is connect the phone to your family's private network"

He decided to give her the phone that had an AI written by Nova because if he tried infiltrating from the outside there would always be a risk of being discovered no matter how stealth he tried to be.

This was because they were monitoring every connection coming from outside no matter how useless it was.

He didn't stop with that and continued his explanation " Keep in mind that the moment you connect the phone to your family's network the entire network will be visible both to you and me.

The AI within the device will help you organize the information it collects from the network and inform you of them.

Additionally, It would monitor the family's network and keep you updated on any communications or developments among the members.

This feature will provide you with leverage over any individuals involved, which will be paramount for your return to power within the family.

Furthermore, since the network's secureness is believed by everyone within the family, no one would suspect it, allowing you access to the latest information. This would give you even more leverage allowing you to amass more power as time goes on."

When Rina heard those words from Aron her heart rate increased by more than 10%.

She couldn't determine the exact reason for her increased heart rate, but she was curious whether it was due to excitement, hope, amazement, or if she had developed feelings for Aron. Only time would reveal the truth.

All of this was caused by her realizing that Aron's plan was always 10 steps ahead of his imaginary enemy.

"Sure, I will inform you when I'm done with the clean-up" Rina replied while trying to act as calm as she could manage with the orchestra going in his heart.

Aron noticed that something was off with her, but he assumed that she was still affected by the news of her trusted bodyguard's betrayal. Thus, he decided to set it aside and continued with their conversation.


Rina was in a car heading home.

"What an emotional rollercoaster." Rina murmured to herself in a hushed tone as she remembered her meeting with Aron.

She went to the meeting expecting to repay the favor but in return she received something much more than she expected.

Rina couldn't help but look at her head of security sitting on the front seat of the car she was in.

"Is there something wrong?" Asked the bodyguard when he discovered through the rear view mirror that Miss Rina was looking at him.

"Nothing" Rina replied while continuing to keep eye contact with the bodyguard for a short period of time before looking somewhere else.

'How should I deal with you?' Rina started contemplating how she was going to do the clean-up.

It needed to be stealth enough to not attract her brother's attention which might backfire on her if he discovers that he knows who the moles are.

'Let's find out who they are first then we can think on how to dispose of them or on how I can use them to divert my brother's attention' After that, she did nothing other than look outside the window throughout the journey to avoid raising any suspicion in her bodyguard's mind.

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Rina could be seen in her office with the phone given to her by Aron in her hand.

She decided to wait until she was left alone in the work room before she even removed the phone from her handbag.

"She opened the phones Wi-Fi and chose the families Wi-Fi that led to the private network in which all the family members use it to access the internet securely"

She powered on the phone and accessed the Wi-Fi settings, selecting her family's Wi-Fi network. This network was connected to a private network that all family members used to access the internet outside securely.

After entering the lengthy and complicated password, she clicked on the "connect".

The moment she pressed the connect button, the phone displayed a message:

[Network connection initiated.

Initiating network takeover…..

Estimated takeover time : 1 day.

Looking for ways to expedite the takeover time to reduce the risk of discovery.

Nearby device found.]

[Miss, I need permission to use your computer as an additional computing node to increase computing power and efficiency in order to complete the network takeover faster.] The Ai asked for permission to use her computer.

"Do whatever you need" Rina agreed to the AI's request without an ounce of hesitation.

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