Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 67 Infiltrating The Private Network.

The moment the AI received permission from Rina it transferred itself to the computer and immediately took control of the computer.

After it completed its migration, it immediately started the move of infecting the devices that were within the network.

It did this by acting as a data packet being sent from one device to another, the moment the receiving device tries to reconstruct the data packets the AI will immediately take control of the device without raising any suspicion.

After infiltrating a few devices in the network, the AI finally identified one of the servers that housed and managed the private network. Realizing the criticality of this discovery, the AI ceased all its other infiltration attempts and switched to a targeted attack on the server.

The AI immediately started port scanning and network enumeration, the AI probed the server's defenses to identify the weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

After finding a few of them, It followed by launching a series of highly coordinated attacks that leveraged exploits and malware designed to penetrate the server's defenses undetected.

Once inside the server, The AI was able to bypass network segmentation and gain access to all connected devices and backup servers, finalizing the takeover of the entire private network.

But despite having unprecedented access to the entirety of the network and could access all the backed up data, they were all encrypted and the decryption keys were not in the servers memory.

To overcome this challenge, the AI employed a clever solution. It first collected all the prime number sequences that were required for decryption and compiled them into an Excel sheet. The AI then sent the excel sheet to Nova.

The AI sent it to Nova for her to use her immense computing power of the quantum computer to analyze the prime number sequences and come up with the decryption key.

With the key, the AI will be able to unlock the encrypted data and gain access to the valuable information within.

Now all the AI had to do was wait for Nova to return her the decryption key.

While all this was happening Rina only saw her computer screen power on followed by nothing happened for a while, Then the Microsoft excel in her computer was opened and a list of endless numbers started being written down on the excel after about 5 minutes of numbers being endlessly being written down on the excel it was then saved which was followed by her email app being opened. The AI then sent the email with the excel sheet attached to an email address that seemed endless.

"What was that email for and who was it sent to?" She asked in curiosity.

[It was an excel sheet with the prime numbers needed to be decoded for us to know the decryption key in order to access the backed up data that is saved in the servers.

It was sent to Sir Aron for mother to decrypt them and send us the decryption key]

"Mother?" Rina asked as she was surprised that the AI called someone its mother.

[I call the AI that made me mother because embedded in my code is her existence as my parent]

"So you tell me that there is a more powerful AI than you that can create AI's that are as powerful as you?" Although many things attracted her attention from the AI's reply, this was what caught the most of her attention.


"Then who made your mother?" She asked the second thing that attracted her attention.

[Sir Aron.]

"By himself? That seems impossible." She couldn't help but be surprised by the reply.

[Yes, By himself.]

'Holy shit' Is the only thing that came to her mind.

Although she was not a professional programer she knew what she heard was nearly impossible, because for their family's pirate network to continue working without interference they were hiring more than 500 programers to ensure everything was working in order. But you're telling her that the powerful AI was made by just one person 'Holy shit'.

"Then why did you tell me that? Shouldn't it be a secret or something?" this time she asked because she felt something weird from the way the AI was being way too honest with its answers.

[The last order given to me by mother was that I should be helpful to you, also this is not considered anything too confidential. Your current clearance permits me telling you this information.]

When Rina heard this reply her heart warmed a little from the trust she received from Aron.

"Then what else are you allowed to tell me?" She wanted to know what other information was she allowed to access from the AI.

[The list is too long madam, but the summary of it is that you can ask me anything and as long as it is not above your clearance I will reply to you honestly with the latest information and if it is above your clearance I will tell you it is.]

"Just call me Rina" She said as she was getting tired of hearing madam and miss.

[Yes Rina.] The AI agreed without hesitating for even a second.

"Okay then what is your name?"

[My mother's given name is Ava, which has its roots in Sanskrit where it means 'offering protection.' It is also derived from the Russian language, where it means 'a gift,' and from Swedish, where it is associated with the concept of providing strength or power.

The name Ava represents a special gift from Sir Aron, who gave me to you with the intention of providing you help with strength and protection.]

When Rina heard this she was enamored and "fuck" is the only word that came from her mouth while she was trying to fan herself as she felt the room got a little bit hotter.

"So Ava, how is the infiltration going on?" She asked, trying to change the topic.

[The infiltration is complete, At the moment I'm waiting for mother to send me the decryption key so that I can decrypt and analyze all the backed up data]

"How about the current data?"

[Due to that being intercepted after the devices were infected there is no need to decrypt them. So I'm collecting it and analyzing it in real time but since I have been collecting the data for a short period of time nothing of importance has happened during the time.]

"Okay" with that Rina left the room to have a nap as she was very exhausted from the rollercoaster of emotion she had felt today.


Aron could be seen looking through the art pieces in The San Jose Museum of Art.

He decided to visit the museum after he came out of a phone store to buy himself a new one, after he gave his previous phone to Rina for them to keep contact.

He wasn't worried that his information and other important things would be lost or would be leaked, because Nova solved all of these things without him needing to say anything.

As he was looking at the arts within the museum his new phone started vibrating. Indicating that she had something to report to him.

Aron knew this was a way for Nova to inform him that she wants to report something to him when he is in a public location to avoid attracting people's attention.

He removed his phone from his pocket and put it on his ear to act like he was on a phone call, continuing the facade that it was a phone call.

"What is it?" Aron asked Nova after placing the phone on the ear.

[Sir, Ava has reported back] Nova reported.

"Well that was fast of her, I thought she would hesitate to connect the phone to their private network. The fastest I expected her to do it was maybe tomorrow morning after she thought about it throughout the night."

[I thought so as well, but my estimate was today evening or night. It seems like she is more pressed than we thought.]

"Yeah I thought so as well, what did Ava report?"

[She reported nothing but just sent an email with an excel sheet full of prime numbers for me to decode it in order to derive the decryption key from it for her to access the encrypted backup information.]

"How is that going on?" He asked as he was amused by the idea of Ava using an email to ask help from mom when she found herself to be in a bind.

[I've completed deriving the decryption key and sent it to her a moment ago.]

"So when will she be done with the decryption of the data"

[It is expected for her to be done with the decryption within a week's time. She decided to do it slowly so that she doesn't want to raise suspicion.

Although she could manipulate the data being shown by the servers she can't manipulate the increase in power consumption.

If they discover anything suspicious she risks the entire system's overhaul increasing the chances of all the backed up data being lost in the process.

So, she chose the slow approach.]

"Sure, let her take her time" Aron said as he continued moving around within the museum.

[Also someone is following you] Nova informed him after she infiltrated the museum network and accessed the museum's live camera feed using the watch in Aron's hands.

"Who is he?" Aron asked as he continued looking around as he was still clueless.

[He is currently reporting to the same person the head bodyguard reported, Rina's brother's secretary. It seems like he was sent to collect more information about you.

ραпdα nᴏνa| сom From their conversation they seemed to have found the fake information about you and deemed you not important enough for further investigation.

They will leave you alone if nothing interesting happens today.] Nova explained everything about the one following him as fast as she could.

"Add him to the list of people in which Rina would take care after she returned in power" Coldly, he pronounced judgment on the pursuer, dooming him to a hell that was delayed only by a timer - a timer that was rapidly approaching its end with each passing second.

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