I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 289

Chapter 289

In the warm spring breeze, several terrifying birds that had encountered these monkeys before saw this group of brutal monkeys return again. They flapped their wings in panic and hurriedly flew away.

Third Senior Brother put away his bow and muttered in annoyance.

Milk Tea Sister lightly grabbed the edge of Han Cheng's shirt and followed him closely, quietly observing everything around her, like a little tail.

Han Cheng smiled and shook his head gently. In the tribe, Fu Jiang used to follow him around all day. Now that they were out of the tribe, he had gained another shadow...

People often use the phrase "spring up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain" to describe the rapid development of things. Although it hadn't rained much, Han Cheng still profoundly felt the truth of this saying.

When they left last time, these shoots had only begun to emerge sporadically. Now, in just over ten days, when they returned, the bamboo forest had grown many more shoots, towering like swords pointing straight to the sky.

Some faster-growing ones had already revealed their jade-like forms, stretching out new green branches and leaves.

Although they had only emerged briefly, they had already surpassed their predecessors.

They called this "the bamboo does not yield to its father."

The scene before Han Cheng dumbfounded him. You've all come out of the ground. What am I supposed to eat?

Fortunately, not all the bamboo shoots had emerged yet. Some were still waiting to emerge beneath the soil, which comforted Han Cheng's wounded soul.

In the face of delicious food, foodies always display fearless spirits.

Since eating bamboo shoot snake soup, Han Cheng was no longer afraid when he saw snakes. Not only that, but he also personally killed a snake with a bone shovel and prepared it for lunch...

Eldest Senior Brother and the others were also enthusiastic, digging the ground with bone shovels to find bamboo shoots.

After learning that the Divine Child wanted to bring back some bamboo shoots for the tribe's people to eat, these guys were even more enthusiastic about digging up bamboo shoots, making people look sideways.

They had dug up two large bunches of bamboo shoots and still refused to stop.

Han Cheng was also laboriously digging up bamboo shoots, while Milk Tea Sister followed beside him, carrying a small basket with four bamboo shoots that Han Cheng had dug up inside.


The sound of dry bamboo leaves being disturbed rang out, coming closer and closer, quickly approaching.

Hearing this sound, one could tell that the visitor was not small.

Han Cheng, who was digging bamboo shoots, was stunned. Did the young ones come out, or did the old ones?

Was the giant python coming to avenge its descendants?

Thinking like this, he quickly raised his head, subconsciously blocking the bone shovel before him and stepping closer to Milk Tea Sister.

A black and white ball rolled out from the nearby bamboo forest.

Han Cheng's eyes widened instantly, and he quickly moved aside from the blade of the bone shovel in front of him.

At this moment, the black-and-white ball rolled over and hit Han Cheng's leg before finally stopping.

"Don't touch it!"

Han Cheng glanced aside and saw Eldest Senior Brother and the others holding bone shovels and other weapons rushing over here, so he quickly shouted to stop them.

Seeing this strange creature suddenly appear next to the Divine Child and hearing Han Cheng's words, the Eldest Senior Brother and the others feared it might hurt the Shaman, so they stopped their attack.

Then, they all gathered around Han Cheng.

As for the black and white ball in front of them, it was unaware of the danger that had just occurred. Covered in some dry leaves, it stretched its body, clumsily moved its four legs in the air a few times, and struggled to turn over.

The cute little creature stayed in place for a moment, then suddenly hugged Han Cheng's leg and rubbed its head against his leg.

Orcs never become slaves unless they're fed and sheltered.

Unexpectedly, they encountered a guy who relied on acting cute to survive.

This little fellow wasn't too big yet; it was still growing. Han Cheng touched it, feeling its fluffy fur, quite comfortable.

The sudden action of this strange beast, which had never been seen before and had a strange appearance, surprised Eldest Senior Brother and the others. They tensed up and were about to take action to rescue the Divine Child from the beast's grasp.

But they saw that the Divine Child wasn't afraid at all. Instead, he reached out and touched the creature, causing Eldest Senior Brother and the others to stop their actions, looking somewhat bewildered.

When did the Divine Child become so brave?

"Pack up, let's go!"

Han Cheng turned his head and said to Eldest Senior Brother and the others.

This sentence from Han Cheng left Eldest Senior Brother, and the others stunned again.

After observing for a while, they had already concluded that this was not a very ferocious beast and had no harmful intent.

In that case, why was the Divine Child so anxious for them to leave?

They hadn't dug up enough bamboo shoots yet!

Although they thought so in their hearts, they still followed the Divine Child's instructions and quickly prepared to leave.

Han Cheng smiled bitterly. The little guy looked adorable, but he couldn't ignore the fierce and cute mother!

When pandas were young, their mothers wouldn't stray too far from them.

There was no reason with a mother to protect her cub.

Milk Tea Sister also plucked up the courage to touch the panda. She immediately fell in love with this cute little creature.

Looking eagerly at Han Cheng, she wanted to return this little guy.

Han Cheng smiled bitterly. He also wanted to take it back, but it couldn't be done that way.

It was very likely that they would be chased down by the mother panda, leaving them with an unforgettable impression.

Secondly, there would be nothing to feed it after taking it back.

In his previous life, Han Cheng had only seen pandas but never touched one. Now that he had the chance, he naturally wanted to take advantage of it.

Seeing that Eldest Senior Brother and the others had packed up, Han Cheng took the opportunity to touch it once more before preparing to leave. But this little guy didn't let go of Han Cheng's leg, no matter what.

Han Cheng felt a bit anxious.

But on second thought, he couldn't just touch it for nothing, right?

He quickly took a bamboo shoot from the basket Milk Tea Sister was carrying and gave it to the panda.

The little fellow released one claw but didn't let go of Han Cheng.

Han Cheng sniffled. Indeed, there were no free lunches in this world. He quickly took out another bamboo shoot and handed it to the panda.

Only then did the little fellow let go of Han Cheng, satisfied.

Han Cheng glanced at it again, then held a bone shovel in one hand and Milk Tea Sister's hand in the other, running towards the shore with Eldest Senior Brother and the others.

Afraid of being seen by the little guy's mother.

After Han Cheng and the others left, there was another rustling of dry leaves. A bigger black-and-white ball rolled out from the sloping bamboo forest, hitting the little cub holding a bamboo shoot on the ground, causing it to roll along with the ball.

After a delicious meal of bamboo shoot snake soup, the boat set sail again, slowly heading towards their closer homeland.

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