Harem Reborn

Chapter 175: Harem System Group Max Achieved

Chapter 175: Harem System Group Max Achieved

Salburst created a bubble around me and floated us back to the leviathan and into a section under the belly of the metal snake. I floated up into an open space without water and once inside the door below us closed; Salburst released his bubble and I walked to the now opening door, stepping through and heading up a small flight of stairs, then through the now opening door. 

Once on the next level I turned and walked back to the bedroom where I was supposed to be doing dirty things Squirt, but here we were. No point in getting bent out of shape about this, it wasn't like it was her fault, lucky the game was almost over so there was no need for another one of those interactions. After I laid Fiori down, I headed back out and up to the front of our massive mecha sea snake, where the girls were waiting for me.

"So, one more to go. Any luck with finding Tsu?"

I completely ignored the elephant in the room and walked over to the captain's chair and sat down. I was getting questionable stares from Iona, Mikota, Aquina, and Tama, but that was fine, I was in no mood to talk about what happened back there. It was one of those moments where you know mistakes have been made, but her being a person registered to become a Harem Member turned the whole thing into a runaway train scenario.

"Yes, She is her way now, and Tsu knows you're here and is none too happy with you."

Oh Great, I never was able to make Star Strider make a promise to her! Damn System booting me out! Great, now she was the one alone, and I looked like a dick now, even though it was the real player here, Valthan Star Strider. Well, just have to roll with the punches; I should be able to calm her down, not like Oallicia could hurt me, but that wouldn't stop Tsu.

Though, would Tsu be that mad? I picked up the silent smiler from her, but maybe I missed something or you know a couple hundred years alone might have changed her. Who knew? 

"How far out is she?"

'I have been waiting here for you, Dave.' -Tsu.

Tsu's voice came over the speaker of our snake sub, scaring the crap out of me. I did one of those, oh my lord, hand to the chest actions you see older women do. That had to of been on purpose, she must have been monitoring our voices and just waited for the perfect moment.

"Okay, Tsu, why don't you and Oallicia come aboard? I would prefer to talk to your pretty face."

'Fine, but this isn't over yet. You and I need to talk!' -Tsu.

A collective of 'ooo' noises came from the girls and I sighed and turned around to go meet my Fate. The funny thing about plans is that they always work the best on paper, after that they are only as good as Murphy says they are.

I started to walk to the door, but it slid open to a beautiful, but very angry looking Tsu. Everything spun way out of my control from that point, as messages started to pop up in my HUD.

//Harem System group max achieved, ending current game.

//Current Harem Members:











//9/10 current Harem Members will be transported to [Hall of Gods] to await your summons.

Suddenly I was in the hall of Wishes again, and Mom stood before me. Wow, that was so fast, I had barely finished reading the screens, but I guess this was the best possible option for the girls and my guess was right about the points for Aquina were not a waste if nine out of ten girls would be sent, wait...Maxine is on that list

I whirled around and they were all there standing with huge smiles...I ran when my eyes connected with Maxine. The girls all moved aside and I embraced Maxine tightly, my eyes beginning to burn.

"Don't squeeze so hard!"

"Sorry, I just"

"Don't, it was just poor information, so I don't want to hear anything about it, okay? We are here now and that's all that matters right now."

"Fine, but I still missed your beautiful face."

"You know he shipped us all off and we were forced to clean the shuttle for a week on our flight back to the Galantia!"

"And it was nice and clean, right?!"

No girls spoke after that and I had to hold back a laugh at Mikota's attempt to throw me under the bus, but she was dragged in with me. I turned back to mom who was smiling at me.

"Okay, Mom, what's the deal? Do I get something special?"

"No, you did not complete the game and it has been suspended, but you have reached the requirements of your Harem System, and it has forced you out of the game, but advances all current player to the Hall of Gods, except for Aquina, who is set for the next game because of the mini-game."

"Well, I guess that's not bad, but what about Carly and Kadita?"

"This game is put on pause and will stay in the rotation. Because they added the next game, there will be two more games until the rotation resets, and you will go back to your starting world."

"So there are a limited number of games?"

"Only for this Genre, the rest have teams constantly building new ones, but only one person is working on your worlds, but expect great things for the next game. It is time to say goodbye."

I turned back to my girls and I was flooded by them. I was surrounded and it was a great feeling, even Tsu and Fiori looked happy, but this was the ultimate reward of this game, the Hall of Gods. choose your Fate, but for now, they would have to wait on standby. We needed so many more members to be able to take all twelve worlds at once.

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