Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 86: The Best Part

Chapter 86: The Best Part

We rushed forward but slowed at the door where gobby was waiting.

"Trolls, three ugly sore sights that their own mother might have trouble saying they were decent looking. Just be careful, these suckers are tough guys! Not like a Molten or Storm Troll, but they got a mean swing with those big fists!" Gobby informed us.

"I need to take more, Lesha," I told her, and she nodded as I pulled more strawberry silk from her neck.

Her eyes started to glow blood red, and her body started to tremble and she fought to stay in control. I quickly found the still white flame and called out the first spell as I rushed forward, burning red cells and platelets to make a shield and boost my strength.

"BlessSselb!" I called out in an otherworldly voice, making us both glow softly with white light that looked strange with the glowing red eyes.

"Pierce!" Lesha said, suddenly jetting forward to the first troll on the right. I waited until the last second, calling out.

"OVER HERE!" I shouted, activating my Battle Cry skill, forcing all three trolls and Lesha to cut the arm of the one she had been aiming for as she flew by.

I immediately pulled the blood to me, absorbing the streams as the other rushed. I burned more red, much more, along with lymphocytes and basophils.

Instantly the world slowed down around me to a crawl. Lesha was now doubling back to finish the job, so I stuck my hand out to the side.

I used the white flame to summon a burning white pounding maul and rushed forward to the oncoming fist. I raised my shield of blood-red metal and called out my next skill while drawing my hammer back.

"Shield Bash!" I roared as I was propelled forward into the fists

I knocked both trolls back, but I rushed the outside one before he could react. I swung and smashed the maul of light into the side of the tusked face with a sickening crunch. The blow sent him spinning, and I called the blood to me as it sprayed into the air.

Time was picking back up, but my body wouldn't let me burn more basophils, so I just burned more red cells and rounded on the last one, but my Battle cry time must have just gone up.

Both Lesha and the last troll were dashing towards each other, and I could hear Lesha about to call out a spell, but the troll was going to be faster. I reached out my left hand and let go of the hammer, calling out the new spell.

"ShieldDleihs!" I called out in a chanting voice that was not of this world.

Lesha's body was surrounded by a heavy white light that blasted the fist away as it tried to strike her. Lesha called out her skill as she struck.

"Vital Strike!"

Lesha's sword pierced the heart of the troll and the darted back letting the monster fall dead. I immediately drained all the corpses, completely filling my reservoirs to the peak. I let out a long sigh as the husks of the once troll fell apart and disintegrated.

I finally felt better, but the strain for the day was starting to set in now that the fight was over. Burning the basophils took a lot out of me, but I would just have to train harder.

"Baby! I got enough experience to level up!" Lesha said running over to me as I dropped my shield that disintegrated before it hit the ground.

I was grinning as I took her into my arms, feeling her warm arms wrap around my body and she nuzzled her face into my neck. I wrapped my arms around her warm body, and then just held her there, kissing the top of her head and stroking her hair.

"I am happy for you, beautiful. Now that I have had my fill, let's get going back. I am starting to get tired, and I don't want to be that tired for later after we eat," I said, taking Lesha's head into my hand, pulling her lips up to mine.

When our soft lips pressed together, some of the strain leaked away, and the fatigue began to be replaced by rising heat. I slowly pulled my lips from hers and she had the cutest smile on her face. It was so adorable the way she looked up at me that I was forced to kiss her there more time before she pushed me back to the entrance.

After leaving the dungeon, the sun had just gone down and twilight was just ending, but we still got to enjoy the last fading light as we walked back. Curiously, I sought the flame, and then I felt it grow brighter again, but I let it go before I started to glow again.

I didn't need to be starting any more rumors. Though, after the boat and all the sailors that would have seen, it was sure to be talked about tomorrow.

"It has been a good day so far," Lesha said, linking arms with me and taking my hand in hers. "We got six Gem Hearts our first go, no matter how dangerous it was, you did good! On top of that, I got a level and we got three more purple gems!"

"I also gained knowledge of the sea, learned a new spell, tried skills out, the magic hammer, but the best part of my day hasn't even happened yet!" I said with a smile that I was sure it was too big for my face.

"Oh? And what part might that be?" Lesha said while leaning into me and resting her head on my shoulder, wearing her little knowing smile.

"It's that part where I close and lock the door, and no one will get to come and bother us until morning," I said while leaning my head on her, making it a bit awkward to walk, but I didn't care.

"Good because I found the thing Mei stole out of our drawer that Healia left for us!"

Oh dear, what could this be?

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