Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 70 Revolutionary Leaders Meeting Pt_02

"What I don't understand is why I wasn't informed about the other topics," Alexander asked, as he simply ignored Williams' order as if he hadn't heard it.

"It appears that we may have overlooked informing your group, Alexander. We assumed that because your group is the weakest, you might feel embarrassed and choose not to attend," said one of the individuals on the table, causing everyone to laugh at his remark.

Despite the pretense, the meetings were far from democratic. The group with the most members was considered the king, while the lowest member was viewed as nothing more than a provider of cannon fodder for protests and other activities.

The only reason they had not expelled Alexander's group from their coalition was that they needed their numbers.

As Alexander heard their response, he stormed out of the meeting room, slamming the door behind him out of frustration.

On his way to the bathroom, he kept seeing their grinning faces, which started to irritate him, causing his anger to build up.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and decided to take action. After entering the bathroom and ensuring the door was locked, he retrieved his phone from his pocket and typed in the email address of the individual who had offered to help their cause.

Despite the fact that they desperately needed money, they had originally rejected the offer because they knew that the individual would demand a detailed breakdown of how every cent was spent.

Furthermore, accepting the offer would force them to escalate their revolutionary efforts, increasing their risk of being targeted by the dictator who would want to crush the movement decisively.

Alexander began composing a message in which he accepted the individual's offer, despite it going against the decision made by the group during their meeting.

Upon completing his response, he quickly hit the "send" button without realizing that he had used his personal phone instead of the burner phone provided to him.

His anger had clouded his judgment, causing him to overlook this critical detail. It was a stark reminder of how emotions can impair a person's decision-making abilities.

After making sure the email was sent he left the bathroom and went to wash his hands to make his act believable.

Alexander returned to the meeting and sat in his place like nothing had happened. He tried to act as if nothing had happened but all of this was needles, no one cared to even turn and look at him, they were just happy to continue with their meeting.

"So. How d...….." William immediately started the meeting the moment Alexander sat down on the table.


Meanwhile, Aron was practicing his runes, and Nova was observing him both in the virtual and real worlds. When she  finally received a response from one of the many revolutionary leaders they had contacted.



I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you of our group's decision regarding your offer. Although we received your emails separately, we held a meeting and voted on whether to accept or decline it.

Unfortunately, the majority of our group voted against agreeing to your offer, resulting in a vote of 6 to 1. As a result, they have decided to ghost your emails and not reply to you.

However,  I am privately informing you of this decision and agreeing to your support if we can come to agreements and negotiations to the terms and conditions.

Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to collaborating with you to achieve our mutual goals. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

Best regards,



When Nova read the email, she was enraged on Aron's behalf.

[How dare they decide to ignore my master's message!] It was not the rejection of their offer that upset her, but rather their decision to ghost Aron and not inform him of their decision.

If Alexander had not informed them, it would have delayed their plan, as they would have been waiting for a response from people who had already made a decision.

Despite her anger, Nova decided to set it aside and began editing their plan as she waited for Aron to finish his practice.

Since only one group had agreed, she had to revise the actions they had planned to take assuming that at least three groups would agree. She had to make the plan workable under the leadership of only one group, the weakest of them.

During this time, Aron remained unaware of the ongoing events as he continued to practice his runes with all his might.


(Inside the accelerated simulated universe )

Aron continued his training until he reduced the time of the shield rune's activation to nanoseconds, that's when he stopped his training.

It took him a total of 12 hours to reach that level.

When he turned around, he found Nova sitting in the same place she was since he began his training, but her face had the expression of her having something to report.

So, he asked "Is there something you want to say?"

[Yes Sir, we received a reply from the revolutionary groups] Nova informed him.

"A reply and not replies?" Aron asked curiously, wondering whether Nova made a pronunciation mistake which was practically impossible or not.

[Yes sir. A reply, only one.] Nova said as he materialized a hologram with the email sent from Alexander in it in front of Aron.

Aron didn't ask anymore questions, as he turned his focus to the email infront of him.

While Aron was reading the email, Nova did nothing but tried to find out what was Aron feeling as a result of receiving this report.

"That's still better than nothing," Aron said, trying to comfort himself after he finished reading the email.

"Aren't they the smallest ones among all of the groups?" Aron asked after he looked through his memories to recall the details about this group, 'Eden revolutionaries'.

[Yes Sir, they are the smallest ones.]

"Then we have to revise the plan to fit them" Aron said while rubbing his chin as he was contemplating how to revise the plan.

[I have already revised the plan sir, Please take a look] Nova immediately materialized another hologram in front of Aron that showed all of the revised plans.

"Okay, Let's take a look" Aron said as pushed the hologram with the email aside while puling the new one towards him, then he started reading the revised plan on it.

After reading for some time Aron could be heard saying "Good, good" which made Nova very happy that Aron approved her revised plans. though not all of them but most of it.

Aron kept making small adjustments to the plan accounting for what Nova might have failed to account due to insufficient data availability about that specific topic resulting in her being not very knowledgeable about it.

After reading the entire plan and editing some of it within three hours, he turned to Nova and gave her a thumbs up of approval as he said "Good plan", resulting in her having a blush on her face, which she immediately hid using her demigod powers within the simulation world before Aron could see it.

"Anything else?" Aron asked as he pushed the hologram in front of him to the side while getting up from his sitting place.

[Yes Sir. Due to the sender failing to cover his tracks, I was able to trace the email to a luxury hotel in the United States.

Once I discovered this, I took control of the entire network at the hotel and found out that all of the revolutionary leaders were staying there.

From there, I was able to trace their movements and found that most of them have been inside the USA for a considerable amount of time.

The only exception is Alexander, who has been spending most of his time in Eden for his activities, but that's maybe because he had only been the leader for two months since the previous leader was assassinated and still hasn't got acclimated to having power and exploiting it.

So, It might be because he still has the enthusiasm for revolution due to being the youngest and having spent only a short amount of time in a powerful position.]

"So, you are saying that we should use him for the revolution while he still has his enthusiasm and ideals before he succumbs to the temptation of power?"

[Yes Sir, We should also look for ways to contain the other revolutionary groups' leaders, to ensure that they don't interfere with our plans due to their  fear of losing their source of income that is sustaining their lavish lives.]

Aron kept nodding his head agreeing to what Nova was saying while thinking of what way he should utilize to shut them up. "For now we can postpone the buying of their silence plan for a little bit, Before that we need to go and meet Alexander and have a face to face conversation to make sure there are no miscommunications"

[Yes, sir. I will begin planning the trip right away.]

"How many hours have elapsed in the real world?" Aron inquired, curious about how much time remained until dawn.

[You spent fifteen hours since you entered the time-accelerated simulated universe, So exactly 3 hours have passed on the outside world.]

"Looks like I still have time. Then let's continue practicing other runes" Aron said as he returned to start his practice of runes  as he waited for the dawn to arrive so that he can start his journey to surprise the shit out Alexander by appearing at his hotel for a meeting without him revealing his current location to Aron.

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