Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 69 Revolutionary Leaders Meeting Pt_01


The runic word with the meaning shield appeared in front of his hands glowing in golden before a thin transparent wall like appeared in front of the runic word.

With the appearance of the transparent shield in front of him, the glowing runic word started losing its luster as the shield kept sucking magical energy from it to sustain the shield in front of it.

When Aron saw this he started pumping magical energy into the glowing runic word to allow the shield to continue existing.

"Continue sustaining" He said to Nova who immediately took over the magical fueling of the rune.

Aron then left the vicinity of the runes and went near Nova "Now let's start testing it" He said while rubbing his hands in excitement.

[Yes sir] Nova affirmed and immediately materialized a Pistol: Glock 19 out of nowhere.

"Put a human being behind the shield so that we can see if the shield mitigates all the damages." Aron said as he loaded a bullet to the chamber.

Nova said nothing but immediately materialized a human behind the shield with the face of his shooter, causing Aron to look at Nova in a questioning gaze wanting to know the reason.

[If it fails, at least it will harm someone you won't feel guilt harming] Nova explained her reasoning for materializing this specific person.

"Anyway let's start our testing" Aron shrugged, acting as if he didn't care but Nova knew that this man's life was hanging on a thread, which will be cut by Aron the moment his main plan is completed.

[Yes Sir.] Nova agreed.

Aron raised his hand and bang…bang….bang…. He started firing at his shooter without stopping until the entire magazine was emptied.

When he emptied the magazine he just turned and looked at Nova.

Nova said nothing and just materialized a Shotgun: Remington 870 and handed it to Aron, who took it and started pumping and firing the shotgun at the shield.

After finishing with the shotgun, Aron turned to Nova once again. Nova said nothing and she just continued to materialize weapons out of thin air, summoned an AR-15 and handed it to Aron, Who without saying a word resumed firing without even pausing to inspect the condition of the shield.

This routine continued for an extended period, with Nova conjuring an array of weapons including the Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun, the FN M249 SAW light machine gun, the M2 Browning heavy machine gun, and many others.

Despite the relentless barrage of gunfire, the shield held strong and showed no sign of weakening.

Aron then moved on to RPGs, explosives, tanks, missiles, and other increasingly lethal weapons. However, even the detonation of the powerful Big Boy nuclear bomb in front of the shield did not cause it to falter.

Throughout the ordeal, the shield remained resolute and steadfast, impervious to all forms of attack.

"Now let's hear the report from what you recorded." Aron said as he removed the protection goggles he wore to protect his eyes from the explosion.

Everything about it was useless as Nova made the location they were an indestructible zone, meaning that nothing that would harm them would enter their vicinity.

[Yes Sir.] Nova said as she materialized a chair for Aron to sit and a hologram for her to do her presentation.

"Thanks" Aron said as he sat down on the chair materialized by Nova.

After seeing that Aron had already sat down she immediately started giving the presentation.

[Based on the gathered data, it appears that the shield rune is capable of holding its ground as long as it maintains sufficient energy levels.

The greater the force of impact it endures, the more energy is required to neutralize it.

While it is theoretically possible for the shield to withstand a nuclear explosion, the sheer magnitude of energy required to do so is enormous.

ραпdα nᴏνa| сom In summary, the shield rune can serve as a formidable defense against virtually any threat, as long as it is supplied with the necessary energy to withstand the level of damage it faces.




Aron continued listening to the entirety of the presentation, in which throughout the entire presentation his face continued getting brighter and brighter the more details he heard.

"Good now that we know it is really useful. It is time for me to finish the practice of the rune to reduce the activation time to nanoseconds." Aron said as he stood from the chair materialized by Aron and returned to his practice location where he sat cross legged and restarted his practice of the shield Rune.


Somewhere in the world.

"With the total tallied votes being 6 against and 1in favor, the decision to deny the help and not respond to them has passed" Said William, the one who would be considered the leader of the meeting.

As Alexander gazed around the table, a deep sense of disappointment etched on his face. While most of the revolutionary group had begun their journey with a genuine desire to liberate their country from the grip of the tyrant, many had succumbed to the allure of wealth and luxury once they attained positions of power.

This was particularly disheartening considering the fact that the money that they used for their luxuries and desires was from the donations of the people who had worked so hard to earn it while living in the oppressive and corrupt country, in the hopes that they could bring an end to the cruel and uncaring government.

But all of their donations were used for nothing other than paying for  revolutionary group leaders and higher ranking members luxurious lives.

It was clear to Alexander that for some of the individuals at the table, the continued existence of the dictator was seen as a boon rather than a burden.

As long as the dictator remained in power, they would always have a source of income, and a reason to demand more money from those who want the dictatorship to end.

Despite their outward appearance of attempting to save the country from the brutal dictatorship, the individuals in question had done little of any real significance to justify the exorbitant amount of money they had received.

It seemed that much of their efforts had been focused on self-preservation and personal gain, rather than the greater good of the people they claimed to represent.

The families of all the revolutionary leaders had chosen to reside outside the country of Eden.

When questioned about this decision, the leaders had explained that they made this sacrifice to protect their loved ones from being used as pawns and held hostage to force their compliance.

This response had elicited a sense of pride from the people, as they believed they had chosen wise and responsible leaders.

However, little did they know the true reasons behind the decision.

In reality, the revolutionary leaders spent most of their time with their families abroad, returning to Eden only once or twice, and often conducting meetings from the comfort of luxurious hotels, like the one in America where Alexander now found himself.

It was clear to him that the leaders had grown accustomed to the lavish lifestyle and had lost touch with the struggles of the people they claimed to represent.

The behavior of the revolutionary leaders had left Alexander feeling frustrated and angry. He could no longer bear to be in the same room with them, and so he stood up abruptly and began to make his way towards the door.

One of the six individuals sitting at the table stopped him in his tracks with a question, "Where are you going?"

"Washroom. Is there a problem with that? I thought the meeting had ended."

"No, the meeting isn't over," replied William, the de facto leader with the largest revolutionary group in a condescending tone. "That was just the first agenda item. We still have a few more topics to discuss."

Alexander's frustration grew as he questioned the man, "Like what? And why wasn't I informed about the other topics? As far as I remember, everything that would be discussed in a meeting must be given to the attendees at least a day before the meeting to allow them to prepare." His voice now carried a hint of anger.

"We need to discuss our need for more donations to prepare for the next protest," William replied, ignoring his second question like it did not exist.

Alexander challenged the man's proposal, "Didn't we just collect donations two months ago? We haven't used any of it yet. Why are we asking for another round of donations?"

"We need the money for our expenses," the man explained. "Though the amount they donated seemed like a lot, most of it was lost after we did currency exchange. So we need them to donate again to cover the loss."

Alexander pressed further, "Pardon my questions, but what reasons did we have to convert all the donation money to dollars if the protest is going to be done within the country?"

The leader responded in an intimidating voice, "Don't act like you don't know why we asked for the money. You've only been with us for two months since the death of your last group leader. If you were chosen to replace your former leader, you should know how these things work. Now, go to the toilet and come back immediately so we can continue the meeting." It was clear that the leader was growing tired of Alexander's enthusiasm and constant questioning.

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