I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 321: The Time Draws Near

Chapter 321: The Time Draws Near

[Luna POV]

[Nice to meet you, Reverious the dragon. Im Hoshi, the Spirit King of space spirits, and I have a proposition for you.] (Hoshi)

Reverious completely stopped moving at Hoshis words.  I could feel the surprise radiating off of him as he lay there in silence.

I get that the anger of learning someone beating you to a position that youve strived for, for thousands of years or more is one thing, but Im kind of offended that hes more surprised by Hoshi showing up than the person that is supposed to be ascending to godhood soon.

{Do you really care about it that much?}

No, but still, all he did was try to kill me, but he freezes up like this at Hoshi just introducing herself.  Unless of course hes just being petty, in which case I might need to do something to fix that.

Why do I feel a sudden chill? (Reverious)

Big sis, stop making it colder. (Soleil)

Fine. (Luna)

Oi brat!  You dare show disrespect in front of a spirit king!? (Reverious)

[It matters little to me, she is the Goddess Im going to end up serving, after all.  And besides, this isnt really disrespect.  Ive show her more disrespect than she has to be honest.] (Hoshi)

Hoshi, lets get back to business. (Luna)

[Yes.  Reverious the dragon, you show promise and the aptitude, so I offer you a boon.  Will you become a space demispirit and serve under me?] (Hoshi)

Before I answer, may I ask some things? (Reverious)

[You may.] (Hoshi)

First, was my entire path pointless? (Reverious)

[To be very blunt, yes.  No matter how long you lived and how hard you strived to become a god, you would never achieve it unless an even higherno, you would never become a god, at most you could strive for is a demispirit position like the one Im offering you, or the position of Apostle, but that is already taken as well.] (Hoshi)

I see.  Then what was the point of my existence? (Reverious)

[An existential question that has many answers yet none at all.  Your existence is what you make of it, and as long as you consider it so, it is never wasted.  Though if its validation you seek, then Im glad to give it.  You may not be able to ascend to godhood or Apostleship, but becoming a demispirit is a wonderful thing.  While it has happened many times, I can count on one hand the amount of times its happened, and this is the first time someone has the chance to become a demispirit of a primordial aspect of the world.] (Hoshi)

Hmm.  Then what is it that I need to do?  I may still hold some feelings of animosity for the little fox over there, but I have come to respect her strength, so I dont mind serving under her as a demispirit. (Reverious)

Well, that took less convincing than I thought it would. (Skadi)

Indeed. (Ophidia)

[You dont need to do much since your agreement is all that was needed.  Though I am going to tell you now that your physical body is going to need to die.] (Hoshi)

Heh.  I mind surprisingly little. (Reverious)

[Alright then, with his agreement, it is time for your blessing, oh Goddess mine.] (Hoshi)

I walked up and placed my hand on Reveriouss side.

Tamamo, what am I supposed to do?

{Try doing what you do with your Abyssal Blessing skill, but focus on your Authority of Space.}

Alright, here goes nothing.

I closed my eyes and concentrated inside myself.  It took me a second to really figure out how to do what Tamamo said, but once I was able to fully concentrate on my Space Authority, I started the blessing.  A massive amount of mana gushed from my hand and into Reverious like a raging river.  I kept it going until I felt it catch before I stopped and stepped away.

[Perfect.  Now leave the rest of this to me.  Once I tell you, please end his mortal life, oh Goddess mine.] (Hoshi)

Little fox, do me a favor and aim the killing blow at the reverse scale at the base of my throat.  Itll be the quickest, least painful way to kill me. (Reverious)

I nodded my head and pulled out my sword.  Hoshi then began the rest of the process.  She placed her hand on the same spot I did and she started channeling power into Reverious.  This process lasted several minutes before he started to glow a with a fain grey light.

[It is time.] (Hoshi)

I walked over to the reverse scale and readied my sword.  I closed my eyes for a second and plunged it in.  I felt barely any resistance as my blade sliced into Reveriouss neck and then I covered the blade in ice magic to make sure this was a fatal blow.  I felt Reverious shudder before going completely still.  When I pulled my sword out and backed away, the grey glow covering Reveriouss body grey more pronounced.  Shortly after that, a spectral copy of Reveriouss humanoid form floated out of the corpse.

Hmm.  I feel strange. (Reverious)

[You will for a bit since your soul needs to acclimate to a non-corporeal body, but thats the reason your mortal form had to die.  Now, I shall head back to the Domain of Spirits to get everything ready and Ill come to pick you up in a few days.  Feel free to go around and take care of any business you need to since youll be very busy once you join me.  Oh, and Goddess Luna, please do the same.  I can see by the number of tails that you have that you are very close to ascension, so please dont keep us waiting for too much longer.] (Hoshi)

Hoshi then disappeared before I could say anything.

So, Luna, how many levels did you get? (Velvet)

Three.  Im level 99 now (Luna)

So, its nearly time then. (Skadi)

I took a deep breath before slowly letting it go.

I need a golden apple, then Im going to spend a few more days here since there are still things I want to do, after that Im going to go and do something by myself.  At that time I leave getting everyone to wherever they want to go to you, Ophidia. (Luna)

Yes master. (Ophidia)

Reverious, what do you want us to do with your body? (Luna)

Doesnt matter to me.  If this happened after a fight with another dragon, wed leave the corpse there as its last resting place, but I know that other races consider things like dragons scales valuable, so feel free to do with them what you will.  Though I would like it if you didnt eat any of it. (Reverious)

Alright. (Luna)

I stored the corpse in my inventory before snapping my fingers and dissolving the domain.

Oh, before I head off to finish up things, feel free to get an apple.  As the one in charge of managing the guarding of the tree, I give you permission to take one. (Reverious)

With those last words, he vanished.  I then turned to the others that were just standing around and walked over to them.

So, what were we doing before this interruption? (Luna)

We were going to have some tea while we talked about whatever with Chen and the others.  Is everything over here finished? (Nian)

Yeah.  Though Im going to go get an apple before we head back for the night. (Luna)

Sound fine to me.  Lets get back to what we were doing guys. (Nian)

Um, are we really not going- (Lisk)

Lisk, it is times like these that one should just follow the flow and not question things. (Ling)

Once the domain was fully gone, we all headed inside.

Chaos Realm:

I see, so that's her plan.  Guess I should set up the safety measures.

Order: Need any help?

I will when the time comes and her ascension starts.  I'll tell you what is needed at that time.

Order: Alright.

Atmos: Guess I'll get to work at setting things up as well.  Gotta make it a spectacle after all.

Grey: Guess I'll run crisis management.  Something like this is surely going to cause waves and I also need to get the maps ready for Luna and I's plans.

Then we all reconvene here once we're done?

Everyone: Yep.

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