Level Up Legacy

Chapter 140 - Aspirations

The older of the two smiled gently when Emma introduced Arthur. It seems they have mistaken Arthur to be a young noble trying to hit on Emma. The older of the two patted Arthur on the back.

"I'm Venkov Agard, Grandmaster of The Twilight Workshop." He said with a gentle smile. Arthur realized that some of his hair has gone gray, unlike his son. "Emma wouldn't stop talking about you, and I guess it wasn't only for your skills." He said as he studied Arthur from head to toe, implying that he looked good.

"Thank you, Grandmaster." Arthur bowed slightly, feeling flattered. It was the first time anyone had complimented his looks with such sincerity and it didn't feel bad to be validated. "Emma has also mentioned how much love and praise she has for you."

His words made the grandmaster laugh loudly; pride was written on his face. His laugh was unlike his gentle face, thundering through the hall. More than a few turned his way and one of them was the royal family.

"I guess we need to pay our respects now."

The old man coughed in embarrassment and Arthur followed them to meet the royal family. They stood aloft as they studied the group. The king smiled as he shook Grandmaster Venkov's hand, a rare gesture that none of the present people enjoyed.

"It's good to see that you're in good health, your majesty." The old man bowed but he was still a foot taller than the king.

"Same to you, Venkov. Your body looks as strong as it was when you served me."

"Haha, you flatter me, your majesty. These bones can never handle the passage of time."

The grandmaster said but nothing suggested that it was true. He looked as strong as a bull, although a bit more intimidating. His mess of a hair made him even more ferocious, same went for his son. The king's eyes, cold despite his smile, traveled past Arthur, and rested on Emma.

"The young lady resembles her mother." The king smiled. "My son is eager to see you in court next summer." He glanced at the crown prince who smiled and bowed. His eyes then rested on Arthur as he continued. "Would love to see the two of you spend some time alone tonight."

"Nothing would please me more, your majesty." Emma bowed as she lifted her dress lightly. Arthur returned the king's gaze for a second before bowing as well.

"Greetings, your majesty."

"Ah yes, the young hero who tried to stop my foolish son. Too bad you didn't succeed." The king nodded as if he had forgotten who Arthur was. "Ronin's warning served great importance in preparing for the war. You've got yourself a good master."

His words, despite sounding friendly, were as cold as an ice knife slicing through Arthur's flesh. His meaning was obvious. Master Ronin was the one who had helped him with his prophecy ability. Arthur didn't know whether the king knew that Master Ronin didn't see what kind of calamity is coming and acted obliviously or just tried to undermine him.

"It was heaven's fortune that I can study under him," Arthur answered, unfazed. The king looked at him for a second before nodding and walking away, bidding the grandmaster and his son farewell.

"This gets tiring every time." Emma's father who had yet to introduce himself said grumpily.

"Mind your words, bastard."

"You shouldn't call me that, father. It's not me you're insulting."

"Want to teach me what to call me as I break your bones?" Grandmaster Venkov glared at his son who winced and closed his mouth.

"Anyway," His son tried to change the topic as he turned to the uncomfortable Arthur. "I'm Emma's father, Jerad Agard. The king looks like he has some beef with you, haha!"

"Not at all, his majesty has always been kind." Arthur waved his hand rapidly afraid others heard what Jerad said. "I'm grateful to be here." He was not.

"The boy knows his etiquettes more than you do," Grandmaster Venkov grumbled. He patted Emma's shoulder as he gestured with his chin toward the crown prince, who was talking to other youngsters.

"You two should get to know each other. He's your fiancé, after all." The grandmaster's words made Arthur lose his composure for a second. The thought that Emma was the crown's prince fiancée never crossed his mind nor imagination.

"I still don't like that little snake." Her father, Jerad, grumbled again but closed his mouth when the grandmaster glared at him.

"Yes, grandfather." Emma smiled but Arthur knew it wasn't a genuine smile, but it wasn't forced either. "Let me show Arthur around before that. Can I?"

The grandmaster sighed as he gestured that she may and the two slipped away. As they did, Arthur didn't know what to say. He didn't know if Emma was happy or not.

"Do you know of Yana village?" Emma said as she grabbed two glasses of champagne, handing one over. Her silky blue dress danced in the lights as the two strode toward the balcony.

"You mean the one that…"

"Disappeared two years ago. A mana calamity happened there because that place wasn't monitored properly. A fissure appeared there and monsters poured out. Then…"

"… Deformed space." Arthur frowned. It was all over the news so he couldn't have missed it. A tragedy where a single village was swallowed up by a giant fissure. Many news outlets reported that it was due to negligence and several government officials, nobles mainly, were stripped of their positions and trialed.

"Yes," Emma nodded as the two greeted the night's sky on top of the balcony. The music suddenly seemed distant as the moonlight covered their bodies. "It was my mother's hometown. Yet, this country failed to save it. How many lives were lost back then?"

Arthur didn't know what to say as the dress looked white in the faint moonlight. Emma's blonde hair strands danced with the breeze as sorrow filled her voice.

"If only things were different, those families would have still been alive. My grandparents refused to leave that village because they liked how quiet and peaceful it was there. In the end…" Her head dropped as she gripped the railing.

"It wasn't your fault," Arthur said, offering what little condolences he had to offer. Emma smiled helplessly and shook her head.

"It doesn't matter," She paused. "Things could have been different. Even if my grandparents didn't die because of that, many lives have been lost due to this nation's corruption and incompetence.

"This nation is unforgiving to its people."

Arthur nodded his head slowly, meeting her eyes. She seemed to fumble for answers to questions unasked.

"I'm marrying the prince because I want to change this nation."

"It's not the only way to do so," Arthur hesitated but spoke his mind.

"It's not, but it's the easiest way. Furthermore, it has the least conflict and… bloodshed." Emma's eyelashes looked long in the moonlight. Arthur sighed and walked to stand beside her.

"Why are you telling me this?" He knew she was explaining her reasons but he didn't understand why.

"Because I want someone to know that I'm not doing this for glory, prestige, or whatsoever." She paused and grinned. "Plus, being a queen is better than the daughter of a wealthy family, hehe."

"A queen shouldn't laugh like that."

"Then let me do it as much as I want before I become one."

"As you wish."


"Okay, I changed my mind."

The two laughed before Emma returned to the ballroom. Arthur gazed at her back being illuminated before he turned his head toward the sky. He didn't know how to feel exactly about this since Sier's goal was to overthrow the king and Emma's goal was to change the kingdom.

Both might have similar results, but their reasons were different. Sier did it because he wanted to revenge on his father and Emma wanted to prevent what happened to her grandparents from happening again.

They all aspired to be things they were not, but what about him? He never dreamed of such things. He only wished to get stronger because he can now, but where would that lead him? To a happy ending? What kind of ending would it be?

He heard the sound of footsteps from behind him and thought Emma might have gotten bored of the prince already. He turned around and saw the crown prince. His violet eyes shone brightly as he looked at him.

"Your highness," Arthur wondered why he wasn't with Emma. "An honor to be in your presence."

"Yeah, it must be." The prince's voice was cold. "Stop getting close to my fiancée, peasant. Unless you want your life to become worse, you should know when to know your place."

Arthur was taken aback by such a harsh attitude. This was the person Emma would be marrying? He didn't look that much different from his brother, Alfred. How did the royal family exactly raise their kids?

He remembered the king's personality and decided it made sense that they became this way. He looked at the prince, deciding how he should handle this.

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