Level Up Legacy

Chapter 141 - Unsafe

Ever since his life changed, Arthur refused to back down once offended. Yet, the person he was facing was the crown prince of the kingdom. He wondered how Sier and this guy can be half-brothers, sharing the same blood but different appearances and personalities.

"If your highness wishes as such," Arthur said and saw the prince smirk. "I understand." He mouthed slowly. "However, regarding my relationship with Miss Emma, it would be decided by none other than her. Make sure to ask her that."

Tension filled the air, almost becoming tangible. The prince's eyes glowed violet in the night as he glared at Arthur. Before he could say anything, the music stopped as someone announced the beginning of the awards ceremony.

"I will," The prince smiled coldly and turned to leave. Arthur could see him clutching his fist as he departed. He sighed as he wondered he allowed himself to offend such a person.

"Things will be difficult from now on," Arthur muttered as he gazed at the sky before heading inside.

The guests stood at each side as a red carpet split the hall in half. A dais has been raised where the king was seated with his family at the end of the red carpet. Arthur was led outside by a panicked butler where he joined a group that included Captain of the Unbroken Corps, Ilia Perli.

"I always think this is rather unnecessary, but we need to keep our appearances. This ceremony would be broadcasted live to the whole kingdom." Captain Ilia sighed as he said to the other military personals.

Standing next to them, Arthur felt like a fraud. In the end, his only achievement was warning the kingdom and trying to stop the prince. However, he was being used as a PR material for the royal family.

'The Royal Family Rewards the Heroic Commoner.'

That would be a good title, and the most fought over between the media outlets, after this event. It was to appease the public's unrest and untrust.

Names were called as the group Arthur stood in their midst grew smaller. Medals of Honor were handed out like hot cakes for several military figures. After that, Bronze Medals of Heroism were awarded for those who contributed to the war against the Ilios Empire.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the young hero, Arthur Silvera." The announcer's voice rang and it was Arthur's signal to go in. He strode confidently through the double-doors but he didn't hear the usual applause that followed the announcement.

To be objective, there was scarce applause but it was pathetic compared to the earlier applause. As Arthur's eyes adjusted to the light, he saw the nobles standing on each side smiling like always. On the raised dais, the prince was seated as he coldly stared at Arthur, a smirk etched on his face.

'Ah, they're already changing sides.' Arthur realized as he walked along the carpet, the faces of the people who had asked him to join them with courtesy earlier were cold now. The prince must have used the time between their earlier encounter to express his opinion of Arthur.

As he walked halfway through the carpet, elegant but distinct clapping reverberated through the hall. Arthur glanced at the seated gentlemen who stood up and smiled at him. It was Master Ronin in his black suit and white beard.

Thunderous clapping followed as Venkov Agard, his son, and Emma stood up clapping as well. From the dais, Princess Nera stood up as well to everyone's amazement. Arthur could see the prince's cold eyes glance at her as he maintained his smile.

By the time he reached the end of the carpet, the hall was all obediently clapping. They couldn't humiliate Arthur with the support he got from these characters.

'This nation is in danger.' Arthur thought as the king smiled in his fully golden attire. He was wearing a crown embedded with gems and emeralds. 'My award was to appease the public, but the prince dared to try humiliating me?' He inwardly sighed. With such self-conceitedness, no wonder Alfred dared to betray his kingdom. These people only thought of themselves.

The king started praising him, but Arthur knew he was simply reciting it without any sincerity. He remembered what Jizo told him before.

Seven Guardians betrayed their people. If the seven families were the descendants of those guardians, then history will repeat itself. The seven families weren't the majority of the world, but the strongest minority. Their abilities allowed them to stand above the others even after the Era of Yore.

'Everyone is unsafe under these people.' Arthur thought as he kneeled one knee in front of the king. 'The world is not ready for the calamity beyond the gates. Not with these people to protect it.' He felt the fabric of the medal slide over his suit. The weight it carried rested on his chest as he stood up with a smile.

"Thank you, your majesty. I'll make sure to serve this nation until the end." Arthur smiled at the king who nodded back at him with a warm, fake, smile.

'Serve it by removing you from power.' He thought to himself as he headed to the side and sat next to Master Ronin.

The award ceremony proceeded without any problems. After that, slow music started playing as the hall was cleared for people to dance. It was the final dance that signified the end of the ceremony.

"Usually, the awardees dance with other nobles as a sign of their rise." Master Ronin told him with a smile. "However, I think you've gained another enemy."

Arthur looked at the nobles who avoided him like plague. To be honest, he didn't care. He couldn't care less about his rise in these people's eyes.

Emma was asked to dance by the crown prince and the two entered the dancing floor. The two started following the rhythm of the music as their bodies swayed elegantly. Arthur watched the whole dance as all of the awardees except for him were dancing.

He can try to ask someone to dance with him, but he didn't. Usually, the nobles were the ones to be asking for this as per costume. It was a sign of acceptance by the noble society of the Union and it didn't seem that Arthur was accepted.

He heard some commotion as the crowds parted. Looking in that direction, he saw Princess Nera coming his way. Despite her young age, she looked elegant in her black dress. She looked stunning with her blonde hair, flawless skin, and violet eyes.

Yet, she remained cold like the first time Arthur saw her in the Runes Association. He remembered how they were the only ones standing to the side as they waited in the teleportation hall. She stood in front of him as she lifted her dress and smiled for the first time tonight.

"Will you grant me this dance, young hero?" Her words sent disapproving mummers in the crowd.

Arthur studied her carefully, bewildered at her actions. Was this motivated by her desire to help him or the more probable desire of wanting to appease the public? He couldn't understand and neither could he refuse.

"It would be my honor," He stood up from his chair in one swift motion and bowed. "Your highness."

With a smile, Princess Nera nodded and offered her hand that Arthur took. The two entered the dancing hall under the questioning gazes of the people around. They found themselves an empty spot before Arthur slid his hand on her back.

Arthur's growth allowed him to be almost 178cm now. He was growing rapidly the stronger he became and his body was becoming leaner as well. With his suit highlighting his body frame and his hair combed backward, he could be said to be pleasant-looking even with his average appearance.

He never learned how to dance, but his perception allowed him to analyze the way others danced earlier, especially the crown prince and Emma. With his agility and perception to follow his partner, he didn't plan to embarrass himself.

"Why are you doing this?" Arthur asked casually as the two started dancing, following the slow music. At first, his moves were tense but they became more natural the second time he did them.

"I don't know what you mean, young hero." Princess Nera smiled as the two swayed with the music, feigning ignorance.

"I think you do, your highness." The music's rhythm was becoming faster but Arthur had no problem keeping up. His perception allowed him to observe Nera and the other dancers and mimic their moves.

"It's for the public image." She said as the two passed by another pair of dancers. Coincidentally, it was Emma and the crown prince.

Arthur managed to catch Emma's gaze that had some playfulness in it. He smiled unknowingly and Nera probably mistook his smile.

"It's also a part of my apology about the incident in the forest." She sighed as if she was seen through. "I had no idea that you were trying to stop such calamity. I wish that you would have told me."

"Yes, I should have told the royal family. Maybe tell Prince Alfred as well, how about it?"

Arthur said sarcastically before he managed to stop himself. Prince Alfred was dead and, despite being a traitor, was Nera's brother. He felt Nera's body stiffen making him feel a little guilty.

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