I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 165 – I Also Have What You Have

I was overjoyed when I saw the lonely class leader standing under the streetlight: That’s what you get for scolding me at school! That’s what you get for having high moral standards! Wasn’t there someone called Loki from the Avengers who ended up being pursued into a black hole? You are pretty much the same as Loki, but instead, you are in a region devoid of animals, hope you enjoy it!

Hmph, although you may be popular in class, you are helpless against these animals. Unlike me... Wait, no! That seems as if I would be better fit with animals...

Truth be told, animals definitely like me more than humans do.

What? You say Xiao Qin likes me? Are you saying I should be burned alive by the FFF group because I’m not satisfied with a girl liking me?

Nonsense! She doesn’t count! I usually don’t even categorize her as human, but rather a fierce beast like a saber-tooth tiger!

I rejoiced as I watched the class leader from a distance. I wanted to see if the class leader would do something she would never usually do.

Such as running around crazily until she catches a slower dog and petting it crazily like a drug addict, or something like that.

But in the end, she did not do anything, she only silently watched the dogs playing. Her longing gaze was like a criminal in hell gazing at the heavens.

Anyways, what did you do? Did you receive genetics of an animal slaughterer from your ancestors? Also, don’t hunters usually hunt alongside dogs? Why would dogs be afraid? Unless they weren’t normal hunters, but they were like Bear Grylls who sees all living things as calories!

The class leader gazed a bit more before she closed her eyes and gently sighed to the unchangeable reality in front of her.

Next, as if it was fine watching from a distance, she did not have any more expectations, and her whole body was gray! What a gloomy color!

Now you’re laughing! The type of laugh that says ‘Although we’re far apart, it’s fine as long as you’re happy’! Class leader, why do you have to this to yourself! You can just raise a puppy and let it get used to your scent, and that should definitely cause you to break free of your curse of being hated by animals!

Is it because of your brother? Since your brother bullies animals when you are not looking, you would rather suffer a bit than let innocent animals be harmed?

Your brother deserves to be hung and beat! You can hand him to me if you don’t want to hit him! You look so pitiful right now that even I can’t stand watching from the sides anymore!

Thus, I stuck one hand in my pocket and walked into the territory devoid of animals with Obama.

Right as we stepped into that invisible territory, Obama’s hair stood at its ends, his whole body started to tremble, and he refused to walk inside.

It’s really damn effective! Obama was not this afraid of you last time in the bicycle rack! Are you releasing some sort of pressure aura unconsciously because you desire the love of animals?

Not only does it have the aura of the Justice Devil, but does it also have the scary halo of being a hunter’s descendant?

Do you think I’m out of options? Not only can my Metal Blood Lone Wolf’s red fighting spirit suppress your white fighting spirit, but my ability to appease animals is also stronger than your scary halo!

I slightly bent my waist and pet Obama’s head, then I pulled him forward one step. I rubbed his head again, then I pulled him forward another step.

I finally got the damn dog close enough so the class leader can reach it, it was tiring as hell.

It’s been said that ‘the darkest area is directly under the streetlight’, plus I was wearing another school’s uniform, so she did not recognize me or she was too focused on the dog.

Obama stuck out his long tongue and stared at the class leader’s legs. I suddenly remembered that Ai Mi once told me that Obama always uses Peng TouSi’s left leg when he’s in heat —— Thus, I tightened my grip on the leash to prevent him from suddenly jumping on the class leader’s leg.

After seeing someone leading a husky towards her, the class leader was pleased and she politely asked: “Can I pet him?”

I nodded for consent and the class leader immediately squatted in front of Obama. She was eager but was not lacking in elegance, she used one hand to hold her skirt on her knees, and the other hand to pet Obama’s head with a smile on her face.

When girls squat down when wearing skirts, it’s easy for them to be exposed, but the class leader handled it flawlessly. Not even a tiny spot was revealed, what a shame... No, I mean, Xiao Qin should learn from her.

To prevent Obama from biting the class leader’s hand, I also squatted down and held Obama down by his neck. On one hand, I can use my scent to calm him down, and on the other hand, I can stop him in case he acts violently.

The class leader finally had her wish fulfilled, she was able to feel the soft black fur on Obama’s head and his damp snout. The Justice Devil, who was always serious in the classroom, smiled like a little girl.

“Huh? This dog looks familiar, have I seen it before?”

The class leader recognized the dog before me. Also, when she spoke, she was completely focused on petting the dog and she did not look at me.

After a while, the class leader became embarrassed.

“Sorry, I took up a lot your time.” The class leader looked at me for first time tonight, “Your dog is really obedient, if I had...”

She spoke halfway before having a shocked expression.

“You... Why are you wearing another school’s uniform?!”

I raised one eyebrow, “Why can’t I? Also, is this how you treat your benefactor? If it wasn’t for me, how long would you have waited for a dog who wasn’t afraid of death?”

The class leader’s face turned red after being pricked by my words.

“I... Even if I’m hated by every single animal in the world, I don’t need you to pity me!”

It’s useless putting up a strong front. In this situation, you are clearly only strong in appearance but weak in reality —— watch me play some pranks on you!

“Class leader, are you sure you don’t want to pet a bit longer?”

I used my chin to point towards Obama who was using his hind leg to scratch an itch.

