I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 295

Chapter 295

The Shaman was persuaded and expressed agreement with the decision to attack the Bone Tribe. However, after agreeing, he repeatedly reminded everyone not to be careless.

Such reminders were good, as they could prevent the people of the Sparrow Tribe from becoming blindly arrogant and encourage them to handle the matter cautiously.

Shang couldn't wait any longer. Immediately after the decision to send troops to the Bone Tribe was made, he wanted to set out with his men but was stopped by Han Cheng.

Warfare was always a serious matter. Although the scale of the upcoming war against the Bone Tribe that Han Cheng was preparing for didn't compare to some large-scale battles of future times, it still involved the lives and deaths of many people in the tribe, so it had to be taken seriously.

Before the troops moved, supplies were prepared first. There was a certain distance between the Green Sparrow Tribe and the Bone Tribe, so food for the journey had to be prepared. Additionally, most of the tribe's fighting force had just experienced nearly twenty-four days of long-distance travel, so they needed rest and recuperation.

Therefore, the attack on the Bone Tribe was set for five days later. These five days would be used to prepare food, restock weapons, and allow the people to rest and recover their spirits before launching a major operation.

After this decision, the people of the Green Sparrow Tribe began preparations. Han Cheng also pondered their possible situations and the corresponding strategies.

After these matters were settled, it was already getting dark.

Because of this incident, the joy of Han Cheng and the others returning was greatly diminished.

Many people were also thinking about the idea of Han Cheng personally cooking dinner.

They wanted to taste the food cooked by Han Cheng and were very interested in the exotic food brought back from faraway places by Han Cheng and the others.

However, they also knew the priorities and understood that thinking about eating at a time like this was inappropriate. So, when they saw Han Cheng lost in thought, no one reminded him, "Hurry up and stop daydreaming. Everyone's waiting for you to cook."

Although they thought this way, disappointment was inevitable.

When it came to eating, it was the most important thing. This was Han Cheng's life motto.

So, seeing that it was getting late, he rolled up his sleeves and headed towards the cave where he cooked.

The people of the Green Sparrow Tribe no longer hoped Han Cheng would personally cook dinner tonight. However, when they unexpectedly saw Han Cheng heading towards the cooking place, their hearts were filled with joy after the initial surprise.

The bamboo shoots were peeled and sliced with a bone knife. The bone knife was thinner and sharper than a stone knife, making it more convenient for cutting vegetables.

After blanching, the bamboo shoots were set aside for later use. Some were used to make bamboo shoots and meat slice soup, while the rest were stir-fried with meat slices.

The people nearly swallowed their tongues when the delicious food came out of the pot.

Milk Tea Sister had no resistance to food. Her small mouth kept moving, and as soon as a chopstick of food entered her mouth, it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Han Cheng could only helplessly smile and remind her to eat slowly occasionally. The girl puffed out her cheeks and nodded vigorously, her braids swaying as she mumbled incomprehensible words, but her eating speed did not slow down at all.

A meal significantly reduced the tension among the people of the Green Sparrow Tribe due to the upcoming attack on the Bone Tribe.

After eating, they chatted for a while before Han Cheng let them rest.

They specifically emphasized the need for rest, forbidding activities like weapon maintenance.

Xing, Xiaomei, and Xiaoli asked Milk Tea Sister to sleep with them.

After spending most of the day together, they had developed quite a bond.

However, how could they allow such a thing to happen when they had already decided to become beasts?

His wife, of course, should sleep with him on the same heated bed.

Moreover, these beastly fellows never knew how to avoid others. Letting Milk Tea Sister stay in that room, under the influence, would inevitably lead her astray sooner or later.

Then, in the wide-eyed stares of Xing, Xiaomei, and Xiaoli, a shameless Divine Child, without blushing or panting, held Milk Tea Sister's hand and returned to his room.

Following alongside were Fu Jiang and the five little blessings, running back and forth.

The people who followed along with Eldest Senior Brother made some suggestive gestures and whispers to those in the tribe who didn't understand what was happening.

A strong gossip vibe suddenly enveloped the entire Sparrow Tribe.

It could be foreseen that this would be the hottest topic in the Sparrow Tribe tonight.

Han Cheng's earlier instructions for them to rest well seemed to be in vain.

Han Cheng didn't care about any of this. He pretended nothing had happened, holding Milk Tea Sister's hand as she burped from eating and led her back to his room.

After arriving in the room, he prepared a hot water basin and soaked Milk Tea Sister's feet with her.

Because she hadn't worn shoes much before, Milk Tea Sister's feet weren't as glossy as Han Cheng's.

After drying her feet, it was time to sleep.

Han Cheng shamelessly stripped Milk Tea Sister naked, and himself too, and then crawled under the fur blanket, using it as a blanket.

There were no formalities, just a straightforward mess with a very primitive style.

Under the blanket, Han Cheng held the warm Milk Tea Sister and felt very comfortable.



Nothing else happened. He fell asleep straightforwardly. Maybe he wanted to do something.

Of course, it wasn't just falling asleep directly, but after some mental struggles.

He was a normal person; otherwise, he wouldn't always think about finding a wife.

Faced with such a situation, it was naturally unbearable.

It's just that considering that they were still growing up and Milk Tea Sister's chest hadn't developed much. He had to endure it.

After a long journey, returning home at this time, lying on his heated bed, Han Cheng thought for a while with Milk Tea Sister in his arms, unable to resist the heavy drowsiness, and fell asleep.

Milk Tea Sister, however, couldn't sleep. With her wide-open eyes in the dark, she moved something that kept poking her under the quilt and then recalled all the dazzling things she had seen today.

It felt like a dream.

How could all these things made by people?

She felt that all of this existed and was later discovered by this tribe.

Because there were so many things inside that she felt couldn't possibly have been done by humans.

Such as the towering walls like mountain cliffs and the large, comfortable houses bigger than caves.

Late at night, this primitive girl who came to the new tribe, her mind full of novelty and shock, finally couldn't resist the drowsiness. After moving the poking thing under her quilt, she completely lost consciousness.

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