I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 166 – Two Ends of a Bench

People who have raised dogs before should know that dogs have a vulgar way of greeting each other. It’s sniffing each other’s butts, it’s roughly equivalent to a handshake between humans.

As a ‘Mr. Perfect’ dog from America, Obama first walked a circle around the little black dog. Then, he sniffed the little black dog’s butt like a gentleman, afterwards...

Afterward, he pounced like a zombie breaking through a gate!

He pressed down of the hips of the little black dog with his two sturdy front paws, and he used his hind paws to stand up straight. Soon after, he stuck up that red rod that should not be looked at, and they were going to perform the ceremony between husband and wife!

I was not sure if the little black dog was willing or if it was terrified of the class leader. Unexpectedly, it remained trembling in its original spot with no intention of resisting.

The class leader initially thought the two dogs were playing around, she was looking forward to watching them play at a close distance, she never thought they were planning on copulating! There was a large disparity in size between the male and the female. The male’s face was fierce and sinister; the female was trembling and resigned her fate to the gods, it was a real-life rape scene!

I pulled hard on the leash and pulled Obama away right before he succeeded. The class leader also hastily put the little black dog in her arms. She comforted the startled dog while gazing at me and Obama with distrust.

“A good dog was misguided by you.”

Obama’s thing under his crotch turned purple because he did not achieve his objective. Its shape was similar to a hammer, it kind of reminded me of the Soviet Union’s flag. The class leader was embarrassed to look this way, so she turned her head to the side when she spoke.

“Everyone says that a dog’s personality is influenced by its master, now I know that’s definitely true! This dog was just cured and it’s so small, how could you...”

The class leader stared at me with hatred in her eyes. It was as if the one who wanted to ride the little black dog was the immaculately dressed me, rather than Obama.

How unreasonable! So in your eyes, you think dogs are always faultless, and if they make mistakes, it’s the owner’s responsibility? That’s the childish mindset of someone who has never owned a dog!

Dogs make tons of mistakes! If you don’t train them properly, they will defecate and urinate everywhere. Some dogs will bark and howl very late at night, some will bite sofas and destroy furniture, those are all common problems with dogs —— dogs are not as cute as you think!

Also, Obama only had pure intentions of wanting to mate! Please don’t apply human logic to dogs, okay? To be honest, you might even have to pay if you wanted to mate with a purebred like Obama! You should be glad I did not ask you for money!

Besides, if you think I’m like Obama where I take my pants off once I see a girl, why don’t you just stay away from me? You’re as pure as a lily (TN: Lily also means virgin), are you not afraid of me staining your reputation by getting close to me?

I lead Obama to a bench in front of a patch of green grass and sat down with my legs crossed, then I made an expression as if I paid no attention to the class leader.

The class leader did not show any weakness, she picked up the little black dog and sat on the bench in front of me that was about ten meters away. Neither of us looked at each other.

Obama started to foolishly eat the grass near my feet and I patted his head in boredom. I thought about Xiao Qin’s listening device, my dad’s swollen face, and of course, the damn class leader.

After a while, I saw the silhouette of a person shift. A certain girl with flowing long hair stood up from the bench. First, she walked towards the Love Pet Hospital with hesitation, but she stopped to think, then she changed directions and sat on my bench without a word.

But she did not approach me. Sat at the edge of the bench, as far away from me as possible, and it was to the point where she would almost fall off the bench.

She still did not look at me, her attention was still focused on the little black dog on her lap.

The little black dog did not tremble as much as before after being near a natural animal appeaser like me. Consequently, the class leader sighed a breath of relief. She stuck out a snow-white and slender finger and put it between the two paws of the little black dog, then she rubbed his nose like crazy.

Are you using me as a neutralizing agent? Do I have zero value in your eyes other than being able to help you fulfill your wish of being able to be intimate with an animal? Look at your posture! Your body is slanted away from me at a 45-degree angle and it’s filled with disgust towards me. Where’s your usual upright posture from school?

Tsk, you think I like you? I can also sit at a 45-degree angle!

Thus I shifted my butt and also moved to the edge of the bench. I turned my body to the side to create a clear dividing line between me and the class leader. To signify that I was different than the rigid class leader, raised my crossed legs even higher like a hoodlum, and I shook my feet like I was kicking an invisible object.

Since the class leader sat down, Obama stopped eating grass after he felt the menacing aura, and he stared at a group of dogs off in the distance. When he saw my feet moving, he thought I was playing with him, so he jumped around trying to catch my feet like a cat chasing after a butterfly. Since my athletic shoes were pretty thick, I let him play around since it won’t break.

The little black dog in the class leader’s arms was not as lively. He wanted to join after seeing Obama playing happily, but she found it hard to open her mouth. She could only hide behind the class leader’s long hair while sneaking glances at us. She probably thought that I didn’t realize yet.

The benches on this plaza can seat four people side by side. But due to the class leader and I fighting, the space between the two of us was shrouded by a strange aura. Although there were middle-aged women looking for seats, no one chose to sit on our bench.

