I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 322: A Merry Jaunt Around the Continent

Chapter 322: A Merry Jaunt Around the Continent

[Luna POV]

After chatting with and getting to know the new dragons we met, it was decided that it was time to go and get a golden apple.  We left the building that we were in and walked down the main road of the village to the tree.  The closer we got, the more I realized just how big the tree was.  I mean, it was huge from a distance, but being this close to it was something else.  If I didnt know any better, Id even call it a world tree.  The group stopped when we reached an old looking gate made of stone.

Luna, you were the only one to get permission to get one, so only you can pass the gate. (Nian)

I nodded my head and walked forward.  When I passed under the gate, what I expected to happen didnt happen.

Well, that was disappointing.  I expected to feel something like that time when I visited the Spirit Domain. (Luna)

{Well, the best that they would be able to do is set up a space barrier, and since you are you, it wouldnt have mattered anyway.  Though if you wanted to set something like that up for them, I doubt theyd mind.}

Something to think about later.  Now, time to get what needs to be done, done. (Luna)

I walked over to the base of the tree.  There I found what looked like a staircase that was carved into the tree, kind of like how it was in the Elf Nation.  I started climbing the steps and after almost an hour, I finally made it near the top.  I walked out onto the branch that the stairs led to and saw something I was expecting, but not exactly.  Sprawling in front of me were hundreds of thousands of golden apples hanging from smaller branches.  The thing was, the apples were all as small as a cherry tomato or maybe grapes.

Smaller than I expected.

{Yes.  When someone says apple, you think apple, not tiny apple.}

I walked over to one of the branches and picked a single apple from it.  I held it in my palm and stared at if for a few seconds before putting it into my inventory.

Later.  Im not going to eat it until I finish everything I need to.

{What about the labor?}

I think itll count as complete once I eat it.  Its not 100% how the myth goes, but seeing as the labors are just loose interpretations, then thats most likely the condition to complete it.

{So, whats next for you, Luna?}

Im going to hang around here until Reverious leaves, then Im going to go around and say good bye to the people that Ive actually spent the time to get to know, then Im going to eat the apple.

{While I get it, you know that youll be able to see most of the people youre talking about again, right?  And whats stopping you from setting up a domain to visit them as well?}

Tamamo, I love you, but please dont make me question the thematic ending to my mortal world journey Im trying to go for.

{Ufufufu.  Sorry, that wasnt my intention.}

I know.

I closed my eyes for a second to get my thoughts in order before teleporting back to the others.  After telling them I got what I needed and showing it to everyone, we left for the dragon sisters pavilion.  Once we got back there, we all went to bed early.  Over the next few days, we didnt do much but laze around doing whatever.  Since I thought it would be funny, I gave Ling the alcohol that was made to get me drunk and she started kneeling in front of me like I was a goddess.  It took a while for all of us to get her to stop.  I also showed Dusk the painting me and Soleil worked on for the prank war with Atmos.  While it wasnt the same reaction Ling had, she immediately warmed up to the two of us like we were her greatest of best friends.  As for Nian, I explained as much about how cameras were made that I was able to remember.

On the day that I decided to leave to take care of everything, I decided to do something else for the dragon sisters since they took great care of us and I considered them good friends.  Just before teleporting away, I turned to them and gave them my Blessing of Space.  After that, I teleported to the first place I was going on my continent wide tour.

[Shuten POV]

It was just another normal day of reception work.  Nothing much had happened and it was chocking up to be a slow day.  Ibaraki was sitting on a stool next to me with her head laying on her arms on the desk.  When we came in today, we thought that something was going on since there were more adventurers present than usual, but after listening in to the conversations as we waited for people to come to us, I found out that they all felt a compulsion to be here today.

Shuten, Im bored.  Nothing has happened for a while. (Ibaraki)

Thats a good thing, Ibaraki. (Shuten)

I know that, but literally nothing is happening.  All of the festivals are still far away and there havent been any kind of out of the norm monster activity for adventurers to go deal with and then tell us the highly exaggerated story afterward. (Ibaraki)

I get what you mean.  I could go for a drink right now, even if its just to pass the time. (Shuten)

You and your alcohol. (Ibaraki)

While we were idly chatting, the guild master came down from the stairs and walked over to us.