The class leader looked at the fluffy sled dog that was within arms reach. Her eyes sparkled like Ai Mi when she looked at chips, but she went against her desires and said:

“I won’t pet your dog, take it and leave!”

“Tsch~why are you acting tsundere!” I laughed at the class leader while adjusting my collar, “How about this, if you bark like a dog in front of me, I’ll let you pet to your heart’s content!”

The class leader said furiously: “I won’t bark like a dog! Don’t take this too far!”

Her voice was a bit loud and it caused all the surrounding elders to look at us. Since I was wearing the QingZi Academy uniform and the class leader was wearing the 28 Middle uniform, the difference between a private school and a public school was pretty obvious.

One auntie said shakily to the white haired granny next to her:

“Isn’t just because his family has some stinkin’ money? What’s so great about being a trust fund baby? I can’t believe he’s harassing that little missus.”

Not only did the granny have poor hearing, her eyesight was also bad. She squinted and looked around on the floor, then she said in a hurry: “Money? Where’s the money?”

An uncle with a beer belly cut in from behind: “Don’t guess randomly! I think those two know each other and they’re in a fight, maybe they might breakup!”

The old granny became more anxious, “A pickpocket? Why didn’t you tell me there was a pickpocket! My son forced me to take some money on my stroll...”

I felt awkward listening to the bystander’s discussion, but I stood straight, I can’t give up harassing... No, I can’t give up teasing the class leader halfway.

I continued to speak:

“What’s wrong with barking a few times! If you can master this important language, once the doggies take over the world, they might make you a governor or something!”

The class leader’s eyes immediately softened, she sunk into her own imagination —— don’t tell me she’s imagining herself as the governor who’s working for dogs? Are you willing to throw away your dignity as a human in order to be liked by pets?

I waved my hand back and forth in front of the class leader’s eyes in order to bring her back to the ice-cold reality.

“Stop daydreaming! It’s still far from the time when doggies take over the world! Also, cats won’t standby without doing anything! You should live in the moment and grab onto any opportunity you get! How about it? I’ll let you pet if you bark! It’s not that difficult. I’ll teach you, just say ‘meow, meow, meow, meow’!”

The class leader was upset, “How is that a dog? It’s clearly ‘woof, woof, woof, woof’!”

I laughed and clapped my hands together, “How about that? Didn’t you bark like a dog?”

“You...” The class leader bit her lips and turned silent after realizing she was made a fool.

I brought Obama to the class leader after completing my objective.

“Stop biting your lips, it’s going to bleed. I keep my promises, come and pet!”

I thought the class leader would not hold grudges and happily squat down to pet the dog, but she angrily snorted, turned around, and quickly walked away. She left me and Obama under the streetlights where we were at the mercy of the bystanders.

“It looks like they broke up?” The uncle with the beer belly scratched his oily face.

“Serves him right!” The auntie spat on the ground, “She was too good for him!”

“Compensation? The insurance company would compensate me?” The old granny shook her walking stick in the air excitedly, “I’ll tell my son to call the insurance company right now!”

I remained standing under the streetlight, and I felt a bit disappointed.

I originally thought I could tease the class leader a bit more, but who knew she would be so narrow-minded. Now it was my turn to feel empty and lonely.

After dazing around for ten minutes or so, all of a sudden, I saw the class leader come back.

This time, her face was filled with pride and the unwillingness to admit defeat. Even if the end of the world happened all of a sudden, she would deal with it calmly and not show any signs of cowardice.

The source of her courage: She was holding a leash in her hands. At the end of the leash was the little black dog she once helped treat and hold on her knees —— she definitely borrowed it from the Love Pet Hospital.

So she came to show off! Is this dog not that scared of you because you once helped treat it when it was sick?

Huh? Something seems off! The dog clearly does not have much strength, yet it’s running for its life, and the leash is as straight as a metal rod! Isn’t he using all his strength to try to break free? You’re not noticing because it’s behind you!

It’s just as you said, a dog views you as a ferocious beast once it is healed! Do you think this dog is an exception? It’s clearly scared to the point of trembling!

The class leader finally noticed the strange behavior of the little black dog. Her sense of superiority that she built up with great difficult crashed down like dominoes.

“Good boy, don’t be scared, it’s me! Did you forget?” The class leader squatted down with her back against me. She held the dog’s two front paws emotionally and hoped to comfort it by speaking to it.

The little black dog shivered.

“I won’t hurt you! I... I have something to eat!” The class leader took out a piece of beef jerky.

The little black dog started to tremble even harder.

“Why won’t you eat it? It’s not poisoned!” The class leader’s voice became even more pitiful.

I wanted to laugh, but couldn’t. When I lost attention for a second, Obama pulled the leash out of my hand and ran as fast as lightning in front of the class leader, then he swallowed the beef jerky in one gulp.

I was originally afraid that Obama would hurt someone, so I ran forward to grab onto the leash. Fortunately, this gluttonous dog was only interested in food.

Although the class leader was surprised, she was happy that a dog finally ate food that she took out.

The problem was that after Obama ate the jerky, he started to eye the little black dog.

The little black dog, who just recovered from an illness, and whose body was not even one-tenth the size of Obama, was unfortunately, a female dog.

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