But there was a middle-aged fatty who came towards us while smoking a cigar and walking a Pekingese. Once he saw Obama, he immediately started to compliment his fur coat.

“This dog is pretty expensive, right? Young man, who did you buy it from? How much was it?”

I was still pissed at the class leader and I responded with a random answer: “I didn’t buy it, it was a gift from a relative.”

When the class leader heard, she clamped the corners of her dress tightly between her thumb and index finger as if she was jealous because she did not have any relatives who raised dogs.

The middle-aged fatty held his chin for a while, then he asked: “What’s the dog called?”


I always thought that was stupid, and it was also the first time the class leader heard his name. The class leader slightly wrinkled her brows as if she was the owner, she would give it a widely liked name.

But when the middle-aged fatty heard, he suddenly felt deep veneration towards me and his tone also became more serious:

“Young man, I never expected you were that patriotic!”

Eh? What does naming a dog Obama have anything to do with patriotism?

“Of course, it’s related! US ideologies have run rampant in the world, they even bombed one of our embassies! Isn’t it relieving when you put the name of their president on a dog and order them around all day?! To tell you the truth, I named my dog Koizumi Junichiro!”

I looked at the Pekingese with a bitter expression and he looked back at me with the same bitter expression. The dog looked quite old, I’m guessing he was named when Koizumi Junichiro was still in office?

I don’t think there is anything to be proud of? At most, it only provides a sense of comfort for yourself! Also, Ai Mi did not have any intentions of humiliation when she named her beloved dog Obama. Americans treat dogs as a member of their family, so you cannot possibly name a member of your family as someone you hate!

I remember my dad once told me that when he was still a university teacher, a foreign exchange student from America named his dog Zhou Enlai. As a result, he almost got into a fight with his Chinese roommates. Actually, the exchange student respected Zhou Enlai, he had another dog called Lincoln!

Maybe because they were both head of states before, so Obama took an interest in Koizumi Junichiro. He stuck his nose in their butt and sniffed, but he was disappointed when he realized it was a male dog. Obama barked wildly and it scared Koizumi Junichiro to hide behind his owner’s leg.

The middle-aged fatty laughed and said: “Looks like the prime minister of Japan still can’t deal with the president of America!” Then he took his pekingese to play with other dogs.

After the pekingese left, I’m not sure what came up with Obama, but he started to run towards some bushes. But he only ran a few steps before the leash reached its maximum length. He could only turn his head towards me and look at me anxiously.

I realized he wanted to use the washroom. Thus I took him over some protectors and went to an apple tree that was behind the bushes.

As I got up, the class leader wanted to say something but she was hesitant. After she realized I was taking the dog to poop, she returned to her original state of ignoring me.

However, right when I left, the little black dog in the class leader’s embrace became unsettled. Not only did its entire body tremble, but she also let out terrifying shrieks as if it was being abused. It caused a lot of the dog lovers in the plaza to stare at the class leader.

The class leader gazed into the bushes with reproach, she sat on the bench with burning anxiety, waiting for the animal pleaser to return. I say, if I wait a few more minutes, she won’t be able to stand the gazes and send the dog back to the Love Pet Hospital.

Obama squatted down under the apple tree to take a shit. It was black, stinky, and it gave me a headache. And I’m not sure what he ate, but he started whimpering halfway and seemed to be constipated.

I thought it would take a while, and the class leader was waiting anxiously. I tied the leash on a branch and left Obama by himself, and I returned to the bench. In any case, it was only twenty steps away. Even if there are a few trees in the way, there’s no way Obama cannot find his way back.

“I never harmed them before, but why don’t they like me?”

The class leader spoke aloud as I sat back down on the bench after the little black dog calmed down. I was not sure if she was expecting an answer or not.

I snorted: “I’ve never harmed anyone before either! Yet, no one likes me!”

The class leader leader turned to look at me and it seems she does not believe I have never harmed anyone.

“You always like to use violence to solve your problems, of course people would be afraid of you.”

I objected, “Then, how do you explain people being afraid of me when we meet for the first time?”

The class leader paused for a bit, “Maybe it’s similar to the reasons why animals hate me. But, as long as you treat people with sincerity, you’ll definitely find true friends!”

“There’s no one like that, at least not in our class.” I said, “I actually like being at the top of our class’ food chain. Even if I can’t get everyone to like me, it also feels pretty good when everyone is scared of me!”

“Class food chain?” The class leader frowned, “What are you talking about?”

Not good, I accidentally said a word I made up, I have to change the topic.

Thus, I cleared my throat and used a frivolous gaze to meet the class leader’s interrogative gaze. At the same time, I raised the corners of my mouth in a wicked manner and said: “Don’t worry about it, anyway I like that everyone is scared of me, that feeling is addicting —— anyhow, how come you’re not afraid of me? Am I not wicked beyond redemption in your eyes? Why are you not afraid of a wicked person like me?”

The class leader took a deep breath, then she spoke after careful deliberation: “Sometimes, I am scared...”

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