Is something the matter, guild master? (Shuten)

No?  I just felt like I needed to be in the lobby today. (Vince)

When I was about to say something, someone appeared in the middle of the guild lobby.  She was a kitsune woman with long black hair and silver tipped ears.  Her eyes glowed with a silver light and at her lower back grew eight tails with a strangely beautiful pattern inside them.  When she looked over to where the three of us were at, she smiled and started to walk over toward us.

Long time no see, you three. (Luna)

M-miss Luna!? (Ibaraki)

Yes, it me, Ibaraki. (Luna)



While Ibarakis outburst made me aware of the identity of the kitsune in front of us, I was still struggling to wrap my head around what was going on.  Everyone in the guild knew what a kitsune with multiple tails meant seeing as only one being came to mind when kitsune and multiple tails were mentioned, but it was still difficult for me to accept.

Y-youre a goddess? (Shuten)

Technically, Im still a demigod, but Ill be ascending by the end of the day, so yes. (Luna)

T-to think the adventurer I helped register would go on to become a goddess. (Shuten)

Fufufu.  I have to say, these reactions are nice.  And while Id love to stay and chat, I have other places to be, so Im gonna say what I need to say.  Thanks for what you did for me in the beginning.  Same to you, Ibaraki.  You as well, Vince.  See you around. (Luna)

With those words, Luna turned around and vanished.  Once she was gone, the guild was entirely silent, so much so that you couldnt even hear people breathing.  It was a random adventurer that broke the silence.


Once those words sunk in, the room burst out in a deafening roar of excitement.  I was still trying to wrap my head around what just happened when I heard Guild Master Vince speak.

I see, so its Luna who is the one.  Heh.  Hehehehe.  Now I can brag to the others that I know our goddess personally. (Vince)

Um, guild master?  Are you ok? (Shuten)

Im completely fine.  Now if you excuse me, I have some very important gloating to do. (Vince)

I gave the guild master a worried look as he walked back upstairs while he was muttering something about fluff.

Shuten. (Ibaraki)

Yes, Ibaraki? (Shuten)

If Miss Luna is a goddess, then what about the rest of her party?  What are they? (Ibaraki)


[Lobo POV]

As I was sitting in my office looking over budgets and other important king stuff, my two daughters burst into the room followed shortly by my wife.

Whats wrong? (Lobo)

You need to come with us now.  We need to go to the throne room immediately. (Blanca)

I dropped what I was doing and we hurried over to the throne room.  When we got there, I was shocked by what I was seeing.  Sitting on the throne that only I was supposed to sit on, an eight-tailed kitsune woman sat.

Ive got to say, this is an extremely uncomfortable chair.  I dont know how kings in books and movies sat in these for hours at a time and looked like it was the most comfortable thing in the world. (Luna)

UmYou do realize that this technically counts as treason, right? (Lobo)

Meh.  I just felt like knowing what it was like sitting on the throne of a country before I ascended.  And like I said, its not that great. (Luna)

So its time for that to happen? (Selene)

Yep.  By the end of the day today, depending on how things go with the other places Im heading to. (Luna)

If you can, invite us to the wedding. (Selena)

That was the plan.  This isnt a forever goodbye after all.  But I wont be able to pop in all that muchprobably. (Luna)

What do you mean by that? (Lobo)

Fufufu.  Thats for me to know, and you to find out. (Luna)

With that ominous statement, Luna disappeared from the throne room.

Lobo, you have many things you need to explain to me.  And start from the part where you knew Amagi and Deacons daughter was going to be a goddess. (Blanca)

*Sigh*  Lets sit and Ill explain. (Lobo)

[Ibuki POV]

Sitting in my office while doing paperwork that had somehow grown less than it has in years, I placed my pen down.  Suzuka, who had come here after leaving the academy in the Elf Nation had, reluctantly, been helping me out.

Suzuka, shall we take a break? (Ibuki)

I was thinking the same thing.  My eyes hurt from reading all of this stuff. (Suzuka)

Understandable. (Ibuki)

Then would you two like some tea, coffee, something else? (Luna)

Tea is fineWait. (Ibuki)

I turned to look at where the voice came from to see a kitsune that I havent seen in a while.  She looked a little different, but it wasnt too much to be shocked at since everyone changes as they grow.

