Harem Reborn

Chapter 174: The Worst

Chapter 174: The Worst

I was standing outside the Royal mound, the leviathan floating above me and Salburst closed around me covering my body and face with intergalactic paint. There was a new guard taking Tanaak's place, but neither of them tried to stop me. That was good, I just got cut off from trying out the latest upgrade and now I had to go deal with this Himedere little twerp. 

Well, we will see how it goes after I finish the first job; I downloaded all the info I needed. Now it was time to implement it all together and put this planet to rest so I could get on my way. Not that I didn't enjoy the game, but I knew there was so much more I needed to do and I couldn't do it from here, but Fiori was another part just like the rest of the girls.

I needed an army to be able to assault all twelve worlds and each girl would have to be ready to roll as soon as they were feet on the ground. I would help each team get started and then once all twelve triples were in place, I would assault MainFrame and Take control of everything. What happened from there wasn't in my schedule, just everything before that.

I was at the cylinder and I swam up, making it up to the doors to the meeting dome. Two shark-man guards were standing at attention with some armor on, but neither looked at me, just pushing the doors open. 

Inside, the throne was empty, good. I didn't want to scare her, But I looked around the room and everyone else was there. Okay, Salburst, seal the princess up top and play the evidence that we have on the Unlife collusion. I will deal with these walking corpses.

I heard the muffled scream from above and that was my cue.

"What is the meaning of"

I drove through him first, no finesse, just pure energy power fists for these things. I was really getting tired of weak human enemies; it took me no time at all to kill the council members. There also was no sound coming from above, which was also good.

I signal for Salburst to drop the patch on the princess's room, but dove immediately to catch her. I caught her and turned my body to make sure she wasn't hurt. I was in the dry area now and Salburst melted off me like he knew that I needed to be free. I stood holding the silent, Fiori and then leapt back up to her room. 

I was surprised to find that the room had no decorations and only a very basic bed. I put Fiori down and reached behind my back and got down on one knee. Salburst dropped the coral into my hand and I offered it to Fiori, but she was looking away from me with tears in her eyes. Well, this was strange, I expected her to be a little bit mean, in fact, I wanted a reason to put her over my knee, but now I can see there was a mountain of stress on her.

"Hey, it's over now. I'm here to get you and take you away from this place forever, okay?"

"You are? But you can see I'm just a fake, this is all just a joke!"

"Don't cry, serious, I am here to take you with me and start a new game. You joined this game to play with me to be able to get away from the bad times you must have had in other games. I found you and, if you accept, you will become part of my permanent team and you can be my little princess, okay? Let's go see the girls."


"Yeah, there is a team, or if you want to wait, we could spend some time together before we go back, no rush."

"What could we do, all I have is this big bed?"

Fiori was fully grown, but she was very short and she was turned and looking at the bed, so I smiled, and Salburst left me completely. I was completely naked, but she still had a purple nightgown on that barely left anything to my imagination. When she turned back to me, my swollen member was at her eye level as I stood over her.

"Do I put it in my mouth? I've never done this before"

I picked her up instead and pushed her back on the bed. Nothing fancy for this, just nice and slow, she had to be a virgin. It would have almost been a treat if she hadn't cried the entire way through it. Out of all the times I have done it, this had to be the most awkward, and it was like a car crash you couldn't look away from, except it was her not letting me stop until I finished. 

By the time we finished it was mentally draining, that was rough. I would have soon gone and slaughtered the entire army rather than have to do that again. Wow, that was morbid for even me, she wasn't that bad, but a girl that was crying, but not in pleasure really took the fun out of the snu snu. Oh, well, better luck next time? What was this fishing? Damn near with the amount of releasing I was doing, hehe. 

I was about to leave when a shrimp stopped me while I was carrying the now sleeping Fiori. Okay, a shrimp faced woman looking thing, fuck I really don't know, that was a face that a team of mothers couldn't love. 

"Put my sister down!"

Ahh, that makes sense, well good for Tanaak...I guess

"I leave the Wraiths to you and Tanaak who is working on relations with the Xenophin. I will be taking care of your sister from now on."

"Thank you, finally someone is talking to that little brat, but I will miss her. Take good care of her and Tanaak will help fix relations."

"Good, because I'll be coming back to visit in the future!"

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