I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 294

Chapter 294

After planting the wild hemp and Chaihu, Han Cheng instructed people to continue digging the soil.

However, this time, the digging wasn't near the wall but in front of his residential window, about three to four meters away.

After the pit was dug, two more pots of soil were brought over.

The temporary plants inside were carefully removed and transplanted into the newly dug pit.

Several sections of bamboo roots (from which bamboo shoots grow) were cut when they were digging bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest.

These bamboo roots still had some small, undeveloped bamboo shoots attached, with two small poles in the middle.

At that time, the Eldest Senior Brother and others planned to discard these, but Han Cheng saw them and brought them back.

He wanted to see if they could survive.

He originally wanted to grow better plants, but the unexpected appearance of these treasures disrupted his plan, so he had to make do with these for now.

He would dig up some better ones later when the time came.

After finishing these tasks and raising his head, Han Cheng noticed two women with injuries appearing not far away.

Han Cheng was surprised, his first reaction being that the tribe had been attacked and their people were injured.

But he quickly realized something was wrong.

Because since they returned, they hadn't heard anything similar from Shaman and the others.

Moreover, judging from the reactions of the tribe members and what they had seen, the tribe didn't seem to have been attacked.

Then what was the matter with these two injured women?

Han Cheng pondered this as he walked towards them.

Approaching, he realized that these two women were not from their tribe!

It seemed that something had happened to the tribe!

Han Cheng momentarily stared at the two frightened-looking injured women before turning to find Shaman and ask about the situation.

Shaman and the others hadn't immediately told Han Cheng about the attack from the Bone Tribe because they had their reasons.

Firstly, no one from their tribe was injured, and secondly, Han Cheng and the others had just returned, and everyone was in a joyful mood, so they unintentionally overlooked this matter.

Now that Han Cheng noticed something amiss and asked about it, Shaman and the others explained the situation.

"Damn it!"

The most significant reaction came from Shang; because of his previous experiences, he harbored a deep hatred for those who attacked the tribe.

If it weren't for the large number of people left in the tribe and their reliance on things like walls, bows, and arrows, the consequences would be...

Imagine the scene of returning to the tribe after this boat trip, with familiar people dead and injured everywhere. He shuddered all over, and his eyes were turning red.

He angrily shouted, grabbed his spear, and was about to kill the two captives, but was stopped by the Eldest Senior Brother.

"Divine Child, what should we do?"

The Eldest Senior Brother asked Han Cheng, and the others looked to him.

When this matter was mentioned, few weren't angry. Anyone who was attacked at their doorstep couldn't swallow this anger.

"Fight! Take down the Bone Tribe!"

Han Cheng, who hadn't spoken much before, spoke up decisively.

This decision energized the vast majority of people, and without needing any encouragement, their fighting spirit soared.

However, not everyone agreed with this approach.

For example, after hearing Han Cheng's decision, Shaman became worried.

He felt that they shouldn't attack the Bone Tribe.

With his age, experiences, and wisdom inherited from the previous shaman, he knew that there were no survivors in conflicts involving past tribal blood feuds.

The recent record of zero deaths in battles fought by their tribe in the past two years was all thanks to the reliance on the protective walls.

To attack the Bone Tribe, they would have to leave the safety of the walls, thus losing their most significant advantage.

Moreover, the Bone Tribe was one of the more powerful tribes in the vicinity.

Although they had suffered significant losses in the previous encounter, many adults had returned unharmed.

Shaman was confident their tribe could defeat the Bone Tribe, but achieving victory without casualties was impossible.

As he grew older, he desired peaceful development and didn't want to see anyone in the tribe die, regardless of the circumstances.

He expressed his concerns to Han Cheng, who pondered for a while and acknowledged Shaman's worries but insisted on proceeding with the attack.

While Han Cheng's decision seemed impulsive, it was not made hastily.

Apart from the fact that the tribe had been attacked, there were other considerations.

After nearly a year and a half of integration, the Pig Tribe had been fully assimilated into the Green Sparrow Tribe.

Expanding the population further was now possible, and there were no internal security concerns.

Additionally, introducing various new activities besides hunting and gathering had strained their manpower.

After several months of training, the Green Sparrow Tribe made some progress in warfare and acquired strength.

The Bone Tribe wasn't significantly more significant than the Green Sparrow Tribe regarding the number of adults.

Recently, they had lost eleven people during a confrontation under the Green Sparrow Tribe's walls, with many returning injured.

From Shaman's account, Han Cheng deduced that the recent defense of the Green Sparrow Tribe had significantly impacted the Bone Tribe, instilling fear in them.

This gap would widen further, adding to the Green Sparrow Tribe's advantage.

Furthermore, Han Cheng felt that their previous salt policy was flawed.

Over the past year, the Green Sparrow Tribe had portrayed themselves to neighboring tribes as generous, friendly, and prosperous, aiming for a bloodless integration through friendliness.

However, Han Cheng realized that their rise to power might not be without bloodshed.

Their constant friendliness had been perceived as weakness, making a show of overwhelming force now effective in cowing other tribes into submission.

This iron-fisted approach would serve as a strong support for their gradual infiltration policy.

It would significantly reduce complications when it was time to close the net.

With these six considerations, the Bone Tribe would have no choice but to yield when faced with the Green Sparrow Tribe's might.

Han Cheng explained these considerations to his followers, ensuring they understood the rationale behind their actions and the tribe's advantages.

This approach ensured his subordinates knew why they were fighting and were genuinely motivated to strive for the goal.

Han Cheng wasn't prepared to relax on the ideological front; he understood the importance of political education.

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