Luna?... Wait, eight tails!?  Youre a goddess!? (Suzuka)

About to be. (Luna)


Fufufufufufu. (Luna)

Hmm.  So thats why you seemed so special.  Anyway, hows Mio been? (Ibuki)

Quite well.  Shes even gotten herself a lover in the form of Fenrir. (Luna)

Oh!  Thats something worth celebrating. (Ibuki)

Are you really glossing over the whole Luna becoming a goddess thing? (Suzuka)

I was there the last time something like this happened, so its not that shocking the second time around. (Ibuki)

I didnt know that either.  Just how old are you!? (Suzuka)

Never ask me that, Suzuka.  You know better. (Ibuki)

Y-yes maam. (Suzuka)

Well, aside from Suzuka getting scolded, I came to say what I needed to and to see the reaction, so with that done, Ill be off to my next stop.  Oh, just keep the tea cups for now, Ill pick them up later. (Luna)

With those final words, Miss Luna disappeared from my office.

Like a storm as always. (Ibuki)

Ugh.  I feel like I need a drink.  Also, shouldnt we let the Emperor know about this? (Suzuka)

Yes.  That way he can deal with the extra work that an event like this will cause. (Ibuki)

Start writing that message now! (Suzuka)

I am. (Ibuki)

[Lia POV]

After arriving back at my home after my daily training with Dia, I sat in my lounge, Dia and Cres sitting on a cushion with somewhat sleepy looks.  I was taking small sips from a cup of coffee when someone suddenly appeared in the chair across from me.

Long time no see, you three. (Luna)

Hey Luna.  I see youve made a lot of progress since we last saw each other. (Lia)

Indeed. (Luna)

[Oh, Goddess mine, Im glad to see that you are soon to take your position.  I must say that Im excited for my little brothers and sisters to come into existence.] (Dia)

[I feel much the same.  It is a joyous day indeed, that our Goddess shall take her rightful place before taking over the Divine Domain with fluff.] (Cres)

Im not going to do that at the moment. (Luna)

Shouldnt it be never? (Lia)

Well see what the far future holds, but I most likely wont.  Too much responsibility. (Luna)

At least your sense of humor is still the same. (Lia)

Why wouldnt it be?  Im becoming a goddess, not a different person. (Luna)

True. (Lia)

Anyway, I have a few more stops, and these will take longer than the ones Ive been to so far, so I need to go. (Luna)

[May I request something of you before you leave, oh Goddess mine?] (Cres)

Make it quick. (Luna)

[May I feel the Abyss?] (Cres)

Luna ruminated on the question for a few seconds before a mischievous smile appeared on her face.

Only for a few seconds. (Luna)

[Thank you.] (Cres)

Cres moved over next to Luna and she moved one of her tails over to him.  He touched it and a peaceful expression crossed his face before it changed to a one of confusion.

[What is this?] (Cres)



Fufufu.  Gotta go now. (Luna)

[Oh Goddess mine, what was that and whyand shes gone*Sigh*] (Cres)

Hehehe.  Whatever it was, its fine, Cres. (Lia)

[Yes, contractor.]

[Luna POV]

The place I teleported to after Lias place was the shrine that I called my home for most of this life.

Its a shame I cant find out where Jarl and his party are.  I really want to see their reactions.  Aside from Apollo since he already knows.

{Theres always finding them at some point later down the line.}

True.  Anyway, time to go tell mom and dad, then to head over to Celestia Kingdom.

I walked over to my door and placed my hand on the handle.  I stood there silently for a minute unmoving.

{Nervous or excited?}

Both.  Taking a minute like this isnt doing me any favors either since now my mind is thinking of so many other things that I can do before ascension.

{Isnt that why youve been doing what you were today?  So that you have no way but to proceed.}


I calmed myself down and left my room.  I walked to where would usually find mom and Ana but didnt find them.

{Go to the main hall.}


I did what Tamamo said and went to the main hall.  There I found mom, dad, Ana, and Blake waiting.

So, its almost time? (Amagi)

Yeah.  If everything else goes to plan, then Ill ascend tonight. (Luna)

Mom and dad walked over to me and they both hugged me tightly.

