I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 290

Chapter 290

The leader of the Sheep Tribe, accompanied by some strong adults from the tribe, was out hunting.

He had been back from that tribe for several days, and only now did his heart settle down.

Today, luck was on their side. The sun hadn't yet begun to set, and they had already caught quite a few animals, enough for tonight and tomorrow.

He was calculating happily in his mind like this.

Just then, a deer was startled, and the leader of the Sheep Tribe and the others quickly grabbed their weapons and rushed towards the deer's direction, shouting and yelling.

After a while of chasing, they arrived at a hill not far from the river. The deer, cornered by the people of the Sheep Tribe, had nowhere to run.


One person from the Sheep Tribe shouted and raised his spear. The desperate deer attempted to escape and ran towards the leader of the Sheep Tribe.

The leader of the Sheep Tribe was skilled in hunting, and with the deer already exhausted from the chase, running towards him was like seeking death.

All it took was a weapon swing, and the deer wouldn't survive.

However, things took an unexpected turn.

The leader of the Sheep Tribe missed, letting the deer escape.

The others were a bit stunned but didn't think much of it. Excited, they continued to chase after the almost-caught deer while the leader of the Sheep Tribe stood still, unmoving.

Following his gaze, they saw several wooden boats slowly sailing upstream in the river...


The leader of the Bone Tribe dropped his wooden stick to the ground and stared fixedly at the boats on the river. After a while, he sighed as if his teeth were hurting.

It wasn't until the others from the tribe, carrying the captured deer, came over joyfully that he finally regained some composure.

Someone noticed his unusual behavior and asked.

The leader of the Sheep Tribe, with a somewhat distracted gaze, told them what he had seen.

At first, the people of the Sheep Tribe didn't understand. They thought that people from other tribes could also float on the water with big pieces of wood; they had seen it before.

Although surprising, it wasn't worth making a fuss over.

Thinking like this, some people suddenly realized something, and their faces changed color, showing disbelief in their eyes.

Some still hadn't realized what was different and looked strangely at the somewhat distracted tribe members.

It wasn't until later, when they asked the leader, that these slow-witted people showed signs of astonishment and uncertainty.

They had thought that the Bone Tribe people were beaten so severely because the rich tribe people who had left had returned.

But just a while ago, the people from the other tribe were using wood to return to their tribe.

After understanding the implications, it would be strange if they weren't surprised...

The rain started to fall from the sky like pearls.

There was no roof on the small boats, so when it rained, they had to wear raincoats and hats to resist it.

Han Cheng had anticipated encountering rain, so the people of the Sparrow Tribe were all wearing raincoats and hats.

They had already entered the Red River, and there was just over half a day's journey left to home. No one intended to stop, wanting to rush home in one go, so they rowed the boat even more challenging in the rain.

When Milk Tea Sister saw the sun obscured by clouds, her heart filled with sorrow.

Her worry increased when the rain started to fall.

Because they were in the wild now, with no cave to shelter from the wind and rain.

Getting soaked in the rain can make you sick.

This was something she didn't know before. Since the last time she went out to pick wild vegetables in the rain, she understood this.

Her worries quickly disappeared because everyone in the tribe wore something she had never seen before.

Although she had never seen it before, she could tell it was used to shield her from the rain.

Nineteen people, nineteen sets of raincoats and hats.

No one could have expected they would bring someone back this time, so Milk Tea Sister was left out.

Watching everything happening before her, feeling the cool raindrops on her face, Milk Tea Sister felt happy and worried.

She was happy because not everyone had to get wet, but worried that she might get sick again.

Glancing at the Chaihu growing in the jar, her anxious heart eased slightly.

But some melancholy feelings lingered. After all, everyone had something to shelter from the rain except for her.

Her mood quickly disappeared when Han Cheng walked over and foolishly pulled the primitive girl into his arms, covering her with his raincoat.

The raincoat he wore was for adults, but wrapping her, who was even smaller than him, wasn't too tricky.

But the two of them had to hold each other tightly.

Having seen this scene more than once, hugging each other like this was too childish for Han Cheng.

Moreover, he was still a child, and Milk Tea Sister hadn't grown up yet...

Han Cheng thought calmly in his heart, but his expression became somewhat strange after a while, and then he felt a bit uncomfortable, shifting his body awkwardly.

Damn it, why does this girl seem a bit restless?

This won't do!

He's still a child, and Milk Tea Sister hasn't grown up yet. Her chest hasn't even developed...

A certain Divine Child lamented in his heart, but a particular uncontrollable guy still stubbornly got up.

Completely hiding under the raincoat, Milk Tea Sister, who was hugging Han Cheng tightly, didn't know if she felt the threat from the gun, and her body moved slightly...

The rain seemed to be getting heavier, and on the small boat, people occasionally used bowls to scoop out the accumulated water.

Han Cheng held Milk Tea Sister, looking at the rain with a somewhat unpleasant expression. After a while, he finally ordered the boat to stop and dock.

Big Brother and the others were a bit reluctant because, according to Han Cheng's estimate, they were only about twenty li away from the tribe. They could make it back to the tribe with a little effort.

But considering Han Cheng's warning about possible flooding and the terrifying scene of the boat capsizing, they didn't dare to insist on moving forward.

They found a suitable place to dock and dragged the wooden boat ashore.

Finding a high ground, they leaned the wooden boat against a relatively steep rock and overturned it.

This would prevent rainwater from continuing to collect in the boat, and there would be more space underneath to shelter from the wind and rain.

After doing these things for a bit of a while, surprisingly, the rain stopped.

The people eager to return home couldn't help but cheer. Setting off now, they could still return to the tribe before dark.

They cheered and went to find Han Cheng to inform him that they were ready to continue sailing, but they were again stopped by Han Cheng.

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