Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 87: And We Danced

Chapter 87: And We Danced

It was full night by the time the two of us had walked back to the center square of the city. The rest of the city had been relatively quiet for most of our walk back.

When we got closer to the center, sounds of instruments and singing could be heard from up ahead. Lesha grabbed my hand and squeezed as she started to pull me ahead with a big dorky smile.

"Come, let's go get some food, and enjoy some music. We have been doing nothing but fighting and traveling, so I think it's time we actually had a date, right?" Lesha asked while pulling me along, our arms still linked.

"Okay! But it isn't going anywhere, let's relax, and enjoy the walk," I said, getting her to slow down and kissing her cheek. "I think you are adorable when you say things like that, and get excited."

"Good, because I get excited about doing these things with you, and I can't help myself. I love to dance, and there is music, so after we eat, I would like you to take me dancing!" Lesha said, and then kissed me back.

What? Dancing maybe I should try to go and run headfirst into a wall

'That is not the answer. You need to have stimulating experiences that shock your mind to free the blocks, I think. I do know that what happened on the boat was a freak accident and you should not try to replicate it.' -Drania.

I was a little on the fence about my passenger that was riding shotgun after what she had said. Still, it was pretty solid advice.

There was not a lot of trickery to be had in trying to convince me not to hurt myself. Unless that was the actual way and she was trying to keep it from me? BAH!

[Calm yourself, child, the old bat isn't that crazy or that broken. I can help now as well, and I am not addled like her. I will tell you if she has untruths from now on,]

That was a relief, but I still had to be wary, there was no stand poor of anyone's loyalty as of yet. There also wasn't really a way to prove it at the moment either.

We were coming to the central plaza, so I pushed the thoughts away. I would just have to figure it out.

"I haven't danced before," I said quietly as we went to stand in like at the same meat vendor we had gotten from earlier.

"Yes you have, well not specifically, but you have used steps when you train. A lot of dancing is just repetitive combos of steps back and forth. Then you just have to let your body move to the music. I will show you, baby," Lesha said, squeezing my hand.

I loved how she was always so willing to make me feel comfortable. It also made me like hot butter when she used that name the way she did.

After we got the food, we moved off to the side to eat. The meat was so much better now that my body had been satisfied.

Once we were finished eating, Leaha pulled me into the center. She put my right hand on her waist, and she took a hold of my other hand.

"Two forward and then one back, and try not to run into anyone, okay?" Lesha asked with an innocent smile.

"What? I have never danced before, and now you're telling me to drive?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, you are kind of the" Lesha let her words trail, trying to look as innocent as possible.

"You did not just call me a man?!" I asked her aghast, making a horrified-looking face, but then Lesha scowled at me.

"Don't do that to your face, there are people around! Get moving, we look silly standing here," Lesha said.

Then she leaned in and kissed me. Suddenly, my body wanted to move, but we were no longer in the city.

We were dancing in Lesha's parent's Manor. I had been invited by Lesha and her parents to join her. Both of us in elegant dresses, but none of this felt strange.

As we danced and I stared down into her crystal blue eyes. Her hair was done up differently tonight. The elegant bun style she wore it in complimented her peach ruffled dress.

I couldn't speak, I could only dance and stare into my loved one's eyes. The music slowed, and then picked up to a more lively beat, and the speed began to pick back up.

Then we were in a hall, rocks and loud, but everyone was dancing, or drinking and having a great time. Lesha still had paint on her faces from the battle we had just fought with her hair tied back.

We had just fought the Roman and decimated them with all our brothers and sisters. As we danced, we began the center of attention as we began to truly get into it.

As queens of the Saxons, we had already crushed England, now known as Leshand. I couldn't help myself, and both of us were grinning like foul as the people clapped to the beat.

Others began to get into the dance just as much as us, but then the music slowed and so did we. We were in the town square of the little town we had stopped to stay the night on our way to the capital.

We had been suggested by the innkeeper to come, and check out the festivity for their fall gathering. Lesha had changed from her chainmail into a simple brown dress, but like always she looked stunning.

She had dragged me to the circle where people were dancing slowly. Now she had her head laying on my shoulder with her beautiful blonde hair draping down as we danced.

Soon, the song ended and we moved off the side, and then I pulled her face up to mine. We stood still for a moment, lost in each other's eyes, then we kissed, and I felt the world shift again.

We were back in the Port city of Dyster, and I pulled away from Lesha. What had just happened? Had that all been a dream while I was awake?

Suddenly the crowd began to cheer and clap. I looked around to see what the commotion was and froze as Lesha giggled beside me.

They were all staring at us while they clapped and cheered. What had we just done?

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