Luna, we love you so much.  You dont understand how happy youve made the two of us and how you will continue to do so into the future. (Deacon)

I can still remember the very first time I held you in my arms.  To see how much youve grown until now has been the greatest gift I could have ever gotten.  Never forget how proud of you we are. (Amagi)

I felt tears rolling down my face and I could tell that they were both in a similar state.  After staying in a tight ball of fluff and hugs for several minutes we let go.  Moms eyes were still a little red, but she had a warm smile on her face.  Dad on the other hand was still bawling his eyes out to the point it was comical.  Before I knew what was happening, I was tackle-hugged from the side by Ana.

Luna! (Ana)

Ana, please dont scream in my ear. (Luna)

Sorry, I just cant help it.  Youve always felt like a daughter to me and to see you at this point is just so-soI cant put it into words. (Ana)

Fufufu.  The sentiment is enough. (Luna)

While I hugged and patted Ana on the head, my eyes met Blakes.  He didnt sat anything and just nodded his head.  I nodded in return and that was the end of that interaction.  Once Ana finally let me go, she walked over to mom and hugged her.  Mom started to pat her head like I was earlier.  I was just about to teleport to the Celestia Kingdom when I turned back to Blake.  I took a dragon scale out of my inventory and tossed it over to him.

Have fun with that, Blake. (Luna)

I then teleported away, though I did get to see the large amount of surprise wash over him in that split second.  I chuckled to myself before getting my bearings.  I was now standing in the front of Nias villa.  I used space magic to find out where I needed to go to find the people I was looking for and lucked out to see that they were all gathered in a meeting room inside the castle.  There were a few other random people in there as well, but they didnt really matter.  I teleported into the room behind Drome.  The others that were sitting around the large round table that saw this went quiet due to shock.

Im sure whatever it was you were discussing is important and all, Drome, but it can wait.  Its about time, so you best drop whatever youre doing and get ready, because Im the storm that is approaching, and I cant be stopped. (Luna)

Wait, its happening today!? (Drome)

Yep.  Im heading over to the shrine right after this. (Luna)

You could have warned me beforehand that you were ascending today. (Drome)

Thats what I am doing literally right now.  Though I guess having all these randoms here means I have to hold back on the more personal aspect of my visit, but oh well, Ill just have to talk to you all individually later.  Now, have fun quelling the chaos of me walking around the city. (Luna)

Luna, do- (Drome)

{You know you could have just forcefully teleported those other people out of the room.}

Yeah, but that would cause other problems for Drome and Nia, so I decided to do what I did.

I arrived in front of the adventurers guild and started walking in the direction of my shrine.  I deliberately took my time, making sure as many people as possible saw me.  The whole trip took about 15 minutes and when I arrived at the gates of my shrine, I was a bundle of nerves.  I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath.  I then pulled out some special talismans I made the other day.  I poured some mana into them and most of them disappeared from my hand.

{What were those for?}

To cut the shrine off from the outside world.  I made those talismans out of Reveriouss scales and tried making them work as a support for a domain.  That way whatever happens here wont damage the city, though I dont know how long they will hold up.

{I see.  It just so happens that other preparations were made since this was happening soon, so dont worry, nothing is going to happen to the city.  Well, nothing much.}

"Fufufu.  Fine by me.

I smiled as I started making my way into the shrine.  I observed it as I walked and was impressed by what I saw.  I knew it was based off of Tamamos, but it had major differences here and there, and not just in the materials that it was made of.

I have to say, the people that built this place did a great job.

{I agree.  While I can see the inspiration that came from mine, I can also see the points that make it different.  I especially like the material that its made of.}


I finally reached the deepest part of the shrine.  It was a hall made of black stone with white and silver points that shone like stars.  The doors were a black, metallic looking wood that had a satisfyingly heavy groaning sound when you pushed them open.  Once inside I shut the doors and walked over to the center of the room.  I sat down cross-legged and pulled the golden apple out of my inventory.

Ive waited for this moment for a long time.  Tamamo, are you ready for me to finally be by your side for all eternity?

{Ive been ready since the day we first met.}

Then here goes nothing.

I popped the golden apple in my mouth.

Ugh.  This tastes horrible.  I expected it to taste sweet, not like metal.

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